Pylint report from report.jinja2


7.41 / 10 (previous score: 7.41 / 10)


Module vclibpy.components.component (vclibpy/components/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
1 0 convention missing-module-docstring C0114
Missing module docstring
11 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (107/100)
12 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (101/100)
39 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (103/100)
43 8 warning unnecessary-pass W0107 BaseComponent.start_secondary_med_prop
Unnecessary pass statement
55 8 warning unnecessary-pass W0107 BaseComponent.terminate_secondary_med_prop
Unnecessary pass statement

Module vclibpy.components.compressors (vclibpy/components/compressors/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
1 0 convention missing-module-docstring C0114
Missing module docstring

Module vclibpy.components.compressors.compressor (vclibpy/components/compressors/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
40 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (107/100)
52 8 convention invalid-name C0103 Compressor.__init__
Attribute name "N_max" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
53 8 convention invalid-name C0103 Compressor.__init__
Attribute name "V_h" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
145 8 convention invalid-name C0103 Compressor.calc_m_flow
Variable name "V_flow_ref" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
152 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (114/100)
153 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (113/100)
158 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (103/100)
168 8 convention invalid-name C0103 Compressor.calc_electrical_power
Variable name "P_t" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
171 8 convention invalid-name C0103 Compressor.calc_electrical_power
Variable name "P_el" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style

Module vclibpy.components.compressors.constant_effectivness (vclibpy/components/compressors/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
1 0 convention missing-module-docstring C0114
Missing module docstring
9 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (114/100)
25 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (117/100)
40 4 refactor too-many-arguments R0913 ConstantEffectivenessCompressor.__init__
Too many arguments (6/5)

Module vclibpy.components.compressors.rotary (vclibpy/components/compressors/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
1 0 convention missing-module-docstring C0114
Missing module docstring
9 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (110/100)
28 4 refactor too-many-locals R0914 RotaryCompressor.get_lambda_h
Too many local variables (18/15)
39 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (107/100)
41 8 convention invalid-name C0103 RotaryCompressor.get_lambda_h
Variable name "T_1" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
48 8 convention invalid-name C0103 RotaryCompressor.get_lambda_h
Variable name "sigma_T_1" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
49 8 convention invalid-name C0103 RotaryCompressor.get_lambda_h
Variable name "T_1_ave" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
56 8 convention invalid-name C0103 RotaryCompressor.get_lambda_h
Variable name "pi" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
77 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (107/100)
84 8 convention invalid-name C0103 RotaryCompressor.get_eta_isentropic
Variable name "pi" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
95 4 refactor too-many-locals R0914 RotaryCompressor.get_eta_mech
Too many local variables (17/15)
107 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (107/100)
120 8 convention invalid-name C0103 RotaryCompressor.get_eta_mech
Variable name "pi" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
124 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (116/100)

Module vclibpy.components.compressors.ten_coefficient (vclibpy/components/compressors/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
1 0 convention missing-module-docstring C0114
Missing module docstring
10 26 convention invalid-name C0103 calc_ten_coefficients
Argument name "T_eva" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
10 33 convention invalid-name C0103 calc_ten_coefficients
Argument name "T_con" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
23 4 convention invalid-name C0103 calc_ten_coefficients
Variable name "z" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
25 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (105/100)
40 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (105/100)
52 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (106/100)
79 8 convention invalid-name C0103 BaseTenCoefficientCompressor.__init__
Attribute name "md" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
93 28 convention invalid-name C0103 BaseTenCoefficientCompressor.get_parameter
Argument name "T_eva" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
93 35 convention invalid-name C0103 BaseTenCoefficientCompressor.get_parameter
Argument name "T_con" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
110 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (119/100)
123 0 refactor too-many-instance-attributes R0902 TenCoefficientCompressor
Too many instance attributes (8/7)
134 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (105/100)
140 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (112/100)
141 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (117/100)
143 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (117/100)
153 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (101/100)
154 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (107/100)
158 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (106/100)
168 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (107/100)
168 4 refactor too-many-arguments R0913 TenCoefficientCompressor.__init__
Too many arguments (8/5)
170 8 convention invalid-name C0103 TenCoefficientCompressor.__init__
Attribute name "T_sc" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
171 8 convention invalid-name C0103 TenCoefficientCompressor.__init__
Attribute name "T_sh" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
191 8 convention invalid-name C0103 TenCoefficientCompressor.get_lambda_h
Variable name "T_eva" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
192 8 convention invalid-name C0103 TenCoefficientCompressor.get_lambda_h
Variable name "T_con" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
204 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (110/100)
222 8 convention invalid-name C0103 TenCoefficientCompressor.get_eta_isentropic
Variable name "T_con" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
226 8 convention invalid-name C0103 TenCoefficientCompressor.get_eta_isentropic
Variable name "h3" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
230 12 convention invalid-name C0103 TenCoefficientCompressor.get_eta_isentropic
Variable name "h2" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
232 12 convention invalid-name C0103 TenCoefficientCompressor.get_eta_isentropic
Variable name "h2" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
235 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (113/100)
255 8 convention invalid-name C0103 TenCoefficientCompressor.get_eta_mech
Variable name "T_con" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
259 8 convention invalid-name C0103 TenCoefficientCompressor.get_eta_mech
Variable name "h3" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
260 8 convention invalid-name C0103 TenCoefficientCompressor.get_eta_mech
Variable name "h2" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
276 8 convention invalid-name C0103 TenCoefficientCompressor._calculate_values
Variable name "T_eva" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
277 8 convention invalid-name C0103 TenCoefficientCompressor._calculate_values
Variable name "T_con" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
279 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (110/100)
311 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (106/100)
335 8 convention invalid-name C0103 DataSheetCompressor.get_lambda_h
Variable name "T_eva" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
336 8 convention invalid-name C0103 DataSheetCompressor.get_lambda_h
Variable name "T_con" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
350 8 convention invalid-name C0103 DataSheetCompressor.get_eta_isentropic
Variable name "T_eva" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
351 8 convention invalid-name C0103 DataSheetCompressor.get_eta_isentropic
Variable name "T_con" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
365 8 convention invalid-name C0103 DataSheetCompressor.get_eta_mech
Variable name "T_eva" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
366 8 convention invalid-name C0103 DataSheetCompressor.get_eta_mech
Variable name "T_con" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style

