Source code for filip.semantics.vocabulary.source

"""Vocabulary Models for Ontology Sources"""

import datetime
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Optional

from pydantic import ConfigDict, BaseModel, Field

from ...models.base import LogLevel

    from . import Vocabulary, IdType, LoggingLevel

[docs]class DependencyStatement(BaseModel): """Information about one dependency statement in the source A dependency is a reference of one iri in an other entity definition """ source_iri: str = Field( default="", description="Iri of the source containing the statement" ) source_name: str = Field( default="", description="Name of the source containing the statement" ) type: str = Field( description="Possible types: Parent Class, Relation Property, " "Relation Target" ) class_iri: str = Field(description="Iri of the class containing the statement") dependency_iri: str = Field(description="Entity Iri of the dependency") fulfilled: bool = Field( description="True if the dependency_iri is registered in the " "vocabulary" )
[docs]class ParsingError(BaseModel): """Object represents one issue that arose while parsing a source, and holds all relevant details for that issue""" model_config = ConfigDict(use_enum_values=True) level: LogLevel = Field(description="Severity of error") source_iri: str = Field(description="Iri of the source containing the error") source_name: Optional[str] = Field( default=None, description="Name of the source, only set in get_function" ) entity_type: str = Field( description="Type of the problematic entity: Class, Individual,.." "ID_type in string form" ) entity_iri: str = Field(description="Iri of the problematic entity") entity_label: Optional[str] = Field( default=None, description="Name of the source, only set in get_function" ) message: str = Field(description="Message describing the error")
[docs]class Source(BaseModel): """ A source represent one file that was provided via file upload or link to the project and is parsed into the vocabulary """ id: str = Field(default="", description="unique ID of the source; for internal use") source_name: str = Field(default="", description="Name of the source ") content: str = Field( default="", description="File content of the provided ontology file" ) parsing_log: List["ParsingError"] = Field( default=[], description="Log containing all issues that were discovered while " "parsing", ) dependency_statements: List[DependencyStatement] = Field( default=[], description="List of all statements in source" ) timestamp: datetime.datetime = Field( description="timestamp when the source was added to the project" ) ontology_iri: str = Field( default=None, description="Iri of the ontology of the source" ) predefined: bool = Field( default=False, description="Stating if the source is a predefined source; " "a predefined source is added to each project containing " "owl:Thing and predefined Datatypes", )
[docs] def get_number_of_id_type(self, vocabulary: "Vocabulary", id_type: "IdType") -> int: """Get the number how many entities of a given type are created by or influenced by this source Args: vocabulary (Vocabulary): Vocabulary of this project id_type (IdType): Idtype that should be counted Returns: int """ from . import IdType id_func = "/" iri_list = [] if id_type is IdType.class_: id_func = vocabulary.get_class_by_iri iri_list = vocabulary.classes elif id_type is IdType.object_property: id_func = vocabulary.get_object_property iri_list = vocabulary.object_properties elif id_type is IdType.data_property: id_func = vocabulary.get_data_property iri_list = vocabulary.data_properties elif id_type is IdType.individual: id_func = vocabulary.get_individual iri_list = vocabulary.individuals elif id_type is IdType.datatype: id_func = vocabulary.get_datatype iri_list = vocabulary.datatypes if id_func == "/": return -1 counter = 0 for iri in iri_list: entity = id_func(iri) if in entity.source_ids: counter += 1 return counter
[docs] def get_name(self) -> str: """Get the name of the source Returns: str """ return self.source_name
[docs] def treat_dependency_statements(self, vocabulary: "Vocabulary"): """ Log and purge all pointers/iris in entities that are not contained in the vocabulary Args: vocabulary (Vocabulary): Vocabulary of this project Returns: None """ dependency_statements = [] for class_ in vocabulary.get_classes(): if in class_.source_ids: dependency_statements.extend( class_.treat_dependency_statements(vocabulary) ) for individual_iri in vocabulary.individuals: individual = vocabulary.get_individual(individual_iri) if in individual.source_ids: dependency_statements.extend( individual.treat_dependency_statements(vocabulary) ) for statement in dependency_statements: statement.source_iri = self.ontology_iri statement.source_name = self.source_name self.dependency_statements = dependency_statements
[docs] def add_parsing_log_entry( self, level: "LoggingLevel", entity_type: "IdType", entity_iri: str, msg: str ): """ Add a parsing log entry for an entity, if an issue in parsing was discovered Args: level (LoggingLevel): Logging level of the entry entity_type (IdType): Type of the enitity (Class, Individual,..) entity_iri (str): iri of the entity msg (str): message to display in log Returns: None """ from . import ParsingError self.parsing_log.append( ParsingError( level=level, entity_type=str(entity_type), entity_iri=entity_iri, message=msg, source_iri=self.ontology_iri, ) )
[docs] def get_parsing_log(self, vocabulary: "Vocabulary") -> List["ParsingError"]: """Get the Parsinglog, where the labels of the entities are filled in Args: vocabulary (Vocabulary): Vocabulary of this project Returns: List[Dict[str, Union[LoggingLevel,'IdType',str]]] """ for entry in self.parsing_log: entry.source_name = self.source_name try: label = vocabulary.get_label_for_entity_iri(entry.entity_iri) entry.entity_label = label except Exception: pass return self.parsing_log
[docs] def clear(self): """Clear all logging and dependency data of the source Returns: None """ self.parsing_log = [] self.dependency_statements = []