Source code for filip.clients.ngsi_v2.iota

IoT-Agent Module for API Client

from __future__ import annotations

import json
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import List, Dict, Set, TYPE_CHECKING, Union, Optional
import warnings
from urllib.parse import urljoin
import requests
from pydantic import AnyHttpUrl
from pydantic.type_adapter import TypeAdapter
from filip.config import settings
from filip.clients.base_http_client import BaseHttpClient
from filip.models.base import FiwareHeader
from filip.models.ngsi_v2.iot import Device, ServiceGroup

from filip.utils.filter import filter_device_list, filter_group_list

    from filip.clients.ngsi_v2.cb import ContextBrokerClient

[docs]class IoTAClient(BaseHttpClient): """ Client for FIWARE IoT-Agents. The implementation follows the API specifications from here: Args: url: Url of IoT-Agent session (requests.Session): fiware_header (FiwareHeader): fiware service and fiware service path **kwargs (Optional): Optional arguments that ``request`` takes. """ def __init__( self, url: str = None, *, session: requests.Session = None, fiware_header: FiwareHeader = None, **kwargs, ): # set service url url = url or settings.IOTA_URL super().__init__( url=url, session=session, fiware_header=fiware_header, **kwargs ) # ABOUT API
[docs] def get_version(self) -> Dict: """ Gets version of IoT Agent Returns: Dictionary with response """ url = urljoin(self.base_url, "iot/about") try: res = self.get(url=url, headers=self.headers) if res.ok: return res.json() res.raise_for_status() except requests.RequestException as err: self.logger.error(err) raise
[docs] def post_groups( self, service_groups: Union[ServiceGroup, List[ServiceGroup]], update: bool = False, ): """ Creates a set of service groups for the given service and service_path. The service_group and subservice information will taken from the headers, overwriting any preexisting values. Args: service_groups (list of ServiceGroup): Service groups that will be posted to the agent's API update (bool): If service group already exists try to update its Returns: None """ if not isinstance(service_groups, list): service_groups = [service_groups] for group in service_groups: if group.service: assert ( group.service == self.headers["fiware-service"] ), "Service group service does not math fiware service" if group.subservice: assert ( group.subservice == self.headers["fiware-servicepath"] ), "Service group subservice does not math fiware service path" url = urljoin(self.base_url, "iot/services") headers = self.headers data = { "services": [ group.model_dump(exclude={"service", "subservice"}, exclude_none=True) for group in service_groups ] } try: res =, headers=headers, json=data) if res.ok:"Services successfully posted") elif res.status_code == 409: self.logger.warning(res.text) if len(service_groups) > 1: "Trying to split bulk operation into " "single operations" ) for group in service_groups: self.post_group(service_group=group, update=update) elif update is True: self.update_group(service_group=service_groups[0], fields=None) else: res.raise_for_status() else: res.raise_for_status() except requests.RequestException as err: self.log_error(err=err, msg=None) raise
[docs] def post_group(self, service_group: ServiceGroup, update: bool = False): """ Single service registration but using the bulk operation in background Args: service_group (ServiceGroup): Service that will be posted to the agent's API update (bool): Returns: None """ return self.post_groups(service_groups=[service_group], update=update)
[docs] def get_group_list(self) -> List[ServiceGroup]: r""" Retrieves service_group groups from the database. If the servicepath header has the wildcard expression, /\*, all the subservices for the service_group are returned. The specific subservice parameters are returned in any other case. Returns: """ url = urljoin(self.base_url, "iot/services") headers = self.headers try: res = self.get(url=url, headers=headers) if res.ok: ta = TypeAdapter(List[ServiceGroup]) return ta.validate_python(res.json()["services"]) res.raise_for_status() except requests.RequestException as err: self.log_error(err=err, msg=None) raise
[docs] def get_group(self, *, resource: str, apikey: str) -> ServiceGroup: """ Retrieves service_group groups from the database based on resource and apikey Args: resource: apikey: Returns: """ groups = self.get_group_list() groups = filter_group_list( group_list=groups, resources=resource, apikeys=apikey ) if len(groups) == 1: group = groups[0] return group elif len(groups) == 0: raise KeyError( f"Service group with resource={resource} and apikey={apikey} was not found" ) else: raise NotImplementedError( "There is a wierd error, try get_group_list() for debugging" )