Module vclibpy.components.expansion_valves (vclibpy/components/expansion_valves/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
1 0 convention missing-module-docstring C0114
Missing module docstring

Module vclibpy.components.expansion_valves.__init__ (vclibpy/components/expansion_valves/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
1 0 refactor cyclic-import R0401
Cyclic import ( ->
1 0 refactor cyclic-import R0401
Cyclic import (vclibpy.components.expansion_valves -> vclibpy.components.expansion_valves.bernoulli)
1 0 refactor cyclic-import R0401
Cyclic import (vclibpy.flowsheets -> vclibpy.flowsheets.vapor_injection_economizer -> vclibpy.flowsheets.vapor_injection)
1 0 refactor cyclic-import R0401
Cyclic import (vclibpy.flowsheets -> vclibpy.flowsheets.vapor_injection_phase_separator -> vclibpy.flowsheets.vapor_injection)
1 0 refactor cyclic-import R0401
Cyclic import (vclibpy.flowsheets -> vclibpy.flowsheets.standard)
1 0 refactor cyclic-import R0401
Cyclic import (vclibpy.utils -> vclibpy.utils.automation)
1 0 refactor cyclic-import R0401
Cyclic import ( ->
1 0 refactor cyclic-import R0401
Cyclic import ( -> ->

Module vclibpy.components.expansion_valves.bernoulli (vclibpy/components/expansion_valves/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
16 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (110/100)
21 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (103/100)

Module vclibpy.components.expansion_valves.expansion_valve (vclibpy/components/expansion_valves/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
20 8 convention invalid-name C0103 ExpansionValve.__init__
Attribute name "A" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style

Module vclibpy.components.heat_exchangers (vclibpy/components/heat_exchangers/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
1 0 convention missing-module-docstring C0114
Missing module docstring

Module vclibpy.components.heat_exchangers.economizer (vclibpy/components/heat_exchangers/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
1 0 convention missing-module-docstring C0114
Missing module docstring
40 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 VaporInjectionEconomizerNTU.state_two_phase_inlet
Missing function or method docstring
48 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 VaporInjectionEconomizerNTU.state_two_phase_outlet
Missing function or method docstring

Module vclibpy.components.heat_exchangers.heat_exchanger (vclibpy/components/heat_exchangers/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
1 0 convention missing-module-docstring C0114
Missing module docstring
8 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (109/100)
11 0 refactor too-many-instance-attributes R0902 HeatExchanger
Too many instance attributes (11/7)
32 4 refactor too-many-arguments R0913 HeatExchanger.__init__
Too many arguments (8/5)
43 8 convention invalid-name C0103 HeatExchanger.__init__
Attribute name "A" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
98 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (106/100)
181 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 HeatExchanger.m_flow_secondary
Missing function or method docstring
190 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 HeatExchanger.m_flow_secondary_cp
Missing function or method docstring
204 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 HeatExchanger.calc_secondary_Q_flow
Missing function or method docstring
204 4 convention invalid-name C0103 HeatExchanger.calc_secondary_Q_flow
Method name "calc_secondary_Q_flow" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
204 36 convention invalid-name C0103 HeatExchanger.calc_secondary_Q_flow
Argument name "Q_flow" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
207 4 convention invalid-name C0103 HeatExchanger.calc_Q_flow
Method name "calc_Q_flow" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
234 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (109/100)

Module vclibpy.components.heat_exchangers.heat_transfer (vclibpy/components/heat_exchangers/heat_transfer/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
1 0 convention missing-module-docstring C0114
Missing module docstring
2 0 convention wrong-import-order C0411
first party import "from vclibpy.components.heat_exchangers.heat_transfer import constant" should be placed before "from .heat_transfer import TwoPhaseHeatTransfer, HeatTransfer, calc_reynolds_pipe"
3 0 convention wrong-import-order C0411
first party import "from vclibpy.components.heat_exchangers.heat_transfer import wall" should be placed before "from .heat_transfer import TwoPhaseHeatTransfer, HeatTransfer, calc_reynolds_pipe"

Module vclibpy.components.heat_exchangers.heat_transfer.air_to_wall (vclibpy/components/heat_exchangers/heat_transfer/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
1 0 convention missing-module-docstring C0114
Missing module docstring
5 0 convention wrong-import-order C0411
first party import "from import TransportProperties" should be placed before "from .heat_transfer import HeatTransfer"
23 23 convention invalid-name C0103 AirToWallTransfer.__init__
Argument name "A_cross" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
24 8 convention invalid-name C0103 AirToWallTransfer.__init__
Attribute name "A_cross" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
35 8 convention invalid-name C0103 AirToWallTransfer.calc
Variable name "Re" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
36 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (113/100)
54 40 convention invalid-name C0103 AirToWallTransfer.calc_laminar_area_nusselt
Argument name "Re" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style

Module vclibpy.components.heat_exchangers.heat_transfer.constant (vclibpy/components/heat_exchangers/heat_transfer/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
9 0 refactor too-few-public-methods R0903 ConstantHeatTransfer
Too few public methods (1/2)
21 19 warning unused-argument W0613 ConstantHeatTransfer.calc
Unused argument 'transport_properties'
21 62 warning unused-argument W0613 ConstantHeatTransfer.calc
Unused argument 'm_flow'
26 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (102/100)
36 0 refactor too-few-public-methods R0903 ConstantTwoPhaseHeatTransfer
Too few public methods (1/2)
48 0 warning unused-argument W0613 ConstantTwoPhaseHeatTransfer.calc
Unused argument 'kwargs'
53 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (106/100)

