"""This module includes AixLib calculation class."""
import teaser.logic.utilities as utilities
from itertools import cycle, islice
import os
import pandas as pd
[docs]class AixLib(object):
"""Class to calculate parameters for AixLib output.
This class holds functions to sort and partly rewrite zone and building
attributes specific for AixLib MultizoneEquipped
simulation. This includes the export of boundary conditions and AHU
operation values.
parent: Building()
The parent class of this object, the Building the attributes are
calculated for. (default: None)
file_set_t : str
Filename for set temperature file
file_ahu : str
Filename for AHU boundary conditions file
file_internal_gains : str
Filename for internal gains file
version : str
Used AixLib version, default should always be current master version
of GitHub
total_surface_area : float [m2]
This is the total surface area of the building for interior and
exterior surfaces. That includes: OuterWalls, Rooftops, GroundFloors,
Windows for exterior surfaces, and InnerWalls, Ceilings, Floors for
interior walls.
consider_heat_capacity : bool
decides whether air capacity is considered or not for all thermal
zones in the building. Default is True, you need to export your
model again if changing this value
use_set_back : bool
True if night set back should be used. In this case the function
considers heating_time and temp_set_back defined in
use_conditions of zone. Default is True, you need to export your
model again if changing this value
use_set_point_temperature_profile_heating : bool
Standard is False. True if the set_point temperature profile heating
should be used for the export. Then, the night set back and everything
except the set point profile will be ignored.
def __init__(self, parent):
"""Construct AixLib."""
self.parent = parent
self.file_set_t_heat = "TsetHeat_" + self.parent.name + ".txt"
self.file_set_t_cool = "TsetCool_" + self.parent.name + ".txt"
self.file_ahu = "AHU_" + self.parent.name + ".txt"
self.file_internal_gains = "InternalGains_" + self.parent.name + ".txt"
self.version = "1.0.0"
self.total_surface_area = None
self.consider_heat_capacity = True
self.use_set_back = True
self.use_set_point_temperature_profile_heating = False
self.use_set_back_cool = False
[docs] def calc_auxiliary_attr(self):
"""Call function to calculate all auxiliary attributes for AixLib."""
def _calc_surface_area(self):
"""Calculate the total surface area of all surfaces."""
surf_area_temp = 0.0
for zone in self.parent.thermal_zones:
if type(zone.model_attr).__name__ == "OneElement":
surf_area_temp += zone.model_attr.area_ow + zone.model_attr.area_win
elif type(zone.model_attr).__name__ == "TwoElement":
surf_area_temp += (
+ zone.model_attr.area_iw
+ zone.model_attr.area_win
elif type(zone.model_attr).__name__ == "ThreeElement":
surf_area_temp += (
+ zone.model_attr.area_iw
+ zone.model_attr.area_gf
+ zone.model_attr.area_win
elif type(zone.model_attr).__name__ == "FourElement":
surf_area_temp += (
+ zone.model_attr.area_iw
+ zone.model_attr.area_gf
+ zone.model_attr.area_rt
+ zone.model_attr.area_win
self.total_surface_area = surf_area_temp
[docs] def modelica_set_temp(self, path=None):
"""Create .txt file for set temperatures for heating.
This function creates a txt for set temperatures of each
zone, that are all saved into one matrix.
path : str
optional path, when matfile is exported separately
if path is None:
path = utilities.get_default_path()
path = os.path.join(path, self.file_set_t_heat)
export = pd.DataFrame(
index=pd.date_range("2019-01-01 00:00:00", periods=8760, freq="H")
.dt.strftime("%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
columns=[zone.name for zone in self.parent.thermal_zones],
for zone_count in self.parent.thermal_zones:
export[zone_count.name] = zone_count.use_conditions.schedules[
export.index = [(i + 1) * 3600 for i in range(8760)]
with open(path, "a") as f:
"double Tset({}, {})\n".format(8760, len(self.parent.thermal_zones) + 1)
export.to_csv(f, sep="\t", header=False, index_label=False)
[docs] def modelica_set_temp_cool(self, path=None):
"""Create .txt file for set temperatures cooling.
