teaser.examples.verification package


teaser.examples.verification.verification_ASHRAE_140_600 module

This script contains of three functions. The first one loads the light-weight ASHRAE 140 test room 600 from a *.teaserjson file. The second one creates that room within the code. The third one computes parameter with the help of one of the aforementioned functions.

teaser.examples.verification.verification_ASHRAE_140_600.from_scratch(number_of_elements, save=False, path='/root/TEASEROutput')[source]

This function creates the test room from scratch.

Notes: The standard defines an solar absorption coefficient for interior surfaces of 0.6. We do not consider this, but we could by multiplying the solar radiation after the window by 0.6.

number_of_elements: int

Number of elements of model

path: str (optional)

Path where Project should be stored as .teaserjson

save: bool (optional)

True if Project should be stored as .teaserjson at path

prj: Project

Project that contains the building with the test room


teaser.examples.verification.verification_ASHRAE_140_620 module

This script contains of three functions. The first one loads the light-weight ASHRAE 140 test room 620 from a *.teaserjson file. The second one creates that room within the code. The third one computes parameter with the help of one of the aforementioned functions.

teaser.examples.verification.verification_ASHRAE_140_620.from_scratch(number_of_elements, save=False, path='/root/TEASEROutput')[source]

This function creates the test room from scratch.

Notes: The standard defines an solar absorption coefficient for interior surfaces of 0.6. We do not consider this, but we could by multiplying the solar radiation after the window by 0.6.

number_of_elements: int

Number of elements of model

path: str (optional)

Path where Project should be stored as .teaserjson

save: bool (optional)

True if Project should be stored as .teaserjson at path

prj: Project

Project that contains the building with the test room


teaser.examples.verification.verification_ASHRAE_140_900 module

This script contains of three functions. The first one loads the heavy-weight ASHRAE 140 test room 900 from a *.teaserjson file. The second one creates that room within the code. The third one computes parameter with the help of one of the aforementioned functions.

teaser.examples.verification.verification_ASHRAE_140_900.from_scratch(number_of_elements, save=False, path='/root/TEASEROutput')[source]

This function creates the test room from scratch.

Notes: The standard defines an solar absorption coefficient for interior surfaces of 0.6. We do not consider this, but we could by multiplying the solar radiation after the window by 0.6.

number_of_elements: int

Number of elements of model

path: str (optional)

Path where Project should be stored as .teaserjson

save: bool (optional)

True if Project should be stored as .teaserjson at path

prj: Project

Project that contains the building with the test room


teaser.examples.verification.verification_ASHRAE_140_920 module

This script contains of three functions. The first one loads the heavy-weight ASHRAE 140 test room 920 from a *.teaserjson file. The second one creates that room within the code. The third one computes parameter with the help of one of the aforementioned functions.

teaser.examples.verification.verification_ASHRAE_140_920.from_scratch(number_of_elements, save=False, path='/root/TEASEROutput')[source]

This function creates the test room from scratch.

Notes: The standard defines an solar absorption coefficient for interior surfaces of 0.6. We do not consider this, but we could by multiplying the solar radiation after the window by 0.6.

number_of_elements: int

Number of elements of model

path: str (optional)

Path where Project should be stored as .teaserjson

save: bool (optional)

True if Project should be stored as .teaserjson at path

prj: Project

Project that contains the building with the test room


teaser.examples.verification.verification_VDI_6007_room1 module

This script loads the VDI 6007 Room 1 as *.teaserjson and computes parameters. The parameters are then compared with the ones from Rouvel


teaser.examples.verification.verification_VDI_6007_room3 module

This script loads the VDI 6007 Room 3 as *.teaserjson and computes parameters. The parameters are then compared with the ones from Rouvel


teaser.examples.verification.verification_VDI_6007_room8 module

This script loads the VDI 6007 Room 8 as *.teaserjson and computes parameters. The parameters are then compared with the ones from Rouvel
