Source code for

"""This module contains function for AixLib model generation"""

import os
import warnings
import shutil
from mako.template import Template
from mako.lookup import TemplateLookup
import teaser.logic.utilities as utilities

[docs]def export_multizone(buildings, prj, path=None): """Exports models for AixLib library Exports a building for AixLib.ThermalZones.ReducedOrder.Multizone.MultizoneEquipped models using the ThermalZoneEquipped and supporting models, like tables and weather model. Depending on chosen calculation method the parameter set to 1,2, 3 or 4 element model. By default it uses the correction for solar glazing (corG) and decoupled heat conduction through windows ( merge_windows=False). In contrast to versions < 0.5 TEASER now does not support any other model options, as we observed no need, since single ThermalZones are identical with IBPSA models. If you miss one of the old options please contact us. This function uses Mako Templates specified in data.output.modelicatemplates.AixLib Parameters ---------- buildings : list of instances of Building list of TEASER instances of a Building that is exported to a AixLib MultizoneEquipped models. If you want to export a single building, please pass it over as a list containing only that building. prj : instance of Project Instance of TEASER Project object to access Project related information, e.g. name or version of used libraries path : string if the Files should not be stored in default output path of TEASER, an alternative path can be specified as a full path Attributes ---------- lookup : TemplateLookup object Instance of mako.TemplateLookup to store general functions for templates zone_template_1 : Template object Template for ThermalZoneRecord using 1 element model zone_template_2 : Template object Template for ThermalZoneRecord using 2 element model zone_template_3 : Template object Template for ThermalZoneRecord using 3 element model zone_template_4 : Template object Template for ThermalZoneRecord using 4 element model model_template : Template object Template for MultiZone model """ lookup = TemplateLookup(directories=[utilities.get_full_path( os.path.join('data', 'output', 'modelicatemplate'))]) zone_template_1 = Template( filename=utilities.get_full_path( "data/output/modelicatemplate/AixLib" "/AixLib_ThermalZoneRecord_OneElement"), lookup=lookup) zone_template_2 = Template( filename=utilities.get_full_path( "data/output/modelicatemplate/AixLib" "/AixLib_ThermalZoneRecord_TwoElement"), lookup=lookup) zone_template_3 = Template( filename=utilities.get_full_path( "data/output/modelicatemplate/AixLib" "/AixLib_ThermalZoneRecord_ThreeElement"), lookup=lookup) zone_template_4 = Template( filename=utilities.get_full_path( "data/output/modelicatemplate/AixLib" "/AixLib_ThermalZoneRecord_FourElement"), lookup=lookup) model_template = Template( filename=utilities.get_full_path( "data/output/modelicatemplate/AixLib/AixLib_Multizone"), lookup=lookup) test_script_template = Template( filename=utilities.get_full_path( "data/output/modelicatemplate/modelica_test_script"), lookup=lookup) uses = [ 'Modelica(version="' + prj.modelica_info.version + '")', 'AixLib(version="' + prj.buildings[-1].library_attr.version + '")'] _help_package( path=path,, uses=uses, within=None) _help_package_order( path=path, package_list=buildings, addition=None, extra=None) _copy_weather_data(prj.weather_file_path, path) for i, bldg in enumerate(buildings): ass_error = "You chose IBPSA calculation, " \ "but want to export AixLib models, " \ "this is not possible" assert bldg.used_library_calc == 'AixLib', ass_error bldg_path = os.path.join(path, utilities.create_path(utilities.get_full_path(bldg_path)) utilities.create_path(utilities.get_full_path( os.path.join(bldg_path, + "_DataBase"))) bldg.library_attr.modelica_set_temp(path=bldg_path) bldg.library_attr.modelica_set_temp_cool(path=bldg_path) bldg.library_attr.modelica_AHU_boundary( path=bldg_path) bldg.library_attr.modelica_gains_boundary( path=bldg_path) _help_package(path=bldg_path,, _help_package_order( path=bldg_path, package_list=[bldg], addition=None, + "_DataBase") if bldg.building_id is None: bldg.building_id = i else: try: bldg.building_id = int(bldg.building_id) except UserWarning: warnings.warn("Cannot convert building_id to integer, " "is set to ", i, "which is the enumeration " "number of the building in " "the project list.") bldg.building_id = i with open(utilities.get_full_path( os.path.join(bldg_path, + ".mo")), 'w') as out_file: out_file.write(model_template.render_unicode( bldg=bldg, weather=bldg.parent.weather_file_path, modelica_info=bldg.parent.modelica_info)) out_file.close() dir_resources = os.path.join(path, "Resources") if not os.path.exists(dir_resources): os.mkdir(dir_resources) dir_scripts = os.path.join(dir_resources, "Scripts") if not os.path.exists(dir_scripts): os.mkdir(dir_scripts) dir_dymola = os.path.join(dir_scripts, "Dymola") if not os.path.exists(dir_dymola): os.mkdir(dir_dymola) _help_test_script(bldg, dir_dymola, test_script_template) zone_path = os.path.join(bldg_path, + "_DataBase") for zone in bldg.thermal_zones: with open(utilities.get_full_path(os.path.join( zone_path, + '_' + + '.mo')), 'w') as out_file: if type(zone.model_attr).