Source code for teaser.logic.buildingobjects.calculation.ibpsa

"""This module includes IBPSA calculation class."""

import os
import pandas as pd
import teaser.logic.utilities as utilities

[docs]class IBPSA(object): """Class to calculate parameters for AixLib output. This class holds functions to sort and partly rewrite zone and building attributes specific for IBPSA simulation. This includes the export of boundary conditions. Parameters ---------- parent: Building() The parent class of this object, the Building the attributes are calculated for. (default: None) Attributes ---------- file_internal_gains : str Filename for internal gains file version : dict Dictionary with supported libraries and their version numbers consider_heat_capacity : bool decides whether air capacity is considered or not for all thermal zones in the building """ def __init__(self, parent): """Construct IBPSA.""" self.parent = parent self.file_internal_gains = "InternalGains_" + + ".mat" self.version = { "AixLib": "1.0.0", "Buildings": "7.0.0", "BuildingSystems": "2.0.0-beta2", "IDEAS": "2.1.0", } self.consider_heat_capacity = True
[docs] def modelica_gains_boundary(self, zone, path=None): """creates .mat file for internal gains boundary conditions This function creates a matfile (-v4) for building internal gains boundary conditions. It collects internal gain profiles of a specific zones and stores them into one file. It also calculates the internal gains from relative presence and values for heat output into W for direct usage in Annex models. Only person (convective and radiative) and machines (convective) are used in the simple Annex 60 examples. 1. Column : time step 2 Column : profile_persons, radiative 3 Column : profile_persons, convective 4 Column : profile_machines, convective Notes ----- When time line is created, we need to add a 0 to first element of all boundaries. This is due to to expected format in Modelica. Parameters ---------- zone : ThermalZone() TEASER instance of ThermalZone. As IBPSA computes single models for single zones, we need to generate individual files for zones and internal gains path : str optional path, when matfile is exported separately """ if path is None: path = utilities.get_default_path() else: pass utilities.create_path(path) path = os.path.join(path, self.file_internal_gains) export = pd.DataFrame( index=pd.date_range("2019-01-01 00:00:00", periods=8760, freq="H") .to_series() .dt.strftime("%m-%d %H:%M:%S") ) export["person_rad_{}".format(] = ( zone.use_conditions.schedules["persons_profile"] * (1 - zone.use_conditions.ratio_conv_rad_persons) * zone.use_conditions.fixed_heat_flow_rate_persons * zone.use_conditions.persons * zone.area ) export["person_conv_{}".format(] = ( zone.use_conditions.schedules["persons_profile"] * zone.use_conditions.ratio_conv_rad_persons * zone.use_conditions.fixed_heat_flow_rate_persons * zone.use_conditions.persons * zone.area ) export["machines_conv_{}".format(] = ( zone.use_conditions.schedules["machines_profile"] * zone.use_conditions.ratio_conv_rad_machines * zone.use_conditions.machines * zone.area ) export.index = [(i + 1) * 3600 for i in range(8760)] self._delete_file(path=path) with open(path, "a") as f: f.write("#1\n") # The size of the dataset is always 4 columns as each thermal zone has its own data file. f.write("double Internals(8761, 4)\n") # write the first row with t=0 f.write("0\t{}".format(export.iloc[:1, :].to_csv(sep="\t", header=False, index=False))) export.to_csv(f, sep="\t", header=False, index_label=False)
def _delete_file(self, path): """Delete a file before new information is written to it. If a building with the exact name and project name is generated, we need to make sure to delete the old information in the text files. This helper function is a wrapper to delete a file with given filepath. Parameters: ----------- path : str Absolute path to the file to be deleted. """ try: os.remove(path) except OSError: pass