Includes functions to execute time shift operations. It also includes a
function to truncate data in given interval.
import datetime
import logging
import pandas as pd
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _shift_timestamps_and_interpolate(df: pd.DataFrame, backward: bool) -> pd.DataFrame:
Shift and interpolate timestamps in a DataFrame by 30 minutes forward or backward.
This function shifts and interpolates the timestamps in the DataFrame `df` by either
30 minutes forward or backward based on the `backward` parameter. It uses linear interpolation
to fill in missing values during the shift.
df (pd.DataFrame): The DataFrame containing timestamped data.
backward (bool): If True, shift timestamps 30 minutes backward. If False, shift them 30 minutes forward.
pd.DataFrame: A DataFrame with timestamps shifted and interpolated as specified.
if (
): # avg_preceding_hour_2_indicated_time or indicated_time_2_avg_following_hour
interval = "-30min"
else: # avg_following_hour_2_indicated_time or indicated_time_2_avg_preceding_hour
interval = "30min"
df = df.astype(float)
# shift and interpolate
df_shifted = df.shift(freq=interval)
df_interpolated = df_shifted.resample("30min").interpolate(method="linear", limit=1)
# keep only original timestamps
df_final = df_interpolated.reindex(df.index)
return df_final
[docs]def avg_preceding_hour_2_indicated_time(df):
'''aka: prec2ind'''
return _shift_timestamps_and_interpolate(df, True)
[docs]def indicated_time_2_avg_following_hour(df):
'''aka: ind2foll'''
return _shift_timestamps_and_interpolate(df, True)
[docs]def avg_following_hour_2_indicated_time(df):
'''aka: foll2ind'''
return _shift_timestamps_and_interpolate(df, False)
[docs]def indicated_time_2_avg_preceding_hour(df):
'''aka: ind2prec'''
return _shift_timestamps_and_interpolate(df, False)
[docs]def shift_time_by_dict(format_dict: dict, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
Shift timestamps in a DataFrame based on a format dictionary.
This function shifts and interpolates values in the DataFrame `df` based on the specified format dictionary. The format
dictionary should contain information about the desired time shifting for core data variables.
format_dict (dict): A dictionary specifying the time shifting for core data variables.
df (pd.DataFrame): The DataFrame containing timestamped data with core data variable names.
pd.DataFrame: The modified DataFrame with values shifted and interpolated according to the format dictionary.
meas_key = "time_of_meas_shift"
core_name = "core_name"
for key, value in format_dict.items():
# No measurement if not present, though avoid being triggered
# when using this function in 2output (empty string)
if value[core_name] not in df.columns and value[core_name]:
logger.debug("No measurements for %s.", value[core_name])
if value[meas_key] == "prec2ind":
df.loc[:, value[core_name]] = avg_preceding_hour_2_indicated_time(
elif value[meas_key] == "ind2foll":
df.loc[:, value[core_name]] = indicated_time_2_avg_following_hour(
elif value[meas_key] == "foll2ind":
df.loc[:, value[core_name]] = avg_following_hour_2_indicated_time(
elif value[meas_key] == "ind2prec":
df.loc[:, value[core_name]] = indicated_time_2_avg_preceding_hour(
elif value[meas_key] is None:
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid keyword for {meas_key} for {key}: '{value[meas_key]}' is not valid."
return df
[docs]def truncate_data_from_start_to_stop(
df: pd.DataFrame, start: datetime, stop: datetime
) -> pd.DataFrame:
Truncate a DataFrame to include data only between specified start and stop timestamps.
df (pd.DataFrame): The DataFrame containing timestamped data.
start (datetime): The start timestamp to include in the truncated DataFrame.
stop (datetime): The stop timestamp to include in the truncated DataFrame.
pd.DataFrame: A new DataFrame containing data only within the specified time range.
mask = (df.index >= start) & (df.index <= stop)
df = df.loc[mask]
return df