[docs] def update_groups( self, *, service_groups: Union[ServiceGroup, List[ServiceGroup]], add: False, fields: Union[Set[str], List[str]] = None, ) -> None: """ Bulk operation for service group update. Args: fields: service_groups: add: Returns: """ if not isinstance(service_groups, list): service_groups = [service_groups] for group in service_groups: self.update_group(service_group=group, fields=fields, add=add)
[docs] def update_group( self, *, service_group: ServiceGroup, fields: Union[Set[str], List[str]] = None, add: bool = True, ): """ Modifies the information for a service group configuration, identified by the resource and apikey query parameters. Takes a service group body as the payload. The body does not have to be complete: for incomplete bodies, just the existing attributes will be updated Args: service_group (ServiceGroup): Service to update. fields: Fields of the service_group to update. If 'None' all allowed fields will be updated add: Returns: None """ if fields: if isinstance(fields, list): fields = set(fields) else: fields = None url = urljoin(self.base_url, "iot/services") headers = self.headers params = service_group.model_dump(include={"resource", "apikey"}) try: res = self.put( url=url, headers=headers, params=params, json=service_group.model_dump( include=fields, exclude={"service", "subservice"}, exclude_none=True ), ) if res.ok:"ServiceGroup updated!") elif (res.status_code == 404) & (add is True): self.post_group(service_group=service_group) else: res.raise_for_status() except requests.RequestException as err: self.log_error(err=err, msg=None) raise
[docs] def delete_group(self, *, resource: str, apikey: str): """ Deletes a service group in in the IoT-Agent Args: resource: apikey: Returns: """ url = urljoin(self.base_url, "iot/services") headers = self.headers params = {"resource": resource, "apikey": apikey} try: res = self.delete(url=url, headers=headers, params=params) if res.ok: "ServiceGroup with resource: '%s' and " "apikey: '%s' successfully deleted!", resource, apikey, ) else: res.raise_for_status() except requests.RequestException as err: msg = ( f"Could not delete ServiceGroup with resource " f"'{resource}' and apikey '{apikey}'!" ) self.log_error(err=err, msg=msg) raise
[docs] def post_devices( self, *, devices: Union[Device, List[Device]], update: bool = False ) -> None: """ Post a device from the device registry. No payload is required or received. If a device already exists in can be updated with update = True Args: devices (list of Devices): update (bool): Whether if the device is already existent it should be updated Returns: None """ if not isinstance(devices, list): devices = [devices] url = urljoin(self.base_url, "iot/devices") headers = self.headers data = { "devices": [ json.loads(device.model_dump_json(exclude_none=True)) for device in devices ] } try: res =, headers=headers, json=data) if res.ok:"Devices successfully posted!") else: res.raise_for_status() except requests.RequestException as err: if update: return self.update_devices(devices=devices, add=False) msg = "Could not post devices" self.log_error(err=err, msg=msg) raise
[docs] def post_device(self, *, device: Device, update: bool = False) -> None: """ Post a device configuration to the IoT-Agent Args: device: IoT device configuration to send update: update device if configuration already exists Returns: None """ return self.post_devices(devices=[device], update=update)
[docs] def get_device_list( self, *, limit: int = None, offset: int = None, device_ids: Union[str, List[str]] = None, entity_names: Union[str, List[str]] = None, entity_types: Union[str, List[str]] = None, ) -> List[Device]: """ Returns a list of all the devices in the device registry with all its data. The IoTAgent now only supports "limit" and "offset" as request parameters. Args: limit: if present, limits the number of devices returned in the list. Must be a number between 1 and 1000. offset: if present, skip that number of devices from the original query. device_ids: List of device_ids. If given, only devices with matching ids will be returned entity_names: The entity_ids of the devices. If given, only the devices with the specified entity_id will be returned entity_types: The entity_type of the device. If given, only the devices with the specified entity_type will be returned Returns: List of matching devices """ if limit: if not 1 < limit < 1000: self.logger.error("'limit' must be an integer between 1 and " "1000!") raise ValueError url = urljoin(self.base_url, "iot/devices") headers = self.headers params = {key: value for key, value in locals().items() if value is not None} try: res = self.get(url=url, headers=headers, params=params) if res.ok: ta = TypeAdapter(List[Device]) devices = ta.validate_python(res.json()["devices"]) # filter by device_ids, entity_names or entity_types devices = filter_device_list( devices, device_ids, entity_names, entity_types ) return devices res.raise_for_status() except requests.RequestException as err: self.log_error(err=err, msg=None) raise