Module vclibpy.components.heat_exchangers.heat_transfer.heat_transfer (vclibpy/components/heat_exchangers/heat_transfer/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
12 0 refactor too-few-public-methods R0903 HeatTransfer
Too few public methods (1/2)
40 0 refactor too-few-public-methods R0903 TwoPhaseHeatTransfer
Too few public methods (1/2)
46 4 refactor too-many-arguments R0913 TwoPhaseHeatTransfer.calc
Too many arguments (9/5)
61 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (104/100)
79 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (103/100)

Module vclibpy.components.heat_exchangers.heat_transfer.pipe_to_wall (vclibpy/components/heat_exchangers/heat_transfer/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
6 0 convention wrong-import-order C0411
first party import "from import TransportProperties" should be placed before "from .heat_transfer import HeatTransfer, calc_reynolds_pipe"
51 8 convention invalid-name C0103 TurbulentFluidInPipeToWallTransfer.calc
Variable name "Re" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
59 42 convention invalid-name C0103 TurbulentFluidInPipeToWallTransfer.calc_turbulent_tube_nusselt
Argument name "Re" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
59 4 refactor too-many-branches R0912 TurbulentFluidInPipeToWallTransfer.calc_turbulent_tube_nusselt
Too many branches (14/12)
73 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (104/100)
74 12 refactor no-else-return R1705 TurbulentFluidInPipeToWallTransfer.calc_turbulent_tube_nusselt
Unnecessary "elif" after "return", remove the leading "el" from "elif"
81 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (104/100)
84 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (104/100)
93 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (104/100)

Module vclibpy.components.heat_exchangers.heat_transfer.vdi_atlas_air_to_wall (vclibpy/components/heat_exchangers/heat_transfer/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
1 0 convention missing-module-docstring C0114
Missing module docstring
12 0 refactor too-many-instance-attributes R0902 AirSourceHeatExchangerGeometry
Too many instance attributes (12/7)
25 4 convention invalid-name C0103 AirSourceHeatExchangerGeometry
Attribute name "lambda_R" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
26 4 convention invalid-name C0103 AirSourceHeatExchangerGeometry
Attribute name "n_Rohre" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
27 4 convention invalid-name C0103 AirSourceHeatExchangerGeometry
Attribute name "n_Rippen" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
28 4 convention invalid-name C0103 AirSourceHeatExchangerGeometry
Attribute name "a" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
39 4 convention invalid-name C0103 AirSourceHeatExchangerGeometry.A_Rippen
Attribute name "A_Rippen" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
41 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (106/100)
44 4 convention invalid-name C0103 AirSourceHeatExchangerGeometry.A
Attribute name "A" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
49 4 convention invalid-name C0103 AirSourceHeatExchangerGeometry.A_FreieOberflaecheRohr
Attribute name "A_FreieOberflaecheRohr" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
54 4 convention invalid-name C0103 AirSourceHeatExchangerGeometry.A_RohrInnen
Attribute name "A_RohrInnen" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
59 4 convention invalid-name C0103 AirSourceHeatExchangerGeometry.A_RohrUnberippt
Attribute name "A_RohrUnberippt" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
82 4 convention invalid-name C0103 AirSourceHeatExchangerGeometry.eta_R
Method name "eta_R" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
82 20 convention invalid-name C0103 AirSourceHeatExchangerGeometry.eta_R
Argument name "alpha_R" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
92 8 convention invalid-name C0103 AirSourceHeatExchangerGeometry.eta_R
Variable name "X" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
95 4 convention invalid-name C0103 AirSourceHeatExchangerGeometry.alpha_S
Method name "alpha_S" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
95 22 convention invalid-name C0103 AirSourceHeatExchangerGeometry.alpha_S
Argument name "alpha_R" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
105 8 convention invalid-name C0103 AirSourceHeatExchangerGeometry.alpha_S
Variable name "A_R_to_A" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
155 8 convention invalid-name C0103 VDIAtlasAirToWallTransfer.calc_laminar_area_nusselt
Variable name "C" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
158 8 convention invalid-name C0103 VDIAtlasAirToWallTransfer.calc_laminar_area_nusselt
Variable name "A_div_A_0" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
166 8 convention invalid-name C0103 VDIAtlasAirToWallTransfer.calc_laminar_area_nusselt
Variable name "alpha_R" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
167 8 convention invalid-name C0103 VDIAtlasAirToWallTransfer.calc_laminar_area_nusselt
Variable name "alpha_S" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style

Module vclibpy.components.heat_exchangers.heat_transfer.wall (vclibpy/components/heat_exchangers/heat_transfer/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
1 0 convention missing-module-docstring C0114
Missing module docstring
4 0 convention wrong-import-order C0411
first party import "from import TransportProperties" should be placed before "from .heat_transfer import HeatTransfer"
10 0 refactor too-few-public-methods R0903 WallTransfer
Too few public methods (1/2)

