Source code for teaser.logic.archetypebuildings.urbanrenet.est1a

# created June 2015
# by TEASER4 Development Team

from teaser.logic.archetypebuildings.residential \
    import Residential
from teaser.logic.buildingobjects.useconditions \
    import UseConditions as UseCond
from teaser.logic.buildingobjects.buildingphysics.ceiling import Ceiling
from teaser.logic.buildingobjects.buildingphysics.floor import Floor
from teaser.logic.buildingobjects.buildingphysics.groundfloor \
    import GroundFloor
from teaser.logic.buildingobjects.buildingphysics.innerwall import InnerWall
from teaser.logic.buildingobjects.buildingphysics.outerwall import OuterWall
from teaser.logic.buildingobjects.buildingphysics.rooftop import Rooftop
from teaser.logic.buildingobjects.buildingphysics.window import Window
from teaser.logic.buildingobjects.thermalzone import ThermalZone

[docs]class EST1a(Residential): """Archetype for Urban Fabric Type EST1a. Subclass from Residential for urban fabric type EST1a. Boundary values for this archetype are taken from :cite:`Hegger.2014`. The archetype calculation is adapted from :cite:`KurzverfahrenIWU`, with the change of using the facade area to volume ratio of the building. For further information see :cite:`Lauster.2016`. Parameters ---------- parent: Project() The parent class of this object, the Project the Building belongs to. Allows for better control of hierarchical structures. If not None it adds this Building instance to Project.buildings. name : str Individual name height_of_floors : float [m] Average height of the buildings' floors number_of_floors : int Number of building's floors above ground year_of_construction : int Year of first construction net_leased_area : float [m2] Total net leased area of building. This is area is NOT the footprint of a building with_ahu : Boolean If set to True, an empty instance of BuildingAHU is instantiated and assigned to attribute central_ahu. This instance holds information for central Air Handling units. Default is False. internal_gains_mode: int [1, 2, 3] mode for the internal gains calculation done in AixLib: 1. Temperature and activity degree dependent heat flux calculation for persons. The calculation is based on SIA 2024 (default) 2. Temperature and activity degree independent heat flux calculation for persons, the max. heatflowrate is prescribed by the parameter fixed_heat_flow_rate_persons. 3. Temperature and activity degree dependent calculation with consideration of moisture and co2. The moisture calculation is based on SIA 2024 (2015) and regards persons and non-persons, the co2 calculation is based on Engineering ToolBox (2004) and regards only persons. neighbour_buildings : int Number of neighbour buildings. CAUTION: this will not change the orientation of the buildings wall, but just the overall exterior wall and window area(!) (default = 0) 0. no neighbour 1. one neighbour 2. two neighbours construction_type : str Construction type of used wall constructions default is "heavy") heavy: heavy construction light: light construction Notes ----- The listed attributes are just the ones that are set by the user calculated values are not included in this list. Changing these values is expert mode. Attributes ---------- zone_area_factors : dict This dictionary contains the name of the zone (str), the zone area factor (float) and the zone usage from BoundaryConditions json (str). (Default see doc string above) outer_wall_names : dict This dictionary contains a random name for the outer walls, their orientation and tilt. Default is a building in north-south orientation) roof_names : dict This dictionary contains the name of the roofs, their orientation and tilt. Default is one flat roof. ground_floor_names : dict This dictionary contains the name of the ground floors, their orientation and tilt. Default is one ground floor. window_names : dict This dictionary contains the name of the window, their orientation and tilt. Default is a building in north-south orientation) inner_wall_names : dict This dictionary contains the name of the inner walls, their orientation and tilt. Default is one cumulated inner wall. ceiling_names : dict This dictionary contains the name of the ceilings, their orientation and tilt. Default is one cumulated ceiling. floor_names : dict This dictionary contains the name of the floors, their orientation and tilt. Default is one cumulated floor. est_factor_win_area : float Estimation factor to calculate window area est_factor_facade_to_volume : float Estimation factor to describe the facade area to volume ratio """ def __init__( self, parent, name=None, year_of_construction=None, number_of_floors=None, height_of_floors=None, net_leased_area=None, with_ahu=False, internal_gains_mode=1, neighbour_buildings=None, construction_type=None): """Constructor of EST1a """ super(EST1a, self).__init__( parent, name, year_of_construction, net_leased_area, with_ahu, internal_gains_mode) self.neighbour_buildings = neighbour_buildings self.construction_type = construction_type self.number_of_apartments = 1 self.number_of_floors = number_of_floors self.height_of_floors = height_of_floors # Parameters are default values for current calculation following # Hegger # [area factor, usage type(has to be set)] self.zone_area_factors = {} for value in range(1, self._number_of_apartments + 1): zone_name = "Apartment " + str(value) zone = {zone_name: [1 / self._number_of_apartments, "Living"]} self.zone_area_factors.update(zone) self.outer_wall_names = {"Exterior Facade North": [90.0, 0.0], "Exterior Facade East": [90.0, 90.0], "Exterior Facade South": [90.0, 180.0], "Exterior Facade West": [90.0, 270.0]} # [tilt, orientation] self.roof_names = {"Rooftop": [0, -1]} # [0, -1] self.ground_floor_names = {"Ground Floor": [0, -2]} # [0, -2] self.window_names = {"Window Facade North": [90.0, 0.0], "Window Facade East": [90.0, 90.0], "Window Facade South": [90.0, 180.0], "Window