[docs] def get_device(self, *, device_id: str) -> Device: """ Returns all the information about a particular device. Args: device_id: Raises: requests.RequestException, if device does not exist Returns: Device """ url = urljoin(self.base_url, f"iot/devices/{device_id}") headers = self.headers try: res = self.get(url=url, headers=headers) if res.ok: return Device.model_validate(res.json()) res.raise_for_status() except requests.RequestException as err: msg = f"Device {device_id} was not found" self.log_error(err=err, msg=msg) raise
[docs] def update_device(self, *, device: Device, add: bool = True) -> None: """ Updates a device from the device registry. Adds, removes attributes from the device entry and changes attributes values. It does not change device settings (endpoint,..) and only adds attributes to the corresponding entity, their it does not change any attribute value and does not delete removed attributes Args: device: add (bool): If device not found add it Returns: None """ url = urljoin(self.base_url, f"iot/devices/{device.device_id}") headers = self.headers try: res = self.put( url=url, headers=headers, json=device.model_dump( include={"attributes", "lazy", "commands", "static_attributes"}, exclude_none=True, ), ) if res.ok:"Device '%s' successfully updated!", device.device_id) elif (res.status_code == 404) & (add is True): self.post_device(device=device, update=False) else: res.raise_for_status() except requests.RequestException as err: msg = f"Could not update device '{device.device_id}'" self.log_error(err=err, msg=msg) raise
[docs] def update_devices( self, *, devices: Union[Device, List[Device]], add: False ) -> None: """ Bulk operation for device update. Args: devices: add: Returns: """ if not isinstance(devices, list): devices = [devices] for device in devices: self.update_device(device=device, add=add)
[docs] def delete_device( self, *, device_id: str, cb_url: AnyHttpUrl = settings.CB_URL, delete_entity: bool = False, force_entity_deletion: bool = False, cb_client: ContextBrokerClient = None, ) -> None: """ Remove a device from the device registry. No payload is required or received. Args: device_id: str, ID of Device delete_entity: False -> Only delete the device entry, the automatically created and linked context-entity will continue to exist in Fiware True -> Also delete the automatically created and linked context-entity If multiple devices are linked to this entity, this operation is not executed and an exception is raised force_entity_deletion: bool, if delete_entity is true and multiple devices are linked to the linked entity, delete it and do not raise an error cb_client (ContextBrokerClient): Corresponding ContextBrokerClient object for entity manipulation cb_url (AnyHttpUrl): Url of the ContextBroker where the entity is found. This will autogenerate an CB-Client, mirroring the information of the IoTA-Client, e.g. FiwareHeader, and other headers (not recommended!) Returns: None """ url = urljoin( self.base_url, f"iot/devices/{device_id}", ) headers = self.headers device = self.get_device(device_id=device_id) try: res = self.delete(url=url, headers=headers) if res.ok:"Device '%s' successfully deleted!", device_id) else: res.raise_for_status() except requests.RequestException as err: msg = f"Could not delete device {device_id}!" self.log_error(err=err, msg=msg) raise if delete_entity: # An entity can technically belong to multiple devices # Only delete the entity if devices = self.get_device_list(entity_names=[device.entity_name]) # Zero because we count the remaining devices if len(devices) > 0 and not force_entity_deletion: raise Exception( f"The corresponding entity to the device " f"{device_id} was not deleted because it is " f"linked to multiple devices. " ) else: try: from filip.clients.ngsi_v2 import ContextBrokerClient if cb_client: cb_client_local = deepcopy(cb_client) else: warnings.warn( "No `ContextBrokerClient` " "object providesd! Will try to generate " "one. This usage is not recommended." ) cb_client_local = ContextBrokerClient( url=cb_url, fiware_header=self.fiware_headers, headers=headers, ) cb_client_local.delete_entity( entity_id=device.entity_name, entity_type=device.entity_type ) except requests.RequestException as err: # Do not throw an error # It is only important that the entity does not exist after # this methode, not if this methode actively deleted it pass cb_client_local.close()
