- Interior Walls
- area_iwfloat [m2]
Area of all interior walls.
- alpha_conv_inner_iwfloat [W/(m2K)]
Area-weighted convective coefficient of heat transfer of interior
walls facing the inside of this thermal zone.
- alpha_rad_inner_iwfloat [W/(m2K)]
Area-weighted radiative coefficient of heat transfer of interior
walls facing the inside of this thermal zone.
- alpha_comb_inner_iwfloat [W/(m2K)]
Area-weighted combined coefficient of heat transfer of interior walls
facing the inside of this thermal zone.
- alpha_conv_outer_iwfloat [W/(m2K)]
Area-weighted convective coefficient of heat transfer of interior
walls facing the adjacent thermal zone. (Currently not supported)
- alpha_rad_outer_iwfloat [W/(m2K)]
Area-weighted radiative coefficient of heat transfer of interior
walls facing the adjacent thermal zone. (Currently not supported)
- alpha_comb_outer_iwfloat [W/(m2K)]
Area-weighted combined coefficient of heat transfer of interior walls
facing the adjacent thermal zone. (Currently not supported)
- ua_value_iwfloat [W/K]
U-Value times interior wall area. (Does not take adjacent thermal
zones into account)
- r_conv_inner_iwfloat [K/W]
Sum of convective resistances for all interior walls
facing the inside of this thermal zone.
- r_rad_inner_iwfloat [K/W]
Sum of radiative resistances for all interior walls facing the
inside of this thermal zone
- r_comb_inner_iwfloat [K/W]
Sum of combined resistances for all interior walls facing the
inside of this thermal zone
- r1_iwfloat [K/W]
Lumped resistance of interior walls no heat transfer coefficients for
convection and radiation are accounted in this resistance.
- c1_iwfloat [J/K]
Lumped capacity of interior walls
- Outer Walls
- area_owfloat [m2]
Area of all outer walls .
- alpha_conv_inner_owfloat [W/(m2K)]
Area-weighted convective coefficient of heat transfer of outer walls
facing the inside of this thermal zone .
- alpha_rad_inner_owfloat [W/(m2K)]
Area-weighted radiative coefficient of heat transfer of outer walls
facing the inside of this thermal zone .
- alpha_comb_inner_owfloat [W/(m2K)]
Area-weighted combined coefficient of heat transfer of outer walls
facing the inside of this thermal zone .
- alpha_conv_outer_owfloat [W/(m2K)]
Area-weighted convective coefficient of heat transfer of outer walls
facing the ambient.
- alpha_rad_outer_owfloat [W/(m2K)]
Area-weighted radiative coefficient of heat transfer of outer walls
facing the ambient .
- alpha_comb_outer_owfloat [W/(m2K)]
Area-weighted combined coefficient of heat transfer of outer walls
facing the ambient.
- ua_value_owfloat [W/K]
U-Value times outer wall area.
- r_conv_inner_owfloat [K/W]
Sum of convective resistances for all outer walls facing the
inside of this thermal zone .
- r_rad_inner_owfloat [K/W]
Sum of radiative resistances for all outer walls facing the
inside of this thermal zone .
- r_comb_inner_owfloat [K/W]
Sum of combined resistances for all outer walls facing the
inside of this thermal zone.
- r_conv_outer_owfloat [K/W]
Sum of convective resistances for all outer walls facing the
- r_rad_outer_owfloat [K/W]
Sum of radiative resistances for all outer walls facing the
- r_comb_outer_owfloat [K/W]
Sum of combined resistances for all outer walls facing the
- r1_owfloat [K/W]
Lumped resistance of outer walls no heat transfer coefficients for
convection and radiation are accounted in this resistance.
- r_rest_owfloat [K/W]
Lumped remaining resistance of outer walls between r1_ow and c1_ow no
heat transfer coefficients for convection and radiation are accounted
in this resistance.
- c1_owfloat [J/K]
Lumped capacity of outer walls .
- weightfactor_owlist of floats
Weightfactors of outer walls (UA-Value of walls with same orientation
and tilt divided by ua_value_ow)
- outer_wall_areaslist of floats [m2]
Area of all outer walls in one list.
- ir_emissivity_outer_owfloat
Area-weighted ir emissivity of outer wall facing the ambient.
- ir_emissivity_inner_owfloat
Area-weighted ir emissivity of outer walls facing the thermal zone.
- solar_absorp_owfloat
Area-weighted solar absorption of outer walls facing the ambient.
- Ground Floors
- area_gffloat [m2]
Area of all ground floors.
- alpha_conv_inner_gffloat [W/(m2K)]
Area-weighted convective coefficient of heat transfer of ground floors
facing the inside of this thermal zone.
- alpha_rad_inner_gffloat [W/(m2K)]
Area-weighted radiative coefficient of heat transfer of ground floors
facing the inside of this thermal zone.
- alpha_comb_inner_gffloat [W/(m2K)]
Area-weighted combined coefficient of heat transfer of ground floors
facing the inside of this thermal zone.
- ua_value_gffloat [W/K]
U-Value times ground floor area.
- r_conv_inner_gffloat [K/W]
Sum of convective resistances for all ground floors facing the
inside of this thermal zone.
- r_rad_inner_gffloat [K/W]
Sum of radiative resistances for all ground floors facing the
inside of this thermal zone.
- r_comb_inner_gffloat [K/W]
Sum of combined resistances for all ground floors facing the
inside of this thermal zone.
- r1_gffloat [K/W]
Lumped resistance of ground floors no heat transfer coefficients for
convection and radiation are accounted in this resistance.
- r_rest_gffloat [K/W]
Lumped remaining resistance of ground floors between r1_gf and c1_gf no
heat transfer coefficients for convection and radiation are accounted
in this resistance.
- c1_gffloat [J/K]
Lumped capacity of ground floors.
- weightfactor_gffloat
Weightfactor of ground floors (UA-Value of walls with same orientation
and tilt divided by ua_value_gf)
- ground_floor_areafloat [m2]
Area of all ground floors.
- r_rad_gf_iwfloat [K/W]
Resistance for radiative heat transfer between walls.
TODO: needs to be checked
- ir_emissivity_inner_gffloat
Area-weighted ir emissivity of ground floors facing the thermal zone.
- Rooftops
- area_rtfloat [m2]
Area of all rooftops .
- alpha_conv_inner_rtfloat [W/(m2K)]
Area-weighted convective coefficient of heat transfer of rooftops
facing the inside of this thermal zone .
- alpha_rad_inner_rtfloat [W/(m2K)]
Area-weighted radiative coefficient of heat transfer of rooftops
facing the inside of this thermal zone .
- alpha_comb_inner_rtfloat [W/(m2K)]
Area-weighted combined coefficient of heat transfer of rooftops
facing the inside of this thermal zone .
- alpha_conv_outer_rtfloat [W/(m2K)]
Area-weighted convective coefficient of heat transfer of rooftops
facing the ambient.
- alpha_rad_outer_rtfloat [W/(m2K)]
Area-weighted radiative coefficient of heat transfer of rooftops
facing the ambient .
- alpha_comb_outer_rtfloat [W/(m2K)]
Area-weighted combined coefficient of heat transfer of rooftops
facing the ambient.
- ua_value_rtfloat [W/K]
U-Value times outer wall area.
- r_conv_inner_rtfloat [K/W]
Sum of convective resistances for all rooftops facing the
inside of this thermal zone .
- r_rad_inner_rtfloat [K/W]
Sum of radiative resistances for all rooftops facing the
inside of this thermal zone .
- r_comb_inner_rtfloat [K/W]
Sum of combined resistances for all rooftops facing the
inside of this thermal zone.
- r_conv_outer_rtfloat [K/W]
Sum of convective resistances for all rooftops facing the
- r_rad_outer_rtfloat [K/W]
Sum of radiative resistances for all rooftops facing the
- r_comb_outer_rtfloat [K/W]
Sum of combined resistances for all rooftops facing the
- r1_rtfloat [K/W]
Lumped resistance of rooftops no heat transfer coefficients for
convection and radiation are accounted in this resistance.
- r_rest_rtfloat [K/W]
Lumped remaining resistance of rooftops between r1_rt and c1_rt no
heat transfer coefficients for convection and radiation are accounted
in this resistance.
- c1_rtfloat [J/K]
Lumped capacity of rooftops .
- weightfactor_rtlist of floats
Weightfactors of rooftops (UA-Value of walls with same orientation
and tilt divided by ua_value_rt)
- weightfactor_win_rtlist of floats
Weightfactors of windows in rooftop. CAUTION: this will be always a
list full of zeors, as windows are always calculated separatly.
- outer_wall_areaslist of floats [m2]
Area of all rooftops in one list.
- r_rad_rt_iwfloat [K/W]
Resistance for radiative heat transfer between walls.
TODO: needs to be checked
- ir_emissivity_outer_rtfloat
Area-weighted ir emissivity of outer wall facing the ambient.
- ir_emissivity_inner_rtfloat
Area-weighted ir emissivity of rooftops facing the thermal zone.
- solar_absorp_rtfloat
Area-weighted solar absorption of rooftops facing the ambient.
- tilt_rtlist of floats [degree]
Tilt of rooftops against the horizontal.
- orientation_rtlist of floats [degree]
Orientation of rooftops (Azimuth).
0 - North
90 - East
180 - South
270 - West
- Windows
- area_winfloat [m2]
Area of all windows.
