Source code for teaser.logic.buildingobjects.buildingphysics.groundfloor

# created June 2015
# by TEASER4 Development Team

from teaser.logic.buildingobjects.buildingphysics.outerwall \
    import OuterWall

[docs]class GroundFloor(OuterWall): """GroundFloor class This class holds information of a GroundFloor and is a child of OuterWall() Parameters ---------- parent : ThermalZone() The parent class of this object, the ThermalZone the BE belongs to. Allows for better control of hierarchical structures. If not None it adds this GroundFloor to ThermalZone.ground_floors. Default is None. Attributes ---------- internal_id : float Random id for the distinction between different elements. name : str Individual name construction_type : str Type of construction (e.g. "heavy" or "light"). Needed for distinction between different constructions types in the same building age period. year_of_retrofit : int Year of last retrofit year_of_construction : int Year of first construction building_age_group : list Determines the building age period that this building element belongs to [begin, end], e.g. [1984, 1994] area : float [m2] Area of building element tilt : float [degree] Tilt against horizontal, default is 0.0 orientation : float [degree] Azimuth direction of building element (0 : north, 90: east, 180: south, 270: west), orientation -2.0 inner_convection : float [W/(m2*K)] Constant heat transfer coefficient of convection inner side (facing the zone), default 1.7 inner_radiation : float [W/(m2*K)] Constant heat transfer coefficient of radiation inner side (facing the zone), default 5.0 outer_convection : float [W/(m2*K)] Constant heat transfer coefficient of convection outer side (facing the ambient or adjacent zone), default 0.0 outer_radiation : float [W/(m2*K)] Constant heat transfer coefficient of radiation outer side (facing the ambient or adjacent zone), default 0.0 layer : list List of all layers of a building element (to be filled with Layer objects). Use element.layer = None to delete all layers of the building element Calculated Attributes r1 : float [K/W] equivalent resistance R1 of the analogous model given in VDI 6007 r2 : float [K/W] equivalent resistance R2 of the analogous model given in VDI 6007 r3 : float [K/W] equivalent resistance R3 of the analogous model given in VDI 6007 c1 : float [J/K] equivalent capacity C1 of the analogous model given in VDI 6007 c2 : float [J/K] equivalent capacity C2 of the analogous model given in VDI 6007 c1_korr : float [J/K] corrected capacity C1,korr for building elements in the case of asymmetrical thermal load given in VDI 6007 ua_value : float [W/K] UA-Value of building element (Area times U-Value) r_inner_conv : float [K/W] Convective resistance of building element on inner side (facing the zone) r_inner_rad : float [K/W] Radiative resistance of building element on inner side (facing the zone) r_inner_conv : float [K/W] Combined convective and radiative resistance of building element on inner side (facing the zone) r_outer_conv : float [K/W] Convective resistance of building element on outer side (facing the ambient or adjacent zone). Currently for all InnerWalls and GroundFloors this value is set to 0.0 r_outer_rad : float [K/W] Radiative resistance of building element on outer side (facing the ambient or adjacent zone). Currently for all InnerWalls and GroundFloors this value is set to 0.0 r_outer_conv : float [K/W] Combined convective and radiative resistance of building element on outer side (facing the ambient or adjacent zone). Currently for all InnerWalls and GroundFloors this value is set to 0.0 wf_out : float Weightfactor of building element ua_value/ua_value_zone """ def __init__(self, parent=None): """ """ super(GroundFloor, self).__init__(parent) self._tilt = 0.0 self._orientation = -2.0 self._inner_convection = 1.7 self._inner_radiation = 5.0 self._outer_convection = None self._outer_radiation = None