Source code for aixcalibuha.utils.configuration

Module to with configs and functions to read configs for objects in this repository.
import os
import collections
import toml
import numpy as np
from ebcpy import data_types
from aixcalibuha import Goals, CalibrationClass, TunerParas

tsd_config = {"data": "TODO: Specify the path to the target values measured",
              "key": None,
              "sheet_name": None,
              "sep": ","}

kwargs_calibrator = {"timedelta": 0,
                     "save_files": False,
                     "verbose_logging": True,
                     "show_plot": True,
                     "create_tsd_plot": True,
                     "save_tsd_plot": True,
                     "fail_on_error": False,
                     "ret_val_on_error": np.NAN}

# Specify kwargs for multiple-class-calibration
kwargs_multiple_classes = {"merge_multiple_classes": True,
                           "fix_start_time": 0,
                           "timedelta": 0}

default_input_config = {"sim_input_names": None,
                        "sim_data_path": None,
                        "meas_input_names": None,
                        "meas_input_data": tsd_config,

default_cal_class_config = {"name": "TODO: Specify the name of the calibration class",
                            "start_time": "TODO: Specify the start time of the class - e.g 0",
                            "stop_time": "TODO: Specify the end time of the class",
                            "goals": {"meas_target_data": tsd_config,
                                      "variable_names": "TODO: Specify variable names",
                                      "weightings": "TODO: Insert null if you don´t need special weightings. "
                                                    "Else specify which goal get´s which weighting through a list"},
                            "tuner_paras": {"names":
                                                "TODO: Specify the names of the tuner parameters list",
                                                "TODO: Specify the inital values of the tuner parameters list",
                                                "TODO: Specify the boundaries of the tuner parameters as a list of tuples"}}

default_calibration_config = {
    "statistical_measure": "TODO: Specify the statistical "
                           "measure for calibration (RMSE, MAE, etc.)",
    "calibration_classes": [default_cal_class_config],
    "start_time_method": 'fixstart',
    "settings": kwargs_calibrator,
    "settings multiple classes": kwargs_multiple_classes

kwargs_scipy_dif_evo = {"maxiter": 30,
                        "popsize": 5,
                        "mutation": (0.5, 1),
                        "recombination": 0.7,
                        "seed": None,
                        "polish": True,
                        "init": 'latinhypercube',
                        "atol": 0}

kwargs_dlib_min = {"num_function_calls": int(1e9),
                   "solver_epsilon": 0}

kwargs_scipy_min = {"tol": None,
                    "options": {"maxfun": 1},
                    "constraints": None,
                    "jac": None,
                    "hess": None,
                    "hessp": None}

default_optimization_config = {"framework": "TODO: Choose the framework for calibration",
                               "method": "TODO: Choose the method of the framework",
                               "settings": {
                                   "scipy_differential_evolution": kwargs_scipy_dif_evo,
                                   "dlib_minimize": kwargs_dlib_min,
                                   "scipy_minimize": kwargs_scipy_min}

default_sim_config = {"packages": None,
                      "model_name": None,
                      "type": "DymolaAPI",
                      "dymola_path": None,
                      "dymola_interface_path": None,
                      "equidistant_output": True,
                      "show_window": False,
                      "get_structural_parameters": True

default_config = {
    "Working Directory": "TODO: Add the path where you want to work here",
    "SimulationAPI": default_sim_config,
    "Optimization": default_optimization_config,
    "Input Data": default_input_config,
    "Calibration": default_calibration_config

[docs]def get_goals_from_config(config): """ Read the data for a Goals object. :param dict config: Config holding the following cols for - meas_target_data - variable_names - Optional: weightings :return: Goals goals Loaded Goals object """ config_mtd = config["meas_target_data"] mtd = data_types.TimeSeriesData(**config_mtd) return Goals(meas_target_data=mtd, variable_names=config["variable_names"], statistical_measure=config["statistical_measure"], weightings=config.get("weightings", None))
[docs]def get_tuner_paras_from_config(config): """ Read the data for a TunerParas object. :param dict config: Config holding the following cols for - names - initial_values - bounds :return: TunerParas tuner_paras Loaded Goals object """ return TunerParas(names=config["names"], initial_values=config["initial_values"], bounds=config["bounds"])
[docs]def get_calibration_classes_from_config(config): """ Read the data for a CalibrationClass object. :param list config: List of dicts with configs holding the following cols for - names - start_time - stop_time - Optional: goals, tuner_paras, relevant_intervals :return: TunerParas tuner_paras Loaded Goals object """ cal_classes = [] for cal_class_config in config: goals, tuner_paras = None, None if "goals" in cal_class_config: goals = get_goals_from_config(cal_class_config["goals"]) if "tuner_paras" in cal_class_config: tuner_paras = get_tuner_paras_from_config(cal_class_config["tuner_paras"]) cal_classes.append( CalibrationClass(name=cal_class_config["name"], start_time=cal_class_config["start_time"], stop_time=cal_class_config["stop_time"], goals=goals, tuner_paras=tuner_paras, relevant_intervals=cal_class_config.get("relevant_intervals", None))) return cal_classes
[docs]def write_config(filepath, config): """ Write the given config to the filepath. If the file already exists, the data is recursively updated. :param str,os.path.normpath filepath: Filepath with the config. :param: dict config: Config to be saved """ if os.path.exists(filepath): existing_config = read_config(filepath) if existing_config: config = _update(existing_config, config) with open(filepath, "a+") as file: file.truncate() toml.dump(config, file)
[docs]def read_config(filepath): """ Read the given file and return the toml-config :param str,os.path.normpath filepath: Filepath with the config. :return: dict config: Loaded config """ with open(filepath, "r") as file: config = toml.load(file) return config
def _update(dic, new_dic): """Recursively update a given dictionary with a new one""" for key, val in new_dic.items(): if isinstance(val, dic[key] = _update(dic.get(key, {}), val) else: dic[key] = val return dic