- alpha_conv_inner_winfloat [W/(m2K)]
Area-weighted convective coefficient of heat transfer of windows
facing the inside of this thermal zone.
- alpha_rad_inner_winfloat [W/(m2K)]
Area-weighted radiative coefficient of heat transfer of windows
facing the inside of this thermal zone.
- alpha_comb_inner_winfloat [W/(m2K)]
Area-weighted combined coefficient of heat transfer of windows facing
the inside of this thermal zone.
- ratio_conv_rad_inner_winfloat [-]
Ratio for windows between convective and radiative heat emission,
given in VDI 6007-3
- alpha_conv_outer_winfloat [W/(m2K)]
Area-weighted convective coefficient of heat transfer of windows
facing the ambient.
- alpha_rad_outer_winfloat [W/(m2K)]
Area-weighted radiative coefficient of heat transfer of windows
facing the ambient.
- alpha_comb_outer_winfloat [W/(m2K)]
Area-weighted combined coefficient of heat transfer of windows facing
the ambient.
- ua_value_winfloat [W/K]
U-Value times outer wall area.
- u_value_winfloat [W/(m2K)]
Area weighted U-Value of windows.
- r_conv_inner_winfloat [K/W]
Sum of convective resistances for all windows facing the
inside of this thermal zone.
- r_rad_inner_winfloat [K/W]
Sum of radiative resistances for all windows facing the
inside of this thermal zone.
- r_comb_inner_winfloat [K/W]
Sum of combined resistances for all windows facing the
inside of this thermal zone.
- r_conv_outer_winfloat [K/W]
Sum of convective resistances for all windows facing the
- r_rad_outer_winfloat [K/W]
Sum of radiative resistances for all windows facing the
- r_comb_outer_winfloat [K/W]
Sum of combined resistances for all windows facing the
- r1_winfloat [K/W]
Lumped resistance of windows, no heat transfer coefficients for
convection and radiation are accounted in this resistance.
- weightfactor_winlist of floats
Weightfactors of windows (UA-Value of windows with same orientation
and tilt divided by ua_value_win or ua_value_win+ua_value_ow,
depending if windows is lumped/merged into the walls or not)
- window_areaslist of floats [m2]
Area of all windows in one list, if the windows are merged into the
outer wall this list will be full of zeros
- transparent_areaslist of floats [m2]
Area of all transparent elements (most likely windows) in one list,
this list will be always filled with the areas, independent if
windows are merged into walls or not.
- solar_absorp_winfloat
Area-weighted solar absorption for windows. (typically 0.0)
- ir_emissivity_winfloat
Area-weighted ir_emissivity for windows. Can be used for windows
facing the thermal zone and the ambient.
- weighted_g_valuefloat
Area-weighted g-Value of all windows.
- shading_max_irrlist of float [W/m2]
Threshold value above which the sunblind becomes active for the whole zone.
Threshold regards to the incoming irradiation level with the window direction.
This value does not account for heat flux due to the outside temperature.
- shading_g_totallist of float
Factor representing how much of the actual solar irradiation goes through
the sunblind and enters the window element, for the case, that the sunblind is
activated. Defaults to 1, i.e. no shading is active.
- Misc values:
- alpha_rad_inner_meanfloat [W/(m2K)]
Area-weighted radiative coefficient of all surfaces facing the
inside of this thermal zone (OuterWalls, Windows, InnerWalls, …).
- alpha_rad_outer_meanfloat [W/(m2K)]
Area-weighted radiative coefficient of all surfaces facing the
ambient (OuterWalls, Windows, …).
- heat_load[W]
Static heat load of the thermal zone.
- heat_load_outside_factorfloat [W/K]
Factor needed for recalculation of the heat load of the thermal zone.
This can be used to recalculate the thermalzones heat load inside
Modelica export for parametric studies. This works only together with
heat_load = heat_load_outside_factor * (t_inside - t_outside) +
heat_load_ground_factor * (t_inside - t_ground).
- heat_load_ground_factorfloat [W/K]
Factor needed for recalculation of the heat load of the thermal zone.
This can be used to recalculate the thermalzones heat load inside
Modelica export for parametric studies. See heat_load_outside_factor.
- facade_areaslist of floats [m2]
List containing the area of each facade (with same tilt and
orientation) this includes also roofs and ground floors and windows.
- n_outerint
Number of total facades with different combination of tilt and
orientation, windows and outer walls
- n_rtint
Number of total facades with different combination of tilt and
orientation, Rooftops
- tilt_facadelist of floats [degree]
Tilt of facades against the horizontal.
- orientation_facadelist of floats [degree]
Orientation of facades (Azimuth).
0 - North
90 - East
180 - South
270 - West