Module vclibpy.components.heat_exchangers.moving_boundary_ntu (vclibpy/components/heat_exchangers/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
1 0 convention missing-module-docstring C0114
Missing module docstring
19 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (102/100)
41 8 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTU.separate_phases
Variable name "Q_sc" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
44 8 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTU.separate_phases
Variable name "Q_lat" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
47 8 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTU.separate_phases
Variable name "Q_sh" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
52 27 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTU.iterate_area
Argument name "dT_max" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
86 12 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTU.iterate_area
Variable name "NTU" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
89 16 refactor no-else-break R1723 MovingBoundaryNTU.iterate_area
Unnecessary "else" after "break", remove the "else" and de-indent the code inside it
114 4 refactor too-many-locals R0914 MovingBoundaryNTUCondenser.calc
Too many local variables (31/15)
136 8 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUCondenser.calc
Variable name "Q_sc" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
136 14 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUCondenser.calc
Variable name "Q_lat" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
136 21 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUCondenser.calc
Variable name "Q_sh" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
146 8 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUCondenser.calc
Variable name "T_mean" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
152 8 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUCondenser.calc
Variable name "T_sc" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
153 8 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUCondenser.calc
Variable name "T_sh" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
154 8 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUCondenser.calc
Variable name "T_out" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
157 8 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUCondenser.calc
Variable name "Q_sc_ntu" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
157 18 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUCondenser.calc
Variable name "A_sc" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
159 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (104/100)
161 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (104/100)
165 12 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUCondenser.calc
Variable name "A_sc" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
169 12 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUCondenser.calc
Variable name "A_sc" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
171 12 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUCondenser.calc
Variable name "Q_sc_ntu" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
171 22 warning unused-variable W0612 MovingBoundaryNTUCondenser.calc
Unused variable 'k_sc'
177 8 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUCondenser.calc
Variable name "Q_lat_ntu" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
177 19 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUCondenser.calc
Variable name "A_lat" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
188 12 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUCondenser.calc
Variable name "A_lat" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
193 12 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUCondenser.calc
Variable name "A_lat" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
195 12 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUCondenser.calc
Variable name "Q_lat_ntu" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
195 23 warning unused-variable W0612 MovingBoundaryNTUCondenser.calc
Unused variable 'k_lat'
199 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (101/100)
199 12 warning logging-fstring-interpolation W1203 MovingBoundaryNTUCondenser.calc
Use lazy % formatting in logging functions
202 8 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUCondenser.calc
Variable name "Q_sh_ntu" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
202 18 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUCondenser.calc
Variable name "A_sh" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
204 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (102/100)
206 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (103/100)
210 12 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUCondenser.calc
Variable name "A_sh" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
212 12 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUCondenser.calc
Variable name "Q_sh_ntu" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
212 22 warning unused-variable W0612 MovingBoundaryNTUCondenser.calc
Unused variable 'k_sh'
216 12 warning logging-fstring-interpolation W1203 MovingBoundaryNTUCondenser.calc
Use lazy % formatting in logging functions
218 8 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUCondenser.calc
Variable name "Q_ntu" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
221 8 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUCondenser.calc
Variable name "dT_min_in" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
222 8 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUCondenser.calc
Variable name "dT_min_out" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
223 8 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUCondenser.calc
Variable name "dT_min_LatSH" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
225 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (121/100)
226 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (120/100)
227 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (122/100)
245 4 refactor too-many-locals R0914 MovingBoundaryNTUEvaporator.calc
Too many local variables (30/15)
267 8 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUEvaporator.calc
Variable name "Q_sc" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
267 14 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUEvaporator.calc
Variable name "Q_lat" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
267 21 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUEvaporator.calc
Variable name "Q_sh" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
277 8 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUEvaporator.calc
Variable name "T_mean" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
282 8 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUEvaporator.calc
Variable name "T_sh" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
283 8 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUEvaporator.calc
Variable name "T_sc" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
284 8 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUEvaporator.calc
Variable name "T_out" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
287 8 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUEvaporator.calc
Variable name "Q_sh_ntu" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
287 18 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUEvaporator.calc
Variable name "A_sh" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
289 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (104/100)
291 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (104/100)
295 16 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUEvaporator.calc
Variable name "A_sh" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
301 16 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUEvaporator.calc
Variable name "A_sh" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
304 12 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUEvaporator.calc
Variable name "A_sh" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
306 12 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUEvaporator.calc
Variable name "Q_sh_ntu" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
306 22 warning unused-variable W0612 MovingBoundaryNTUEvaporator.calc
Unused variable 'k_sh'
311 12 warning logging-fstring-interpolation W1203 MovingBoundaryNTUEvaporator.calc
Use lazy % formatting in logging functions
314 8 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUEvaporator.calc
Variable name "Q_lat_ntu" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
314 19 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUEvaporator.calc
Variable name "A_lat" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
326 16 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUEvaporator.calc
Variable name "A_lat" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
331 16 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUEvaporator.calc
Variable name "A_lat" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
334 12 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUEvaporator.calc
Variable name "A_lat" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
335 12 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUEvaporator.calc
Variable name "Q_lat_ntu" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
335 23 warning unused-variable W0612 MovingBoundaryNTUEvaporator.calc
Unused variable 'k_lat'
339 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (101/100)
339 12 warning logging-fstring-interpolation W1203 MovingBoundaryNTUEvaporator.calc
Use lazy % formatting in logging functions
342 8 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUEvaporator.calc
Variable name "Q_sc_ntu" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
342 18 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUEvaporator.calc
Variable name "A_sc" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
344 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (102/100)
346 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (103/100)
350 12 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUEvaporator.calc
Variable name "A_sc" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
352 12 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUEvaporator.calc
Variable name "Q_sc_ntu" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
352 22 warning unused-variable W0612 MovingBoundaryNTUEvaporator.calc
Unused variable 'k_sc'
357 8 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUEvaporator.calc
Variable name "Q_ntu" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
360 8 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUEvaporator.calc
Variable name "dT_min_in" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
361 8 convention invalid-name C0103 MovingBoundaryNTUEvaporator.calc
Variable name "dT_min_out" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
363 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (122/100)
364 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (121/100)

