Source code for filip.semantics.vocabulary_configurator

"""Module providing an interface to manipulate the sources of a vocabulary,
and to ability to export it to models"""

import copy
import io
import keyword
import os
from datetime import datetime
from string import ascii_letters, digits
from typing import List, Optional, Dict, Tuple, Set

import pathlib
import requests
import wget

from filip.semantics.ontology_parser.post_processer import PostProcessor
from filip.semantics.ontology_parser.rdfparser import RdfParser
from filip.semantics.vocabulary import (

# Blacklist containing all labels that are forbidden for entities to have
label_blacklist = list(keyword.kwlist)
label_blacklist.extend(["referencedBy", "deviceSettings"])
label_blacklist.extend(["id", "type", "class"])

# Whitelist containing all chars that an entity label can consist of
label_char_whitelist = ascii_letters + digits + "_"

[docs]class VocabularyConfigurator: """ Class that provides static interfaces to manipulate the sources of a vocabulary, validate and save it. """
[docs] @classmethod def create_vocabulary( cls, settings: VocabularySettings = VocabularySettings() ) -> Vocabulary: """ Create a new blank vocabulary with given settings Args: settings: VocabularySettings Returns: Vocabulary """ return Vocabulary(settings=settings)
[docs] @classmethod def delete_source_from_vocabulary( cls, vocabulary: Vocabulary, source_id: str ) -> Vocabulary: """ Delete a source from the vocabulary Args: vocabulary (Vocabulary): Vocabulary from which the source should be removed source_id (str): Id of source to remove Raises: ValueError: If no source with given Id exists in Vocabulary Returns: New Vocabulary without the given source """ new_vocabulary = Vocabulary(settings=copy.copy(vocabulary.settings)) parser = RdfParser() found = False for source in vocabulary.sources.values(): if not source_id == parser.parse_source_into_vocabulary( source=copy.deepcopy(source), vocabulary=new_vocabulary ) else: found = True PostProcessor.post_process_vocabulary( vocabulary=new_vocabulary, old_vocabulary=vocabulary ) if not found: raise ValueError(f"Source with source_id {source_id} not in vocabulary") PostProcessor.transfer_settings( new_vocabulary=new_vocabulary, old_vocabulary=vocabulary ) return new_vocabulary
[docs] @classmethod def add_ontology_to_vocabulary_as_file( cls, vocabulary: Vocabulary, path_to_file: str, source_name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Vocabulary: """ Add a source to the vocabulary with via a file path. Source name will be extracted from path, if no name is given Args: vocabulary (Vocabulary): Vocabulary to which the source should be added path_to_file (str): Path to the source file source_name (Optional[str]): Name for the source Raises: ParsingException: If the given source was not valid and could not be parsed Returns: New Vocabulary with the given source added to it """ with open(path_to_file, "r") as file: data = if source_name is None: source_name = os.path.basename(path_to_file).split(".")[0] source = Source(source_name=source_name, content=data, return VocabularyConfigurator._parse_sources_into_vocabulary( vocabulary=vocabulary, sources=[source] )
[docs] @classmethod def add_ontology_to_vocabulary_as_string( cls, vocabulary: Vocabulary, source_name: str, source_content: str ) -> Vocabulary: """ Add a source to the vocabulary by giving the source content as string. Source name needs to be given Args: vocabulary (Vocabulary): Vocabulary to which the source should be added source_content (str): Content of source source_name (str): Name for the source Raises: ParsingException: If the given source was not valid and could not be parsed Returns: New Vocabulary with the given source added to it """ source = Source( source_name=source_name, content=source_content, ) return VocabularyConfigurator._parse_sources_into_vocabulary( vocabulary=vocabulary, sources=[source] )
@classmethod def _parse_sources_into_vocabulary( cls, vocabulary: Vocabulary, sources: List[Source] ) -> Vocabulary: """ Parse the given source objects into the vocabulary Args: vocabulary (Vocabulary): Vocabulary to which the source should be added sources (List[Source]): Source objects to be added Raises: ParsingException: If the given source was not valid and could not be parsed Returns: New Vocabulary with the given sources added to it """ # create a new vocabulary by reparsing the existing sources new_vocabulary = Vocabulary(settings=copy.copy(vocabulary.settings)) parser = RdfParser() for source in vocabulary.sources.values(): source_copy = copy.deepcopy(source) source_copy.clear() parser.parse_source_into_vocabulary( source=source_copy, vocabulary=new_vocabulary ) # try to parse in the new sources and post_process try: for source in sources: parser.parse_source_into_vocabulary( source=source, vocabulary=new_vocabulary ) PostProcessor.post_process_vocabulary( vocabulary=new_vocabulary, old_vocabulary=vocabulary ) except Exception as e: raise ParsingException(e.args) return new_vocabulary