Facade West": [90.0, 270.0]} # [tilt, orientation] self.inner_wall_names = {"InnerWall": [90.0, 0.0]} self.ceiling_names = {"Ceiling": [0.0, -1]} self.floor_names = {"Floor": [0.0, -2]} self.est_factor_win_area = 0.2 self.est_factor_facade_to_volume = 0.87 self.nr_of_orientation = len(self.outer_wall_names) # estimated intermediate calculated values self._est_roof_area = 0 self._est_ground_floor_area = 0.0 self._est_win_area = 0 self._est_outer_wall_area = 0.0 self.est_factor_neighbour = 0.0 if self.neighbour_buildings == 0: self._est_factor_neighbour = 0.0 elif self.neighbour_buildings == 1: self._est_factor_neighbour = 1.0 elif self.neighbour_buildings == 2: self._est_factor_neighbour = 2.0 if self.with_ahu is True: self.central_ahu.temperature_profile = (7 * [293.15] + 12 * [295.15] + 5 * [293.15]) # according to :cite:`DeutschesInstitutfurNormung.2016` self.central_ahu.min_relative_humidity_profile = (24 * [0.45]) # according to :cite:`DeutschesInstitutfurNormung.2016b` and # :cite:`DeutschesInstitutfurNormung.2016` self.central_ahu.max_relative_humidity_profile = (24 * [0.65]) self.central_ahu.v_flow_profile = ( 7 * [0.0] + 12 * [1.0] + 5 * [0.0]) # according to user # # profile in :cite:`DeutschesInstitutfurNormung.2016`
[docs] def generate_archetype(self): """Generates a residential building. With given values, this class generates a type residential building according to TEASER requirements. """ # help area for the correct building area setting while using typeBldgs self.thermal_zones = None type_bldg_area = self.net_leased_area self.net_leased_area = 0.0 self._est_ground_floor_area = type_bldg_area / self.number_of_floors self._est_roof_area = type_bldg_area / self.number_of_floors self._est_win_area = self.est_factor_win_area * type_bldg_area * \ (1 - self._est_factor_neighbour / 4) self._est_outer_wall_area = (self.est_factor_facade_to_volume * type_bldg_area * self.height_of_floors - self._est_ground_floor_area - self._est_roof_area - self._est_win_area) *\ (1 - self._est_factor_neighbour / 4) for key, value in self.zone_area_factors.items(): zone = ThermalZone(self) = key zone.area = type_bldg_area * value[0] use_cond = UseCond(zone) use_cond.load_use_conditions(value[1]) zone.use_conditions = use_cond for key, value in self.outer_wall_names.items(): # North and South if value[1] == 0 or value[1] == 180.0: self.outer_area[value[1]] = self._est_outer_wall_area / \ self.nr_of_orientation # East and West elif value[1] == 90 or value[1] == 270: self.outer_area[value[1]] = self._est_outer_wall_area / \ self.nr_of_orientation for zone in self.thermal_zones: # create wall and set building elements outer_wall = OuterWall(zone) outer_wall.load_type_element(self.year_of_construction, self.construction_type) = key outer_wall.tilt = value[0] outer_wall.orientation = value[1] for key, value in self.window_names.items(): if value[1] == 0 or value[1] == 180: self.window_area[value[1]] = self._est_win_area / \ self.nr_of_orientation elif value[1] == 90 or value[1] == 270: self.window_area[value[1]] = self._est_win_area / \ self.nr_of_orientation ''' There is no real classification for windows, so this is a bit hard code - will be fixed sometime ''' for zone in self.thermal_zones: window = Window(zone) window.load_type_element(self.year_of_construction, "Kunststofffenster, Isolierverglasung" ) = key window.tilt = value[0] window.orientation = value[1] for key, value in self.roof_names.items(): self.outer_area[value[1]] = self._est_roof_area for zone in self.thermal_zones: roof = Rooftop(zone) roof.load_type_element(self.year_of_construction, self.construction_type) = key roof.tilt = value[0] roof.orientation = value[1] for key, value in self.ground_floor_names.items(): self.outer_area[value[1]] = self._est_ground_floor_area for zone in self.thermal_zones: ground_floor = GroundFloor(zone) ground_floor.load_type_element(self.year_of_construction, self.construction_type) = key ground_floor.tilt = value[0] ground_floor.orientation = value[1] for key, value in self.inner_wall_names.items(): for zone in self.thermal_zones: inner_wall = InnerWall(zone) inner_wall.load_type_element(self.year_of_construction, self.construction_type) = key inner_wall.tilt = value[0] inner_wall.orientation = value[1] # zone.inner_walls.append(inner_wall) if self.number_of_floors > 1: for key, value in self.ceiling_names.items(): for zone in self.thermal_zones: ceiling = Ceiling(zone) ceiling.load_type_element(self.year_of_construction, self.construction_type) = key ceiling.tilt = value[0] ceiling.orientation = value[1] # zone.inner_walls.append(ceiling) for key, value in self.floor_names.items(): for zone in self.thermal_zones: floor = Floor(zone) floor.load_type_element(self.year_of_construction, self.construction_type) = key floor.tilt = value[0] floor.orientation = value[1] # zone.inner_walls.append(floor) else: pass for key, value in self.outer_area.items(): self.set_outer_wall_area(value, key) for key, value in self.window_area.items(): self.set_window_area(value, key) for zone in self.thermal_zones: zone.set_inner_wall_area() zone.set_volume_zone()
@property def construction_type(self): return self._construction_type @construction_type.setter def construction_type(self, value): if value is not None: if value == "heavy" or value == "light": self._construction_type = value else: raise ValueError("Construction_type has to be light or heavy") else: self._construction_type = "heavy" @property def neighbour_buildings(self): return self._neighbour_buildings @neighbour_buildings.setter def neighbour_buildings(self, value): if value is not None: self._neighbour_buildings = value else: self._neighbour_buildings = 0 @property def number_of_apartments(self): return self._number_of_apartments @number_of_apartments.setter def number_of_apartments(self, value): if value is not None and value >= 1: self._number_of_apartments = value else: self._number_of_apartments = 1