Source code for aixweather.imports.DWD

imports weather data from the DWD
import logging
import zipfile
import os
import shutil
import datetime as dt
import urllib.request
import pandas as pd

from aixweather.imports import utils_import
from aixweather import definitions

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def import_DWD_historical(start: dt.datetime, station: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Pull historical data from DWD: ( and format them into a dataframe. Args: start: defines how much data must be pulled station: station id of the DWD Returns: Dataframe weather data from DWD that is as raw as possible. """ measurements = [ "air_temperature", "solar", "wind", "precipitation", "soil_temperature", "cloudiness", ] base_url = ( "" ) # if start of datapoint older than 530 days from now -> import data from historical folder too days_from_now = ( - start).days if days_from_now >= (530 - 1): historical_folder = True else: historical_folder = False # create dataframe in which all data to be stored df_w_ges = pd.DataFrame() # get weather data from dwd per measurement for single_measurement in measurements: # inconsistent pathing from DWD resolved by using the 10-min Values for these measurements if single_measurement == "solar" or single_measurement == "air_temperature": df_w = _pull_DWD_historical_data( f"{base_url}/10_minutes/{single_measurement}/recent/", station=station, ) if historical_folder: df_hist = _pull_DWD_historical_data( f"{base_url}/10_minutes/{single_measurement}/historical/", station=station, ) # add up rows (time periods) df_w = pd.concat([df_w, df_hist]) # dataframes may overlap with same values, delete duplicates df_w = df_w[~df_w.index.duplicated(keep="first")] else: df_w = _pull_DWD_historical_data( f"{base_url}/hourly/{single_measurement}/recent/", station=station, ) if historical_folder: df_hist = _pull_DWD_historical_data( f"{base_url}/hourly/{single_measurement}/historical/", station=station, ) # add up rows (time periods) df_w = pd.concat([df_w, df_hist]) # dataframes may overlap with same values, delete duplicates df_w = df_w[~df_w.index.duplicated(keep="first")] # concat each measurement (column) df_w_ges = pd.concat([df_w_ges, df_w], axis=1, join="outer", sort=True) return df_w_ges
[docs]def import_DWD_forecast(station: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Import weather forecast data from the DWD (German Weather Service) for a specified station. Args: station (str): Station ID of the DWD for which forecast data is to be imported. For debugging purposes: station 01028. Returns: pd.DataFrame: DataFrame containing weather forecast data from the DWD. """ try: from wetterdienst.provider.dwd.mosmix import DwdMosmixRequest, DwdMosmixType except ImportError: raise ImportError("Optional dependency 'DWD_forecast' not installed, can't import data.") ### pull forecast data using the package wetterdienst stations = DwdMosmixRequest( parameter="small", mosmix_type=DwdMosmixType.SMALL ).filter_by_station_id(station_id=[station]) # query object to get dataframe with forecast values try: values = next(stations.values.query()) except Exception as excep: raise ValueError( f"There is no loadable forecast for station {station}" ) from excep imported_df = values.df.to_pandas() ### transform to one column per measurement # Convert the 'Timestamp' column to a datetime object imported_df["date"] = pd.to_datetime(imported_df["date"]) # Set the 'Timestamp' column as the index imported_df.set_index("date", inplace=True) # Drop unnecessary columns imported_df.drop(columns=["station_id", "dataset", "quality"], inplace=True) # Pivot the dataframe to have each measurement as a separate column imported_df = imported_df.pivot(columns="parameter", values="value") return imported_df
[docs]def import_meta_DWD_historical(station: str) -> utils_import.MetaData: """ Downloads and extracts metadata related to the specified station from the DWD (Deutscher Wetterdienst) Open Data Interface. Parameters: station: Station ID for which metadata is to be retrieved. Returns: meta (meta_data object): An object of the meta_data class with populated attributes related to the station. """ url = ( "" "statliste/statlex_rich.txt;jsessionid" "=68E14BA255FE50BDC4AD9FF4F835895F.live31092?view=nasPublication&nn=16102" ) # load station overview data_str = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read().decode("latin-1") ### find station ID and its values # Splitting the data into lines lines = data_str.strip().split("\n") # Getting the header line and the line with dashes header_line = lines[0] dash_line = lines[1] # Finding the column breaks based on the dash line column_breaks = [0] for i in range(len(dash_line)): if dash_line[i] != "-" and (i == 0 or dash_line[i - 1] == "-"): column_breaks.append(i) column_breaks.append(len(dash_line)) # Splitting the header line based on column breaks header = [ header_line[start:end].strip() for start, end in zip(column_breaks[:-1], column_breaks[1:]) ] # Initializing a dictionary to store the result station_data = {} # Iterating through the rows and finding the one with the desired STAT_ID for line in lines[2:]: values = [ line[start:end].strip() for start, end in zip(column_breaks[:-1], column_breaks[1:]) ] stat_id = str(values[header.index("STAT_ID")]) if stat_id == station: station_data = {key: value for key, value in zip(header, values)} break if station_data == {}: raise ValueError( f"Station for historical weatherdata with ID {station} could not be" f"found in station list {url}." ) ### convert to meta class meta = utils_import.MetaData() meta.station_id = station_data["STAT_ID"] meta.station_name = station_data["STAT_NAME"] meta.altitude = station_data["HS"] meta.longitude = station_data["LA_HIGH"] meta.latitude = station_data["BR_HIGH"] meta.station_exists_since = station_data["BEGINN"] meta.station_exists_until = station_data["ENDE"] meta.input_source = "DWD Historical" return meta
