Source code for aixweather.transformation_functions.variable_transformations
This module includes variable transformations and functions
to calculate variables from given values
import logging
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pvlib
from aixweather.imports.utils_import import MetaData
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]def approximate_opaque_from_total_skycover(total_sky_cover):
opaque_sky_cover = total_sky_cover
return opaque_sky_cover
[docs]def calculate_dew_point_temp(dry_bulb_temp: pd.Series, rel_hum: pd.Series) -> pd.Series:
Calculate the dew point temperature using a simplified formula.
This function estimates the dew point temperature in degrees Celsius based on the given dry bulb temperature
and relative humidity. Please note that this formula is fairly accurate for humidity above 50%. For more
precise calculations, consider using a more advanced formula.
dry_bulb_temp (pd.Series): The dry bulb temperature in degrees Celsius.
rel_hum (pd.Series): The relative humidity in percentage.
pd.Series: The estimated dew point temperature in degrees Celsius.
dew_point_temp = dry_bulb_temp - (100 - rel_hum) / 5
return dew_point_temp
[docs]def calculate_direct_horizontal_radiation(
glob_hor_rad: pd.Series, diff_hor_rad: pd.Series
) -> pd.Series:
Calculate direct horizontal radiation by subtracting diffuse horizontal radiation from global horizontal radiation.
Checked by Martin Rätz on 08.08.2023.
glob_hor_rad (pd.Series): Global horizontal radiation in Wh/m^2.
diff_hor_rad (pd.Series): Diffuse horizontal radiation in Wh/m^2.
pd.Series: The estimated direct horizontal radiation in Wh/m^2.
dir_hor_rad = glob_hor_rad - diff_hor_rad
if isinstance(dir_hor_rad, pd.Series):
dir_hor_rad.clip(0, inplace=True)
if dir_hor_rad < 0:
dir_hor_rad = 0
return dir_hor_rad
[docs]def calculate_global_horizontal_radiation(
dir_hor_rad: pd.Series, diff_hor_rad: pd.Series
) -> pd.Series:
Calculate global horizontal radiation on a horizontal plane by adding direct horizontal radiation
with diffuse horizontal radiation.
Checked by Martin Rätz on 08.08.2023 using:
dir_hor_rad (pd.Series): Direct horizontal radiation in Wh/m^2.
diff_hor_rad (pd.Series): Diffuse horizontal radiation in Wh/m^2.
pd.Series: The estimated global horizontal radiation in Wh/m^2.
glob_hor_rad = dir_hor_rad + diff_hor_rad
# if value < 0 set as 0
if isinstance(glob_hor_rad, pd.Series):
glob_hor_rad.clip(0, inplace=True)
if glob_hor_rad < 0:
glob_hor_rad = 0
return glob_hor_rad
[docs]def calculate_horizontal_infrared_radiation(
dry_bulb_temp: pd.Series, dew_point_temp: pd.Series, opaque_sky_cover: pd.Series
) -> pd.Series:
Calculate horizontal infrared radiation using the provided inputs.
Calculation details can be found at:
Sky emissivity is considered in the calculation as per the above reference.
dry_bulb_temp (pd.Series): Dry bulb temperature in degrees Celsius.
dew_point_temp (pd.Series): Dew point temperature in degrees Celsius.
opaque_sky_cover (pd.Series): Opaque sky cover in tenths.
pd.Series: The estimated horizontal infrared radiation in Wh/m^2.
# change to Kelvin
dry_bulb_temp = dry_bulb_temp + 273.15
dew_point_tem = dew_point_temp + 273.15
sky_emissivity = (0.787 + 0.764 * np.log(dew_point_tem / 273.0)) * (
+ 0.0224 * opaque_sky_cover
- 0.0035 * np.power(opaque_sky_cover, 2)
+ 0.00028 * np.power(opaque_sky_cover, 3)
"""equation 3 from Sky Radiation Modeling
hor_infra = (
sky_emissivity * 5.6697 * np.power(10.0, -8.0) * np.power(dry_bulb_temp, 4)
"""equation 2 from Sky Radiation Modeling
return hor_infra
[docs]def calculate_normal_from_horizontal_direct_radiation(
latitude: float,
longitude: float,
utc_time: pd.DatetimeIndex,
direct_horizontal_radiation: pd.Series,
Calculates the Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI) from Direct Horizontal Irradiance (DHI).