Module vclibpy.components.heat_exchangers.ntu (vclibpy/components/heat_exchangers/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
1 0 convention missing-module-docstring C0114
Missing module docstring
67 33 convention invalid-name C0103 BasicNTU.calc_eps
Argument name "NTU" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
93 4 convention invalid-name C0103 BasicNTU.calc_R
Method name "calc_R" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
95 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (120/100)
126 4 convention invalid-name C0103 BasicNTU.calc_NTU
Method name "calc_NTU" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
126 17 convention invalid-name C0103 BasicNTU.calc_NTU
Argument name "A" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
133 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (106/100)
142 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (118/100)
152 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (104/100)
152 4 convention invalid-name C0103 BasicNTU.calc_Q_ntu
Method name "calc_Q_ntu" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
152 25 convention invalid-name C0103 BasicNTU.calc_Q_ntu
Argument name "dT_max" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
152 76 convention invalid-name C0103 BasicNTU.calc_Q_ntu
Argument name "A" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
154 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (110/100)
168 8 convention invalid-name C0103 BasicNTU.calc_Q_ntu
Variable name "NTU" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
172 8 convention invalid-name C0103 BasicNTU.calc_Q_ntu
Variable name "Q_max" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style

Module vclibpy.datamodels (vclibpy/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
65 19 error no-member E1101 VariableContainer.__getattr__
Super of 'VariableContainer' has no '__getattr__' member
166 4 refactor too-many-arguments R0913 Inputs.__init__
Too many arguments (9/5)

Module vclibpy.flowsheets (vclibpy/flowsheets/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
1 0 convention missing-module-docstring C0114
Missing module docstring

Module vclibpy.flowsheets.base (vclibpy/flowsheets/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
1 0 convention missing-module-docstring C0114
Missing module docstring
5 0 convention wrong-import-order C0411
standard import "from abc import abstractmethod" should be placed before "import numpy as np"
46 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 BaseCycle.setup_new_fluid
Missing function or method docstring
66 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 BaseCycle.terminate
Missing function or method docstring
71 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 BaseCycle.get_all_components
Missing function or method docstring
74 4 refactor too-many-locals R0914 BaseCycle.calc_steady_state
Too many local variables (45/15)
74 4 refactor too-many-branches R0912 BaseCycle.calc_steady_state
Too many branches (28/12)
74 4 refactor too-many-statements R0915 BaseCycle.calc_steady_state
Too many statements (132/50)
74 4 refactor inconsistent-return-statements R1710 BaseCycle.calc_steady_state
Either all return statements in a function should return an expression, or none of them should.
134 8 convention invalid-name C0103 BaseCycle.calc_steady_state
Variable name "err_dT_min" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
152 8 convention invalid-name C0103 BaseCycle.calc_steady_state
Variable name "T_1_start" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
153 8 convention invalid-name C0103 BaseCycle.calc_steady_state
Variable name "T_3_start" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
217 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (118/100)
220 23 convention invalid-name C0103 BaseCycle.calc_steady_state
Variable name "dT_min_eva" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
223 12 refactor no-else-continue R1724 BaseCycle.calc_steady_state
Unnecessary "else" after "continue", remove the "else" and de-indent the code inside it
227 16 refactor no-else-continue R1724 BaseCycle.calc_steady_state
Unnecessary "elif" after "continue", remove the leading "el" from "elif"
236 23 convention invalid-name C0103 BaseCycle.calc_steady_state
Variable name "dT_min_con" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
237 12 refactor no-else-continue R1724 BaseCycle.calc_steady_state
Unnecessary "else" after "continue", remove the "else" and de-indent the code inside it
241 16 refactor no-else-continue R1724 BaseCycle.calc_steady_state
Unnecessary "elif" after "continue", remove the leading "el" from "elif"
277 8 convention invalid-name C0103 BaseCycle.calc_steady_state
Variable name "Q_con" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
278 8 convention invalid-name C0103 BaseCycle.calc_steady_state
Variable name "Q_con_outer" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
279 8 convention invalid-name C0103 BaseCycle.calc_steady_state
Variable name "Q_eva" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
280 8 convention invalid-name C0103 BaseCycle.calc_steady_state
Variable name "Q_eva_outer" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
283 8 convention invalid-name C0103 BaseCycle.calc_steady_state
Variable name "P_el" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
284 8 convention invalid-name C0103 BaseCycle.calc_steady_state
Variable name "T_con_out" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
287 8 convention invalid-name C0103 BaseCycle.calc_steady_state
Variable name "COP_inner" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
288 8 convention invalid-name C0103 BaseCycle.calc_steady_state
Variable name "COP_outer" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
290 0 convention superfluous-parens C0325
Unnecessary parens after '=' keyword
290 8 convention invalid-name C0103 BaseCycle.calc_steady_state
Variable name "COP_carnot" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
324 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (112/100)
350 8 convention invalid-name C0103 BaseCycle.set_evaporator_outlet_based_on_superheating
Variable name "T_1" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
365 8 convention invalid-name C0103 BaseCycle.set_condenser_outlet_based_on_subcooling
Variable name "T_3" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
373 8 convention import-outside-toplevel C0415 BaseCycle.plot_cycle
Import outside toplevel (vclibpy.utils.plotting.plot_cycle)
375 13 convention invalid-name C0103 BaseCycle.plot_cycle
Variable name "ax" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
385 46 convention invalid-name C0103 BaseCycle._plot_secondary_heat_flow_rates
Argument name "ax" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
386 8 convention invalid-name C0103 BaseCycle._plot_secondary_heat_flow_rates
Variable name "Q_con" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
387 8 convention invalid-name C0103 BaseCycle._plot_secondary_heat_flow_rates
Variable name "Q_eva" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
389 8 convention invalid-name C0103 BaseCycle._plot_secondary_heat_flow_rates
Variable name "delta_H_con" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
393 8 convention invalid-name C0103 BaseCycle._plot_secondary_heat_flow_rates
Variable name "delta_H_eva" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style

Module vclibpy.flowsheets.standard (vclibpy/flowsheets/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
1 0 convention missing-module-docstring C0114
Missing module docstring
68 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (111/100)

