Source code for teaser.logic.buildingobjects.calculation.three_element

# created January 2017

from __future__ import division
import math
import random
import warnings

[docs]class ThreeElement(object): """This class contains attributes and functions for three element model This model adds one further element for the floor plate. Long-term effects dominate the excitation of the floor plate and thus the excitation differs from excitation of outer walls. Thus the model distinguishes between internal thermal masses and exterior walls divided into those who are exposed to the sun and ground plates. While exterior walls contribute to heat transfer to the ambient, adiabatic conditions apply to interior walls. This approach allows considering the dynamic behaviour induced by internal heat storage. This class calculates and holds all attributes given in documentation. It treats Rooftops and OuterWalls as one type of outer walls and distinguishes GroundFloors as a separately resulting in two RC-combination for these types. Depending on the chosen method it will consider an extra resistance for windows or merge all windows into the RC-Combination for outer walls. Parameters ---------- thermal_zone: ThermalZone() TEASER instance of ThermalZone merge_windows : boolean True for merging windows into the outer wall's RC-combination, False for separate resistance for window, default is False. (Only supported for IBPSA) t_bt : float [d] Time constant according to VDI 6007 (default t_bt = 5) Attributes ---------- Interior Walls area_iw : float [m2] Area of all interior walls. alpha_conv_inner_iw : float [W/(m2K)] Area-weighted convective coefficient of heat transfer of interior walls facing the inside of this thermal zone. alpha_rad_inner_iw : float [W/(m2K)] Area-weighted radiative coefficient of heat transfer of interior walls facing the inside of this thermal zone. alpha_comb_inner_iw : float [W/(m2K)] Area-weighted combined coefficient of heat transfer of interior walls facing the inside of this thermal zone. alpha_conv_outer_iw : float [W/(m2K)] Area-weighted convective coefficient of heat transfer of interior walls facing the adjacent thermal zone. (Currently not supported) alpha_rad_outer_iw : float [W/(m2K)] Area-weighted radiative coefficient of heat transfer of interior walls facing the adjacent thermal zone. (Currently not supported) alpha_comb_outer_iw : float [W/(m2K)] Area-weighted combined coefficient of heat transfer of interior walls facing the adjacent thermal zone. (Currently not supported) ua_value_iw : float [W/K] U-Value times interior wall area. (Does not take adjacent thermal zones into account) r_conv_inner_iw : float [K/W] Sum of convective resistances for all interior walls facing the inside of this thermal zone. r_rad_inner_iw : float [K/W] Sum of radiative resistances for all interior walls facing the inside of this thermal zone r_comb_inner_iw : float [K/W] Sum of combined resistances for all interior walls facing the inside of this thermal zone r1_iw : float [K/W] Lumped resistance of interior walls no heat transfer coefficients for convection and radiation are accounted in this resistance. c1_iw : float [J/K] Lumped capacity of interior walls Outer Walls (OuterWall, Rooftop) area_ow : float [m2] Area of all outer walls (OuterWall, Rooftop). alpha_conv_inner_ow : float [W/(m2K)] Area-weighted convective coefficient of heat transfer of outer walls facing the inside of this thermal zone (OuterWall, Rooftop). alpha_rad_inner_ow : float [W/(m2K)] Area-weighted radiative coefficient of heat transfer of outer walls facing the inside of this thermal zone (OuterWall, Rooftop). alpha_comb_inner_ow : float [W/(m2K)] Area-weighted combined coefficient of heat transfer of outer walls facing the inside of this thermal zone (OuterWall, Rooftop). alpha_conv_outer_ow : float [W/(m2K)] Area-weighted convective coefficient of heat transfer of outer walls facing the ambient (OuterWall, Rooftop). alpha_rad_outer_ow : float [W/(m2K)] Area-weighted radiative coefficient of heat transfer of outer walls facing the ambient (OuterWall, Rooftop). alpha_comb_outer_ow : float [W/(m2K)] Area-weighted combined coefficient of heat transfer of outer walls facing the ambient (OuterWall, Rooftop). ua_value_ow : float [W/K] U-Value times outer wall area (OuterWall, Rooftop). r_conv_inner_ow : float [K/W] Sum of convective resistances for all outer walls facing the inside of this thermal zone (OuterWall, Rooftop). r_rad_inner_ow : float [K/W] Sum of radiative resistances for all outer walls facing the inside of this thermal zone (OuterWall, Rooftop). r_comb_inner_ow : float [K/W] Sum of combined resistances for all outer walls facing the inside of this thermal zone (OuterWall, Rooftop). r_conv_outer_ow : float [K/W] Sum of convective resistances for all outer walls facing the ambient (OuterWall, Rooftop). r_rad_outer_ow : float [K/W] Sum of radiative resistances for all outer walls facing the ambient (OuterWall, Rooftop). r_comb_outer_ow : float [K/W] Sum of combined resistances for all outer walls facing the ambient (OuterWall, Rooftop). r1_ow : float [K/W] Lumped resistance of outer walls no heat transfer coefficients for convection and radiation are accounted in this resistance (OuterWall, Rooftop). r_rest_ow : float [K/W] Lumped remaining resistance of outer walls between r1_ow and c1_ow no heat transfer coefficients for convection and radiation are accounted in this resistance (OuterWall, Rooftop). c1_ow : float [J/K] Lumped capacity of outer walls (OuterWall, Rooftop). weightfactor_ow : list of floats Weightfactors of outer walls (UA-Value of walls with same orientation and tilt divided by ua_value_ow) (OuterWall, Rooftop) outer_wall_areas : list of floats [m2] Area of all outer walls in one list (OuterWall, Rooftop). ir_emissivity_outer_ow : float Area-weighted ir emissivity of outer wall facing the ambient (OuterWall, Rooftop). ir_emissivity_inner_ow : float Area-weighted ir emissivity of outer walls facing the thermal zone (OuterWall, Rooftop). solar_absorp_ow : float Area-weighted solar absorption of outer walls facing the ambient (OuterWall, Rooftop). Ground Floors area_gf : float [m2] Area of all ground floors. alpha_conv_inner_gf : float [W/(m2K)] Area-weighted convective coefficient of heat transfer of ground floors facing the inside of this thermal zone. alpha_rad_inner_gf : float [W/(m2K)] Area-weighted radiative coefficient of heat transfer of ground floors facing the inside of this thermal zone. alpha_comb_inner_gf : float [W/(m2K)] Area-weighted combined coefficient of heat transfer of ground floors facing the inside of this thermal zone. ua_value_gf : float [W/K] U-Value times ground floor area. r_conv_inner_gf : float [K/W] Sum of convective resistances for all ground floors facing the inside of this thermal zone. r_rad_inner_gf : float [K/W] Sum of radiative resistances for all ground floors facing the inside of this thermal zone. r_comb_inner_gf : float [K/W] Sum of combined resistances for all ground floors facing the inside of this thermal zone. r1_gf : float [K/W] Lumped resistance of ground floors no heat transfer coefficients for convection and radiation are accounted in this resistance. r_rest_gf : float [K/W] Lumped remaining resistance of ground floors between r1_gf and c1_gf no heat transfer coefficients for convection and radiation are accounted in this resistance. c1_gf : float [J/K] Lumped capacity of ground floors. weightfactor_gf : float Weightfactor of ground floors (UA-Value of walls with same orientation and tilt divided by ua_value_gf) ground_floor_area : float [m2] Area of all ground floors. r_rad_gf_iw : float [K/W] Resistance for radiative heat transfer between walls. TODO: needs to be checked ir_emissivity_inner_gf : float Area-weighted ir emissivity of ground floors facing the thermal zone. Windows area_win : float [m2] Area of all windows. alpha_conv_inner_win : float [W/(m2K)] Area-weighted convective coefficient of heat transfer of windows facing the inside of this thermal zone. alpha_rad_inner_win : float [W/(m2K)] Area-weighted radiative coefficient of heat transfer of windows facing the inside of this thermal zone. alpha_comb_inner_win : float [W/(m2K)] Area-weighted combined coefficient of heat transfer of windows facing the inside of this thermal zone. ratio_conv_rad_inner_win : float [-] Ratio for windows between convective and radiative heat emission, given in VDI 6007-3 alpha_conv_outer_win : float [W/(m2K)] Area-weighted convective coefficient of heat transfer of windows facing the ambient. alpha_rad_outer_win : float [W/(m2K)] Area-weighted radiative coefficient of heat transfer of windows facing the ambient. alpha_comb_outer_win : float [W/(m2K)] Area-weighted combined coefficient of heat transfer of windows facing the ambient. ua_value_win : float [W/K] U-Value times outer wall area. u_value_win : float [W/(m2K)] Area weighted U-Value of windows. r_conv_inner_win : float [K/W] Sum of convective resistances for all windows facing the inside of this thermal zone. r_rad_inner_win : float [K/W] Sum of radiative resistances for all windows facing the inside of this thermal zone. r_comb_inner_win : float [K/W] Sum of combined resistances for all windows facing the inside of this thermal zone. r_conv_outer_win : float [K/W] Sum of convective resistances for all windows facing the ambient. r_rad_outer_win : float [K/W] Sum of radiative resistances for all windows facing the ambient. r_comb_outer_win : float [K/W] Sum of combined resistances for all windows facing the ambient. r1_win : float [K/W] Lumped resistance of windows, no heat transfer coefficients for convection and radiation are accounted in this resistance. weightfactor_win : list of floats Weightfactors of windows (UA-Value of windows with same orientation and tilt divided by ua_value_win or ua_value_win+ua_value_ow, depending if windows is lumped/merged into the walls or not) window_areas : list of floats [m2] Area of all windows in one list, if the windows are merged into the outer wall this list will be full of zeros transparent_areas : list of floats [m2] Area of all transparent elements (most likely windows) in one list, this list will be always