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2This module provides useful classes for all ebcpy.
3Every data_type class should include every parameter
4other classes like optimization etc. may need. The checking
5of correct input is especially relevant here as the correct
6format of data-types will prevent errors during simulations,
7optimization etc.
10import os
11from pathlib import Path
12from typing import List, Union, Any
13from datetime import datetime
14from pandas.core.internals import BlockManager
15import pandas as pd
16import numpy as np
17import ebcpy.modelica.simres as sr
18from ebcpy import preprocessing
20# pylint: disable=I1101
21# pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors
23__all__ = ['TimeSeries',
24 'TimeSeriesData',
25 'numeric_indexes',
26 'datetime_indexes']
28numeric_index_dtypes = [
29 pd.Index([], dtype=dtype).dtype for dtype in
30 ["int8", "int16", "int32", "int64",
31 "uint8", "uint16", "uint32", "uint64",
32 "float32", "float64"]
35datetime_indexes = [
36 pd.DatetimeIndex
40def index_is_numeric(index: pd.Index):
41 """Check if pandas Index is numeric"""
42 return isinstance(index, pd.RangeIndex) or index.dtype in numeric_index_dtypes
45class TimeSeriesData(pd.DataFrame):
46 """
47 Most data related to energy and building
48 climate related problems is time-variant.
50 Class for handling time series data using a pandas dataframe.
51 This class works file-based and makes the import of different
52 file-types into a pandas DataFrame more user-friendly.
53 Furthermore, functions to support multi-indexing are provided to
54 efficiently handle variable passed processing and provide easy
55 visualization and preprocessing access.
57 :param str,os.path.normpath,pd.DataFrame data:
58 Filepath ending with either .hdf, .mat, .csv, .parquet,
59 or .parquet.COMPRESSION_NAME containing
60 time-dependent data to be loaded as a pandas.DataFrame.
61 Alternative option is to pass a DataFrame directly.
62 :keyword str key:
63 Name of the table in a .hdf-file if the file
64 contains multiple tables.
65 :keyword str sep:
66 separator for the use of a csv file. If none is provided,
67 a comma (",") is used as a default value.
68 See pandas.read_csv() docs for further information.
69 :keyword int, list header:
70 Header columns for .csv files.
71 See pandas.read_csv() docs for further information.
72 Default is first row (0).
73 :keyword int,str index_col:
74 Column to be used as index in .csv files.
75 See pandas.read_csv() docs for further information.
76 Default is first column (0).
77 :keyword str sheet_name:
78 Name of the sheet you want to load data from. Required keyword
79 argument when loading a xlsx-file.
80 :keyword str default_tag:
81 Which value to use as tag. Default is 'raw'
82 :keyword str engine:
83 Chose the engine for reading .parquet files. Default is 'pyarrow'
84 Other option is 'fastparquet' (python>=3.9).
85 :keyword list variable_names:
86 List of variable names to load from .mat file. If you
87 know which variables you want to plot, this may speed up
88 loading significantly, and reduce memory size drastically.
90 Examples:
92 First let's see the usage for a common dataframe.
94 >>> import numpy as np
95 >>> import pandas as pd
96 >>> from ebcpy import TimeSeriesData
97 >>> df = pd.DataFrame({"my_variable": np.random.rand(5)})
98 >>> tsd = TimeSeriesData(df)
99 >>> tsd.to_datetime_index()
100 >>>"my_new_data.csv")
102 Now, let's load the recently created file.
103 As we just created the data, we specify the tag
104 'sim' to indicate it is some sort of simulated value.
106 >>> tsd = TimeSeriesData("my_new_data.csv", tag='sim')
107 """
109 # normal properties
110 _metadata = [
111 "_filepath",
112 "_loader_kwargs",
113 "_default_tag",
114 "_multi_col_names"
115 ]
117 def __init__(self, data: Union[str, Any], **kwargs):
118 """Initialize class-objects and check correct input."""