Module vclibpy.flowsheets.vapor_injection (vclibpy/flowsheets/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
1 0 convention missing-module-docstring C0114
Missing module docstring
84 8 convention invalid-name C0103 BaseVaporInjection.calc_states
Variable name "h_1_VI_mixed" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
148 8 convention invalid-name C0103 BaseVaporInjection.calc_electrical_power
Variable name "P_el_low" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
151 8 convention invalid-name C0103 BaseVaporInjection.calc_electrical_power
Variable name "P_el_high" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style

Module vclibpy.flowsheets.vapor_injection_economizer (vclibpy/flowsheets/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
1 0 convention missing-module-docstring C0114
Missing module docstring
46 4 refactor too-many-locals R0914 VaporInjectionEconomizer.calc_injection
Too many local variables (20/15)
85 8 convention invalid-name C0103 VaporInjectionEconomizer.calc_injection
Variable name "dT_secondary" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
106 12 convention invalid-name C0103 VaporInjectionEconomizer.calc_injection
Variable name "Q_flow_goal" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
114 12 convention invalid-name C0103 VaporInjectionEconomizer.calc_injection
Variable name "Q_flow" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
114 20 warning unused-variable W0612 VaporInjectionEconomizer.calc_injection
Unused variable 'k'

Module vclibpy.flowsheets.vapor_injection_phase_separator (vclibpy/flowsheets/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
1 0 convention missing-module-docstring C0114
Missing module docstring

Module (vclibpy/media/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
1 0 convention missing-module-docstring C0114
Missing module docstring
27 4 warning global-statement W0603 set_global_media_properties
Using the global statement
38 4 warning global-variable-not-assigned W0602 get_global_med_prop_and_kwargs
Using global for 'USED_MED_PROP' but no assignment is done

Module (vclibpy/media/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
27 15 info c-extension-no-member I1101 CoolProp
Module 'CoolProp.CoolProp' has no 'PT_INPUTS' member, but source is unavailable. Consider adding this module to extension-pkg-allow-list if you want to perform analysis based on run-time introspection of living objects.
28 15 info c-extension-no-member I1101 CoolProp
Module 'CoolProp.CoolProp' has no 'QT_INPUTS' member, but source is unavailable. Consider adding this module to extension-pkg-allow-list if you want to perform analysis based on run-time introspection of living objects.
29 15 info c-extension-no-member I1101 CoolProp
Module 'CoolProp.CoolProp' has no 'PSmass_INPUTS' member, but source is unavailable. Consider adding this module to extension-pkg-allow-list if you want to perform analysis based on run-time introspection of living objects.
30 15 info c-extension-no-member I1101 CoolProp
Module 'CoolProp.CoolProp' has no 'HmassP_INPUTS' member, but source is unavailable. Consider adding this module to extension-pkg-allow-list if you want to perform analysis based on run-time introspection of living objects.
31 15 info c-extension-no-member I1101 CoolProp
Module 'CoolProp.CoolProp' has no 'PQ_INPUTS' member, but source is unavailable. Consider adding this module to extension-pkg-allow-list if you want to perform analysis based on run-time introspection of living objects.
38 44 info c-extension-no-member I1101 CoolProp.__init__
Module 'CoolProp.CoolProp' has no 'AbstractState' member, but source is unavailable. Consider adding this module to extension-pkg-allow-list if you want to perform analysis based on run-time introspection of living objects.
48 16 info c-extension-no-member I1101 CoolProp.calc_state
Module 'CoolProp.CoolProp' has no 'PropsSI' member, but source is unavailable. Consider adding this module to extension-pkg-allow-list if you want to perform analysis based on run-time introspection of living objects.
50 16 info c-extension-no-member I1101 CoolProp.calc_state
Module 'CoolProp.CoolProp' has no 'PropsSI' member, but source is unavailable. Consider adding this module to extension-pkg-allow-list if you want to perform analysis based on run-time introspection of living objects.
52 16 info c-extension-no-member I1101 CoolProp.calc_state
Module 'CoolProp.CoolProp' has no 'PropsSI' member, but source is unavailable. Consider adding this module to extension-pkg-allow-list if you want to perform analysis based on run-time introspection of living objects.
54 16 info c-extension-no-member I1101 CoolProp.calc_state
Module 'CoolProp.CoolProp' has no 'PropsSI' member, but source is unavailable. Consider adding this module to extension-pkg-allow-list if you want to perform analysis based on run-time introspection of living objects.
56 16 info c-extension-no-member I1101 CoolProp.calc_state
Module 'CoolProp.CoolProp' has no 'PropsSI' member, but source is unavailable. Consider adding this module to extension-pkg-allow-list if you want to perform analysis based on run-time introspection of living objects.
58 16 info c-extension-no-member I1101 CoolProp.calc_state
Module 'CoolProp.CoolProp' has no 'PropsSI' member, but source is unavailable. Consider adding this module to extension-pkg-allow-list if you want to perform analysis based on run-time introspection of living objects.
60 16 info c-extension-no-member I1101 CoolProp.calc_state
Module 'CoolProp.CoolProp' has no 'PropsSI' member, but source is unavailable. Consider adding this module to extension-pkg-allow-list if you want to perform analysis based on run-time introspection of living objects.
88 12 convention invalid-name C0103 CoolProp.calc_transport_properties
Variable name "pr" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
88 17 info c-extension-no-member I1101 CoolProp.calc_transport_properties
Module 'CoolProp.CoolProp' has no 'PropsSI' member, but source is unavailable. Consider adding this module to extension-pkg-allow-list if you want to perform analysis based on run-time introspection of living objects.
90 17 info c-extension-no-member I1101 CoolProp.calc_transport_properties
Module 'CoolProp.CoolProp' has no 'PropsSI' member, but source is unavailable. Consider adding this module to extension-pkg-allow-list if you want to perform analysis based on run-time introspection of living objects.
92 17 info c-extension-no-member I1101 CoolProp.calc_transport_properties
Module 'CoolProp.CoolProp' has no 'PropsSI' member, but source is unavailable. Consider adding this module to extension-pkg-allow-list if you want to perform analysis based on run-time introspection of living objects.
94 18 info c-extension-no-member I1101 CoolProp.calc_transport_properties
Module 'CoolProp.CoolProp' has no 'PropsSI' member, but source is unavailable. Consider adding this module to extension-pkg-allow-list if you want to perform analysis based on run-time introspection of living objects.
96 22 info c-extension-no-member I1101 CoolProp.calc_transport_properties
Module 'CoolProp.CoolProp' has no 'PropsSI' member, but source is unavailable. Consider adding this module to extension-pkg-allow-list if you want to perform analysis based on run-time introspection of living objects.
132 13 info c-extension-no-member I1101 CoolProp.get_critical_point
Module 'CoolProp.CoolProp' has no 'PropsSI' member, but source is unavailable. Consider adding this module to extension-pkg-allow-list if you want to perform analysis based on run-time introspection of living objects.
133 8 convention invalid-name C0103 CoolProp.get_critical_point
Variable name "pc" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
133 13 info c-extension-no-member I1101 CoolProp.get_critical_point
Module 'CoolProp.CoolProp' has no 'PropsSI' member, but source is unavailable. Consider adding this module to extension-pkg-allow-list if you want to perform analysis based on run-time introspection of living objects.
134 8 convention invalid-name C0103 CoolProp.get_critical_point
Variable name "dc" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
134 13 info c-extension-no-member I1101 CoolProp.get_critical_point
Module 'CoolProp.CoolProp' has no 'PropsSI' member, but source is unavailable. Consider adding this module to extension-pkg-allow-list if you want to perform analysis based on run-time introspection of living objects.