[docs] @classmethod def is_label_blacklisted(cls, label: str) -> bool: """Checks if the given label is forbidden for an entity to possess Args: label (str): label to check Returns: bool """ return label in label_blacklist
[docs] @classmethod def is_label_illegal(cls, label: str) -> bool: """Checks if the given label contains a forbidden char Args: label (str): label to check Returns: bool, True if label forbidden """ for c in label: if c not in label_char_whitelist: return True return False
[docs] @classmethod def get_label_conflicts_in_vocabulary(cls, vocabulary: Vocabulary) -> LabelSummary: """ Compute a summary for all labels present in the vocabulary. The summary contains all naming clashes and illegal labels. Args: vocabulary (Vocabulary): Vocabulary to analyse Returns: LabelSummary """ def get_conflicts_in_group(entities_to_check: List[Dict]): # maps label to list of entities with that label used_labels: Dict[str, List[Entity]] = {} duplicate_labels = set() # process entities to find conflicts for entity_list in entities_to_check: for entity in entity_list.values(): label = entity.get_label() if label in used_labels: duplicate_labels.add(label) used_labels[label].append(entity) else: used_labels[label] = [entity] # sort duplicate_labels to have alphabetical order in list dup_list = list(duplicate_labels) dup_list = sorted(dup_list, key=str.casefold) result: Dict[str, List[Entity]] = {} # store and log findings for label in dup_list: result[label] = used_labels[label] return result def get_blacklisted_labels(entities_to_check: List[Dict]): result: List[Tuple[str, Entity]] = [] for entity_list in entities_to_check: for entity in entity_list.values(): label = entity.get_label() if cls.is_label_blacklisted(label): result.append((label, entity)) return result def get_illegal_labels(entities_to_check: List[Dict]): result: List[Tuple[str, Entity]] = [] for entity_list in entities_to_check: for entity in entity_list.values(): label = entity.get_label() if cls.is_label_illegal(label): result.append((label, entity)) return result summary = LabelSummary( class_label_duplicates=get_conflicts_in_group( [ vocabulary.classes, vocabulary.individuals, vocabulary.get_enum_dataytypes(), ] ), field_label_duplicates=get_conflicts_in_group( [vocabulary.data_properties, vocabulary.object_properties] ), datatype_label_duplicates=get_conflicts_in_group([vocabulary.datatypes]), blacklisted_labels=get_blacklisted_labels( [ vocabulary.classes, vocabulary.individuals, vocabulary.data_properties, vocabulary.object_properties, ] ), labels_with_illegal_chars=get_illegal_labels( [ vocabulary.classes, vocabulary.individuals, vocabulary.data_properties, vocabulary.object_properties, vocabulary.datatypes, ] ), ) return summary
[docs] @classmethod def is_vocabulary_valid(cls, vocabulary: Vocabulary) -> bool: """ Test if the given vocabulary is valid -> all labels are unique and correct Args: vocabulary (Vocabulary): Vocabulary to analyse Returns: bool """ return VocabularyConfigurator.get_label_conflicts_in_vocabulary( vocabulary ).is_valid()
[docs] @classmethod def get_missing_dependency_statements( cls, vocabulary: Vocabulary ) -> List[DependencyStatement]: """ Get a list of all Dependencies that are currently missing in the vocabulary in form of DependencyStatements Args: vocabulary (Vocabulary): Vocabulary to analyse Returns: List[DependencyStatement] """ missing_dependencies: List[DependencyStatement] = [] for source in vocabulary.get_source_list(): for statement in source.dependency_statements: if not statement.fulfilled: missing_dependencies.append(statement) return missing_dependencies
[docs] @classmethod def get_missing_dependencies(cls, vocabulary: Vocabulary) -> List[str]: """ Get a list of all Dependencies that are currently missing in the vocabulary in form of iris Args: vocabulary (Vocabulary): Vocabulary to analyse Returns: List[str]: List of missing iris """ missing_dependencies: Set[str] = set() for source in vocabulary.get_source_list(): for statement in source.dependency_statements: if not statement.fulfilled: missing_dependencies.add(statement.dependency_iri) return list(missing_dependencies)
