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2Implementation of UN/CEFACT units
4We creating the data set of UNECE units from here.
6It downloads the data and stores it in external resources if not
7already present. For additional information on UNECE an the current state of
8tables visit this website:
13import json
14import logging
15import pandas as pd
16from functools import lru_cache
17from rapidfuzz import process
18from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union
19from typing_extensions import Literal
20from pydantic import field_validator, model_validator, ConfigDict, BaseModel, Field
21from filip.models.base import NgsiVersion, DataType
22from import load_datapackage
25logger = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)
29def load_units() -> pd.DataFrame:
30 """
31 Loads data package from public repo if not already downloaded.
32 This function will be cached for fast accessing the data set.
33 Returns:
34 Cleaned dataset containing all unit data
35 """
36 units = load_datapackage(
37 url="",
38 package_name="unece-units",
39 )["units_of_measure"]
40 # remove deprecated entries
41 units = units.loc[
42 ((units.Status.str.casefold() != "x") & (units.Status.str.casefold() != "d"))
43 ]
44 return units
47class UnitCode(BaseModel):
48 """
49 The unit of measurement given using the UN/CEFACT Common Code (3 characters)
50 or a URL. Other codes than the UN/CEFACT Common Code may be used with a
51 prefix followed by a colon.
54 Note:
55 Currently we only support the UN/CEFACT Common Codes
56 """
58 type: DataType = Field(
59 default=DataType.TEXT,
60 # const=True,
61 description="Data type",
62 )
63 value: str = Field(
64 ...,
65 title="Code of unit ",
66 description="UN/CEFACT Common Code (3 characters)",
67 min_length=2,
68 max_length=3,
69 )
71 @field_validator("value")
72 @classmethod
73 def validate_code(cls, value):
74 units = load_units()
75 if len(units.loc[units.CommonCode == value.upper()]) == 1:
76 return value
77 raise KeyError("Code does not exist or is deprecated! '%s'", value)
80class UnitText(BaseModel):
81 """
82 A string or text indicating the unit of measurement. Useful if you cannot
83 provide a standard unit code for unitCode.
86 Note:
87 We use the names of units of measurements from UN/CEFACT for validation
88 """
90 type: DataType = Field(
91 default=DataType.TEXT,
92 # const=True,
93 description="Data type",
94 )
95 value: str = Field(
96 ...,
97 title="Name of unit of measurement",
98 description="Verbose name of a unit using British "
99 "spelling in singular form, "
100 "e.g. 'newton second per metre'",
101 )
103 @field_validator("value")
104 @classmethod
105 def validate_text(cls, value):
106 units = load_units()
108 if len(units.loc[(units.Name.str.casefold() == value.casefold())]) >= 1:
109 return value
110 names = units.Name.tolist()
111 suggestions = [
112 item[0]
113 for item in process.extract(
114 query=value.casefold(), choices=names, score_cutoff=50, limit=5
115 )
116 ]
117 raise ValueError(
118 f"Invalid 'name' for unit! '{value}' \n "
119 f"Did you mean one of the following? \n "
120 f"{suggestions}"
121 )
124class Unit(BaseModel):
125 """
126 Model for a unit definition
127 """
129 model_config = ConfigDict(extra="ignore", populate_by_name=True)
130 _ngsi_version: Literal[NgsiVersion.v2] = NgsiVersion.v2
131 name: Optional[Union[str, UnitText]] = Field(
132 alias="unitText",
133 default=None,
134 description="A string or text indicating the unit of measurement",
135 )
136 code: Optional[Union[str, UnitCode]] = Field(
137 alias="unitCode",
138 default=None,
139 description="The unit of measurement given using the UN/CEFACT "
140 "Common Code (3 characters)",
141 )
142 description: Optional[str] = Field(
143 default=None,
144 alias="unitDescription",
145 description="Verbose description of unit",
146 max_length=350,
147 )
148 symbol: Optional[str] = Field(
149 default=None,
150 alias="unitSymbol",
151 description="The symbol used to represent the unit of measure as "
152 "in ISO 31 / 80000.",
153 )
154 conversion_factor: Optional[str] = Field(
155 default=None,
156 alias="unitConversionFactor",
157 description="The value used to convert units to the equivalent SI "
158 "unit when applicable.",
159 )
161 @model_validator(mode="before")
162 @classmethod
163 def check_consistency(cls, values):
164 """
165 Validate and auto complete unit data based on the UN/CEFACT data
166 Args:
167 values (dict): Values of a all data fields
169 Returns:
170 values (dict): Validated data
171 """
172 units = load_units()
173 name = values.get("name")
174 code = values.get("code")
176 if isinstance(name, dict):
177 name = UnitText.model_validate(name)
178 if isinstance(code, UnitCode):
179 code = code.value
180 if isinstance(name, UnitText):
181 name = name.value
183 if code and name:
184 idx = units.index[((units.CommonCode == code) & (units.Name == name))]
185 if idx.empty:
186 raise ValueError(
187 "Invalid combination of 'code' and 'name': ", code, name
188 )
189 elif code:
190 idx = units.index[(units.CommonCode == code)]
191 if idx.empty:
192 raise ValueError("Invalid 'code': ", code)
193 elif name:
194 idx = units.index[(units.Name == name)]
195 if idx.empty:
196 names = units.Name.tolist()
197 suggestions = [
198 item[0]
199 for item in process.extract(
200 query=name.casefold(), choices=names, score_cutoff=50, limit=5
201 )
202 ]
204 raise ValueError(
205 f"Invalid 'name' for unit! '{name}' \n "
206 f"Did you mean one of the following? \n "
207 f"{suggestions}"
208 )
209 else:
210 raise AssertionError("'name' or 'code' must be provided!")
