Source code for

"""This module contains function to save building element classes."""

import teaser.logic.utilities as utilities
import warnings
import collections
import json

[docs]def save_type_element(element, data_class): """Save information about building element to json. Saves typical building elements according to their construction year and their construction type in the json file for type building elements. If the Project parent is set, it automatically saves it to the file given in Alternatively you can specify a path to a file of TypeBuildingElements. If this file does not exist, a new file is created. Parameters ---------- element : BuildingElement() Instance of BuildingElement or inherited Element of TEASER data_class : DataClass() DataClass containing the bindings for TypeBuildingElement and Material (typically this is the data class stored in, but the user can individually change that. """ data_class.element_bind["version"] = "0.7" add_to_json = True warning_text = ( "Construction Type and building age " "group already exist in this json, consider revising " "your inputs. The Element is NOT saved into json" ) check_str = "{}_{}_{}".format( type(element).__name__, element.building_age_group, element.construction_type ) if check_str in data_class.element_bind.keys(): warnings.warn(warning_text) add_to_json = False return if add_to_json is True: data_class.element_bind[check_str] = collections.OrderedDict() _set_basic_data_json( element=element, wall_out=data_class.element_bind[check_str] ) _set_layer_data_json( element=element, wall_out=data_class.element_bind[check_str] ) with open(utilities.get_full_path(data_class.path_tb), "w") as file: file.write( json.dumps(data_class.element_bind, indent=4, separators=(",", ": ")) )
[docs]def delete_type_element(element, data_class): """Delete typical element in json. Deletes typical building elements according to their construction year and their construction type in the the json file for type building elements. If the Project parent is set, it automatically saves it to the file given in Alternatively you can specify a path to a file of TypeBuildingElements. If this file does not exist, a new file is created. Parameters ---------- element : BuildingElement() Instance of BuildingElement or inherited Element of TEASER data_class : DataClass() DataClass containing the bindings for TypeBuildingElement and Material (typically this is the data class stored in, but the user can individually change that.) """ check_str = "{}_{}_{}".format( type(element).__name__, element.building_age_group, element.construction_type ) del data_class.element_bind[check_str] with open(utilities.get_full_path(data_class.path_tb), "w") as file: file.write( json.dumps(data_class.element_bind, indent=4, separators=(",", ": ")) )
def _set_basic_data_json(element, wall_out): """Set basic data of building element. Helper function. Parameters ---------- element : BuildingElement() Instance of BuildingElement or inherited Element of TEASER wall_out: dictionary Dictionary with information about walls. """ wall_out["building_age_group"] = element.building_age_group wall_out["construction_type"] = element.construction_type wall_out["inner_radiation"] = element.inner_radiation wall_out["inner_convection"] = element.inner_convection if type(element).__name__ == "Window": wall_out["outer_radiation"] = element.outer_radiation wall_out["outer_convection"] = element.outer_convection wall_out["g_value"] = element.g_value wall_out["a_conv"] = element.a_conv wall_out["shading_g_total"] = element.shading_g_total wall_out["shading_max_irr"] = element.shading_max_irr elif ( type(element).__name__ == "OuterWall" or type(element).__name__ == "Rooftop" or type(element).__name__ == "Door" ): wall_out["outer_radiation"] = element.outer_radiation wall_out["outer_convection"] = element.outer_convection def _set_layer_data_json(element, wall_out): """Set layer data of building element. Helper function. Parameters ---------- element : BuildingElement() Instance of BuildingElement or inherited Element of TEASER wall_out: dictionary Dictionary with information about walls. """ layer_dict = collections.OrderedDict() for layer in element.layer: layer_dict[] = collections.OrderedDict() layer_dict[]["thickness"] = layer.thickness layer_dict[]["material"] = collections.OrderedDict() layer_dict[]["material"]["name"] = layer_dict[]["material"]["material_id"] = layer.material.material_id wall_out["layer"] = layer_dict