Source code for teaser.examples.e7_retrofit

# # Example 7: Retrofit buildings
# This module contains an example that shows how to retrofit all buildings
# in a TEASER project with different setups
# You can run this example using the [jupyter-notebook](

import teaser.examples.e1_generate_archetype as e1

[docs]def example_retrofit_building(): """This function demonstrates retrofit options of TEASER API""" # In e1_generate_archetype we created a Project with three archetype # buildings to get this Project we rerun this example prj = e1.example_generate_archetype() # To apply simplified retrofit for all buildings in the project we can # use Project.retrofit_all_buildings() function. This will retrofit all # building in the project in following manner: # 1. Replace all window with a new window (default is EnEv window with # U-Value of XYZ # 2. Add an additional insulation layer to all outer walls (including, # roof and ground floor). Set the thickness that it corresponds to the # retrofit standard od the year of retrofit. # The year of retrofit has to be specified. In addition, we can set # the used window_type and the type of insulation material used. # As we have both `iwu`/`bmvbs` and `tabuly` typology in our project we need # to pass all keywords to the function year_of_retrofit, window_type, # material for `iwu`/`bmvbs` and type_of_retrofit for `tabula`. prj.retrofit_all_buildings( year_of_retrofit=2015, type_of_retrofit="adv_retrofit", window_type='Alu- oder Stahlfenster, Isolierverglasung', material='EPS_perimeter_insulation_top_layer')
if __name__ == '__main__': example_retrofit_building() print("Example 7: That's it :)")