Source code for filip.semantics.ontology_parser.post_processer

The PostProcessing gets called after the vocabulary was parsed from sources

The postprocessing has the goal to add predefined values,
compute combinedRelations, reload user settings, and precompute
information as: duplicate labels or sort relations

import datetime
import re
from typing import List, Optional

import stringcase

from filip.semantics.ontology_parser.vocabulary_builder import VocabularyBuilder
from filip.semantics.vocabulary import (
from filip.semantics.vocabulary import (

[docs]class PostProcessor: """Class offering postprocessing as cls-methods for a vocabulary"""
[docs] @classmethod def post_process_vocabulary( cls, vocabulary: Vocabulary, old_vocabulary: Optional[Vocabulary] = None ): """Main methode to be called for post processing Args: vocabulary (Vocabulary): Freshly parsed Vocabulary old_vocabulary (Vocabulary): Existing Vocabulary of which the settings should be overtaken Returns: None """ # all methods have to reset the state that they are editing first. # consecutive calls of post_process_vocabulary need to have the same # result voc_builder = VocabularyBuilder(vocabulary=vocabulary) cls._set_labels(voc_builder) cls._add_predefined_source(voc_builder) cls._add_predefined_datatypes(voc_builder) cls._add_owl_thing(voc_builder) cls._remove_duplicate_parents(voc_builder) cls._log_and_clear_dependencies(voc_builder) cls._compute_ancestor_classes(voc_builder) cls._compute_child_classes(voc_builder) cls._combine_relations(voc_builder) if old_vocabulary is not None: cls.transfer_settings( new_vocabulary=vocabulary, old_vocabulary=old_vocabulary ) cls._apply_vocabulary_settings(voc_builder) cls._ensure_parent_class(voc_builder) cls._sort_relations(voc_builder) cls._mirror_object_property_inverses(voc_builder) cls._save_initial_label_summary(vocabulary)
@classmethod def _set_labels(cls, voc_builder: VocabularyBuilder): """If entities have no label, extract their label from the iri Args: voc_builder: Builder object for Vocabulary Returns: None """ for entity in voc_builder.vocabulary.get_all_entities(): entity.label = entity.get_original_label() @classmethod def _add_predefined_source(cls, voc_builder: VocabularyBuilder): """Add a special source to the vocabulary: PREDEFINED Args: voc_builder: Builder object for Vocabulary Returns: None """ if "PREDEFINED" not in voc_builder.vocabulary.sources: source = Source( source_name="Predefined",, predefined=True, ) voc_builder.add_source(source, "PREDEFINED") @classmethod def _log_and_clear_dependencies(cls, voc_builder: VocabularyBuilder): """ remove all references to entities that are not in the vocabulary to prevent program errrors as we remove information we need to reparse the source each time a new source is added as than the dependency could be valid. Further log the found dependencies for the user to display Args: voc_builder: Builder object for Vocabulary Returns: None """ for ontology in voc_builder.vocabulary.sources.values(): ontology.treat_dependency_statements(voc_builder.vocabulary) @classmethod def _add_predefined_datatypes(cls, voc_builder: VocabularyBuilder): """ Add predefinded datatype_catalogue to the PREDEFINED source; they are not included in an OWL file Args: voc_builder: Builder object for Vocabulary Returns: None """ # Test if datatype_catalogue were already added, if yes skip if ( "" in voc_builder.vocabulary.datatypes.keys() ): return voc_builder.add_predefined_datatype( Datatype( iri="", comment="All numbers allowed", type=DatatypeType.number, number_decimal_allowed=True, ) ) voc_builder.add_predefined_datatype( Datatype( iri="", comment="All whole numbers allowed", type=DatatypeType.number, number_decimal_allowed=False, ) ) voc_builder.add_predefined_datatype( Datatype( iri="", comment="All strings allowed", type=DatatypeType.string, ) ) voc_builder.add_predefined_datatype( Datatype( iri="", comment="XML Syntax required", type=DatatypeType.string, ) ) voc_builder.add_predefined_datatype( Datatype( iri="", comment="All strings allowed", type=DatatypeType.string, ) ) voc_builder.add_predefined_datatype( Datatype( iri="", comment="Needs to start with http://", type=DatatypeType.string, ) ) voc_builder.add_predefined_datatype( Datatype( iri="", comment="Base64Binary", type=DatatypeType.string, ) ) voc_builder.add_predefined_datatype( Datatype( iri="", comment="True or False", type=DatatypeType.enum, enum_values=["True", "False"], ) ) voc_builder.add_predefined_datatype( Datatype( iri="", comment="Byte Number", type=DatatypeType.number, number_has_range=True, number_range_min=-128, number_range_max=127, ) ) voc_builder.add_predefined_datatype( Datatype( iri="", comment="Date with possible