Source code for aixweather.transformation_functions.unit_conversions

Includes functions to convert units in weather data.
import logging

import pandas as pd

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def Jcm2_to_Whm2(radiation: pd.Series): """convert radiance unit from J/cm^2 to Wh/m^2""" radiation = radiation / 0.36 logger.debug("%s transformed from from J/cm2 to Wh/m2", return radiation
[docs]def Jm2_to_Whm2(radiation: pd.Series): """convert radiance unit from J/m^2 to Wh/m^2""" radiation = radiation / 3600 logger.debug("%s transformed from from J/m2 to Wh/m2", return radiation
[docs]def kJm2_to_Whm2(radiation: pd.Series): """convert radiance unit from kJ/m^2 to Wh/m^2""" radiation = radiation / 3.6 logger.debug("%s transformed from from kJ/m^2 to Wh/m^2", return radiation
[docs]def hPa_to_Pa(pressure: pd.Series): """convert pressure unit from hPa to Pa""" pressure = pressure * 100 logger.debug("%s transformed from from hPa to Pa", return pressure
[docs]def eigth_to_tenth(cloudgrade: pd.Series): """convert cloudgrade from eighth to tenth""" cloudgrade = cloudgrade * 10 / 8 logger.debug("%s transformed from from eighth to tenth", return cloudgrade
[docs]def percent_to_tenth(cloudgrade: pd.Series): """convert cloudgrade from percent to tenth""" cloudgrade = cloudgrade / 10 logger.debug("%s transformed from from percent to tenth", return cloudgrade
[docs]def kelvin_to_celcius(temperature: pd.Series): """convert temperature from kelvin to celcius""" temperature = temperature - 273.15 logger.debug("%s transformed from from kelvin to celcius", return temperature
[docs]def divide_by_1000(series: pd.Series): """divide by 1000""" series = series / 1000 logger.debug("%s transformed from x to x/1000", return series