Source code for

# created April 2017
# by TEASER Development Team

from import \

[docs]class TerracedHouse(SingleFamilyHouse): """Archetype for TABULA Single Family House Archetype according to TABULA building typology ( Description of: - estimation factors - always 4 walls, 1 roof, 1 floor, 4 windows, one door (default orientation?) - how we calculate facade and window area - calculate u-values - zones (one zone) - differences between TABULA und our approach (net floor area, height and number of storeys) - how to proceed with rooftops (keep them as flat roofs or pitched roofs? what orientation?) Parameters ---------- parent: Project() The parent class of this object, the Project the Building belongs to. Allows for better control of hierarchical structures. If not None it adds this Building instance to Project.buildings. (default: None) name : str Individual name year_of_construction : int Year of first construction height_of_floors : float [m] Average height of the buildings' floors number_of_floors : int Number of building's floors above ground net_leased_area : float [m2] Total net leased area of building. This is area is NOT the footprint of a building with_ahu : Boolean If set to True, an empty instance of BuildingAHU is instantiated and assigned to attribute central_ahu. This instance holds information for central Air Handling units. Default is False. internal_gains_mode: int [1, 2, 3] mode for the internal gains calculation done in AixLib: 1. Temperature and activity degree dependent heat flux calculation for persons. The calculation is based on SIA 2024 (default) 2. Temperature and activity degree independent heat flux calculation for persons, the max. heatflowrate is prescribed by the parameter fixed_heat_flow_rate_persons. 3. Temperature and activity degree dependent calculation with consideration of moisture and co2. The moisture calculation is based on SIA 2024 (2015) and regards persons and non-persons, the co2 calculation is based on Engineering ToolBox (2004) and regards only persons. construction_type : str Construction type of used wall constructions default is "existing state" - existing state: construction of walls according to existing state in TABULA - usual refurbishment: construction of walls according to usual refurbishment in TABULA - advanced refurbishment: construction of walls according to advanced refurbishment in TABULA """ def __init__( self, parent, name=None, year_of_construction=None, number_of_floors=None, height_of_floors=None, net_leased_area=None, with_ahu=False, internal_gains_mode=1, construction_type=None): super(TerracedHouse, self).__init__( parent, name, year_of_construction, number_of_floors, height_of_floors, net_leased_area, with_ahu, internal_gains_mode, construction_type) self.construction_type = construction_type self.number_of_floors = number_of_floors self.height_of_floors = height_of_floors self._construction_type_1 = self.construction_type + '_1_TH' self._construction_type_2 = self.construction_type + '_2_TH' self.zone_area_factors = {"SingleDwelling": [1, "Living"]} self._outer_wall_names_1 = { "ExteriorFacadeNorth_1": [90.0, 0.0], "ExteriorFacadeSouth_1": [90.0, 180.0]} self._outer_wall_names_2 = { "ExteriorFacadeNorth_2": [90.0, 0.0], "ExteriorFacadeSouth_2": [90.0, 180.0]} self.roof_names_1 = {"Rooftop_1": [0, -1]} # [0, -1] self.roof_names_2 = {"Rooftop_2": [0, -1]} self.ground_floor_names_1 = { "GroundFloor_1": [0, -2]} # [0, -2] self.ground_floor_names_2 = { "GroundFloor_2": [0, -2]} self.door_names = {"Door": [90.0, 270]} self.window_names_1 = { "WindowFacadeNorth_1": [90.0, 0.0], "WindowFacadeSouth_1": [90.0, 180.0]} self.window_names_2 = { "WindowFacadeNorth_2": [90.0, 0.0], "WindowFacadeSouth_2": [90.0, 180.0]} # [tilt, orientation] self.inner_wall_names = {"InnerWall": [90.0, 0.0]} self.ceiling_names = {"Ceiling": [0.0, -1]} self.floor_names = {"Floor": [0.0, -2]} # Rooftop1, Rooftop2, Wall1, Wall2, GroundFloor1, GroundFloor2, # Window1, Window2, Door # Area/ReferenceFloorArea self.facade_estimation_factors = { (2007, 2010): { 'rt1': 1.1712, 'rt2': 0.0, 'ow1': 0.5405, 'ow2': 0.0, 'gf1': 1.0631, 'gf2': 0.0, 'win1': 0.2739, 'win2': 0.0, 'door': 0.009}, (1999, 2006): { 'rt1': 0.5248, 'rt2': 0.0, 'ow1': 0.3762, 'ow2': 0.0, 'gf1': 0.3366, 'gf2': 0.0, 'win1': 0.1950, 'win2': 0.0, 'door': 0.009}, (1979, 1998): { 'rt1': 0.6235, 'rt2': 0.0, 'ow1': 0.3529, 'ow2': 0.0, 'gf1': 0.5059, 'gf2': 0.0, 'win1': 0.1518, 'win2': 0.0, 'door': 0.009}, (1973, 1978): { 'rt1': 0.8559, 'rt2': 0.0, 'ow1': 0.1982, 'ow2': 0.0, 'gf1': 0.5856, 'gf2': 0.0, 'win1': 0.1523, 'win2': 0.0, 'door': 0.009}, (1961, 1972): { 'rt1': 0.8488, 'rt2': 0.0, 'ow1': 0.4302, 'ow2': 0.0, 'gf1': 0.5814, 'gf2': 0.0, 'win1': 0.4337, 'win2': 0.0, 'door': 0.009}, (1951, 1960): { 'rt1': 1.0345, 'rt2': 0.0, 'ow1': 0.4368, 'ow2': 0.0, 'gf1': 0.6667, 'gf2': 0.0, 'win1': 0.1920, 'win2': 0.0, 'door': 0.009}, (1931, 1950): { 'rt1': 0.7895, 'rt2': 0.0, 'ow1': 0.3158, 'ow2': 0.0, 'gf1': 0.6526, 'gf2': 0.0, 'win1': 0.1389, 'win2': 0.0, 'door': 0.009}, (1851, 1930): { 'rt1': 0.5573, 'rt2': 0.0, 'ow1': 0.5043, 'ow2': 0.0, 'gf1': 0.4171, 'gf2': 0.0, 'win1': 0.1299, 'win2': 0.0, 'door': 0.009}, (0, 1850): { 'rt1': 0.9462, 'rt2': 0.0, 'ow1': 0.1613, 'ow2': 0.1935, # note that there is actually a ow2 'gf1': 0.7097, 'gf2': 0.0, 'win1': 0.1054, 'win2': 0.0, 'door': 0.00}} self.building_age_group = None if self.with_ahu is True: self.central_ahu.profile_temperature = ( 7 * [293.15] + 12 * [295.15] + 5 * [293.15]) self.central_ahu.profile_min_relative_humidity = (24 * [0.45]) self.central_ahu.profile_max_relative_humidity = (24 * [0.55]) self.central_ahu.profile_v_flow = ( 7 * [0.0] + 12 * [1.0] + 5 * [0.0])