timezone",, ) ) voc_builder.add_predefined_datatype( Datatype( iri="", comment="Date",, ) ) voc_builder.add_predefined_datatype( Datatype( iri="", comment="All decimal numbers", type=DatatypeType.number, number_decimal_allowed=True, ) ) voc_builder.add_predefined_datatype( Datatype( iri="", comment="64 bit decimal", type=DatatypeType.number, number_decimal_allowed=True, ) ) voc_builder.add_predefined_datatype( Datatype( iri="", comment="32 bit decimal", type=DatatypeType.number, number_decimal_allowed=True, ) ) voc_builder.add_predefined_datatype( Datatype( iri="", comment="Hexadecimal", type=DatatypeType.string, allowed_chars=[ "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", ], ) ) voc_builder.add_predefined_datatype( Datatype( iri="", comment="Signed 32 bit number", type=DatatypeType.number, number_has_range=True, number_range_min=-2147483648, number_range_max=2147483647, ) ) voc_builder.add_predefined_datatype( Datatype( iri="", comment="All whole numbers", type=DatatypeType.number, number_decimal_allowed=False, ) ) voc_builder.add_predefined_datatype( Datatype( iri="", comment="Language code, e.g: en, en-US, fr, or fr-FR", type=DatatypeType.string, ) ) voc_builder.add_predefined_datatype( Datatype( iri="", comment="Signed 64 bit integer", type=DatatypeType.number, number_has_range=True, number_range_min=-9223372036854775808, number_range_max=9223372036854775807, number_decimal_allowed=False, ) ) voc_builder.add_predefined_datatype( Datatype( iri="", comment="Name string (dont start with number)", type=DatatypeType.string, ) ) voc_builder.add_predefined_datatype( Datatype( iri="", comment="Name string : forbidden", type=DatatypeType.string, forbidden_chars=[":"], ) ) voc_builder.add_predefined_datatype( Datatype( iri="", comment="All negative whole numbers", type=DatatypeType.number, number_has_range=True, number_range_max=-1, ) ) voc_builder.add_predefined_datatype( Datatype( iri="", comment="Token string", type=DatatypeType.string, ) ) voc_builder.add_predefined_datatype( Datatype( iri="", comment="All positive whole numbers", type=DatatypeType.number, number_has_range=True, number_range_min=0, ) ) voc_builder.add_predefined_datatype( Datatype( iri="", comment="All negative whole numbers", type=DatatypeType.number, number_has_range=True, number_range_max=-1, ) ) voc_builder.add_predefined_datatype( Datatype( iri="", comment="normalized String", type=DatatypeType.string, ) ) voc_builder.add_predefined_datatype( Datatype( iri="", comment="All positive whole numbers", type=DatatypeType.number, number_has_range=True, number_range_min=0, ) ) voc_builder.add_predefined_datatype( Datatype( iri="", comment="signed 16 bit number", type=DatatypeType.number, number_has_range=True, number_range_min=-32768, number_range_max=32767, ) ) voc_builder.add_predefined_datatype( Datatype( iri="", comment="String", type=DatatypeType.string, ) ) voc_builder.add_predefined_datatype( Datatype( iri="", comment="String", type=DatatypeType.string, ) ) voc_builder.add_predefined_datatype( Datatype( iri="", comment="unsigned 8 bit number", type=DatatypeType.number, number_has_range=True, number_range_min=0, number_range_max=255, ) ) voc_builder.add_predefined_datatype( Datatype( iri="", comment="unsigned 32 bit number", type=DatatypeType.number, number_has_range=True, number_range_min=0, number_range_max=4294967295, ) ) voc_builder.add_predefined_datatype( Datatype( iri="", comment="unsigned 64 bit number", type=DatatypeType.number, number_has_range=True, number_range_min=0, number_range_max=18446744073709551615, ) ) voc_builder.add_predefined_datatype( Datatype( iri="", comment="unsigned 16 bit number", type=DatatypeType.number, number_has_range=True, number_range_min=0, number_range_max=65535, ) ) @classmethod def _add_owl_thing(cls, voc_builder: VocabularyBuilder): """Add owl_thing class to the vocabulary in the predefined source By definition each class is a subclass of owl:thing and owl:thing can be a target of relation but owl thing is never mentioned explicitly in ontology files. Args: voc_builder: Builder object for Vocabulary Returns: None """ root_class = Class( iri="", comment="Predefined root_class", label="Thing", predefined=True, ) # as it is the root object it is only a parent of classes which have no # parents yet for class_ in voc_builder.vocabulary.get_classes(): if class_.parent_class_iris == []: class_.parent_class_iris.insert(0, root_class.iri) if root_class.iri not in voc_builder.vocabulary.classes: voc_builder.add_class(root_class) root_class.source_ids.add("PREDEFINED") @classmethod def _remove_duplicate_parents(cls, voc_builder: VocabularyBuilder): """Prevent that a class_ has the same parent iri multiple times Args: voc_builder: Builder object for Vocabulary Returns: None """ for class_ in voc_builder.vocabulary.classes.values(): class_.parent_class_iris = list(dict.fromkeys(class_.parent_class_iris)) @classmethod def _ensure_parent_class(cls, voc_builder: VocabularyBuilder): """If a class has a parent class, which was provided by an other ontology. And that ontology is not given, it will have no parents. In that case give him Thing as direct parent Args: voc_builder: Builder object for Vocabulary Returns: None """ for class_ in voc_builder.vocabulary.classes.values(): # Thing is the root of all if not class_.iri == "": if len(class_.parent_class_iris) == 0: class_.parent_class_iris.append( "" ) @classmethod def _apply_vocabulary_settings(cls, voc_builder: VocabularyBuilder): """ Make the labels of all entities FIWARE safe, so that they can be used as field keys Args: voc_builder: Builder object for Vocabulary Returns: None """ vocabulary = voc_builder.vocabulary settings = vocabulary.settings def to_pascal_case(string: str) -> str: return ( stringcase.pascalcase(string) .replace("_", "") .replace(" ", "") .replace("-", "") ) def to_camel_case(string: str) -> str: camel_string = stringcase.camelcase(string) return camel_string def to_snake_case(string: str) -> str: camel_string = to_pascal_case(string) return re.sub(r"(?<!^)(?=[A-Z])", "_", camel_string).lower() # replace all whitespaces for entity in vocabulary.get_all_entities(): entity.label = entity.label.replace(" ", "_") # replace al whitespaces in enum_values for datatype in vocabulary.datatypes.values(): new_enums = [] for enum in datatype.enum_values: new_enums.append(enum.replace(" ", "_")) datatype.enum_values = new_enums if settings.pascal_case_class_labels: for class_ in vocabulary.get_classes(): class_.label = to_pascal_case(class_.label) if settings.pascal_case_individual_labels: for individual in vocabulary.individuals.values(): individual.label = to_pascal_case(individual.label) if settings.camel_case_property_labels: props = list(vocabulary.data_properties.values()) props.extend(vocabulary.object_properties.values()) for prop in props: prop.label = to_camel_case(prop.label) if settings.camel_case_datatype_labels: for datatype in vocabulary.datatypes.values(): datatype.label = to_camel_case(datatype.label) if settings.pascal_case_datatype_enum_labels: for datatype in vocabulary.get_enum_dataytypes().values(): datatype.label = to_pascal_case(datatype.label) @classmethod def _save_initial_label_summary(cls, vocabulary: Vocabulary): """ Save the label_summary existing after parsing, before the user changed labels Args: vocabulary: vocabulary of which the label summary should be saved Returns: None """ from filip.semantics.vocabulary_configurator import VocabularyConfigurator vocabulary.original_label_summary = ( VocabularyConfigurator.get_label_conflicts_in_vocabulary( vocabulary=vocabulary ) ) @classmethod def _compute_ancestor_classes(cls, voc_builder: VocabularyBuilder): """Compute all ancestor classes of classes Args: voc_builder: Builder object for Vocabulary Returns: None """ vocabulary = voc_builder.vocabulary # clear state for class_ in vocabulary.get_classes(): class_.ancestor_class_iris = [] for class_ in vocabulary.get_classes(): queue: List[str] = [] queue.extend(class_.parent_class_iris) while len(queue) > 0: parent = queue.pop() if not voc_builder.entity_is_known(parent): continue class_.ancestor_class_iris.append(parent) grand_parents = vocabulary.get_class_by_iri(parent).parent_class_iris for grand_parent in grand_parents: if grand_parent not in class_.ancestor_class_iris: # prevent infinite loop if inheritance circle queue.append(grand_parent) @classmethod def _compute_child_classes(cls, voc_builder: VocabularyBuilder): """Compute all child classes of classes Args: voc_builder: Builder object for Vocabulary Returns: None """ vocabulary = voc_builder.vocabulary # clear state for class_ in vocabulary.get_classes(): class_.child_class_iris = [] for class_ in vocabulary.get_classes(): for parent in class_.ancestor_class_iris: if not voc_builder.entity_is_known(parent): continue parent_class = vocabulary.get_class_by_iri(parent) parent_class.child_class_iris.append(class_.iri) @classmethod def _combine_relations(cls, voc_builder: VocabularyBuilder): """Compute all CombinedRelations Args: voc_builder: Builder object for Vocabulary Returns: None """ vocabulary = voc_builder.vocabulary # clear state vocabulary.combined_object_relations.clear() vocabulary.combined_data_relations.clear() for class_ in vocabulary.get_classes(): class_.combined_object_relation_ids = [] class_.combined_data_relation_ids = [] for class_ in vocabulary.get_classes(): relations_with_property_iri = {} all_relation_ids = [] all_relation_ids.extend(class_.get_relation_ids()) for ancestor_iri in class_.ancestor_class_iris: if not voc_builder.entity_is_known(ancestor_iri): continue ancestor = vocabulary.get_class_by_iri(ancestor_iri) all_relation_ids.extend(ancestor.get_relation_ids()) for relation_id in all_relation_ids: relation = vocabulary.get_relation_by_id(id=relation_id) property_iri = relation.property_iri if property_iri not in relations_with_property_iri: relations_with_property_iri[property_iri] = [] relations_with_property_iri[property_iri].append(relation_id) for property_iri, rel_list in relations_with_property_iri.items(): # These ids should be derived, so that the same combined # relation always ends up with the same id as a class can # only have 1 combined relation of a property these ids are # unique by keeping the ids always the same, we can store # information more efficiently in the database (settings) # if a property iri is not known while parsing an ontology # (dependency not yet parsed) the relations with that # property are going to get ignored, maybe a not should be # displayed if vocabulary.is_id_of_type(property_iri, IdType.data_property): id = "combined-data-relation|{}|{}".format(class_.iri, property_iri) combi = CombinedDataRelation( id=id, property_iri=property_iri, relation_ids=rel_list, class_iri=class_.iri, ) voc_builder.add_combined_data_relation_for_class( class_iri=class_.iri, cdata=combi ) elif vocabulary.is_id_of_type(property_iri, IdType.object_property): id = "combined-object-relation|{}|{}".format( class_.iri, property_iri ) combi = CombinedObjectRelation( id=id, property_iri=property_iri, relation_ids=rel_list, class_iri=class_.iri, ) voc_builder.add_combined_object_relation_for_class( class_iri=class_.iri, crel=combi ) else: pass @classmethod def _sort_relations(cls, voc_builder: VocabularyBuilder): """sort relations alphabetically according to their labels Args: voc_builder: Builder object for Vocabulary Returns: None """ vocabulary = voc_builder.vocabulary for class_ in vocabulary.get_classes(): cors = class_.get_combined_object_relations(vocabulary) class_.combined_object_relation_ids = cls._sort_list_of_combined_relations( cors, vocabulary ) cdrs = class_.get_combined_data_relations(vocabulary) class_.combined_data_relation_ids = cls._sort_list_of_combined_relations( cdrs, vocabulary ) @classmethod def _sort_list_of_combined_relations( cls, combined_relations: List[CombinedRelation], vocabulary: Vocabulary ) -> List[str]: """sort given CombinedRelations according to their labels Args: vocabulary (Vocabulary) combined_relations (List[CombinedRelation]): CRs to sort Returns: List[str], list of cr_id, sorted according to their label """ property_dic = {} for cor in combined_relations: property_iri = cor.property_iri label = cor.get_property_label(vocabulary=vocabulary) property_dic[label + property_iri] = # combine label with iri to prevent an error due to two identical # labels sorted_property_dic = sorted(property_dic.items()) sorted_cor_ids = [] for pair in sorted_property_dic: sorted_cor_ids.append(pair[1]) return sorted_cor_ids @classmethod def _mirror_object_property_inverses(cls, voc_builder: VocabularyBuilder): """ inverses could only be given for 1 obj_prop of the pair and needs to be derived for the other also we could have the inverse inside an other import (there for done in postprocessing) Args: voc_builder: Builder object for Vocabulary Returns: None """ # the state is not cleared, instead add_inverse_property_iri() makes # sure that there will be no duplicates as it is a set vocabulary = voc_builder.vocabulary for obj_prop_iri in vocabulary.object_properties: obj_prop = vocabulary.get_object_property(obj_prop_iri) for inverse_iri in obj_prop.inverse_property_iris: inverse_prop = vocabulary.get_object_property(inverse_iri) inverse_prop.add_inverse_property_iri(obj_prop_iri)
[docs] @classmethod def transfer_settings(cls, new_vocabulary: Vocabulary, old_vocabulary: Vocabulary): """ Transfer all the user made settings (labels, ..) from an old vocabulary to a new vocabulary Args: new_vocabulary (Vocabulary): Vocabulary to which the settings should be transferred old_vocabulary (Vocabulary): Vocabulary of which the settings should be transferred Returns: None """ # label settings for entity in old_vocabulary.get_all_entities(): new_entity = new_vocabulary.get_entity_by_iri(entity.iri) if new_entity is not None: new_entity.user_set_label = entity.user_set_label # device settings for iri, data_property in old_vocabulary.data_properties.items(): if iri in new_vocabulary.data_properties: new_data_property = new_vocabulary.data_properties[iri] new_data_property.field_type = data_property.field_type