ebcpy.utils package

Package containing utility functions used in different packages. Contains a statistics analyzer and a visualizer.

ebcpy.utils.setup_logger(name: str, working_directory: Path | str | None = None, level=10)[source]

Setup an class or module specific logger instance to ensure readable output for users.

  • name (str) – The name of the logger instance

  • working_directory (str,Path) – The path where to store the logfile. If None is given, logs are not stored.

  • level (str) – The logging level, default is DEBUG

New in version 0.1.7.


ebcpy.utils.conversion module

Module with functions to convert certain format into other formats.

ebcpy.utils.conversion.convert_tsd_to_clustering_txt(tsd, save_path_file, columns=None)[source]

Function to convert a TimeSeriesData object to a txt-file readable within the TICC-module.

  • tsd (TimeSeriesData) – TimeSeriesData object

  • save_path_file (str,os.path.normpath) – File path and name where to store the output .mat file.

  • columns (list) – A list with names of columns that should be saved to .mat file. If no list is provided, all columns are converted.

Returns True on Success, savepath of txt-file:

Returns the version 4 mat-file



Path where the data is saved. Equal to save_path_file


>>> import os
>>> project_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))
>>> example_file = os.path.normpath(project_dir + "//tests//data//example_data.csv")
>>> save_path = os.path.normpath(project_dir + "//tests//data//example_data_converted.txt")
>>> cols = ["sine.freqHz / Hz"]
>>> tsd = TimeSeriesData(example_file, sep=";")
>>> filepath = convert_tsd_to_clustering_txt(tsd,
>>>                                          save_path, columns=cols)
>>> os.remove(filepath)
ebcpy.utils.conversion.convert_tsd_to_modelica_mat(tsd, save_path_file, **kwargs)[source]

Function to convert a tsd to a mat-file readable within Dymola.

  • tsd (TimeSeriesData) – TimeSeriesData object

  • save_path_file (str,os.path.normpath) – File path and name where to store the output .mat file.

  • columns (list) – A list with names of columns that should be saved to .mat file. If no list is provided, all columns are converted.

  • offset (float) – Offset for time in seconds, default 0

Returns mat_file:

Returns the version 4 mat-file



Path where the data is saved. Equal to save_path_file


>>> import os
>>> from ebcpy import TimeSeriesData
>>> project_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))
>>> example_file = os.path.normpath(project_dir + "//tests//data//example_data.csv")
>>> save_path = os.path.normpath(project_dir + "//tests//data//example_data_converted.mat")
>>> cols = ["sine.freqHz / Hz"]
>>> tsd = TimeSeriesData(example_file, sep=";")
>>> filepath = convert_tsd_to_modelica_mat(tsd,
>>>                                        save_path, columns=cols)
>>> os.remove(filepath)
ebcpy.utils.conversion.convert_tsd_to_modelica_txt(tsd, table_name, save_path_file, **kwargs)[source]

Convert a TimeSeriesData object to modelica readable text. This is especially useful for generating input data for a modelica simulation.

  • tsd (TimeSeriesData) – TimeSeriesData object

  • table_name (str) – Name of the table for modelica. Needed in Modelica to correctly load the file.

  • save_path_file (str,os.path.normpath) – File path and name where to store the output .txt file.

  • columns (list) – A list with names of columns that should be saved to .mat file. If no list is provided, all columns are converted.

  • offset (float) – Offset for time in seconds, default 0

  • sep (str) – Separator used to separate values between columns

  • with_tag (Boolean) – Use True each variable and tag is written to the file If False, only the variable name is written to the file.



Path where the data is saved. Equal to save_path_file


>>> import os
>>> from ebcpy import TimeSeriesData
>>> project_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))
>>> example_file = os.path.normpath(project_dir + "//tests//data//example_data.csv")
>>> save_path = os.path.normpath(project_dir + "//tests//data//example_data_converted.txt")
>>> cols = ["sine.freqHz / Hz"]
>>> tsd = TimeSeriesData(example_file, sep=";")
>>> filepath = convert_tsd_to_modelica_txt(tsd, "dummy_input_data", save_path, columns=cols)
>>> os.remove(filepath)

ebcpy.utils.reproduction module

This module contains scripts to extract information out of simulation / programming based research and enable a reproduction of the results at a later stage.

class ebcpy.utils.reproduction.CopyFile(filename: str, sourcepath: Path, remove: bool)[source]

Bases: object

Data-class for information on a file which will be copied to the zip

  • filename (str) – Name of the file in the zip. Can be a relative path.

  • sourcepath (pathlib.Path) – Path on the current machine where the file to copy is located

  • remove (bool) – If True, the file will be moved instead of just copied.

filename: str
remove: bool
sourcepath: Path
class ebcpy.utils.reproduction.ReproductionFile(filename: str, content: str)[source]

Bases: object

Data-class for a text-file which will be written to te zip.

filename: str

Name of the file in the zip. Can be a relative path.

content: str

Content of the text file

content: str
filename: str
ebcpy.utils.reproduction.creat_copy_files_from_dir(foldername: str, sourcepath: Path, remove: bool = False)[source]

Creates a list with CopyFiles for each file in a directory where which will be saved in the zip under the foldername with all subdirectories.