Values will be set to zero when the sun is below 5° angle from the horizon.
latitude (float): The latitude of the location in degrees.
longitude (float): The longitude of the location in degrees.
utc_time (pd.DatetimeIndex): The timestamps for which the DNI is to be calculated, in UTC.
direct_horizontal_radiation (pd.Series): The Direct Horizontal Irradiance (DHI) in [W/m^2]
pd.Series: The calculated Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI) in W/m^2 for each timestamp.
# Calculate the solar zenith angle for each time
solar_position = pvlib.solarposition.get_solarposition(
utc_time.tz_localize("UTC"), latitude, longitude
solar_position.index = solar_position.index.tz_localize(None)
zenith_angle_deg = solar_position["zenith"]
# Calculate the Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI) for each time
zenith_angle_rad = zenith_angle_deg * (np.pi / 180) # Convert to radians
dni = direct_horizontal_radiation / np.cos(zenith_angle_rad)
# Set values to zero when the sun is below 5° angle from the horizon
dni = np.where(zenith_angle_deg > 85, 0, dni)
return dni
# wrapping functions ------------------------------------------
[docs]def robust_transformation(
df: pd.DataFrame, desired_variable: str, transformation_function, *args: str
) -> tuple[pd.DataFrame, dict]:
Apply a transformation function to calculate the desired variable in the DataFrame
if the variable is missing or contains only NaN values. Skip the transformation if
any required column (specified in args) is missing to perform the calculation.
df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing the data.
desired_variable (str): Name of the variable to which the transformation should be applied.
transformation_function: Function to apply to the desired variable.
*args: Additional arguments required for the transformation function.
These can be column names (str) or other values (all other types).
tuple[pd.DataFrame, dict]: A tuple containing the updated DataFrame with the transformation applied
to the desired variable and a dictionary indicating which variables were used for the calculation.
# Feed back whether calculation was done and with which variables
calc_status = {}
# Check if the desired variable is missing or contains only NaN values
if desired_variable not in df.columns or df[desired_variable].isna().all():
# refactor args to account for strings to get the column of the df and pure objects
new_args = list()
args_of_columns = list() # get only strings of args that are column names
for arg in args:
# if arg is a column of the df, the new arg should be the column values
if isinstance(arg, str):
if arg in df.columns:
# if contains only NaN values
if df[arg].isna().all():
"The required variable %s has only nan, "
"calculation of %s aborted.",
arg, desired_variable
return df, calc_status
"The required variable %s is not in the dataframes "
"columns, calculation of %s aborted.",
arg, desired_variable
return df, calc_status
# if arg is an object, e.g. from meta_data, add it directly
# Apply transformation if variables are available
df[desired_variable] = transformation_function(*new_args)"Calculated %s from %s.", desired_variable, args_of_columns)
# Feed back whether calculation was done and with which variables
calc_status = {desired_variable: args_of_columns}
return df, calc_status
[docs]def variable_transform_all(
df: pd.DataFrame, meta: MetaData
) -> tuple[pd.DataFrame, dict]:
Transform and compute missing variables for the given DataFrame based on specified calculations.
This function performs multiple transformations on the DataFrame to calculate all completely
missing variables. The applied calculations for each variable are tracked in the
'calc_overview' dictionary.
You can add all variable transformations here.
Respect a meaningful order.
df (pd.DataFrame): The DataFrame containing the data to be transformed.
meta (MetaData): Metadata associated with the data.
tuple[pd.DataFrame, dict]: A tuple containing the transformed DataFrame with computed variables
and a dictionary ('calc_overview') tracking the calculations applied to the DataFrame.
# track if calculations are applied
calc_overview = {}
### calculate missing variables for core data format if required and if possible
df, calc_status = robust_transformation(
df, "OpaqueSkyCover", approximate_opaque_from_total_skycover, "TotalSkyCover"
df, calc_status = robust_transformation(
df, "DewPointTemp", calculate_dew_point_temp, "DryBulbTemp", "RelHum"
df, calc_status = robust_transformation(
df, calc_status = robust_transformation(
df, calc_status = robust_transformation(
df, calc_status = robust_transformation(
return df, calc_overview