Module (vclibpy/media/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
10 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (105/100)
50 36 warning unused-argument W0613 MedProp.calc_state
Unused argument 'var1'
50 49 warning unused-argument W0613 MedProp.calc_state
Unused argument 'var2'
53 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (111/100)
58 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (118/100)
102 8 warning unnecessary-pass W0107 MedProp.terminate
Unnecessary pass statement
114 8 warning unnecessary-pass W0107 MedProp.calc_transport_properties
Unnecessary pass statement
124 8 warning unnecessary-pass W0107 MedProp.get_critical_point
Unnecessary pass statement
133 8 warning unnecessary-pass W0107 MedProp.get_molar_mass
Unnecessary pass statement
139 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (110/100)
140 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (113/100)
141 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (104/100)
145 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (103/100)
160 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (108/100)
161 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (105/100)
206 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (115/100)
210 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (118/100)
218 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (107/100)
221 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (116/100)
222 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (110/100)
223 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (108/100)
227 4 convention invalid-name C0103 get_two_phase_limits
Variable name "q0" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
227 8 convention invalid-name C0103 get_two_phase_limits
Variable name "q1" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style

Module (vclibpy/media/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
1 0 convention too-many-lines C0302
Too many lines in module (1231/1000)
10 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (120/100)
27 0 refactor too-many-instance-attributes R0902 RefProp
Too many instance attributes (15/7)
27 0 refactor too-many-public-methods R0904 RefProp
Too many public methods (25/20)
35 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (109/100)
66 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (113/100)
67 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (106/100)
73 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (120/100)
74 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (109/100)
115 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (103/100)
117 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (117/100)
139 4 refactor too-many-arguments R0913 RefProp.__init__
Too many arguments (9/5)
180 8 convention invalid-name C0103 RefProp.__init__
Attribute name "rp" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
209 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (116/100)
210 12 convention import-outside-toplevel C0415 RefProp._delete_dll
Import outside toplevel (_ctypes)
211 12 convention import-outside-toplevel C0415 RefProp._delete_dll
Import outside toplevel (sys)
212 22 warning protected-access W0212 RefProp._delete_dll
Access to a protected member _handle of a client class
214 16 error no-member E1101 RefProp._delete_dll
Module '_ctypes' has no 'FreeLibrary' member
250 9 warning fixme W0511
255 4 refactor too-many-arguments R0913 RefProp._call_refprop_allprop
Too many arguments (6/5)
257 30 convention invalid-name C0103 RefProp._call_refprop_allprop
Argument name "T_val" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
271 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (111/100)
274 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (111/100)
279 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (116/100)
282 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (119/100)
303 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (111/100)
303 29 convention consider-using-f-string C0209 RefProp._call_refprop_allprop
Formatting a regular string which could be a f-string
310 4 refactor too-many-arguments R0913 RefProp._call_refprop
Too many arguments (9/5)
324 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (103/100)
336 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (144/100)
339 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (116/100)
358 42 warning fixme W0511
TODO: in general not necessary, decreases performance
370 37 convention consider-using-f-string C0209 RefProp._call_refprop
Formatting a regular string which could be a f-string
406 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (112/100)
406 34 convention consider-using-f-string C0209 RefProp._check_error
Formatting a regular string which could be a f-string
407 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (110/100)
408 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (117/100)
411 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (104/100)
411 36 convention consider-using-f-string C0209 RefProp._check_error
Formatting a regular string which could be a f-string
412 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (115/100)
414 4 refactor too-many-branches R0912 RefProp._get_comp_names
Too many branches (13/12)
415 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (105/100)
425 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (103/100)
444 16 refactor no-else-continue R1724 RefProp._get_comp_names
Unnecessary "else" after "continue", remove the "else" and de-indent the code inside it
456 29 convention invalid-name C0103 RefProp._get_comp_frac
Argument name "z" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
478 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (110/100)
479 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (110/100)
490 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (120/100)
496 37 convention consider-using-f-string C0209 RefProp._get_comp_frac
Formatting a regular string which could be a f-string
510 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (120/100)
528 17 warning fixme W0511
TODO: Ending is not necessary to create mixtures....
533 12 warning unused-variable W0612 RefProp._setup_rp
Unused variable 'setref'
540 16 refactor no-else-raise R1720 RefProp._setup_rp
Unnecessary "else" after "raise", remove the "else" and de-indent the code inside it
542 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (110/100)
542 24 convention consider-using-f-string C0209 RefProp._setup_rp
Formatting a regular string which could be a f-string
545 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (110/100)
545 24 convention consider-using-f-string C0209 RefProp._setup_rp
Formatting a regular string which could be a f-string
549 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (111/100)
549 24 convention consider-using-f-string C0209 RefProp._setup_rp
Formatting a regular string which could be a f-string
552 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (113/100)
552 24 convention consider-using-f-string C0209 RefProp._setup_rp
Formatting a regular string which could be a f-string
590 4 refactor too-many-locals R0914 RefProp.calc_state
Too many local variables (19/15)
590 4 refactor too-many-branches R0912 RefProp.calc_state
Too many branches (29/12)
590 4 refactor too-many-statements R0915 RefProp.calc_state
Too many statements (123/50)
591 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (118/100)
597 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (112/100)
675 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (105/100)
716 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (105/100)
824 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (118/100)
848 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (117/100)
873 29 convention consider-using-f-string C0209 RefProp.get_available_substances
Formatting a regular string which could be a f-string
890 17 warning unspecified-encoding W1514 RefProp.get_available_substances
Using open without explicitly specifying an encoding
892 33 convention consider-using-f-string C0209 RefProp.get_available_substances
Formatting a regular string which could be a f-string
895 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (120/100)
895 29 convention consider-using-f-string C0209 RefProp.get_available_substances
Formatting a regular string which could be a f-string
927 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (105/100)
937 12 convention invalid-name C0103 RefProp.get_molar_composition
Variable name "z" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
940 12 convention invalid-name C0103 RefProp.get_molar_composition
Variable name "z" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
983 12 convention invalid-name C0103 RefProp.get_critical_point
Variable name "pc" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
984 12 convention invalid-name C0103 RefProp.get_critical_point
Variable name "dc" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
988 12 convention invalid-name C0103 RefProp.get_critical_point
Variable name "pc" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
989 12 convention invalid-name C0103 RefProp.get_critical_point
Variable name "dc" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
999 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (114/100)
1051 8 refactor consider-using-max-builtin R1731 RefProp.get_gwp
Consider using 'gwp = max(gwp, 0)' instead of unnecessary if block
1061 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (114/100)
1071 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (107/100)
1098 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (107/100)
1124 14 warning nested-min-max W3301 RefProp.get_odp
Do not use nested call of 'max'; it's possible to do 'max(tmp.Output, 0)' instead
1126 8 refactor consider-using-max-builtin R1731 RefProp.get_odp
Consider using 'odp = max(odp, 0)' instead of unnecessary if block
1147 35 convention invalid-name C0103 RefProp.get_sat_vap_pressure
Argument name "T_sat" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
1165 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (108/100)