__name__ == "OneElement": out_file.write(zone_template_1.render_unicode(zone=zone)) elif type(zone.model_attr).__name__ == "TwoElement": out_file.write(zone_template_2.render_unicode(zone=zone)) elif type(zone.model_attr).__name__ == "ThreeElement": out_file.write(zone_template_3.render_unicode(zone=zone)) elif type(zone.model_attr).__name__ == "FourElement": out_file.write(zone_template_4.render_unicode(zone=zone)) out_file.close() _help_package( path=zone_path, + '_DataBase', + '.' + _help_package_order( path=zone_path, package_list=bldg.thermal_zones, + "_", extra=None) _copy_script_unit_tests(os.path.join(dir_scripts, "")) _copy_reference_results(dir_resources, prj) print("Exports can be found here:") print(path)
def _copy_reference_results(dir_resources, prj): """Copy reference results to modelica output. Parameters ---------- dir_resources : str Resources directory of the modelica output prj : teaser.project.Project Project to be exported """ if prj.dir_reference_results is not None: dir_ref_out = os.path.join(dir_resources, "ReferenceResults") if not os.path.exists(dir_ref_out): os.mkdir(dir_ref_out) dir_ref_out_dymola = os.path.join(dir_ref_out, "Dymola") if not os.path.exists(dir_ref_out_dymola): os.mkdir(dir_ref_out_dymola) for filename in os.listdir(prj.dir_reference_results): if filename.endswith(".txt"): shutil.copy2( os.path.join(prj.dir_reference_results, filename), os.path.join(dir_ref_out_dymola, filename) ) def _help_test_script(bldg, dir_dymola, test_script_template): """Create a test script for regression testing with BuildingsPy Parameters ---------- bldg : teaser.logic.buildingobjects.building.Building Building for which test script is created dir_dymola : str Output directory for Dymola scripts test_script_template : mako.template.Template Template for the test script Returns ------- dir_scripts : str Path to the scripts directory """ dir_building = os.path.join(dir_dymola, if not os.path.exists(dir_building): os.mkdir(dir_building) with open(utilities.get_full_path(os.path.join( dir_building, + ".mos")), 'w') as out_file: names_variables = [] for i, zone in enumerate(bldg.thermal_zones): names_variables.append(f"multizone.PHeater[{i+1}]") names_variables.append(f"multizone.PCooler[{i+1}]") names_variables.append(f"multizone.TAir[{i+1}]") out_file.write(test_script_template.render_unicode( project=bldg.parent, bldg=bldg, stop_time=3600 * 24 * 365, names_variables=names_variables, )) out_file.close() def _help_package(path, name, uses=None, within=None): """creates a file private function, do not call Parameters ---------- path : string path of where the should be placed name : string name of the Modelica package within : string path of Modelica package containing this package """ package_template = Template(filename=utilities.get_full_path( "data/output/modelicatemplate/package")) with open(utilities.get_full_path(os.path.join( path, "")), 'w') as out_file: out_file.write(package_template.render_unicode( name=name, within=within, uses=uses)) out_file.close() def _help_package_order(path, package_list, addition=None, extra=None): """creates a package.order file private function, do not call Parameters ---------- path : string path of where the package.order should be placed package_list : [string] name of all models or packages contained in the package addition : string if there should be a suffix in front of package_list.string it can be specified extra : string an extra package or model not contained in package_list can be specified """ order_template = Template(filename=utilities.get_full_path( "data/output/modelicatemplate/package_order")) with open(utilities.get_full_path( path + "/" + "package" + ".order"), 'w') as out_file: out_file.write(order_template.render_unicode (list=package_list, addition=addition, extra=extra)) out_file.close() def _copy_weather_data(source_path, destination_path): """Copies the imported .mos weather file to the results folder. Parameters ---------- source_path : str path of local weather file destination_path : str path of where the weather file should be placed """ shutil.copy2(source_path, destination_path) def _copy_script_unit_tests(destination_path): """Copies the script to run the unit tests. Parameters ---------- destination_path : str path of where the weather file should be placed """ source_path = utilities.get_full_path("data/output/") shutil.copy2(source_path, destination_path)