[docs]def import_meta_DWD_forecast(station: str) -> utils_import.MetaData: """ Downloads and extracts metadata related to the specified station from the DWD (Deutscher Wetterdienst) Open Data Interface. Parameters: station: Station ID for which metadata is to be retrieved. Returns: meta (meta_data object): An object of the meta_data class with populated attributes related to the station. """ url = ( "" "mosmix_stationskatalog.cfg?view=nasPublication&nn" "=16102" ) # load station overview data_str = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read().decode("latin-1") ### find station ID and its values def extract_info_for_station(data_str, station_id): # Splitting the data by lines lines = data_str.strip().split("\n") # Iterating through the lines to find the desired ID for line in lines[2:]: # Splitting the line into parts parts = line.split() # Extracting the ID and checking if it matches the search ID id = parts[0] if id == station_id: # Creating a dictionary to store the details result_dict = {} result_dict["ID"] = id result_dict["ICAO"] = parts[1] result_dict["NAME"] = " ".join(parts[2:-3]) result_dict["LAT"] = parts[-3] result_dict["LON"] = parts[-2] result_dict["ELEV"] = parts[-1] return result_dict # warn that the station does not exist raise ValueError( f"Station for forecast data with the ID {station_id} could not be found in the " f"station list: {url}" ) station_data = extract_info_for_station(data_str, station) # convert to meta class meta = utils_import.MetaData() meta.station_id = station_data["ID"] meta.station_name = station_data["NAME"] meta.altitude = station_data["ELEV"] meta.longitude = station_data["LON"] meta.latitude = station_data["LAT"] meta.input_source = "DWD Forecast" return meta
def _pull_DWD_historical_data(url: str, station: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Ruft die Messdaten von der angegebenen URL ab und konvertiert diese in ein pandas DataFrame :param url: str URL des DWD-Ordners, in welchem die Messdaten gespeichert sind :param station: int/str Stationsname der DWD Wetterstation, Aachen-Orsbach ist 15000 :return: data pandas DataFrame Abgerufener Datensatz und eventuelle Fehlermeldungen """ # First, load all available filenames http_obj = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read().decode() # DWD data contains the stations with leading zeros, the meta-data and station lists without # leading zeros. Apply leading zeros for pulling DWD data. station_with_leading_zeros = station.zfill(5) # select only those file names that belong to the station zip_names = [ i for i in http_obj.split('"') if f"_{station_with_leading_zeros}_" in i and not i.startswith(">") ] data_total = pd.DataFrame() # download and read all available data to df for zip_name in zip_names: unzipped_path = _download_DWD_file(url, zip_name) # extract data file path file_name = list(filter(lambda s: s[0] == "p", os.listdir(unzipped_path)))[0] file_path = os.path.join(unzipped_path, file_name) # read data file data = pd.read_csv(file_path, sep=";") # unify 10min data with 1h data for "MESS_DATUM" format # -> convert 2022012400 to 202201240000 if len(data.iloc[0]["MESS_DATUM"].astype(str)) == 10: # if hourly data["MESS_DATUM"] = data["MESS_DATUM"] * 100 # add two zeros # make MESS_DATUM the index for concenating data.set_index("MESS_DATUM", inplace=True, drop=True) data_total = pd.concat([data_total, data], verify_integrity=True) shutil.rmtree(definitions.local_folder_temp) return data_total def _download_DWD_file(url: str, zip_name: str): """ Downloads the file with the given filename from the specified URL and unzip. Parameters: url (str): URL of the DWD folder. zip_name (str): Name of the file to be downloaded. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing a boolean indicating the success or failure of the download, and the location of the downloaded file. Returns (False, None) if an error occurs during download. """ folder_unzip = "unzipped_content" total_zip_name = os.path.join(definitions.local_folder_temp, zip_name) if not os.path.exists(definitions.local_folder_temp): os.makedirs(definitions.local_folder_temp) for i in range(4): # try retrieval 3 times try: urllib.request.urlretrieve(url + zip_name, total_zip_name) logger.debug("Loaded: %s", total_zip_name) # save unzipped files to folder_unzip extract_path = os.path.join(definitions.local_folder_temp, folder_unzip) with zipfile.ZipFile(total_zip_name, "r") as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(extract_path) return extract_path except Exception as excep: if i == 3: raise ConnectionError( f"Not loaded: {total_zip_name} \n" f"with error: {excep}" ) from excep