filled with the areas, independent if windows are merged into walls or not. solar_absorp_win : float Area-weighted solar absorption for windows. (typically 0.0) ir_emissivity_win : float Area-weighted ir_emissivity for windows. Can be used for windows facing the thermal zone and the ambient. weighted_g_value : float Area-weighted g-Value of all windows. shading_max_irr : list of float [W/m2] Threshold value above which the sunblind becomes active for the whole zone. Threshold regards to the incoming irradiation level with the window direction. This value does not account for heat flux due to the outside temperature. shading_g_total : list of float Factor representing how much of the actual solar irradiation goes through the sunblind and enters the window element, for the case, that the sunblind is activated. Defaults to 1, i.e. no shading is active. Misc values: alpha_rad_inner_mean : float [W/(m2K)] Area-weighted radiative coefficient of all surfaces facing the inside of this thermal zone (OuterWalls, Windows, InnerWalls, ...). alpha_rad_outer_mean : float [W/(m2K)] Area-weighted radiative coefficient of all surfaces facing the ambient (OuterWalls, Windows, ...). heat_load : [W] Static heat load of the thermal zone. facade_areas : list of floats [m2] List containing the area of each facade (with same tilt and orientation) this includes also roofs and ground floors and windows. n_outer : int Number of total facades with different combination of tilt and orientation, windows and outer walls rooftops tilt_facade : list of floats [degree] Tilt of facades against the horizontal. orientation_facade : list of floats [degree] Orientation of facades (Azimuth). 0 - North 90 - East 180 - South 270 - West """ def __init__(self, thermal_zone, merge_windows, t_bt): """Constructor for ThreeElement""" self.internal_id = random.random() self.thermal_zone = thermal_zone self.merge_windows = merge_windows self.t_bt = t_bt # Attributes of inner walls self.area_iw = 0.0 # coefficient of heat transfer facing the inside of this thermal zone self.alpha_conv_inner_iw = 0.0 self.alpha_rad_inner_iw = 0.0 self.alpha_comb_inner_iw = 0.0 # coefficient of heat transfer facing the adjacent thermal zone self.alpha_conv_outer_iw = 0.0 self.alpha_rad_outer_iw = 0.0 self.alpha_comb_outer_iw = 0.0 # UA-Value self.ua_value_iw = 0.0 # resistances for heat transfer facing the inside of this thermal zone self.r_conv_inner_iw = 0.0 self.r_rad_inner_iw = 0.0 self.r_comb_inner_iw = 0.0 self.r_conv_outer_iw = 0.0 self.r_rad_outer_iw = 0.0 self.r_comb_outer_iw = 0.0 # lumped resistance/capacity self.r1_iw = 0.0 self.c1_iw = 0.0 # Attributes for outer walls (OuterWall, Rooftop) self.area_ow = 0.0 # coefficient of heat transfer facing the inside of this thermal zone self.alpha_conv_inner_ow = 0.0 self.alpha_rad_inner_ow = 0.0 self.alpha_comb_inner_ow = 0.0 # coefficient of heat transfer facing the ambient self.alpha_conv_outer_ow = 0.0 self.alpha_rad_outer_ow = 0.0 self.alpha_comb_outer_ow = 0.0 # UA-Value self.ua_value_ow = 0.0 # resistances for heat transfer facing the inside of this thermal zone self.r_conv_inner_ow = 0.0 self.r_rad_inner_ow = 0.0 self.r_comb_inner_ow = 0.0 # resistances for heat transfer facing the ambient self.r_conv_outer_ow = 0.0 self.r_rad_outer_ow = 0.0 self.r_comb_outer_ow = 0.0 # lumped resistances/capacity self.r1_ow = 0.0 self.r_rest_ow = 0.0 self.c1_ow = 0.0 self.r_total_ow = 0.0 # Optical properties self.ir_emissivity_outer_ow = 0.0 self.ir_emissivity_inner_ow = 0.0 self.solar_absorp_ow = 0.0 # Additional attributes self.weightfactor_ow = [] self.weightfactor_ground = 0.0 self.outer_wall_areas = [] # Attributes for outer walls (OuterWall, Rooftop, GroundFloor) self.area_gf = 0.0 # coefficient of heat transfer facing the inside of this thermal zone self.alpha_conv_inner_gf = 0.0 self.alpha_rad_inner_gf = 0.0 self.alpha_comb_inner_gf = 0.0 # UA-Value self.ua_value_gf = 0.0 # resistances for heat transfer facing the inside of this thermal zone self.r_conv_inner_gf = 0.0 self.r_rad_inner_gf = 0.0 self.r_comb_inner_gf = 0.0 # lumped resistances/capacity self.r1_gf = 0.0 self.r_rest_gf = 0.0 self.c1_gf = 0.0 self.r_total_gf = 0.0 # Optical properties self.ir_emissivity_inner_gf = 0.0 # Additional attributes self.weightfactor_ground = 0.0 # Attributes for windows self.area_win = 0.0 # coefficient of heat transfer facing the inside of this thermal zone self.alpha_conv_inner_win = 0.0 self.alpha_rad_inner_win = 0.0 self.alpha_comb_inner_win = 0.0 self.ratio_conv_rad_inner_win = 0.0 # coefficient of heat transfer facing the ambient self.alpha_conv_outer_win = 0.0 self.alpha_rad_outer_win = 0.0 self.alpha_comb_outer_win = 0.0 # UA-Value self.ua_value_win = 0.0 self.u_value_win = 0.0 # resistances for heat transfer facing the inside of this thermal zone self.r_conv_inner_win = 0.0 self.r_rad_inner_win = 0.0 self.r_comb_inner_win = 0.0 # resistances for heat transfer facing the ambient self.r_conv_outer_win = 0.0 self.r_rad_outer_win = 0.0 self.r_comb_outer_win = 0.0 # lumped resistances/capacity self.r1_win = 0.0 # Optical properties self.ir_emissivity_win = 0.0 self.ir_emissivity_inner_win = 0.0 self.solar_absorp_win = 0.0 # Additional attributes self.weightfactor_win = [] self.window_areas = [] self.transparent_areas = [] self.shading_g_total = [] self.shading_max_irr = [] self.weighted_g_value = 0.0 # Misc values self.alpha_rad_inner_mean = 0.0 self.alpha_rad_outer_mean = 0.0 self.n_outer = 0 self.facade_areas = [] self.tilt_facade = [] self.orientation_facade = [] self.heat_load = 0.0 self.cool_load = 0.0
