includes auxiliary functions for data handling and transformation
import logging
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]def force_data_variable_convention(
df: pd.DataFrame, format_desired: dict
) -> pd.DataFrame:
Ensure that all and only desired variable names are present and in correct order.
df (pd.DataFrame): The DataFrame containing the data to be formatted.
format_desired (dict): A dictionary specifying the desired format with variable names as keys.
pd.DataFrame: A DataFrame with filtered data in the desired format and order.
# filter existing df
desired_var_names = set(format_desired.keys())
df_core_var = df.loc[:, df.columns.isin(desired_var_names)]
# Reindex the DataFrame to ensure all required columns exist and obey the order of columns
df_core_var = df_core_var.reindex(columns=format_desired.keys())
return df_core_var
[docs]def rename_columns(df: pd.DataFrame, format_dict: dict) -> pd.DataFrame:
Rename DataFrame columns based on the provided format dictionary.
df (pd.DataFrame): The DataFrame whose columns need to be renamed.
format_dict (dict): A dictionary specifying the column renaming mapping,
with current column names as keys and desired names as values.
pd.DataFrame: A DataFrame with renamed columns.
rename_map = {key: val["core_name"] for key, val in format_dict.items()}
return df.rename(columns=rename_map)
[docs]def replace_dummy_with_nan(df: pd.DataFrame, format_dict: dict) -> pd.DataFrame:
Replace specific values in the DataFrame with NaN based on the given format dictionary.
Reason: sometimes, e.g. the DWD, specifies a missing value with a dummy value like e.g. 99,
which makes it hard to see where missing values are and might affect the simulation.
df (pd.DataFrame): The DataFrame to be processed.
format_dict (dict): A dictionary specifying values to be replaced with NaN,
with column names as keys and corresponding dummy values as values.
pd.DataFrame: A DataFrame with specified values replaced by NaN.
for key, value in format_dict.items():
if "nan" in value and key in df.columns:
nan_values = value["nan"]
if not isinstance(nan_values, list):
nan_values = [nan_values]
for nan_val in nan_values:
df[key] = df[key].replace(nan_val, np.nan)
return df
[docs]def select_entry_by_core_name(format_dict: dict, core_name_to_match: str):
Select an entry from a format dictionary based on the specified core name.
format_dict (dict): A dictionary to search for the entry.
core_name_to_match (str): The core name to match in the dictionary values.
dict: The dictionary entry matching the specified core name, or None if not found.
for key, value in format_dict.items():
if value["core_name"] == core_name_to_match:
return value