  • foldername (str) – Name of the folder in the zip. Can be a relative path.

  • sourcepath (pathlib.Path) – Path on the current machine where the directory to copy is located

  • remove (bool) – Default is False. If True, the files in the directory will be moved instead of just copied.

Return list:

Returns a list with CopyFiles for each file in the directory source path.

ebcpy.utils.reproduction.get_git_information(path: Path, name: str | None = None, zip_folder_path: str | None = None)[source]

Function to get the git information for a given path.

  • path (pathlib.Path) – Path to possible git repo

  • name (str) – Name of the repo. If not given, the name in the URL will be used.

  • zip_folder_path (str) – If given, the PATH of the difference_files for the .zip will be zip_folder_path plus WARNING_GIT_DIFFERENCE…


If the path is not a git repository, this function returns None. Else, a dictionary with the keys ‘url’, ‘commit’ and ‘difference_files’.

ebcpy.utils.reproduction.get_installed_packages() List[dict][source]

Returns a list of tuples containing (package_name, version, location) for all installed Python packages.

ebcpy.utils.reproduction.save_reproduction_archive(title: str | None = None, path: Path | str | None = None, log_message: str | None = None, files: List[ReproductionFile | CopyFile] | None = None, file: Path | str | None = None, search_on_pypi: bool = False)[source]

Function to save a reproduction archive which contains files to reproduce any simulation/software based study.

  • title (str) – Title of the study

  • path (pathlib.Path) – Where to store the .zip file. If not given, os.getcwd() is used.

  • log_message (str) – Specific message for this run of the study. If given, you are not asked at the end of your script to give the log_message.

  • files (list) – List of files to save along the standard ones. Examples would be plots, tables etc.

  • file (pathlib.Path) – The file which is used to run. Default is __file__ of __main__ module

  • search_on_pypi (bool) – If True, all python packages which are not a git-repo are checked for availability on pypi Default is False. Does not work if no internet connection is available.

ebcpy.utils.statistics_analyzer module

Module for calculating statistical measures based on given methods.

class ebcpy.utils.statistics_analyzer.StatisticsAnalyzer(method, for_minimization=True)[source]

Bases: object

Class for calculation of the statistical measure based on the given method. Either instantiate the class and run StatisticsAnalyzer.calc(meas, sim), or go for direct calculation with StatisticsAnalyzer.calc_METHOD(meas, sim). Where METHOD stands for one of the available methods (see below).

  • method ((str, callable)) –

    If string, it must be one of the following:
    • MAE(Mean absolute error)

    • R2(coefficient of determination)

    • MSE (Mean squared error)

    • RMSE(root mean square error)

    • CVRMSE(variance of RMSE)

    • NRMSE(Normalized RMSE)

    If callable, the function needs to take exactly two arguments and return a scalar value (e.g. float). The arguments should be able to handle list and numpy arrays.


    >>> def my_func(x, y)
    >>>     return sum(x - y)
    >>> StatisticsAnalyzer(method=my_func)

  • for_minimization (Boolean) – Default True. To reduce (minimize) the error in given data, we either have to minimize or maximize the statistical measure. Example: R2 has to be maximized to minimize the error in data.

calc(meas, sim)[source]

Placeholder class before instantiating the class correctly.

static calc_cvrmse(meas, sim)[source]

Calculates the CVRMSE (variance of root mean square error) THIS IS A TEST for the given numpy array of measured and simulated data.

  • meas (np.array) – Array with measurement data

  • sim (np.array) – Array with simulation data


float CVRMSE: CVRMSE of the given data.

static calc_mae(meas, sim)[source]

Calculates the MAE (mean absolute error) for the given numpy array of measured and simulated data.

  • meas (np.array) – Array with measurement data

  • sim (np.array) – Array with simulation data


float MAE: MAE os the given data.

static calc_mse(meas, sim)[source]

Calculates the MSE (mean square error) for the given numpy array of measured and simulated data.

  • meas (np.array) – Array with measurement data

  • sim (np.array) – Array with simulation data


float MSE: MSE of the given data.

static calc_nmbe(meas, sim)[source]

Calculates the NMBE (normalized mean bias error) for the given numpy array of measured and simulated data.

  • meas (np.array) – Array with measurement data

  • sim (np.array) – Array with simulation data


float NMBE: NMBE of the given data.

static calc_nrmse(meas, sim)[source]

Calculates the NRMSE (normalized root mean square error) for the given numpy array of measured and simulated data.

  • meas (np.array) – Array with measurement data

  • sim (np.array) – Array with simulation data


float NRMSE: NRMSE of the given data.

static calc_r2(meas, sim)[source]

Calculates the MAE (mean absolute error) for the given numpy array of measured and simulated data.

  • meas (np.array) – Array with measurement data

  • sim (np.array) – Array with simulation data


float MAE: R2 of the given data.

static calc_rmse(meas, sim)[source]

Calculates the RMSE (root mean square error) for the given numpy array of measured and simulated data.

  • meas (np.array) – Array with measurement data

  • sim (np.array) – Array with simulation data


float RMSE: RMSE of the given data.