vclibpy.components.heat_exchangers.heat_transfer package
vclibpy.components.heat_exchangers.heat_transfer.air_to_wall module
- class vclibpy.components.heat_exchangers.heat_transfer.air_to_wall.AirToWallTransfer(A_cross: float, characteristic_length: float)[source]
Heat transfer model for air to wall.
- Args:
- A_cross (float):
Cross-section area in m2.
- characteristic_length (float):
Length in m to calculate the similitude approach for the heat transfer from secondary_medium -> wall.
- calc(transport_properties: TransportProperties, m_flow: float) float [source]
Heat transfer coefficient from air to the wall of the heat exchanger. The flow is assumed to be always laminar.
- Returns:
float: Heat transfer coefficient in W/(m^2*K).
- class vclibpy.components.heat_exchangers.heat_transfer.air_to_wall.WSUAirToWall(A_cross: float, characteristic_length: float)[source]
Class to implement the heat transfer calculations based on the WSÜ-Script at the RWTH.
- calc_laminar_area_nusselt(Re, Pr, lambda_) float [source]
Calculate the Nusselt number for laminar heat transfer on an area (Used for Air->Wall in the evaporator).
- Args:
Re (float): Reynolds number of air. Pr (float): Prandtl number of air. lambda_ (float): Lambda of air.
- Returns:
float: Nusselt number of air.
vclibpy.components.heat_exchangers.heat_transfer.constant module
Module with constant heat transfer assumptions
- class vclibpy.components.heat_exchangers.heat_transfer.constant.ConstantHeatTransfer(alpha: float)[source]
Constant heat transfer assumption
- Args:
- alpha (float):
Constant heat transfer coefficient in W/(m2*K)
- calc(transport_properties: TransportProperties, m_flow: float) float [source]
Calculate constant heat transfer coefficient.
- Args:
transport_properties (TransportProperties): Transport properties of the medium (not used). m_flow (float): Mass flow rate (not used).
- Returns:
float: Constant heat transfer coefficient in W/(m2*K).
vclibpy.components.heat_exchangers.heat_transfer.heat_transfer module
Module with basic functions to calculate heat transfer coefficients.
- class vclibpy.components.heat_exchangers.heat_transfer.heat_transfer.HeatTransfer[source]
Base class to implement possible heat transfer models.
- Methods:
- calc(transport_properties: TransportProperties, m_flow: float) -> float:
Abstract method to calculate heat transfer.
- abstract calc(transport_properties: TransportProperties, m_flow: float) float [source]
Calculate heat transfer.
- Args:
transport_properties (TransportProperties): Transport properties of the medium. m_flow (float): Mass flow rate.
- Returns:
float: Calculated heat transfer coefficient.
- Raises:
NotImplementedError: If the method is not implemented in the subclass.
- class vclibpy.components.heat_exchangers.heat_transfer.heat_transfer.TwoPhaseHeatTransfer[source]
Base class to implement possible heat transfer models
- abstract calc(state_q0: ThermodynamicState, state_q1: ThermodynamicState, state_inlet: ThermodynamicState, state_outlet: ThermodynamicState, med_prop: MedProp, inputs: Inputs, fs_state: FlowsheetState, m_flow: float) float [source]
Calculate two-phase heat transfer.
- Args:
state_q0 (ThermodynamicState): Thermodynamic state at the beginning of the two-phase region. state_q1 (ThermodynamicState): Thermodynamic state at the end of the two-phase region. state_inlet (ThermodynamicState): Inlet thermodynamic state. state_outlet (ThermodynamicState): Outlet thermodynamic state. med_prop (MedProp): Medium properties class. inputs (Inputs): Input parameters. fs_state (FlowsheetState): Flowsheet state. m_flow (float): Mass flow rate.
- Returns:
float: Calculated two-phase heat transfer coefficient.
- Raises:
NotImplementedError: If the method is not implemented in the subclass.
- vclibpy.components.heat_exchangers.heat_transfer.heat_transfer.calc_reynolds_pipe(dynamic_viscosity: float, m_flow: float, characteristic_length: float) float [source]
Calculate Reynolds number for flow inside a pipe.