[docs] @classmethod def get_parsing_logs(cls, vocabulary: Vocabulary) -> List[ParsingError]: """ Get the parsing logs of a vocabulary Args: vocabulary (Vocabulary): Vocabulary to analyse Returns: List[ParsingError] """ res = [] for source in vocabulary.sources.values(): res.extend(source.get_parsing_log(vocabulary)) return res
[docs] @classmethod def generate_vocabulary_models( cls, vocabulary: Vocabulary, path: Optional[str] = None, filename: Optional[str] = None, alternative_manager_name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Optional[str]: """ Export the given vocabulary as python model file. All vocabulary classes will be converted to python classes, with their CRs as property fields. If path and filename are given, the generated file will be saved, else the file content is returned as string. Args: vocabulary (Vocabulary): Vocabulary to export path (Optional[str]): Path where the file should be saved filename (Optional[str]): Name of the file alternative_manager_name (Optional[str]): alternative name for the semantic_manager. The manager of the model can than also be referenced over the object with this name Raises: Exception: if file can not be saved as specified with path and filename Exception: if vocabulary has label conflicts and is thus not valid Returns: Optional[str], generated content if path or filename not given """ if not cls.is_vocabulary_valid(vocabulary): raise Exception( "Vocabulary was not valid. Label conflicts " "prevented the generation of models. Check for conflicts with: " "VocabularyConfigurator." "get_label_conflicts_in_vocabulary(vocabulary)" ) def split_string_into_lines(string: str, limit: int) -> [str]: """Helper methode, takes a long string and splits it into multiple parts that each represent one line Args: string: value to split limit: line limit Returns: [str], string separated into lines """ last_space_index = 0 last_split_index = 0 current_index = 0 result = [] for char in string: if char == " ": last_space_index = current_index if current_index - last_split_index > limit: result.append(string[last_split_index:last_space_index]) last_split_index = last_space_index + 1 current_index += 1 # add the remaining part, if the last character of the string was # not a space at the perfect position if not last_split_index == len(string): result.append(string[last_split_index:current_index]) return result content: str = ( '"""\nAutogenerated Models for the vocabulary ' "described " "by the ontologies:\n" ) for source in vocabulary.sources.values(): if not source.predefined: content += f"\t{source.ontology_iri} ({source.source_name})\n" content += '"""\n\n' # imports content += "from enum import Enum\n" content += "from typing import Dict, Union, List\n" content += ( "from filip.semantics.semantics_models import\\" "\n\tSemanticClass,\\" "\n\tSemanticIndividual,\\" "\n\tRelationField,\\" "\n\tDataField,\\" "\n\tSemanticDeviceClass,\\" "\n\tDeviceAttributeField,\\" "\n\tCommandField" ) content += "\n" content += ( "from filip.semantics.semantics_manager import\\" "\n\tSemanticsManager,\\" "\n\tInstanceRegistry" ) content += "\n\n\n" content += f"semantic_manager: SemanticsManager = SemanticsManager(" content += "\n\t" content += "instance_registry=InstanceRegistry()," content += "\n" content += ")" content += "\n\n" if alternative_manager_name is not None: content += f"{alternative_manager_name}: SemanticsManager" content += f"= semantic_manager" content += "\n\n" content += "# ---------CLASSES--------- #" # the classes need to be added in order, so that the parents are # defined, the moment the children are added classes: List[Class] = vocabulary.get_classes_sorted_by_label() class_order: List[Class] = [] children: Dict[str, Set] = {} added_class_iris = set() # set up data for computation of order iri_queue = [""] for class_ in classes: if class_.iri not in children: children[class_.iri] = set() if class_.label == "Currency": print(class_.get_parent_classes(vocabulary)) for parent in class_.get_parent_classes(vocabulary): if parent.iri not in children: children[parent.iri] = set() children[parent.iri].add(class_.iri) # compute class order, in the queue are always the classes, that have # all parents already defined (starting with Thing). # It is added from the queue and all children who are now fully # defined are added to the queue while len(iri_queue) > 0: # remove from queue parent_iri = iri_queue[0] del iri_queue[0] # add to class_order parent = vocabulary.classes[parent_iri] class_order.append(parent) added_class_iris.add(parent_iri) # check children child_iris = children[parent_iri] for child_iri in child_iris: child = vocabulary.classes[child_iri] # all parents