Helper functions to prohibit boiler plate code
import logging
import re
import warnings
from aenum import Enum
from typing import Dict, Any, List
from pydantic import AnyHttpUrl, validate_call
from pydantic_core import PydanticCustomError
from filip.custom_types import AnyMqttUrl
from pyjexl.jexl import JEXL
from pyjexl.parser import Transform
from pyjexl.exceptions import ParseError
logger = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)
[docs]class FiwareRegex(str, Enum):
Collection of Regex expression used to check if the value of a Pydantic
field, can be used in the related Fiware field.
_init_ = 'value __doc__'
standard = r"(^((?![?&#/\"' ])[\x00-\x7F])*$)", \
"Prevents any string that contains at least one of the " \
"symbols: ? & # / ' \" or a whitespace"
string_protect = r"(?!^id$)(?!^type$)(?!^geo:location$)" \
r"(^((?![?&#/\"' ])[\x00-\x7F])*$)",\
"Prevents any string that contains at least one of " \
"the symbols: ? & # / ' \" or a whitespace." \
"AND the strings: id, type, geo:location"
def validate_http_url(url: AnyHttpUrl) -> str:
Function checks whether the host has "http" added in case of http as
url (AnyHttpUrl): the url for the host / port
validated url
return str(url) if url else url
def validate_mqtt_url(url: AnyMqttUrl) -> str:
Function that checks whether a url is valid mqtt endpoint
url: the url for the target endpoint
validated url
return str(url) if url else url
[docs]def validate_escape_character_free(value: Any) -> Any:
Function that checks whether a value contains a string part that starts
or end with ' or ".
the function iterates to break down each complex data-structure to its
fundamental string parts.
Each value of a list is examined
Of dictionaries each value is examined, keys are skipped, as they are ok
for Fiware
value: the string to check
validated string
if not isinstance(value, List):
values = [value]
values = value
for value in values:
if isinstance(value, Dict):
for key, dict_value in value.items():
# it seems Fiware has no problem if the keys contain ' or "
# validate_escape_character_free(key)
elif isinstance(value, List):
for inner_list in value:
# if a value here is not a string, it will also not contain ' or "
value = str(value)
if '"' == value[-1:] or '"' == value[0:1]:
raise ValueError(f"The value {value} contains "
f"the forbidden char \"")
if "'" == value[-1:] or "'" == value[0:1]:
raise ValueError(f"The value {value} contains "
f"the forbidden char '")
return values
[docs]def match_regex(value: str, pattern: str):
regex = re.compile(pattern)
if not regex.match(value):
raise PydanticCustomError(
"String should match pattern '{pattern}'",
{'pattern': pattern},
return value
[docs]def validate_fiware_standard_regex(vale: str):
return match_regex(vale, FiwareRegex.standard.value)
[docs]def validate_fiware_string_protect_regex(vale: str):
return match_regex(vale, FiwareRegex.string_protect.value)
def validate_mqtt_topic(topic: str):
return match_regex(topic, r'^((?![\'\"#+,])[\x00-\x7F])*$')
def validate_fiware_datatype_standard(_type):
from filip.models.base import DataType
if isinstance(_type, DataType):
return _type
elif isinstance(_type, str):
return validate_fiware_standard_regex(_type)
raise TypeError(f"Invalid type {type(_type)}")
def validate_fiware_datatype_string_protect(_type):
from filip.models.base import DataType
if isinstance(_type, DataType):
return _type
elif isinstance(_type, str):
return validate_fiware_string_protect_regex(_type)
raise TypeError(f"Invalid type {type(_type)}")
def validate_fiware_service_path(service_path):
return match_regex(service_path,
def validate_fiware_service(service):
return match_regex(service,
jexl_transformation_functions = {
"jsonparse": "(str) => JSON.parse(str)",
"jsonstringify": "(obj) => JSON.stringify(obj)",
"indexOf": "(val, char) => String(val).indexOf(char)",
"length": "(val) => String(val).length",
"trim": "(val) => String(val).trim()",
"substr": "(val, int1, int2) => String(val).substr(int1, int2)",
"addreduce": "(arr) => arr.reduce((i, v) => i + v)",
"lengtharray": "(arr) => len(arr)",
"typeof": "(val) => typeof val",
"isarray": "(arr) => Array.isArray(arr)",
"isnan": "(val) => isNaN(val)",
"parseint": "(val) => parseInt(val)",
"parsefloat": "(val) => parseFloat(val)",
"toisodate": "(val) => new Date(val).toISOString()",
"timeoffset": "(isostr) => new Date(isostr).getTimezoneOffset()",
"tostring": "(val) => str(val)",
"urlencode": "(val) => encodeURI(val)",
"urldecode": "(val) => decodeURI(val)",
"replacestr": "(str, from, to) => str.replace(from, to)",
"replaceregexp": "(str, reg, to) => str.replace(reg, to)",
"replaceallstr": "(str, from, to) => str.replace(from, to)",
"replaceallregexp": "(str, reg, to) => str.replace(reg, to)",
"split": "(str, ch) => str.split(ch)",
"mapper": "(val, values, choices) => choices[values.index(val)]",
"thmapper": "(val, values, choices) => choices[next((i for i, v in enumerate(values) if val <= v), None)]",
"bitwisemask": "(i, mask, op, shf) => ((int(i) & mask) if op == '&' else ((int(i) | mask) if op == '|' else ((int(i) ^ mask) if op == '^' else int(i))) >> shf)",
"slice": "(arr, init, end) => arr[init:end]",
"addset": "(arr, x) => list(set(arr).add(x))",
"removeset": "(arr, x) => list(set(arr).remove(x))",
"touppercase": "(val) => str(val).upper()",
"tolowercase": "(val) => str(val).lower()"
[docs]def validate_jexl_expression(expression, attribute_name, device_id):
jexl_expression = JEXL().parse(expression)
if isinstance(jexl_expression, Transform):
if jexl_expression.name not in jexl_transformation_functions.keys():
warnings.warn(f"{jexl_expression.name} might not supported")
except ParseError:
msg = f"Invalid JEXL expression '{expression}' inside the attribute '{attribute_name}' of Device '{device_id}'."
if '|' in expression:
msg += " If the expression contains the transform operator '|' you need to remove the spaces around it."
raise ParseError(msg)
return expression
[docs]def validate_expression_language(cls, expressionLanguage):
if expressionLanguage == "legacy":
warnings.warn(f"Using 'LEGACY' expression language inside {cls.__name__} is "
f"deprecated. Use 'JEXL' instead.")
elif expressionLanguage is None:
expressionLanguage = "jexl"
return expressionLanguage