[docs] def calc_attributes(self): """Calls all necessary function to calculate model attributes""" outer_walls = self.thermal_zone.outer_walls + self.thermal_zone.rooftops for out_wall in outer_walls: out_wall.calc_equivalent_res() out_wall.calc_ua_value() for gf in self.thermal_zone.ground_floors: gf.calc_equivalent_res() gf.calc_ua_value() for win in win.calc_equivalent_res() win.calc_ua_value() for inner_wall in ( self.thermal_zone.inner_walls + self.thermal_zone.floors + self.thermal_zone.ceilings ): inner_wall.calc_equivalent_res() inner_wall.calc_ua_value() self.set_calc_default() if len(outer_walls) < 1: warnings.warn( "No walls are defined as outer walls for thermal " + "zone " + + " in building " + + ", please be careful with results. In addition " + "this might lead to RunTimeErrors" ) else: self._sum_outer_wall_elements() if ( len( self.thermal_zone.inner_walls + self.thermal_zone.floors + self.thermal_zone.ceilings ) < 1 ): warnings.warn( "For thermal zone " + + " in building " + + ", no inner walls have been defined." ) else: self._sum_inner_wall_elements() self._calc_inner_elements() if len( < 1: warnings.warn( "For thermal zone " + + " in building " + + ", no windows have been defined." ) else: self._sum_window_elements() if len(self.thermal_zone.ground_floors) < 1: warnings.warn( "For thermal zone " + + " in building " + + ", no ground floors have been defined." ) else: self._sum_ground_floor_elements() self._calc_ground_floor_elements() if len(outer_walls) >= 1 or len( >= 1: self._calc_outer_elements() self._calc_wf() self._calc_mean_values() self._calc_number_of_elements() self._fill_zone_lists() self._calc_heat_load() self.cool_load = -self.heat_load return True
@staticmethod def _calc_parallel_connection(element_list, omega): """Parallel connection of walls according to VDI 6007 Calculates the parallel connection of wall elements according to VDI 6007, resulting in R1 and C1 (equation 23, 24). Parameters ---------- element_list : list List of inner or outer walls omega : float VDI 6007 frequency Returns ------- r1 : float [K/W] VDI 6007 resistance for all inner or outer walls c1 : float [K/W] VDI 6007 capacity all for inner or outer walls """ for wall_count in range(len(element_list) - 1): if wall_count == 0: r1 = ( element_list[wall_count].r1 * element_list[wall_count].c1 ** 2 + element_list[wall_count + 1].r1 * element_list[wall_count + 1].c1 ** 2 + omega ** 2 * element_list[wall_count].r1 * element_list[wall_count + 1].r1 * (element_list[wall_count].r1 + element_list[wall_count + 1].r1) * element_list[wall_count].c1 ** 2 * element_list[wall_count + 1].c1 ** 2 ) / ( (element_list[wall_count].c1 + element_list[wall_count + 1].c1) ** 2 + omega ** 2 * (element_list[wall_count].r1 + element_list[wall_count + 1].r1) ** 2 * element_list[wall_count].c1 ** 2 * element_list[wall_count + 1].c1 ** 2 ) c1 = ( (element_list[wall_count].c1 + element_list[wall_count + 1].c1) ** 2 + omega ** 2 * (element_list[wall_count].r1 + element_list[wall_count + 1].r1) ** 2 * element_list[wall_count].c1 ** 2 * element_list[wall_count + 1].c1 ** 2 ) / ( element_list[wall_count].c1 + element_list[wall_count + 1].c1 + omega ** 2 * ( element_list[wall_count].r1 ** 2 * element_list[wall_count].c1 + element_list[wall_count + 1].r1 ** 2 * element_list[wall_count + 1].c1 ) * element_list[wall_count].c1 * element_list[wall_count + 1].c1 ) else: r1x = r1 c1x = c1 r1 = ( r1x * c1x ** 2 + element_list[wall_count + 1].r1 * element_list[wall_count + 1].c1 ** 2 + omega ** 2 * r1x * element_list[wall_count + 1].r1 * (r1x + element_list[wall_count + 1].r1) * c1x ** 2 * element_list[wall_count + 1].c1 ** 2 ) / ( (c1x + element_list[wall_count + 1].c1) ** 2 + omega ** 2 * (r1x + element_list[wall_count + 1].r1) ** 2 * c1x ** 2 * element_list[wall_count + 1].c1 ** 2 ) c1 = ( (c1x + element_list[wall_count + 1].c1) ** 2 + omega ** 2 * (r1x + element_list[wall_count + 1].r1) ** 2 * c1x ** 2 * element_list[wall_count + 1].c1 ** 2 ) / ( c1x + element_list[wall_count + 1].c1 + omega ** 2 * ( r1x ** 2 * c1x + element_list[wall_count + 1].r1 ** 2 * element_list[wall_count + 1].c1 ) * c1x * element_list[wall_count + 1].c1 ) return r1, c1 def _sum_outer_wall_elements(self): """Sum attributes for outer wall elements This function sums and computes the area-weighted values, where necessary for coefficients of heat transfer, resistances, areas and UA-Values. For ThreeElement model it treats rooftops and outer walls as one kind of wall type. """ self.area_ow = sum( out_wall.area for out_wall in self.thermal_zone.outer_walls ) + sum(roof.area for roof in self.thermal_zone.rooftops) self.ua_value_ow = sum( out_wall.ua_value for out_wall in self.thermal_zone.outer_walls ) + sum(roof.ua_value for roof in self.thermal_zone.rooftops) self.r_total_ow = 1 / self.ua_value_ow # values facing the inside of the thermal zone self.r_conv_inner_ow = 1 / ( sum(1 / out_wall.r_inner_conv for out_wall in self.thermal_zone.outer_walls) + sum(1 / roof.r_inner_conv for roof in self.thermal_zone.rooftops) ) self.r_rad_inner_ow = 1 / ( sum(1 / out_wall.r_inner_rad for out_wall in self.thermal_zone.outer_walls) + sum(1 / roof.r_inner_rad for roof in self.thermal_zone.rooftops) ) self.r_comb_inner_ow = 1 / ( sum(1 / out_wall.r_inner_comb for out_wall in self.thermal_zone.outer_walls) + sum(1 / roof.r_inner_comb for roof in self.thermal_zone.rooftops) ) self.ir_emissivity_inner_ow = ( sum( out_wall.layer[0].material.ir_emissivity * out_wall.area for out_wall in self.thermal_zone.outer_walls ) + sum( roof.layer[0].material.ir_emissivity * roof.area for roof in self.thermal_zone.rooftops ) ) / self.area_ow self.alpha_conv_inner_ow = 1 / (self.r_conv_inner_ow * self.area_ow) self.alpha_rad_inner_ow = 1 / (self.r_rad_inner_ow * self.area_ow) self.alpha_comb_inner_ow = 1 / (self.r_comb_inner_ow * self.area_ow) # values facing the ambient # ground floor does not have any coefficients on ambient side self.r_conv_outer_ow = 1 / ( sum(1 / out_wall.r_outer_conv for out_wall in self.thermal_zone.outer_walls) + sum(1 / roof.r_outer_conv for roof in self.thermal_zone.rooftops) ) self.r_rad_outer_ow = 1 / ( sum(1 / out_wall.r_outer_rad for out_wall in self.thermal_zone.outer_walls) + sum(1 / roof.r_outer_rad for roof in self.thermal_zone.rooftops) ) self.r_comb_outer_ow = 1 / ( sum(1 / out_wall.r_outer_comb for out_wall in self.thermal_zone.outer_walls) + sum(1 / roof.r_outer_comb for roof in self.thermal_zone.rooftops) ) self.ir_emissivity_outer_ow = ( sum( out_wall.layer[-1].material.ir_emissivity * out_wall.area for out_wall in self.thermal_zone.outer_walls ) + sum( roof.layer[-1].material.ir_emissivity * roof.area for roof in self.thermal_zone.rooftops ) ) / self.area_ow self.solar_absorp_ow = ( sum( out_wall.layer[-1].material.solar_absorp * out_wall.area for out_wall in self.thermal_zone.outer_walls ) + sum( roof.layer[-1].material.solar_absorp * roof.area for roof in self.thermal_zone.rooftops ) ) / self.area_ow self.alpha_conv_outer_ow = 1 / (self.r_conv_outer_ow * self.area_ow) self.alpha_rad_outer_ow = 1 / (self.r_rad_outer_ow * self.area_ow) self.alpha_comb_outer_ow = 1 / (self.r_comb_outer_ow * self.area_ow) def _sum_ground_floor_elements(self): """Sum attributes for ground floor elements This function sums and computes the area-weighted values, where necessary (the class doc string) for coefficients of heat transfer, resistances, areas and UA-Values. """ self.area_gf = sum(ground.area for ground in self.thermal_zone.ground_floors) self.ua_value_gf = sum( ground.ua_value for ground in self.thermal_zone.ground_floors ) self.r_total_gf = 1 / self.ua_value_gf # values facing the inside of the thermal zone self.r_conv_inner_gf = 1 / sum( 1 / ground.r_inner_conv for ground in self.thermal_zone.ground_floors ) self.r_rad_inner_gf = 1 / sum( 1 / ground.r_inner_rad for ground in self.thermal_zone.ground_floors ) self.r_comb_inner_gf = 1 / sum( 1 / ground.r_inner_comb for ground in self.thermal_zone.ground_floors ) self.ir_emissivity_inner_gf = ( sum( ground.layer[0].material.ir_emissivity * ground.area for ground in self.thermal_zone.ground_floors ) / self.area_gf ) self.alpha_conv_inner_gf = 1 / (self.r_conv_inner_gf * self.area_gf) self.alpha_rad_inner_gf = 1 / (self.r_rad_inner_gf * self.area_gf) self.alpha_comb_inner_gf = 1 / (self.r_comb_inner_gf * self.area_gf) def _sum_inner_wall_elements(self): """Sum attributes for interior elements This function sums and computes the area-weighted values, where necessary (the class doc string) for coefficients of heat transfer, resistances, areas and UA-Values. It treats all inner walls identical. Function is identical for TwoElement, ThreeElement and FourElement. Calculation of adjacent thermal zones and thus these attributes are currently not supported. """ self.area_iw = ( sum(in_wall.area for in_wall in self.thermal_zone.inner_walls) + sum(floor.area for floor in self.thermal_zone.floors) + sum(ceiling.area for ceiling in self.thermal_zone.ceilings) ) self.ua_value_iw = ( sum(in_wall.ua_value for in_wall in self.thermal_zone.inner_walls) + sum(floor.ua_value for floor in self.thermal_zone.floors) + sum(ceiling.ua_value for ceiling in self.thermal_zone.ceilings) ) # values facing the inside of the thermal zone self.r_conv_inner_iw = 1 / ( sum(1 / in_wall.r_inner_conv for in_wall in self.thermal_zone.inner_walls) + sum(1 / floor.r_inner_conv for floor in self.thermal_zone.floors) + sum(1 / ceiling.r_inner_conv for ceiling in self.thermal_zone.ceilings) ) self.r_rad_inner_iw = 1 / ( sum(1 / in_wall.r_inner_rad for in_wall in self.thermal_zone.inner_walls) + sum(1 / floor.r_inner_rad for floor in self.thermal_zone.floors) + sum(1 / ceiling.r_inner_rad for ceiling in self.thermal_zone.ceilings) ) self.r_comb_inner_iw = 1 / ( sum(1 / in_wall.r_inner_comb for in_wall in self.thermal_zone.inner_walls) + sum(1 / floor.r_inner_comb for floor in self.thermal_zone.floors) + sum(1 / ceiling.r_inner_comb for ceiling in self.thermal_zone.ceilings) ) self.ir_emissivity_inner_iw = ( sum( in_wall.layer[0].material.ir_emissivity * in_wall.area for in_wall in self.thermal_zone.inner_walls ) + sum( floor.layer[0].material.ir_emissivity * floor.area for floor in self.thermal_zone.floors ) + sum( ceiling.layer[0].material.ir_emissivity * ceiling.area for ceiling in self.thermal_zone.ceilings ) ) / self.area_iw self.alpha_conv_inner_iw = 1 / (self.r_conv_inner_iw * self.area_iw) self.alpha_rad_inner_iw = 1 / (self.r_rad_inner_iw * self.area_iw) self.alpha_comb_inner_iw = 1 / (self.r_comb_inner_iw * self.area_iw) # adjacent thermal zones are not supported! def _sum_window_elements(self): """Sum attributes for window elements This function sums and computes the area-weighted values, where necessary (the class doc string) for coefficients of heat transfer, resistances, areas and UA-Values. Function is identical for TwoElement, ThreeElement and FourElement. """ self.area_win = sum(win.area for win in self.ua_value_win = sum(win.ua_value for win in self.u_value_win = self.ua_value_win / self.area_win # values facing the inside of the thermal zone self.r_conv_inner_win = 1 / ( sum(1 / win.r_inner_conv for win in ) self.r_rad_inner_win = 1 / ( sum(1 / win.r_inner_rad for win in ) self.r_comb_inner_win = 1 / ( sum(1 / win.r_inner_comb for win in ) self.ir_emissivity_inner_win = ( sum( win.layer[0].material.ir_emissivity * win.area for win in ) / self.area_win ) self.alpha_conv_inner_win = 1 / (self.r_conv_inner_win * self.area_win) self.alpha_rad_inner_win = 1 / (self.r_rad_inner_win * self.area_win) self.alpha_comb_inner_win = 1 / (self.r_comb_inner_win * self.area_win) self.ratio_conv_rad_inner_win = ( sum(win.a_conv * win.area for win in / self.area_win ) # values facing the ambient self.r_conv_outer_win = 1 / ( sum(1 / win.r_outer_conv for win in ) self.r_rad_outer_win = 1 / ( sum(1 / win.r_outer_rad for win in ) self.r_comb_outer_win = 1 / ( sum(1 / win.r_outer_comb for win in ) self.ir_emissivity_win = ( sum( win.layer[-1].material.ir_emissivity * win.area for win in ) / self.area_win ) self.solar_absorp_win = ( sum( win.layer[-1].material.solar_absorp * win.area for win in ) / self.area_win ) self.weighted_g_value = ( sum(win.g_value * win.area for win in / self.area_win ) self.alpha_conv_outer_win = 1 / (self.r_conv_outer_win * self.area_win) self.alpha_rad_outer_win = 1 / (self.r_rad_outer_win * self.area_win) self.alpha_comb_outer_win = 1 / (self.r_comb_outer_win * self.area_win) def _calc_outer_elements(self): """Lumped parameter for outer wall elements Calculates all necessary parameters for outer walls. This includes OuterWalls and Rooftops. Attributes ---------- omega : float [1/s] angular frequency with given time period. outer_walls : list List containing all TEASER Wall instances that are treated as same outer wall type. In case of TwoElement model OuterWalls, Rooftops """ omega = 2 * math.pi / 86400 / self.t_bt outer_walls = self.thermal_zone.outer_walls + self.thermal_zone.rooftops if 0 < len(outer_walls) <= 1: # only one outer wall, no need to calculate chain matrix self.r1_ow = outer_walls[0].r1 self.c1_ow = outer_walls[0].c1_korr elif len(outer_walls) > 1: # more than one outer wall, calculate chain matrix self.r1_ow, self.c1_ow = self._calc_parallel_connection(outer_walls, omega) if self.merge_windows is False: try: if len( > 0: self.r1_win = 1 / sum( (1 / win.r1) for win in ) if len(self.thermal_zone.outer_walls) > 0: conduction = 1 / sum( (1 / element.r_conduc) for element in outer_walls ) self.r_rest_ow = conduction - self.r1_ow except RuntimeError: print( "As no outer walls or no windows are defined lumped " "parameter cannot be calculated" ) if self.merge_windows is True: try: if ( len( > 0 and len(self.thermal_zone.outer_walls) > 0 ): self.r1_win = 1 / sum( 1 / (win.r1 / 6) for win in ) self.r1_ow = 1 / (1 / self.r1_ow + 1 / self.r1_win) self.r_total_ow = 1 / (self.ua_value_ow + self.ua_value_win) self.r_rest_ow = ( self.r_total_ow - self.r1_ow - 1 / ( ( (1 / self.r_conv_inner_ow) + (1 / self.r_conv_inner_win) + (1 / self.r_rad_inner_ow) + (1 / self.r_rad_inner_win) ) ) ) - 1 / (self.alpha_comb_outer_ow * self.area_ow) self.ir_emissivity_inner_ow = ( self.ir_emissivity_inner_ow * self.area_ow + self.ir_emissivity_inner_win * self.area_win ) / (self.area_ow + self.area_win) self.ir_emissivity_outer_ow = ( self.ir_emissivity_outer_ow * self.area_ow + self.ir_emissivity_win * self.area_win ) / (self.area_ow + self.area_win) self.solar_absorp_ow = ( self.solar_absorp_ow * self.area_ow + self.solar_absorp_win * self.area_win ) / (self.area_ow + self.area_win) except RuntimeError: print( "As no outer walls or no windows are defined lumped " "parameter cannot be calculated" ) def _calc_ground_floor_elements(self): """Lumped parameter for ground floor elements Calculates all necessary parameters for ground floors. Attributes ---------- omega : float [1/s] angular frequency with given time period. """ omega = 2 * math.pi / 86400 / self.t_bt if 0 < len(self.thermal_zone.ground_floors) <= 1: # only one outer wall, no need to calculate chain matrix self.r1_gf = self.thermal_zone.ground_floors[0].r1 self.c1_gf = self.thermal_zone.ground_floors[0].c1_korr elif len(self.thermal_zone.ground_floors) > 1: # more than one outer wall, calculate chain matrix self.r1_gf, self.c1_gf = self._calc_parallel_connection( self.thermal_zone.ground_floors, omega ) try: conduction = 1 / sum( (1 / element.r_conduc) for element in self.thermal_zone.ground_floors ) self.r_rest_gf = conduction - self.r1_gf except RuntimeError: print( "As no ground floors are defined lumped " "parameter cannot be calculated" ) def _calc_inner_elements(self): """Lumped parameter for outer wall elements Calculates all necessary parameters for inner walls. This includes InnerWalls, Ceilings and Floors. Attributes ---------- omega : float [1/s] angular frequency with given time period. outer_walls : list List containing all TEASER Wall instances that are treated as same outer wall type. In case of TwoElement model OuterWalls, GroundFloors, Rooftops """ omega = 2 * math.pi / 86400 / self.t_bt inner_walls = ( self.thermal_zone.inner_walls + self.thermal_zone.floors + self.thermal_zone.ceilings ) for in_wall in inner_walls: in_wall.calc_equivalent_res() in_wall.calc_ua_value() if 0 < len(inner_walls) <= 1: # only one outer wall, no need to calculate chain matrix self.r1_iw = inner_walls[0].r1 self.c1_iw = inner_walls[0].c1_korr elif len(inner_walls) > 1: # more than one outer wall, calculate chain matrix self.r1_iw, self.c1_iw = self._calc_parallel_connection(inner_walls, omega) def _calc_wf(self): """Weightfactors for outer elements(walls, roof, ground floor, windows) Calculates the weightfactors of the outer walls, including ground and windows. Parameters ---------- outer_walls : list List containing all TEASER Wall instances that are treated as same outer wall type. In case of TwoElement model OuterWalls, GroundFloors, Rooftops """ outer_walls = self.thermal_zone.outer_walls + self.thermal_zone.rooftops self.weightfactor_ground = 0.0 if self.merge_windows is True: for wall in outer_walls: wall.wf_out = wall.ua_value / (self.ua_value_ow + self.ua_value_win) for win in win.wf_out = win.ua_value / (self.ua_value_ow + self.ua_value_win) elif self.merge_windows is False: for wall in outer_walls: wall.wf_out = wall.ua_value / self.ua_value_ow for win in win.wf_out = win.ua_value / self.ua_value_win else: raise ValueError("specify merge window method correctly") def _calc_mean_values(self): """Calculates mean values for inner and outer elements This function calculates mean values inside the thermal zone (e.g. the mean value for coefficient of radiative heat transfer between inner and outer walls """ self.alpha_rad_inner_mean = ( self.area_ow * self.alpha_rad_inner_ow + self.area_win * self.alpha_rad_inner_win + self.area_gf * self.alpha_rad_inner_gf + self.area_iw * self.alpha_rad_inner_iw ) / (self.area_ow + self.area_win + self.area_iw + self.area_gf) self.alpha_rad_outer_mean = ( self.area_ow * self.alpha_rad_outer_ow + self.area_win * self.alpha_rad_outer_win ) / (self.area_ow + self.area_win) def _calc_number_of_elements(self): """Calculates the number of facade elements with different tilt/orient This function calculates the number of outer elements with a different combination of orientation and tilt, this includes the rooftops and ground floors. """ outer_elements = ( self.thermal_zone.outer_walls + self.thermal_zone.rooftops + ) tilt_orient = [] for element in outer_elements: tilt_orient.append((element.orientation, element.tilt)) self.n_outer = len(list(set(tilt_orient))) def _fill_zone_lists(self): """Fills lists like weightfactors and tilt, orientation Fills the lists of a zone according to orientation and tilt of the zone. Therefore it compares orientation and tilt of all outer elements and then creates lists for zone weightfactors, orientation, tilt, ares and sunblinds.""" outer_elements = ( self.thermal_zone.outer_walls + self.thermal_zone.rooftops + ) tilt_orient = [] for element in outer_elements: tilt_orient.append((element.orientation, element.tilt)) tilt_orient = list(set(tilt_orient)) for i in tilt_orient: wall_rt = self.thermal_zone.find_walls( i[0], i[1] ) + self.thermal_zone.find_rts(i[0], i[1]) wins = self.thermal_zone.find_wins(i[0], i[1]) if self.merge_windows is True: self.facade_areas.append( sum([element.area for element in (wall_rt + wins)]) ) else: self.facade_areas.append(sum([element.area for element in (wall_rt)])) self.orientation_facade.append(i[0]) self.tilt_facade.append(i[1]) if not wall_rt: self.weightfactor_ow.append(0.0) self.outer_wall_areas.append(0.0) else: self.weightfactor_ow.append(sum([wall.wf_out for wall in wall_rt])) self.outer_wall_areas.append(sum([wall.area for wall in wall_rt])) if not wins: self.weightfactor_win.append(0.0) self.shading_g_total.append(1.0) self.window_areas.append(0.0) self.transparent_areas.append(0.0) else: self.weightfactor_win.append(sum([win.wf_out