added, add child to queue if len( [p for p in child.parent_class_iris if p in added_class_iris] ) == len(child.parent_class_iris): if not child_iri in added_class_iris: iri_queue.append(child_iri) for class_ in class_order: content += "\n\n\n" # Parent Classes parent_class_string = "" parents = class_.get_parent_classes(vocabulary, remove_redundancy=True) # Device Class, only add if this is a device class and it was not # added for a parent if class_.is_iot_class(vocabulary): if True not in [p.is_iot_class(vocabulary) for p in parents]: parent_class_string = " ,SemanticDeviceClass" for parent in parents: parent_class_string += f", {parent.get_label()}" parent_class_string = parent_class_string[ 2: ] # remove first comma and space if parent_class_string == "": parent_class_string = "SemanticClass" content += f"class {class_.get_label()}({parent_class_string}):" # add class docstring content += f'\n\t"""' for line in split_string_into_lines(class_.comment, 75): content += f"\n\t{line}" if class_.comment == "": content += "\n\tGenerated SemanticClass without description" content += f"\n\n\t" content += f"Source(s): \n\t\t" for source_id in class_.source_ids: content += ( f"{vocabulary.sources[source_id].ontology_iri} " f"({vocabulary.sources[source_id].source_name})" ) content += f'\n\t"""' # ------Constructors------ if class_.get_label() == "Thing": content += "\n\n\t" content += "def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):" content += "\n\t\t" content += f"kwargs['semantic_manager'] = semantic_manager" content += "\n\t\t" content += "return super().__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)" content += "\n\n\t" content += "def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):" content += "\n\t\t" content += f"kwargs['semantic_manager'] = semantic_manager" content += "\n\t\t" content += "is_initialised = 'id' in self.__dict__" content += "\n\t\t" content += "super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)" else: content += "\n\n\t" content += "def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):" content += "\n\t\t" content += "is_initialised = 'id' in self.__dict__" content += "\n\t\t" content += "super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)" # ------Init Fields------ content += "\n\t\t" content += "if not is_initialised:" # Only initialise values once for cdr in class_.get_combined_data_relations(vocabulary): if not cdr.is_device_relation(vocabulary): content += "\n\t\t\t" content += ( f"self." f"{cdr.get_property_label(vocabulary)}._rules = " f"{cdr.export_rule(vocabulary, stringify_fields=True)}" ) if len(class_.get_combined_object_relations(vocabulary)) > 0: content += "\n" for cor in class_.get_combined_object_relations(vocabulary): content += "\n\t\t\t" content += ( f"self." f"{cor.get_property_label(vocabulary)}._rules = " f"{cor.export_rule(vocabulary, stringify_fields=False)}" ) if len(class_.get_combined_relations(vocabulary)) > 0: content += "\n" for cr in class_.get_combined_relations(vocabulary): content += "\n\t\t\t" content += ( f"self.{cr.get_property_label(vocabulary)}" f"._instance_identifier = " f"self.get_identifier()" ) # ------Add preset Values------ for cdr in class_.get_combined_data_relations(vocabulary): # Add fixed values to fields, for CDRs these values need to be # strings. Only add the statement on the uppermost occurring # class if not cdr.is_device_relation(vocabulary): for rel in cdr.get_relations(vocabulary): if in class_.relation_ids: # only reinitialise the fields if this child class # changed them if rel.restriction_type == RestrictionType.value: content += "\n\t\t\t" content += ( f"self." f"{cdr.get_property_label(vocabulary)}" f".add(" f"'{rel.target_statement.target_data_value}')" ) if len(class_.get_combined_object_relations(vocabulary)) > 0: content += "\n" for cor in class_.get_combined_object_relations(vocabulary): # Add fixed values to fields, for CORs these values need to be # Individuals. # Only add the statement on the uppermost occurring class for rel in cor.get_relations(vocabulary): if in class_.relation_ids: i = vocabulary.get_label_for_entity_iri(rel.get_targets()[0][0]) if rel.restriction_type == RestrictionType.value: content += "\n\t\t\t" content += ( f"self." f"{cor.get_property_label(vocabulary)}" f".add({i}())" ) # if no content was added af the not initialised if, removed it # again, and its preceding \n if content[-22:] == "if not is_initialised:": content = content[:-25] # make space the same for each case above if "\n" in content[-2:]: content = content[:-1] def build_field_comment(cr: CombinedRelation) -> str: comment = vocabulary.get_entity_by_iri(cr.property_iri).comment res = "" if comment != "": res += f'\n\t"""' for line in split_string_into_lines(comment, 75): res += f"\n\t{line}" res += f'\n\t"""' return res # ------Add Data Fields------ if len(class_.get_combined_data_relations(vocabulary)) > 0: content += "\n\n\t" content += "# Data fields" for cdr in class_.get_combined_data_relations(vocabulary): cdr_type = cdr.get_field_type(vocabulary) if cdr_type == DataFieldType.simple: content += "\n\n\t" label = cdr.get_property_label(vocabulary) content += f"{label}: DataField = DataField(" content += "\n\t\t" content += f"name='{label}'," content += "\n\t\t" content += ( f"rule='" f"{cdr.get_all_targetstatements_as_string(vocabulary)}'," ) content += "\n\t\t" content += f"semantic_manager=semantic_manager)" content += build_field_comment(cdr) elif cdr_type == DataFieldType.command: content += "\n\n\t" label = cdr.get_property_label(vocabulary) content += f"{label}: CommandField = CommandField(" content += "\n\t\t" content += f"name='{label}'," content += "\n\t\t" content += f"semantic_manager=semantic_manager)" content += build_field_comment(cdr) elif cdr_type == DataFieldType.device_attribute: content += "\n\n\t" label = cdr.get_property_label(vocabulary) content += ( f"{label}: DeviceAttributeField " f"= DeviceAttributeField(" ) content += "\n\t\t" content += f"name='{label}'," content += "\n\t\t" content += f"semantic_manager=semantic_manager)" content += build_field_comment(cdr) # ------Add Relation Fields------ if len(class_.get_combined_object_relations(vocabulary)) > 0: content += "\n\n\t" content += "# Relation fields" for cor in class_.get_combined_object_relations(vocabulary): content += "\n\n\t" label = cor.get_property_label(vocabulary) content += f"{label}: RelationField = RelationField(" content += "\n\t\t" content += f"name='{label}'," content += "\n\t\t" content += ( f"rule='" f"{cor.get_all_targetstatements_as_string(vocabulary)}'," ) content += "\n\t\t" if not len(cor.get_inverse_of_labels(vocabulary)) == 0: content += "inverse_of=" content += str(cor.get_inverse_of_labels(vocabulary)) content += ",\n\t\t" content += f"semantic_manager=semantic_manager)" content += build_field_comment(cor) content += "\n\n\n" content += "# ---------Individuals--------- #" for individual in vocabulary.individuals.values(): content += "\n\n\n" parent_class_string = "" for parent in individual.get_parent_classes(vocabulary): parent_class_string += f", {parent.get_label()}" parent_class_string = parent_class_string[2:] content += f"class {individual.get_label()}(SemanticIndividual):" content += "\n\t" content += f"_parent_classes: List[type] = [{parent_class_string}]" content += "\n\n\n" content += "# ---------Datatypes--------- #" content += "\n" # Datatypes catalogue content += f"semantic_manager.datatype_catalogue = " content += "{" for name, datatype in vocabulary.datatypes.items(): definition = datatype.export() content += "\n\t" # content += f"'{datatype.get_label()}': \t {definition}," content += f"'{datatype.get_label()}': " content += "{\n" for key, value in definition.items(): string_value = f"'{value}'" if type(value) == str else value content += f"\t\t'{key}': {string_value},\n" content += "\t}," content += "\n" content += "}" # Build datatypes with enums as Enums content += "\n\n\n" for datatype in vocabulary.get_enum_dataytypes().values(): content += f"class {datatype.get_label()}(str, Enum):" for value in datatype.enum_values: content += f"\n\tvalue_{value} = '{value}'" content += "\n\n\n" content += "# ---------Class Dict--------- #" # build class dict content += "\n\n" content += f"semantic_manager.class_catalogue = " content += "{" for class_ in vocabulary.get_classes_sorted_by_label(): content += "\n\t" content += f"'{class_.get_label()}': {class_.get_label()}," content += "\n\t}" content += "\n" # build individual dict content += "\n\n" content += f"semantic_manager.individual_catalogue = " content += "{" for individual in vocabulary.individuals.values(): content += "\n\t" content += f"'{individual.get_label()}': {individual.get_label()}," content += "\n\t}" content += "\n" if path is None or filename is None: return content else: path = pathlib.Path(path).joinpath(filename).with_suffix(".py") with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as text_file: text_file.write(content)
[docs]class ParsingException(Exception): """Error Class that is raised if parsing of an ontology was unsuccessful""" # Constructor or Initializer def __init__(self, value): self.value = value # __str__ is to print() the value def __str__(self): return repr(self.value)