Source code for teaser.logic.simulation.modelicainfo

# created November 2015
# by TEASER4 Development Team

[docs]class ModelicaInfo: """ModelicaInfo Class This class holds information specific for Modelica Simulation. Some of these solver or flags might only be applicable to Dymola. Attributes ---------- start_time : int [s] Start time for the simulation, default 0 stop_time : int [s] Stop time for the simulation, default 31536000 interval_output : str [s] Interval for one time step, default 3600 for one hour solver : list list of available solvers for Modelica current_solver : str solver that should be used in simulation, default 'Radau' equidistant_output : bool Use of Equidistant time grid flag in Modelica. variables_at_events : bool Use of events flag in Modelica. version : str Version of Modelica and Modelica Standard Library """ def __init__(self): """Constructor of ModelicaInfo Class. """ # Base-Values for the simulation tab self.start_time = 0 self.stop_time = 31536000 self.interval_output = "3600" self.solver = ["Lsodar", "dassl", "Radau", "Cvode"] self.current_solver = "Cvode" self.equidistant_output = True self.results_at_events = False self.version = "3.2.3"