Source code for aixweather.imports.TRY
import DWD TRY data
import logging
import re
import random
import pandas as pd
from aixweather.imports.utils_import import MetaData
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _handle_TRY_type(path: str) -> tuple:
Determine the TRY format type based on the provided file path.
path (str): The file path to the TRY dataset file.
tuple: A tuple containing the TRY year (int) and the header row number (int).
ValueError: If the TRY format cannot be detected through the file name or is not supported.
### get type of TRY, i.e. the year of the TRY
TRY_year = None
# Header_rows are the rows with general information of the dataset
# Are skipped until variable declaration
TRY_file_naming = {
"TRY2004": {"year": 2004},
"TRY2010": {"year": 2010},
"TRY2015": {"year": 2015},
"TRY2045": {"year": 2045},
if path.endswith(".dat"):
for key in TRY_file_naming.keys():
if key in path:
TRY_year = TRY_file_naming[key]["year"]
if TRY_year is None:
raise ValueError(
f"TRY format could not be detected through file name,"
f" expected {[key for key in TRY_file_naming.keys()]} in the file name."
if TRY_year == 2004 or TRY_year == 2010:
raise ValueError(f"TRY format {TRY_year} is not supported.")
if TRY_year == 2015 or TRY_year == 2045:
with open(path, "r") as file:
for line_number, line in enumerate(file, start=1):
if "***" in line:
header_row = (
line_number - 1 - 1
) # -1 for header above *** and -1 for start to count at 0
return TRY_year, header_row
[docs]def load_try_meta_from_file(path: str) -> MetaData:
Load a TRY file from a specified path and parse the header for metadata.
path (str): The file path to the TRY file to be loaded.
MetaData: An object containing the parsed metadata from the TRY file.
meta = MetaData()
TRY_year, header_row = _handle_TRY_type(path)
### load file to python
header_lines = []
with open(path, "r") as file:
for i, line in enumerate(file):
if i >= header_row:
### read raw meta data
# Extract Rechtswert (Easting)
rechtswert_line = next(
line for line in header_lines if "Rechtswert" in line and ":" in line
rechtswert = int(":\s*(\d+) Meter", rechtswert_line).group(1))
# Extract Hochwert (Northing)
hochwert_line = next(
line for line in header_lines if "Hochwert" in line and ":" in line
hochwert = int(":\s*(\d+) Meter", hochwert_line).group(1))
# Extract Höhenlage (altitude)
hoehenlage_line = next(line for line in header_lines if "Hoehenlage" in line)
hoehenlage = int(":\s*(\d+) Meter", hoehenlage_line).group(1))
import geopandas as gpd
from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim
from shapely.geometry import Point
except ImportError:
raise ImportError("Optional dependency 'TRY' not installed. Conversion of longitude and "
"latitude not possible and hence no radiation transformation.")
### convert latitude and longitude
# Create a GeoDataFrame with the provided coordinates
# (using pyproj directly led to wrong calculation)
gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
{"geometry": [Point(rechtswert, hochwert)]},
crs="EPSG:3034", # Original coordinate system
# Transform to WGS 84
gdf_wgs84 = gdf.to_crs("EPSG:4326")
# get transformed coordinates, Get the longitude (x) and latitude (y)
point_wgs84 = gdf_wgs84.geometry.iloc[0]
longitude_wgs84 = point_wgs84.x
latitude_wgs84 = point_wgs84.y
### try to get city of location
# Initialize Nominatim geolocator
user_agent = f"aixweather_{str(random.randint(1, 1000))}"
geolocator = Nominatim(user_agent=user_agent)
# Perform reverse geocoding
location = geolocator.reverse((latitude_wgs84, longitude_wgs84))
# If you want specific components like city, state, etc.
address = location.raw["address"]
if "city" in address:
city = address["city"]
elif "town" in address:
city = address["town"]
elif "village" in address:
city = address["village"]
elif "hamlet" in address:
city = address["hamlet"]
elif "suburb" in address:
city = address["suburb"]
elif "locality" in address:
city = address["locality"]
city = meta.station_name
meta.station_name = city
meta.input_source = f"TRY{TRY_year}"
meta.try_year = TRY_year
meta.altitude = hoehenlage
meta.longitude = longitude_wgs84
meta.latitude = latitude_wgs84
return meta
[docs]def load_try_from_file(path: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
Import data from a TRY file and convert it into a DataFrame.
path (str): The absolute path to the TRY file.
pd.DataFrame: A DataFrame containing the imported data from the TRY file.
TRY_year, header_row = _handle_TRY_type(path)
### load file to Dataframe
weather_df = pd.read_table(
# drop first row cause empty
weather_df = weather_df.iloc[1:]
return weather_df