[docs] def patch_device( self, device: Device, patch_entity: bool = True, cb_client: ContextBrokerClient = None, cb_url: AnyHttpUrl = settings.CB_URL, ) -> None: """ Updates a device state in Fiware, if the device does not exists it is created, else its values are updated. If the device settings (endpoint,..) were changed the device and entity are deleted and re-added. If patch_entity is true the corresponding entity in the ContextBroker is also correctly updated. Else only new attributes are added there. Args: device (Device): Device to be posted to /updated in Fiware patch_entity (bool): If true the corresponding entity is completely synced cb_client (ContextBrokerClient): Corresponding ContextBrokerClient object for entity manipulation cb_url (AnyHttpUrl): Url of the ContextBroker where the entity is found. This will autogenerate an CB-Client, mirroring the information of the IoTA-Client, e.g. FiwareHeader, and other headers (not recommended!) Returns: None """ try: live_device = self.get_device(device_id=device.device_id) except requests.RequestException: # device does not exist yet, post it self.post_device(device=device) return # if the device settings were changed we need to delete the device # and repost it settings_dict = { "device_id", "service", "service_path", "entity_name", "entity_type", "timestamp", "apikey", "endpoint", "protocol", "transport", "expressionLanguage", } live_settings = live_device.model_dump(include=settings_dict) new_settings = device.model_dump(include=settings_dict) if not live_settings == new_settings: self.delete_device( device_id=device.device_id, delete_entity=True, force_entity_deletion=True, cb_client=cb_client, ) self.post_device(device=device) return # We are at a state where the device exists, but only attributes were # changed. # we need to update the device, and the context entry separately, # as update device only takes over a part of the changes to the # ContextBroker. # update device self.update_device(device=device) # update context entry # 1. build context entity from information in device # 2. patch it from filip.models.ngsi_v2.context import ContextEntity, NamedContextAttribute def build_context_entity_from_device(device: Device) -> ContextEntity: from filip.models.base import DataType entity = ContextEntity(id=device.entity_name, type=device.entity_type) for command in device.commands: entity.add_attributes( [ # Command attribute will be registered by the device_update NamedContextAttribute( name=f"{}_info", type=DataType.COMMAND_RESULT ), NamedContextAttribute( name=f"{}_status", type=DataType.COMMAND_STATUS ), ] ) for attribute in device.attributes: entity.add_attributes( [ NamedContextAttribute(, type=DataType.STRUCTUREDVALUE, metadata=attribute.metadata, ) ] ) for static_attribute in device.static_attributes: entity.add_attributes( [ NamedContextAttribute(, type=static_attribute.type, value=static_attribute.value, metadata=static_attribute.metadata, ) ] ) return entity if patch_entity: from filip.clients.ngsi_v2 import ContextBrokerClient if cb_client: cb_client_local = deepcopy(cb_client) else: warnings.warn( "No `ContextBrokerClient` object provided! " "Will try to generate one. " "This usage is not recommended." ) cb_client_local = ContextBrokerClient( url=cb_url, fiware_header=self.fiware_headers, headers=self.headers ) cb_client_local.patch_entity( entity=build_context_entity_from_device(device) ) cb_client_local.close()
[docs] def does_device_exists(self, device_id: str) -> bool: """ Test if a device with the given id exists in Fiware Args: device_id (str) Returns: bool """ try: self.get_device(device_id=device_id) return True except requests.RequestException as err: if err.response is None or not err.response.status_code == 404: self.log_error( err=err, msg=f"Error while checking existence for device {device_id}", ) raise return False
[docs] def get_loglevel_of_agent(self): """ Get current loglevel of agent Returns: """ url = urljoin(self.base_url, "admin/log") headers = self.headers.copy() del headers["fiware-service"] del headers["fiware-servicepath"] try: res = self.get(url=url, headers=headers) if res.ok: return res.json()["level"] res.raise_for_status() except requests.RequestException as err: self.log_error(err=err) raise
[docs] def change_loglevel_of_agent(self, level: str): """ Change current loglevel of agent Args: level: Returns: """ level = level.upper() if level not in ["INFO", "ERROR", "FATAL", "DEBUG", "WARNING"]: raise KeyError("Given log level is not supported") url = urljoin(self.base_url, "admin/log") headers = self.headers.copy() del headers["fiware-service"] del headers["fiware-servicepath"] try: res = self.put(url=url, headers=headers, params=level) if res.ok: "Loglevel of agent at %s " "changed to '%s'", self.base_url, level ) else: res.raise_for_status() except requests.RequestException as err: self.log_error(err=err) raise