for win in wins])) if self.merge_windows is False: self.window_areas.append(sum([win.area for win in wins])) self.transparent_areas.append(sum([win.area for win in wins])) else: self.window_areas.append(0) self.transparent_areas.append(sum([win.area for win in wins])) self.shading_g_total.append( sum( [ win.shading_g_total * win.area / sum([w.area for w in wins]) for win in wins ] ) ) self.shading_max_irr.append( sum( [ win.shading_max_irr * win.area / sum([w.area for w in wins]) for win in wins ] ) ) def _calc_heat_load(self): """Static heat load calculation This function calculates the static heat load of the thermal zone by multiplying the UA-Value of the elements with the given Temperature difference of t_inside and t_outside. And takes heat losses through infiltration into account. Keep in mind that this is a rough approximation of the DIN Heat Demand Attributes ---------- ua_value_ow_temp : float [W/(m2*K)] UA Value without GroundFloors ua_value_gf_temp : float [W/(m2*K)] UA Value of all GroundFloors """ self.heat_load = 0.0 ua_value_ow_temp = self.ua_value_ow self.heat_load = ( ( (ua_value_ow_temp + self.ua_value_win) + self.thermal_zone.volume * self.thermal_zone.use_conditions.infiltration_rate * 1 / 3600 * self.thermal_zone.heat_capac_air * self.thermal_zone.density_air ) * (self.thermal_zone.t_inside - self.thermal_zone.t_outside) ) + ( self.ua_value_gf * (self.thermal_zone.t_inside - self.thermal_zone.t_ground) )
[docs] def set_calc_default(self): """sets default calculation parameters """ # Attributes of inner walls self.area_iw = 0.0 # coefficient of heat transfer facing the inside of this thermal zone self.alpha_conv_inner_iw = 0.0 self.alpha_rad_inner_iw = 0.0 self.alpha_comb_inner_iw = 0.0 # coefficient of heat transfer facing the adjacent thermal zone self.alpha_conv_outer_iw = 0.0 self.alpha_rad_outer_iw = 0.0 self.alpha_comb_outer_iw = 0.0 # UA-Value self.ua_value_iw = 0.0 # resistances for heat transfer facing the inside of this thermal zone self.r_conv_inner_iw = 0.0 self.r_rad_inner_iw = 0.0 self.r_comb_inner_iw = 0.0 self.r_conv_outer_iw = 0.0 self.r_rad_outer_iw = 0.0 self.r_comb_outer_iw = 0.0 # lumped resistance/capacity self.r1_iw = 0.0 self.c1_iw = 0.0 # Attributes for outer walls (OuterWall, Rooftop) self.area_ow = 0.0 # coefficient of heat transfer facing the inside of this thermal zone self.alpha_conv_inner_ow = 0.0 self.alpha_rad_inner_ow = 0.0 self.alpha_comb_inner_ow = 0.0 # coefficient of heat transfer facing the ambient self.alpha_conv_outer_ow = 0.0 self.alpha_rad_outer_ow = 0.0 self.alpha_comb_outer_ow = 0.0 # UA-Value self.ua_value_ow = 0.0 # resistances for heat transfer facing the inside of this thermal zone self.r_conv_inner_ow = 0.0 self.r_rad_inner_ow = 0.0 self.r_comb_inner_ow = 0.0 # resistances for heat transfer facing the ambient self.r_conv_outer_ow = 0.0 self.r_rad_outer_ow = 0.0 self.r_comb_outer_ow = 0.0 # lumped resistances/capacity self.r1_ow = 0.0 self.r_rest_ow = 0.0 self.c1_ow = 0.0 self.r_total_ow = 0.0 # Optical properties self.ir_emissivity_outer_ow = 0.0 self.ir_emissivity_inner_ow = 0.0 self.solar_absorp_ow = 0.0 # Additional attributes self.weightfactor_ow = [] self.weightfactor_ground = 0.0 self.outer_wall_areas = [] # Attributes for outer walls (OuterWall, Rooftop, GroundFloor) self.area_gf = 0.0 # coefficient of heat transfer facing the inside of this thermal zone self.alpha_conv_inner_gf = 0.0 self.alpha_rad_inner_gf = 0.0 self.alpha_comb_inner_gf = 0.0 # UA-Value self.ua_value_gf = 0.0 # resistances for heat transfer facing the inside of this thermal zone self.r_conv_inner_gf = 0.0 self.r_rad_inner_gf = 0.0 self.r_comb_inner_gf = 0.0 # lumped resistances/capacity self.r1_gf = 0.0 self.r_rest_gf = 0.0 self.c1_gf = 0.0 self.r_total_gf = 0.0 # Optical properties self.ir_emissivity_inner_gf = 0.0 # Additional attributes self.weightfactor_ground = 0.0 # Attributes for windows self.area_win = 0.0 # coefficient of heat transfer facing the inside of this thermal zone self.alpha_conv_inner_win = 0.0 self.alpha_rad_inner_win = 0.0 self.alpha_comb_inner_win = 0.0 self.ratio_conv_rad_inner_win = 0.0 # coefficient of heat transfer facing the ambient self.alpha_conv_outer_win = 0.0 self.alpha_rad_outer_win = 0.0 self.alpha_comb_outer_win = 0.0 # UA-Value self.ua_value_win = 0.0 self.u_value_win = 0.0 # resistances for heat transfer facing the inside of this thermal zone self.r_conv_inner_win = 0.0 self.r_rad_inner_win = 0.0 self.r_comb_inner_win = 0.0 # resistances for heat transfer facing the ambient self.r_conv_outer_win = 0.0 self.r_rad_outer_win = 0.0 self.r_comb_outer_win = 0.0 # lumped resistances/capacity self.r1_win = 0.0 # Optical properties self.ir_emissivity_win = 0.0 self.solar_absorp_win = 0.0 # Additional attributes self.weightfactor_win = [] self.window_areas = [] self.transparent_areas = [] self.shading_g_total = [] self.shading_max_irr = [] self.weighted_g_value = 0.0 # Misc values self.alpha_rad_inner_mean = 0.0 self.n_outer = 0 self.facade_areas = [] self.tilt_facade = [] self.orientation_facade = [] self.heat_load = 0.0 self.cool_load = 0.0