Source code for filip.semantics.vocabulary.combined_relations

"""Vocabulary Models for CombinedRelations"""

from aenum import Enum

from filip.semantics.vocabulary import DataFieldType
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from typing import List, TYPE_CHECKING, Set
from . import Relation

    from . import Vocabulary

[docs]class CombinedRelation(BaseModel): """ Combines all relations of a class that share the same Property Represents one Field of a class. SHORT: CR It provides the common ground for the specialisations: CombinedObjectRelation, CombinedDataRelation """ id: str = Field(description="Generated unique ID of the CR") relation_ids: List[str] = Field( default=[], description="List of all relations of the class that are " "bundled; have the same property", ) property_iri: str = Field( description="IRI of the property, under which " "the relations are bundled" ) class_iri: str = Field( description="IRI of the class the relations and " "this CR belongs to" )
[docs] def get_relations(self, vocabulary: "Vocabulary") -> List[Relation]: result = [] for id in self.relation_ids: result.append(vocabulary.get_relation_by_id(id)) return result
[docs] def get_property_label(self, vocabulary: "Vocabulary") -> str: """Get the label of the Property. Overwritten by children Args: vocabulary (Vocabulary): Vocabulary of the project Returns: str """ return ""
[docs] def get_all_targetstatements_as_string(self, vocabulary: "Vocabulary") -> str: """ Get a string stating all conditions(target statement) that need to be fulfilled, so that this CR is fulfilled Args: vocabulary (Vocabulary): Vocabulary of the project Returns: str """ res = "" for relation in self.get_relations(vocabulary=vocabulary): res = res + relation.to_string(vocabulary) + ", " return res[:-2]
[docs] def get_all_target_iris(self, vocabulary: "Vocabulary") -> Set[str]: """Get all iris of referenced targets Args: vocabulary (Vocabulary): Vocabulary of the project Returns: set(str) """ iris = set() for relation_id in self.relation_ids: relation = vocabulary.get_relation_by_id(relation_id) iris.update(relation.get_all_target_iris()) return iris
[docs] def get_all_target_labels(self, vocabulary: "Vocabulary") -> Set[str]: """Get all labels of referenced targets Args: vocabulary (Vocabulary): Vocabulary of the project Returns: set(str) """ return { vocabulary.get_label_for_entity_iri(iri) for iri in self.get_all_target_iris(vocabulary) }
[docs] def export_rule(self, vocabulary: "Vocabulary", stringify_fields: bool) -> str: """Get the rule as string Args: vocabulary (Vocabulary): Vocabulary of the project stringify_fields (bool): If true, all string delimieters will be removed Returns: str """ rules = [ vocabulary.get_relation_by_id(id).export_rule(vocabulary) for id in self.relation_ids ] if stringify_fields: return str(rules).replace('"', "") else: return str(rules).replace("'", "").replace('"', "'")
[docs]class CombinedDataRelation(CombinedRelation): """ Combines all data relations of a class that share the same DataProperty Represents one Data Field of a class """
[docs] def get_property_label(self, vocabulary: "Vocabulary") -> str: """Get the label of the DataProperty Args: vocabulary (Vocabulary): Vocabulary of the project Returns: str """ return vocabulary.get_data_property(self.property_iri).get_label()
[docs] def get_possible_enum_target_values(self, vocabulary: "Vocabulary") -> List[str]: """Get all enum values that are allowed as values for this Data field Args: vocabulary (Vocabulary): Vocabulary of the project Returns: List[str] """ enum_values = set() for relation in self.get_relations(vocabulary): for value in relation.get_possible_enum_target_values(vocabulary): enum_values.add(value) return sorted(list(enum_values))
[docs] def get_field_type(self, vocabulary: "Vocabulary") -> DataFieldType: """Get type of CDR (command, devicedata , simple) Args: vocabulary (Vocabulary): Vocabulary of the project Returns: DataFieldType """ property = vocabulary.get_data_property(self.property_iri) return property.field_type
[docs] def is_device_relation(self, vocabulary: "Vocabulary") -> bool: """Test if the CDR is a device property(command, or readings) Args: vocabulary (Vocabulary): Vocabulary of the project Returns: bool """ return not self.get_field_type(vocabulary) == DataFieldType.simple
[docs]class CombinedObjectRelation(CombinedRelation): """ Combines all object relations of a class that share the same ObjectProperty Represents one Relation Field of a class """
[docs] def get_all_possible_target_class_iris(self, vocabulary) -> List[str]: """Get all iris that are valid values for this cor Args: vocabulary (Vocabulary): Vocabulary of the project Returns: List[str] """ from . import Vocabulary assert isinstance(vocabulary, Vocabulary) relations = self.get_relations(vocabulary) result_set = set() for relation in relations: result_set.update(relation.get_all_possible_target_class_iris(vocabulary)) return list(result_set)
[docs] def get_property_label(self, vocabulary: "Vocabulary") -> str: """Get the label of the ObjectProperty Args: vocabulary (Vocabulary): Vocabulary of the project Returns: str """ return vocabulary.get_object_property(self.property_iri).get_label()
[docs] def get_inverse_of_labels(self, vocabulary: "Vocabulary") -> List[str]: """Get the labels of the inverse_of properties of this COR Args: vocabulary (Vocabulary): Vocabulary of the project Returns: List[str] """ property = vocabulary.get_object_property(self.property_iri) return [ vocabulary.get_entity_by_iri(iri).label for iri in property.inverse_property_iris ]