Source code for aixcalibuha.sensitivity_analysis.sobol

Adds the SobolAnalyzer to the available
classes of sensitivity analysis.
import pandas as pd
from SALib.sample import sobol
from SALib.analyze import sobol as analyze_sobol
import numpy as np
from aixcalibuha.sensitivity_analysis import SenAnalyzer
from aixcalibuha import CalibrationClass
from aixcalibuha.sensitivity_analysis.plotting import plot_single, heatmaps

[docs]class SobolAnalyzer(SenAnalyzer): """ Sobol method from SALib A variance-based method which can compute the sensitivity measures 'S1', 'ST' and 'S2' with their confidence intervals. Additional arguments: :keyword bool calc_second_order: Default True, used for the sobol-method :keyword int seed: Used for the sobol-method """ __analysis_variables = ['S1', 'ST', 'S1_conf', 'ST_conf'] __analysis_variables_1 = ['S1', 'ST', 'S1_conf', 'ST_conf'] __analysis_variables_2 = ['S2', 'S2_conf'] def __init__(self, sim_api, **kwargs): # Additional kwarg which changes the possible analysis_variables self.calc_second_order = kwargs.get("calc_second_order", True) if self.calc_second_order: self.__analysis_variables = ['S1', 'ST', 'S1_conf', 'ST_conf', 'S2', 'S2_conf'] # separately store first and total order (1) and second order (2) analysis variables self.av_1_selected = [] self.av_2_selected = [] # Set additional kwargs self.seed = kwargs.pop("seed", None) super().__init__( sim_api=sim_api, **kwargs) @property def analysis_variables(self): """The analysis variables of the sobol method""" return self.__analysis_variables
[docs] def analysis_function(self, x, y): """ Use the SALib.analyze.sobol method to analyze the simulation results. :param np.array x: placeholder for the `X` parameter of the morris method not used for sobol :param np.array y: The NumPy array containing the model outputs :return: returns the result of the SALib.analyze.sobol method (from the documentation: a dictionary with cols `S1`, `S1_conf`, `ST`, and `ST_conf`, where each entry is a list of size D (the number of parameters) containing the indices in the same order as the parameter file. If calc_second_order is True, the dictionary also contains cols `S2` and `S2_conf`.) """ return analyze_sobol.analyze(self.problem, y, calc_second_order=self.calc_second_order)
[docs] def create_sampler_demand(self): """ Function to create the sampler parameters for the morris method """ return {'calc_second_order': self.calc_second_order}
[docs] def generate_samples(self): """ Run the sampler for sobol and return the results. :return: The list of samples generated as a NumPy array with one row per sample and each row containing one value for each variable name in `problem['names']`. :rtype: np.ndarray """ return sobol.sample(self.problem, N=self.num_samples, **self.create_sampler_demand())
def _save(self, result: tuple, time_dependent: bool = False): """ Save the results of the run and run_time_dependent function of the SobolAnalyzer. """ if not result[0].empty: super()._save(result=result[0], time_dependent=time_dependent) if time_dependent: savepath_result_2 = f'{self.__class__.__name__}_results_second_order_time.csv') else: savepath_result_2 = f'{self.__class__.__name__}_results_second_order.csv') if not result[1].empty: result[1].to_csv(savepath_result_2) self.reproduction_files.append(savepath_result_2) def _conv_local_results(self, results: list, local_classes: list): """ Convert the result dictionaries form SALib of each class and goal into a tuple of two DataFrames. First is the single order and second is the second order result. If one of the results is not computed an empty list is returned. """ _conv_results = [] _conv_results_2 = [] tuples = [] tuples_2 = [] for class_results, local_class in zip(results, local_classes): for goal, goal_results in class_results.items(): for analysis_var in self.analysis_variables: res_dict = self._get_res_dict(result=goal_results, cal_class=local_class, analysis_variable=analysis_var) if analysis_var in self.__analysis_variables_1: _conv_results.append(res_dict) tuples.append((, goal, analysis_var)) elif analysis_var in self.__analysis_variables_2: for tuner_para, res_dict in res_dict.items(): _conv_results_2.append(res_dict) tuples_2.append((, goal, analysis_var, tuner_para)) index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples=tuples, names=['Class', 'Goal', 'Analysis variable']) index_2 = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples=tuples_2, names=['Class', 'Goal', 'Analysis variable', 'Interaction']) df = pd.DataFrame(_conv_results, index=index) df_2 = pd.DataFrame(_conv_results_2, index=index_2) return df, df_2 def _get_res_dict(self, result: dict, cal_class: CalibrationClass, analysis_variable: str): """ Convert the result object to a dict with the key being the variable name and the value being the result associated to analysis_variable. For second oder analysis variables the result is converted to a dict with the key being the variable name and the value being another dict with the variable names as the keys and the result associated to analysis_variable from the interaction between the two variables. """ names = self.create_problem(cal_class.tuner_paras)['names'] if analysis_variable in self.__analysis_variables_1: if result is None: res_dict_1 = {var_name: np.abs(res_val) for var_name, res_val in zip(names, np.zeros(len(names)))} else: res_dict_1 = {var_name: np.abs(res_val) for var_name, res_val in zip(names, result[analysis_variable])} return res_dict_1 if analysis_variable in self.__analysis_variables_2: if result is None: res_dict_2 = {var_name: dict(zip(names, np.abs(res_val))) for var_name, res_val in zip(names, np.zeros((len(names), len(names))))} else: result_av = result[analysis_variable] for i, _ in enumerate(result_av): for j, _ in enumerate(result_av): if i > j: result_av[i][j] = result_av[j][i] res_dict_2 = {var_name: dict(zip(names, np.abs(res_val))) for var_name, res_val in zip(names, result_av)} return res_dict_2
[docs] def plot(self, result): """ Plot the results of the sensitivity analysis method from run(). :param pd.DataFrame result: Dataframe of the results like from the run() function. :return tuple of matplotlib objects (fig, ax): """ plot_single(result=result[0]) heatmaps(result=result[1])
[docs] @staticmethod def load_second_order_from_csv(path): """ Load second order sensitivity results which were saved with the run() or run_time_dependent() function. """ result = pd.read_csv(path, index_col=[0, 1, 2, 3]) return result