119 # Initialize as default
120 self._filepath = None
121 self._loader_kwargs = {}
122 self._multi_col_names = ["Variables", "Tags"]
124 self._default_tag = kwargs.pop("default_tag", "raw")
125 if not isinstance(self._default_tag, str):
126 raise TypeError(f"Invalid type for default_tag! Expected 'str' but "
127 f"received {type(self._default_tag)}")
129 # Two possibles inputs. first argument is actually data provided by pandas
130 # and kwargs hold further information or is it an actual filepath.
131 if isinstance(data, BlockManager):
132 super().__init__(data=data)
133 return
135 if not isinstance(data, (str, Path)):
136 _df_loaded = pd.DataFrame(data=data,
137 index=kwargs.get("index", None),
138 columns=kwargs.get("columns", None),
139 dtype=kwargs.get("dtype", None),
140 copy=kwargs.get("copy", False))
141 else:
142 file = Path(data)
143 self._loader_kwargs = kwargs.copy()
144 _df_loaded = self._load_df_from_file(file=file)
145 self._filepath = file
147 if _df_loaded.columns.nlevels == 1:
148 # Check if first level is named Tags.
149 # If so, don't create MultiIndex-DF as the method is called by the pd constructor
150 if != self._multi_col_names[1]:
151 multi_col = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(
152 [_df_loaded.columns, [self._default_tag]],
153 names=self._multi_col_names
154 )
155 _df_loaded.columns = multi_col
157 elif _df_loaded.columns.nlevels == 2:
158 if _df_loaded.columns.names != self._multi_col_names:
159 raise TypeError("Loaded dataframe has a different 2-Level "
160 "header format than it is supported by this "
161 "class. The names have to match.")
162 else:
163 raise TypeError("Only DataFrames with Multi-Columns with 2 "
164 "Levels are supported by this class.")
166 super().__init__(_df_loaded)
168 @property
169 def _constructor(self):
170 """Overwrite constructor method according to:
172 return TimeSeriesData
174 @property
175 def _constructor_sliced(self):
176 """Overwrite constructor method according to:
178 return TimeSeries
180 @property
181 def filepath(self) -> str:
182 """Get the filepath associated with the time series data"""
183 return self._filepath
185 @filepath.setter
186 def filepath(self, filepath: str):
187 """Set the filepath associated with the time series data"""
188 self._filepath = Path(filepath)
190 @property
191 def default_tag(self) -> str:
192 """Get the default of time series data object"""
193 return self._default_tag
195 @default_tag.setter
196 def default_tag(self, tag: str) -> None:
197 """Set the default_tag of the time series data object
198 :param tag: new tag
199 :type tag: String
200 """
201 if not isinstance(tag, str):
202 raise TypeError(f"Invalid type for default_tag! Expected 'str' but "
203 f"received {type(tag)}")
204 if tag not in self.get_tags():
205 raise KeyError(f"Tag '{tag}' does not exist for current data set!"
206 f"\n Available tags: {self.get_tags()}")
207 self._default_tag = tag
209 def save(self, filepath: str = None, **kwargs) -> None:
210 """
211 Save the current time-series-data into the given file-format.
212 Currently supported are .hdf, which is an easy and fast storage,
213 and, .csv is supported as an easy-readable option.
214 Also, .parquet, and with additional compression .parquet.COMPRESSION_NAME
215 are supported. Compressions could be gzip, brotli or snappy. For all possible
216 compressions see the documentation of the parquet engines.
217 For a small comparison of these data formats see
219 :param str,os.path.normpath filepath:
220 Filepath were to store the data. Either .hdf, .csv, .parquet
221 or .parquet.COMPRESSION_NAME has to be the file-ending.
222 Default is current filepath of class.
223 :keyword str key:
224 Necessary keyword-argument for saving a .hdf-file.
225 Specifies the key of the table in the .hdf-file.
226 :keyword str sep:
227 Separator used for saving as .csv. Default is ','.
228 :keyword str engine:
229 Chose the engine for reading .parquet files. Default is 'pyarrow'
230 Other option is 'fastparquet' (python>=3.9).
231 :return:
232 """
233 # If new settings are needed, update existing ones
234 self._loader_kwargs.update(kwargs)
235 # Set filepath if not given
236 if filepath is None:
237 filepath = self.filepath
238 else:
239 filepath = Path(filepath)
240 # Check if filepath is still None (if no filepath was used in init)
241 if filepath is None:
242 raise ValueError("Current TimeSeriesData instance "
243 "has no filepath, please specify one.")
