Source code for

"""This module holds file paths and bindings for json data."""
import os
import sys
import teaser.logic.utilities as utils
import json
import collections

v = sys.version_info
if v >= (2, 7):
    except NameError:
        FileNotFoundError = IOError

[docs]class DataClass(object): """Class for JSON data. This class loads all JSON files with statistic or template data needed for statistical data enrichment. Parameters ---------- used_statistics : str This parameter indicates which statistical data about building elements should be used. Use 'iwu' or 'tabula_de'. Attributes ---------- element_bind : collections.OrderedDict Ordered dictionary of the TypeBuildingElements binding. path_tb : str Full path to TypeBuildingElements.json. Default is teaser/data/input/inputdata/TypeBuildingElements.json. material_bind : collections.OrderedDict Ordered dictionary of the Material binding. path_mat : str Full path to MaterialTemplates.json. Default is teaser/data/input/inputdata/MaterialTemplates.json. conditions_bind : collections.OrderedDict Ordered dictionary of the UseConditions binding. path_uc : str Full path to UseConditions.json. Default is teaser/data/input/inputdata/UseConditions.json """ def __init__(self, used_statistic="iwu"): """Construct DataClass.""" self.used_statistic = used_statistic self.element_bind = None if self.used_statistic == "iwu": self.path_tb = utils.get_full_path( "data/input/inputdata/TypeBuildingElements.json" ) self.load_tb_binding() elif self.used_statistic == "tabula_de": self.path_tb = utils.get_full_path( os.path.join( "data", "input", "inputdata", "TypeElements_TABULA_DE.json" ) ) self.load_tb_binding() elif self.used_statistic == "tabula_dk": self.path_tb = utils.get_full_path( os.path.join( "data", "input", "inputdata", "TypeElements_TABULA_DK.json" ) ) self.load_tb_binding() elif self.used_statistic is None: pass self.material_bind = None self.path_mat = utils.get_full_path( "data/input/inputdata/MaterialTemplates.json" ) self.conditions_bind = None self.path_uc = utils.get_full_path("data/input/inputdata/UseConditions.json") self.load_uc_binding() self.load_mat_binding()
[docs] def load_tb_binding(self): """Load TypeBuildingElement json into binding classes.""" if self.path_tb.endswith("json"): if os.path.isfile(self.path_tb): try: with open(self.path_tb, "r+") as f: self.element_bind = json.load( f, object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict ) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: print("Your TypeElements file seems to be broken.") else: with open(self.path_tb, "w") as f: self.element_bind = collections.OrderedDict() self.element_bind["version"] = "0.7"
[docs] def load_uc_binding(self): """Load UseConditions json into binding classes.""" if self.path_uc.endswith("json"): if os.path.isfile(self.path_uc): try: with open(self.path_uc, "r+") as f: self.conditions_bind = json.load( f, object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict ) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: raise IOError("Your UseConditions.json file seems to be broken.") else: with open(self.path_uc, "w") as f: self.conditions_bind = collections.OrderedDict() self.conditions_bind["version"] = "0.7"
[docs] def load_mat_binding(self): """Load MaterialTemplates json into binding classes.""" if self.path_mat.endswith("json"): if os.path.isfile(self.path_mat): try: with open(self.path_mat, "r+") as f: self.material_bind = json.load( f, object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict ) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: print("Your Materials file seems to be broken.") else: with open(self.path_mat, "w") as f: self.material_bind = collections.OrderedDict() self.material_bind["version"] = "0.7"