212 values["code"] = UnitCode(value=units.CommonCode[idx[0]]).value
213 values["name"] = UnitText(value=units.Name[idx[0]]).value
214 values["symbol"] = units.Symbol[idx[0]]
215 values["conversion_factor"] = units.ConversionFactor[idx[0]]
216 if not values.get("description"):
217 values["description"] = units.Description[idx[0]]
218 return values
221class Units:
222 """
223 Class for easy accessing the data set of UNECE units from here.
224 ""
225 """
227 units = load_units()
229 def __getattr__(self, item):
230 """
231 Return unit as attribute by name or code.
232 Notes:
233 Underscores will be substituted with whitespaces
234 Args:
235 item: if len(row) == 0:
237 Returns:
238 Unit
239 """
240 item = item.casefold().replace("_", " ")
241 return self.__getitem__(item)
243 @property
244 def quantities(self):
245 """
246 Get list of units ordered by measured quantities
247 Returns:
248 list of units ordered by measured quantities
249 """
250 raise NotImplementedError(
251 "The used dataset does currently not "
252 "contain the information about quantity"
253 )
255 def __getitem__(self, item: str) -> Unit:
256 """
257 Get unit by name or code
259 Args:
260 item (str): name or code
262 Returns:
263 Unit
264 """
265 idx = self.units.index[
266 (
267 (self.units.CommonCode == item.upper())
268 | (self.units.Name.str.casefold() == item.casefold())
269 )
270 ]
271 if idx.empty:
272 names = self.units.Name.tolist()
273 suggestions = [
274 item[0]
275 for item in process.extract(
276 query=item.casefold(), choices=names, score_cutoff=50, limit=5
277 )
278 ]
279 raise ValueError(
280 f"Invalid 'name' for unit! '{item}' \n "
281 f"Did you mean one of the following? \n "
282 f"{suggestions}"
283 )
285 return Unit(code=self.units.CommonCode[idx[0]])
287 @classmethod
288 def keys(cls, by_code: bool = False) -> List[str]:
289 """
290 Returns list of all unit names or codes
292 Args:
293 by_code (bool): if 'True' the keys will contain the unit codes
294 instead of their names.
296 Returns:
297 List[str] containing the names or list
298 """
299 if by_code:
300 return cls.units.CommonCode.to_list()
301 return cls.units.Name.to_list()
303 @property
304 def names(self) -> List[str]:
305 """
306 Returns list of all unit names
308 Returns:
309 List[str] containing the names or list
310 """
311 return self.keys()
313 @property
314 def codes(self) -> List[str]:
315 """
316 Returns list of all unit codes
318 Returns:
319 List[str] containing the codes
320 """
321 return self.keys(by_code=True)
323 def values(self) -> List[Unit]:
324 """
325 Get list of all units
327 Returns:
328 List[Unit] containing all units
329 """
331 return [Unit(code=code) for code in self.units.CommonCode]
333 def get(self, item: str, default: Any = None):
334 """
335 Get unit by name or by code
337 Args:
338 item (str): name or code of unit
339 default (Any): Default value to return if unit does not exist.
340 Returns:
341 Unit
342 """
343 try:
344 return self.__getitem__(item)
345 except KeyError:
346 return default
349def validate_unit_data(data: Dict) -> Dict:
350 """
351 Validator for unit objects
352 Args:
353 data (Dict): Dictionary containing the metadata of an object
355 Returns:
356 Validated dictionary of metadata
357 """
358 _unit_models = {"unit": Unit, "unitText": UnitText, "unitCode": UnitCode}
359 for modelname, model in _unit_models.items():
360 if data.get("name", "").casefold() == modelname.casefold():
361 if data.get("name", "").casefold() == "unit":
362 data["type"] = "Unit"
363 data["value"] = model.model_validate(data["value"])
364 # data["value"] = model.parse_obj(data["value"])
365 return data
366 else:
367 data.update(model.model_validate(data).model_dump())
368 # data.update(model.parse_obj(data).dict())
369 return data
370 raise ValueError(f"Invalid unit data found: \n " f"{json.dumps(data, indent=2)}")