244 # Save based on file suffix
245 if filepath.suffix == ".hdf":
246 if "key" not in kwargs:
247 raise KeyError("Argument 'key' must be "
248 "specified to save a .hdf file")
249 pd.DataFrame(self).to_hdf(filepath, key=kwargs.get("key"))
251 elif filepath.suffix == ".csv":
252 pd.DataFrame(self).to_csv(filepath, sep=kwargs.get("sep", ","))
253 elif ".parquet" in
254 parquet_split =".parquet")
255 pd.DataFrame(self).to_parquet(
256 filepath, engine=kwargs.get('engine', 'pyarrow'),
257 compression=parquet_split[-1][1:] if parquet_split[-1] else None,
258 index=True)
259 else:
260 raise TypeError("Given file-format is not supported."
261 "You can only store TimeSeriesData as .hdf, .csv, .parquet, "
262 "and .parquet.COMPRESSION_NAME with additional compression options")
264 def to_df(self, force_single_index=False):
265 """
266 Return the dataframe version of the current TimeSeriesData object.
267 If all tags are equal, the tags are dropped.
268 Else, the object is just converted.
270 :param bool force_single_index:
271 If True (not the default), the conversion to a standard
272 DataFrame with a single index column (only variable names)
273 is only done if no variable contains multiple tags.
274 """
275 if len(self.get_variables_with_multiple_tags()) == 0:
276 return pd.DataFrame(self.droplevel(1, axis=1))
277 if force_single_index:
278 raise IndexError(
279 "Can't automatically drop all tags "
280 "as the following variables contain multiple tags: "
281 f"{' ,'.join(self.get_variables_with_multiple_tags())}. "
282 )
283 return pd.DataFrame(self)
285 def _load_df_from_file(self, file):
286 """Function to load a given filepath into a dataframe"""
287 # Check whether the file exists
288 if not os.path.isfile(file):
289 raise FileNotFoundError(
290 f"The given filepath {file} could not be opened")
292 # Open based on file suffix.
293 # Currently, hdf, csv, and Modelica result files (mat) are supported.
294 if file.suffix == ".hdf":
295 # Load the current file as a hdf to a dataframe.
296 # As specifying the key can be a problem, the user will
297 # get all keys of the file if one is necessary but not provided.
298 key = self._loader_kwargs.get("key")
299 if key == "":
300 key = None # Avoid cryptic error in pandas by converting empty string to None
301 try:
302 df = pd.read_hdf(file, key=key)
303 except (ValueError, KeyError) as error:
304 keys = ", ".join(get_keys_of_hdf_file(file))
305 raise KeyError(f"key must be provided when HDF5 file contains multiple datasets. "
306 f"Here are all keys in the given hdf-file: {keys}") from error
307 elif file.suffix == ".csv":
308 # Check if file was previously a TimeSeriesData object
309 with open(file, "r") as _f:
310 lines = [_f.readline() for _ in range(2)]
311 if (lines[0].startswith(self._multi_col_names[0]) and
312 lines[1].startswith(self._multi_col_names[1])):
313 _hea_def = [0, 1]
314 else:
315 _hea_def = 0
317 df = pd.read_csv(
318 file,
319 sep=self._loader_kwargs.get("sep", ","),
320 index_col=self._loader_kwargs.get("index_col", 0),
321 header=self._loader_kwargs.get("header", _hea_def)
322 )
323 elif file.suffix == ".mat":
324 df = sr.mat_to_pandas(
325 fname=file,
326 with_unit=False,
327 names=self._loader_kwargs.get("variable_names")
328 )
329 elif file.suffix in ['.xlsx', '.xls', '.odf', '.ods', '.odt']:
330 sheet_name = self._loader_kwargs.get("sheet_name")
331 if sheet_name is None:
332 raise KeyError("sheet_name is a required keyword argument to load xlsx-files."
333 "Please pass a string to specify the name "
334 "of the sheet you want to load.")