- Args:
dynamic_viscosity (float): Dynamic viscosity of the fluid. m_flow (float): Mass flow rate. characteristic_length (float): Characteristic length (e.g., diameter) of the pipe.
- Returns:
float: Reynolds number.
vclibpy.components.heat_exchangers.heat_transfer.pipe_to_wall module
Module with models for pipe-to-wall heat transfer.
- class vclibpy.components.heat_exchangers.heat_transfer.pipe_to_wall.TurbulentFluidInPipeToWallTransfer(method: str, characteristic_length: float)[source]
Class to model turbulent heat exchange in a pipe.
- Args:
- method (str):
Equation to calc the nusselt number of turbulent flow for a given Re and Pr number. Note: Just for one-phase heat transfer!! Implemented Options are:
ScriptWSÜ. For turbulent regimes, eta_by_eta_w is assumed to be one.
Refer to the paper / documents or the function in this class for more info on numbers and assumptions
- characteristic_length (float):
Length to calculate the similitude approach for the heat transfer from ref -> wall. For heat pumps this is always the Diameter of the HE in m
- calc(transport_properties: TransportProperties, m_flow: float) float [source]
Calculate heat transfer coefficient from refrigerant to the wall of the heat exchanger.
The flow is assumed to be always turbulent and is based on a calibrated Nusselt correlation.
- Args:
transport_properties (TransportProperties): Transport properties of the fluid. m_flow (float): Mass flow rate of the fluid.
- Returns:
float: Heat transfer coefficient from refrigerant to HE in W/(m^2*K).
vclibpy.components.heat_exchangers.heat_transfer.vdi_atlas_air_to_wall module
- class vclibpy.components.heat_exchangers.heat_transfer.vdi_atlas_air_to_wall.AirSourceHeatExchangerGeometry(t_l: float, t_q: float, tiefe: float, d_a: float, d_i: float, lambda_R: float, n_Rohre: int = 50, n_Rippen: int = 500, a: float = 0.00195, dicke_rippe: float = 5e-05, laenge: float = 1.04, hoehe: float = 0.64)[source]
Geometry of a fin and tube heat exchanger with two rows of pipes in a shifted arrangement.
Source: VDI-Wärmeatlas, Berechnungsblätter für den Wärmeübergang, 11. Auflage, S.1461
As the source is in German, the names are kept in German as well.
- alpha_S(alpha_R) float [source]
Calculate apparent heat transfer coefficient.
- Args:
alpha_R (float): Average heat transfer coefficient for tube and fin.
- Returns:
float: Apparent heat transfer coefficient.
- class vclibpy.components.heat_exchangers.heat_transfer.vdi_atlas_air_to_wall.VDIAtlasAirToWallTransfer(A_cross: float, characteristic_length: float, geometry_parameters: AirSourceHeatExchangerGeometry)[source]
VDI-Atlas based heat transfer estimation. Check AirToWallTransfer for further argument options.
This class assumes two pipes with a shifted arrangement.
- Args:
A_cross (float): Free cross-sectional area. characteristic_length (float): Characteristic length d_a. geometry_parameters (AirSourceHeatExchangerGeometry):
Geometry parameters for heat exchanger according to VDI-Atlas
- calc_laminar_area_nusselt(Re: float, Pr: float, lambda_: float) float [source]
Calculate apparent heat transfer coefficient based on Nusselt correlation.
- Args:
Re (float): Reynolds number. Pr (float): Prandtl number. lambda_ (float): Thermal conductivity of air.
- Returns:
float: Apparent heat transfer coefficient.
vclibpy.components.heat_exchangers.heat_transfer.wall module
- class vclibpy.components.heat_exchangers.heat_transfer.wall.WallTransfer(lambda_: float, thickness: float)[source]
Simple wall heat transfer
- Args:
- lambda_ (float):
Heat conductivity of wall material in W/Km
- thickness (float):
Thickness of wall in m^2
- calc(transport_properties: TransportProperties, m_flow: float) float [source]
Heat transfer coefficient inside wall
- Returns:
float: Heat transfer coefficient in W/(m^2*K)