- central_ahuinstance of BuildingAHU
Teaser Instance of BuildingAHU if a central AHU is embedded into the
building (currently mostly needed for AixLib simulation).
- number_of_floorsint
number of floors above ground (default: None)
- height_of_floorsfloat [m]
Average height of the floors (default: None)
- internal_idfloat
Random id for the distinction between different buildings.
- year_of_retrofitint
Year of last retrofit.
- type_of_buildingstring
Type of a Building (e.g. Building (unspecified), Office etc.).
- building_idNone
ID of building, can be set by the user to keep track of a building
even outside of TEASER, e.g. in a simulation or in post-processing.
This is not the same as internal_id, as internal_id is e.g. not
exported to Modelica models!
- street_namestring
Name of the street the building is located at. (optional)
- citystring
Name of the city the building is located at. (optional)
- longitudefloat [degree]
Longitude of building location.
- latitudefloat [degree]
Latitude of building location.
- thermal_zoneslist
List with instances of ThermalZone(), that are located in this building.
- outer_areadict [degree: m2]
Dictionary with orientation as key and sum of outer wall areas of
that direction as value.
- window_areadict [degree: m2]
Dictionary with orientation as key and sum of window areas of
that direction as value.
- bldg_heightfloat [m]
Total building height.
- volumefloat [m3]
Total volume of all thermal zones.
- sum_heat_loadfloat [W]
Total heating load of all thermal zones.
- sum_cooling_loadfloat [W]
Total heating load of all thermal zones. (currently not supported)
- number_of_elements_calcint
Number of elements that are used for thermal zone calculation in this
- merge_windows_calcboolean
True for merging the windows into the outer wall’s RC-combination,
False for separate resistance for window, default is False
- used_library_calcstr
‘AixLib’ for https://github.com/RWTH-EBC/AixLib
‘IBPSA’ for https://github.com/ibpsa/modelica
- library_attrAnnex() or AixLib() instance
Classes with specific functions and attributes for building models in
IBPSA and AixLib. Python classes can be found in calculation package.