This function creates a txt for set temperatures for cooling
of each zone, that are all saved into one matrix.
path : str
optional path, when matfile is exported separately
if path is None:
path = utilities.get_default_path()
path = os.path.join(path, self.file_set_t_cool)
export = pd.DataFrame(
index=pd.date_range("2019-01-01 00:00:00", periods=8760, freq="H")
.dt.strftime("%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
columns=[zone.name for zone in self.parent.thermal_zones],
for zone_count in self.parent.thermal_zones:
export[zone_count.name] = zone_count.use_conditions.schedules[
export.index = [(i + 1) * 3600 for i in range(8760)]
with open(path, "a") as f:
"double Tset({}, {})\n".format(8760, len(self.parent.thermal_zones) + 1)
export.to_csv(f, sep="\t", header=False, index_label=False)
[docs] def modelica_AHU_boundary(self, path=None):
"""Create .txt file for AHU boundary conditions (building).
This function creates a txt for building AHU boundary
1. Column : time step
2. Column : desired AHU profile temperature
3. Column : Desired minimal relative humidity
4. Column : desired maximal relative humidity
5. Column : AHU status (On/Off)
path : str
optional path, when matfile is exported separately
temperature_profile : [float]
timeline of temperatures requirements for AHU simulation
min_relative_humidity_profile : [float]
timeline of relative humidity requirements for AHU simulation
max_relative_humidity_profile : [float]
timeline of relative humidity requirements for AHU simulation
v_flow_profile : [int]
timeline of desired relative v_flow of the AHU simulation (0..1)
if path is None:
path = utilities.get_default_path()
path = os.path.join(path, self.file_ahu)
if self.parent.with_ahu is True:
export = self.parent.central_ahu.schedules
else: # Dummy values for Input Table
export = pd.DataFrame(
index=pd.date_range("2019-01-01 00:00:00", periods=8760, freq="H")
.dt.strftime("%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
export["temperature_profile"] = list(islice(cycle([293.15, 293.15]), 8760))
export["min_relative_humidity_profile"] = list(islice(cycle([0, 0]), 8760))
export["max_relative_humidity_profile"] = list(islice(cycle([1, 1]), 8760))
export["v_flow_profile"] = list(islice(cycle([0, 1]), 8760))
export.index = [(i + 1) * 3600 for i in range(8760)]
with open(path, "a") as f:
f.write("double AHU({}, {})\n".format(8760, 5))
export.to_csv(f, sep="\t", header=False, index_label=False)
[docs] def modelica_gains_boundary(self, path=None):
"""Create .txt file for internal gains boundary conditions.
This function creates a matfile (-v4) for building internal gains
boundary conditions. It collects all internal gain profiles of the
zones and stores them into one file. The file is extended for each
zone. Only applicable if zones are defined
1. Column : time step
2,5,8,... Column : profile_persons
3,6,9,... Column : profile_machines
4,7,10,... Column : profile_lighting
When time line is created, we need to add a 0 to first element of
all boundaries. This is due to to expected format in Modelica.
path : str
optional path, when matfile is exported separately
if path is None:
path = utilities.get_default_path()
path = os.path.join(path, self.file_internal_gains)
export = pd.DataFrame(
index=pd.date_range("2019-01-01 00:00:00", periods=8760, freq="H")
.dt.strftime("%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
for zone_count in self.parent.thermal_zones:
] = zone_count.use_conditions.schedules["persons_profile"]
] = zone_count.use_conditions.schedules["machines_profile"]
] = zone_count.use_conditions.schedules["lighting_profile"]
export.index = [(i + 1) * 3600 for i in range(8760)]
with open(path, "a") as f:
"double Internals({}, {})\n".format(
8760, (len(self.parent.thermal_zones) * 3 + 1)
export.to_csv(f, sep="\t", header=False, index_label=False)
def _delete_file(self, path):
"""Delete a file before new information is written to it.
If a building with the exact name and project name is generated, we need to make
sure to delete the old information in the text files. This helper function is a
wrapper to delete a file with given filepath.
path : str
Absolute path to the file to be deleted.
except OSError: