Source code for teaser.examples.e6_generate_building

# # Example 7: Generate single building
# This module contains an example that shows to create a building not using
# the archetype approach but adding all information separately. In this example
# we import all needed modules and classes where we need it in the code. For you
# application we suggest to use PEP008 and import them at the beginning of the
# script.
# You can run this example using the [jupyter-notebook](

[docs] def example_create_building(): """This function demonstrates generating a building adding all information separately""" # First step: Import the TEASER API (called Project) into your Python module from teaser.project import Project from import ConstructionData from import DataClass # To use the API, instantiate the Project class and rename the project. prj = Project() = "BuildingExample" = DataClass(construction_data=ConstructionData.iwu_heavy) # Instantiate a Building class and set the Project API as a parent to # this building. This will automatically add this building and all its # future changes to the project. This is helpful as we can use the data # base and API functions (like explained in e2 - e5). We also set some # building parameters. Be careful: Dymola does not like whitespaces in # names and filenames, thus we will delete them anyway in TEASER. from teaser.logic.buildingobjects.building import Building bldg = Building(parent=prj) = "SuperExampleBuilding" bldg.street_name = "AwesomeAvenue42" = "46325FantasticTown" bldg.year_of_construction = 2015 bldg.number_of_floors = 1 bldg.height_of_floors = 3.5 # Instantiate a ThermalZone class and set the Building as a parent of it. # Set some parameters of the thermal zone. Be careful: Dymola does not # like whitespaces in names and filenames, thus we will delete them # anyway in TEASER. from teaser.logic.buildingobjects.thermalzone import ThermalZone tz = ThermalZone(parent=bldg) = "LivingRoom" tz.area = 140.0 tz.volume = tz.area * bldg.number_of_floors * bldg.height_of_floors # Instantiate BoundaryConditions and load conditions for `Living`. from teaser.logic.buildingobjects.useconditions \ import UseConditions tz.use_conditions = UseConditions(parent=tz) tz.use_conditions.load_use_conditions("Living", # Define two building elements reflecting a pitched roof (south = 180° and # north = 0°). Setting the the ThermalZone as a parent will automatically # assign this element to the thermal zone. We also set names, tilt and # coefficients for heat transfer on the inner and outer side of the # roofs. If the building has a flat roof, please use -1 as # orientation. Please read the docs to get more information on these # parameters. from teaser.logic.buildingobjects.buildingphysics.rooftop import Rooftop roof_south = Rooftop(parent=tz) = "Roof_South" roof_south.area = 75.0 roof_south.orientation = 180.0 roof_south.tilt = 55.0 roof_south.inner_convection = 1.7 roof_south.outer_convection = 20.0 roof_south.inner_radiation = 5.0 roof_south.outer_radiation = 5.0 roof_north = Rooftop(parent=tz) = "Roof_North" roof_north.area = 75.0 roof_north.orientation = 0.0 roof_north.tilt = 55.0 roof_north.inner_convection = 1.7 roof_north.outer_convection = 20.0 roof_north.inner_radiation = 5.0 roof_north.outer_radiation = 5.0 # To define the wall constructions we need to instantiate Layer and # Material objects and set attributes. id indicates the order of wall # construction from inside to outside (so 0 is on the inner surface). You # need to set this value! from teaser.logic.buildingobjects.buildingphysics.layer import Layer # First layer south layer_s1 = Layer(parent=roof_south, id=0) layer_s1.thickness = 0.3 from teaser.logic.buildingobjects.buildingphysics.material import Material material_s1 = Material(layer_s1) = "Insulation" material_s1.density = 120.0 material_s1.heat_capac = 0.04 material_s1.thermal_conduc = 1.0 # Second layer south layer_s2 = Layer(parent=roof_south, id=1) layer_s2.thickness = 0.15 material_s2 = Material(layer_s2) = "Tile" material_s2.density = 1400.0 material_s2.heat_capac = 0.6 material_s2.thermal_conduc = 2.5 # First layer north layer_n1 = Layer(parent=roof_north, id=0) layer_n1.thickness = 0.3 from teaser.logic.buildingobjects.buildingphysics.material import Material material_n1 = Material(layer_n1) = "Insulation" material_n1.density = 120.0 material_n1.heat_capac = 0.04 material_n1.thermal_conduc = 1.0 # Second layer north layer_n2 = Layer(parent=roof_north, id=1) layer_n2.thickness = 0.15 material_n2 = Material(layer_n2) = "Tile" material_n2.density = 1400.0 material_n2.heat_capac = 0.6 material_n2.thermal_conduc = 2.5 # Another option is to use the database for typical wall constructions, # but set area, tilt, orientation individually. To simplify code, # we save individual information for exterior walls, interior walls into # dictionaries. # outer walls # {'name_of_wall': [area, tilt, orientation]} # interior walls # {'name_of_wall': [area, tilt, orientation]} from teaser.logic.buildingobjects.buildingphysics.outerwall import OuterWall out_wall_dict = {"OuterWall_north": [10.0, 90.0, 0.0], "OuterWall_east": [14.0, 90.0, 90.0], "OuterWall_south": [10.0, 90.0, 180.0], "OuterWall_west": [14.0, 90.0, 270.0]} # For ground floors the orientation is always -2 ground_floor_dict = {"GroundFloor": [100.0, 0.0, -2]} from teaser.logic.buildingobjects.buildingphysics.innerwall import InnerWall in_wall_dict = {"InnerWall1": [10.0], "InnerWall2": [14.0], "InnerWall3": [10.0]} for key, value in out_wall_dict.items(): # Instantiate class, key is the name out_wall = OuterWall(parent=tz) = key # Use load_type_element() function of the building element, and pass # over the year of construction of the building and the type of # construction (in this case `heavy`). out_wall.load_type_element( year=bldg.year_of_construction, construction='iwu_heavy') # area, tilt and orientation need to be set individually. out_wall.area = value[0] out_wall.tilt = value[1] out_wall.orientation = value[2] # Repeat the procedure for inner walls and ground floors for key, value in in_wall_dict.items(): in_wall = InnerWall(parent=tz) = key in_wall.load_type_element( year=bldg.year_of_construction, construction='iwu_heavy') in_wall.area = value[0] from teaser.logic.buildingobjects.buildingphysics.groundfloor import \ GroundFloor for key, value in ground_floor_dict.items(): ground = GroundFloor(parent=tz) = key ground.load_type_element( year=bldg.year_of_construction, construction='iwu_heavy') ground.area = value[0] ground.tilt = value[1] ground.orientation = value[2] from teaser.logic.buildingobjects.buildingphysics.window import Window win_dict = {"Window_east": [5.0, 90.0, 90.0], "Window_south": [8.0, 90.0, 180.0], "Window_west": [5.0, 90.0, 270.0]} for key, value in win_dict.items(): win = Window(parent=tz) = key win.area = value[0] win.tilt = value[1] win.orientation = value[2] # Additional to the already known attributes the window has # additional attributes. Window.g_value describes the solar gain # through windows, a_conv the convective heat transmission due to # absorption of the window on the inner side. shading_g_total and # shading_max_irr refers to the shading (solar gain reduction of the # shading and shading_max_irr the threshold of irradiance to # automatically apply shading). win.inner_convection = 1.7 win.inner_radiation = 5.0 win.outer_convection = 20.0 win.outer_radiation = 5.0 win.g_value = 0.789 win.a_conv = 0.03 win.shading_g_total = 0.0 win.shading_max_irr = 180.0 # One equivalent layer for windows win_layer = Layer(parent=win) = 1 win_layer.thickness = 0.024 # Material for glass win_material = Material(win_layer) = "GlasWindow" win_material.thermal_conduc = 0.067 win_material.transmittance = 0.9 return prj
if __name__ == '__main__': example_create_building() print("Example 6: That's it :)")