335 df = pd.read_excel(io=file, sheet_name=sheet_name)
336 elif ".parquet" in
337 df = pd.read_parquet(path=file, engine=self._loader_kwargs.get('engine', 'pyarrow'))
338 else:
339 raise TypeError("Only .hdf, .csv, .xlsx and .mat are supported!")
340 if not isinstance(df.index, tuple(datetime_indexes)) and not index_is_numeric(df.index):
341 try:
342 df.index = pd.DatetimeIndex(df.index)
343 except Exception as err:
344 raise IndexError(
345 f"Given data has index of type {type(df.index)}. "
346 f"Currently only numeric indexes and the following are supported:"
347 f"{' ,'.join([str(idx) for idx in [pd.RangeIndex] + datetime_indexes])} "
348 f"Automatic conversion to pd.DateTimeIndex failed"
349 f"see error above."
350 ) from err
351 return df
353 def get_variable_names(self) -> List[str]:
354 """
355 Return an alphabetically sorted list of all variables
357 :return: List[str]
358 """
359 return sorted(self.columns.get_level_values(0).unique())
361 def get_variables_with_multiple_tags(self) -> List[str]:
362 """
363 Return an alphabetically sorted list of all variables
364 that contain more than one tag.
366 :return: List[str]
367 """
368 var_names = self.columns.get_level_values(0)
369 return sorted(var_names[var_names.duplicated()])
371 def get_tags(self, variable: str = None) -> List[str]:
372 """
373 Return an alphabetically sorted list of all tags
375 :param str variable:
376 If given, tags of this variable are returned
378 :return: List[str]
379 """
380 if variable:
381 tags = self.loc[:, variable].columns
382 return sorted(tags)
383 return sorted(self.columns.get_level_values(1).unique())
385 def get_columns_by_tag(self,
386 tag: str,
387 variables: list = None,
388 return_type: str = 'pandas',
389 drop_level: bool = False):
390 """
391 Returning all columns with defined tag in the form of ndarray.
393 :param str tag:
394 Define the tag which return columns have to
395 match.
396 :param list variables:
397 Besides the given tag, specify the
398 variables names matching the return criteria as well.
399 :param boolean drop_level:
400 If tag should be included in the response.
401 Default is True.
402 :param str return_type:
403 Return format. Options are:
404 - pandas (pd.series)
405 - numpy, scipy, sp, and np (np.array)
406 - control (transposed np.array)
407 :return: ndarray of input signals
408 """
409 # Extract columns
410 if variables:
411 _ret = self.loc[:, variables]
412 else:
413 _ret = self
415 _ret = _ret.xs(tag, axis=1, level=1, drop_level=drop_level)
417 # Return based on the given return_type
418 if return_type.lower() == 'pandas':
419 return _ret
420 if return_type.lower() in ['numpy', 'scipy', 'sp', 'np']:
421 return _ret.to_numpy()
422 if return_type.lower() == 'control':
423 return _ret.to_numpy().transpose()
424 raise TypeError("Unknown return type")
426 def to_datetime_index(self, unit_of_index="s",, inplace: bool = True):
427 """
428 Convert the current index to a float based index using
429 ebcpy.preprocessing.convert_index_to_datetime_index()
431 :param str unit_of_index: default 's'
432 The unit of the given index. Used to convert to
433 total_seconds later on.
434 :param datetime.datetime origin:
435 The reference datetime object for the first index.
436 Default is the current system time.
437 :param bool inplace:
438 If True, performs operation inplace and returns None.
439 :return: df
440 Copy of DataFrame with correct index for usage in this
441 framework.
443 """
444 return preprocessing.convert_index_to_datetime_index(df=self,
445 unit_of_index=unit_of_index,
446 origin=origin,
447 inplace=inplace)
449 def to_float_index(self, offset=0, inplace: bool = True):
450 """
451 Convert the current index to a float based index using
452 ebcpy.preprocessing.convert_datetime_index_to_float_index()
454 :param float offset:
455 Offset in seconds
456 :param bool inplace:
457 If True, performs operation inplace and returns None.
458 :return: pd.DataFrame df:
459 DataFrame with correct index.
460 """
461 if not isinstance(self.index, pd.DatetimeIndex):
462 return
464 return preprocessing.convert_datetime_index_to_float_index(df=self,
465 offset=offset,
466 inplace=inplace)
468 def clean_and_space_equally(self, desired_freq, inplace: bool = True):
469 """
470 Call to the preprocessing function
471 ebcpy.preprocessing.clean_and_space_equally_time_series()
472 See the docstring of this function to know what is happening.
474 :param str desired_freq:
475 Frequency to determine number of elements in processed dataframe.
476 Options are for example:
477 - s: second-based
478 - 5s: Every 5 seconds
479 - 6min: Every 6 minutes
480 This also works for h, d, m, y, ms etc.
481 :param bool inplace:
482 If True, performs operation inplace and returns None.
483 :return: pd.DataFrame
484 Cleaned and equally spaced data-frame
485 """
486 df = preprocessing.clean_and_space_equally_time_series(df=self,
487 desired_freq=desired_freq)
488 if inplace:
489 super().__init__(df)
490 return None
491 else:
492 return df
494 def low_pass_filter(self, crit_freq, filter_order, variable,
495 tag=None, new_tag="low_pass_filter"):
496 """
497 Call to the preprocessing function
498 ebcpy.preprocessing.low_pass_filter()
499 See the docstring of this function to know what is happening.
501 :param float crit_freq:
502 The critical frequency or frequencies.
503 :param int filter_order:
504 The order of the filter
505 :param str variable:
506 The variable name to apply the filter to
507 :param str tag:
508 If this variable has more than one tag, specify which one
509 :param str new_tag:
510 The new tag to pass to the variable.
511 Default is 'low_pass_filter'
512 """
513 if tag is None:
514 data = self.loc[:, variable].to_numpy()
515 else:
516 data = self.loc[:, (variable, tag)].to_numpy()
518 result = preprocessing.low_pass_filter(
519 data=data,
520 filter_order=filter_order,
521 crit_freq=crit_freq
522 )
523 self.loc[:, (variable, new_tag)] = result
525 def moving_average(self, window, variable,
526 tag=None, new_tag="moving_average"):
527 """
528 Call to the preprocessing function
529 ebcpy.preprocessing.moving_average()
530 See the docstring of this function to know what is happening.
532 :param int window:
533 sample rate of input
534 :param str variable:
535 The variable name to apply the filter to
536 :param str tag:
537 If this variable has more than one tag, specify which one
538 :param str new_tag:
539 The new tag to pass to the variable.
540 Default is 'low_pass_filter'
541 """
542 if tag is None:
543 data = self.loc[:, variable].to_numpy()
544 else:
545 data = self.loc[:, (variable, tag)].to_numpy()
547 result = preprocessing.moving_average(
548 data=data,
549 window=window,
550 )
551 self.loc[:, (variable, new_tag)] = result
553 def number_lines_totally_na(self):
554 """
555 Returns the number of rows in the given dataframe
556 that are filled with NaN-values.
557 """
558 return preprocessing.number_lines_totally_na(self)
560 @property
561 def frequency(self):
562 """
563 The frequency of the time series data.
564 Returns's the mean and the standard deviation of
565 the index.
567 :returns:
568 float: Mean value
569 float: Standard deviation
570 """
571 return preprocessing.get_df_index_frequency_mean_and_std(
572 df_index=self.index
573 )
576class TimeSeries(pd.Series):
577 """Overwrites pd.Series to enable correct slicing
578 and expansion in the TimeSeriesData class
580 .. versionadded:: 0.1.7
581 """
583 @property
584 def _constructor(self):
585 """Overwrite constructor method according to:
587 return TimeSeries
589 @property
590 def _constructor_expanddim(self):
591 """Overwrite constructor method according to:
593 return TimeSeriesData
596def get_keys_of_hdf_file(filepath):
597 """
598 Find all keys in a given hdf-file.
600 :param str,os.path.normpath filepath:
601 Path to the .hdf-file
602 :return: list
603 List with all keys in the given file.
604 """
605 # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
606 try:
607 import h5py
608 with h5py.File(filepath, 'r') as hdf_file:
609 return list(hdf_file.keys())
610 except ImportError:
611 return ["ERROR: Could not obtain keys as h5py is not installed"]