Source code for teaser.logic.buildingobjects.buildingphysics.rooftop

# created June 2015
# by TEASER4 Development Team

from teaser.logic.buildingobjects.buildingphysics.outerwall \
    import OuterWall

[docs]class Rooftop(OuterWall): """Rooftop class This class holds information a roof top and is a child of OuterWall() Parameters ---------- parent : ThermalZone() The parent class of this object, the ThermalZone the BE belongs to. Allows for better control of hierarchical structures. If not None it adds this Rooftop to ThermalZone.rooftops. Default is None. Attributes ---------- internal_id : float Random id for the distinction between different elements. name : str Individual name construction_type : str Type of construction (e.g. "heavy" or "light"). Needed for distinction between different constructions types in the same building age period. year_of_retrofit : int Year of last retrofit year_of_construction : int Year of first construction building_age_group : list Determines the building age period that this building element belongs to [begin, end], e.g. [1984, 1994] area : float [m2] Area of building element tilt : float [degree] Tilt against horizontal, default is 0.0 orientation : float [degree] Azimuth direction of building element (0 : north, 90: east, 180: south, 270: west), orientation -1.0 inner_convection : float [W/(m2*K)] Constant heat transfer coefficient of convection inner side (facing the zone), default 1.7 inner_radiation : float [W/(m2*K)] Constant heat transfer coefficient of radiation inner side (facing the zone), default 5.0 outer_convection : float [W/(m2*K)] Constant heat transfer coefficient of convection outer side (facing the ambient or adjacent zone), default 20.0 outer_radiation : float [W/(m2*K)] Constant heat transfer coefficient of radiation outer side (facing the ambient or adjacent zone), default 5.0 layer : list List of all layers of a building element (to be filled with Layer objects). Use element.layer = None to delete all layers of the building element Calculated Attributes r1 : float [K/W] equivalent resistance R1 of the analogous model given in VDI 6007 r2 : float [K/W] equivalent resistance R2 of the analogous model given in VDI 6007 r3 : float [K/W] equivalent resistance R3 of the analogous model given in VDI 6007 c1 : float [J/K] equivalent capacity C1 of the analogous model given in VDI 6007 c2 : float [J/K] equivalent capacity C2 of the analogous model given in VDI 6007 c1_korr : float [J/K] corrected capacity C1,korr for building elements in the case of asymmetrical thermal load given in VDI 6007 ua_value : float [W/K] UA-Value of building element (Area times U-Value) r_inner_conv : float [K/W] Convective resistance of building element on inner side (facing the zone) r_inner_rad : float [K/W] Radiative resistance of building element on inner side (facing the zone) r_inner_conv : float [K/W] Combined convective and radiative resistance of building element on inner side (facing the zone) r_outer_conv : float [K/W] Convective resistance of building element on outer side (facing the ambient or adjacent zone). Currently for all InnerWalls and GroundFloors this value is set to 0.0 r_outer_rad : float [K/W] Radiative resistance of building element on outer side (facing the ambient or adjacent zone). Currently for all InnerWalls and GroundFloors this value is set to 0.0 r_outer_conv : float [K/W] Combined convective and radiative resistance of building element on outer side (facing the ambient or adjacent zone). Currently for all InnerWalls and GroundFloors this value is set to 0.0 wf_out : float Weightfactor of building element ua_value/ua_value_zone """ def __init__(self, parent=None): """ """ super(Rooftop, self).__init__(parent) self._tilt = 0.0 self._orientation = -1.0 self._inner_convection = 1.7 self._inner_radiation = 5.0 self._outer_convection = 20.0 self._outer_radiation = 5.0