Module (vclibpy/media/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
13 0 refactor too-many-instance-attributes R0902 ThermodynamicState
Too many instance attributes (8/7)
36 4 refactor too-many-arguments R0913 ThermodynamicState.__init__
Too many arguments (9/5)
59 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (119/100)
102 0 refactor too-many-instance-attributes R0902 TransportProperties
Too many instance attributes (10/7)
124 4 refactor too-many-arguments R0913 TransportProperties.__init__
Too many arguments (11/5)
128 17 convention invalid-name C0103 TransportProperties.__init__
Argument name "pr" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
173 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (102/100)
174 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (104/100)
175 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (107/100)
177 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (112/100)
178 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (113/100)
179 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (109/100)
180 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (101/100)

Module vclibpy.utils (vclibpy/utils/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
1 0 convention missing-module-docstring C0114
Missing module docstring

Module vclibpy.utils.automation (vclibpy/utils/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
36 8 warning logging-fstring-interpolation W1203 calc_multiple_states
Use lazy % formatting in logging functions
40 15 warning broad-exception-caught W0718 calc_multiple_states
Catching too general exception Exception
40 8 convention invalid-name C0103 calc_multiple_states
Variable name "e" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
42 12 warning logging-fstring-interpolation W1203 calc_multiple_states
Use lazy % formatting in logging functions
50 4 convention invalid-name C0103 calc_multiple_states
Variable name "df" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
52 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (119/100)
55 0 refactor too-many-arguments R0913 full_factorial_map_generation
Too many arguments (11/5)
55 0 refactor too-many-locals R0914 full_factorial_map_generation
Too many local variables (44/15)
55 0 refactor too-many-branches R0912 full_factorial_map_generation
Too many branches (16/12)
55 0 refactor too-many-statements R0915 full_factorial_map_generation
Too many statements (51/50)
57 8 convention invalid-name C0103 full_factorial_map_generation
Argument name "T_eva_in_ar" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
58 8 convention invalid-name C0103 full_factorial_map_generation
Argument name "T_con_in_ar" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
63 8 convention invalid-name C0103 full_factorial_map_generation
Argument name "dT_eva_superheating" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
64 8 convention invalid-name C0103 full_factorial_map_generation
Argument name "dT_con_subcooling" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
101 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (123/100)
107 8 convention invalid-name C0103 full_factorial_map_generation
Variable name "i_T_eva_in" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
107 20 convention invalid-name C0103 full_factorial_map_generation
Variable name "T_eva_in" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
109 16 convention invalid-name C0103 full_factorial_map_generation
Variable name "i_T_con_in" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
109 28 convention invalid-name C0103 full_factorial_map_generation
Variable name "T_con_in" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
123 15 refactor consider-using-with R1732 full_factorial_map_generation
Consider using 'with' for resource-allocating operations
127 12 warning logging-fstring-interpolation W1203 full_factorial_map_generation
Use lazy % formatting in logging functions
133 12 warning logging-fstring-interpolation W1203 full_factorial_map_generation
Use lazy % formatting in logging functions
145 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (104/100)
145 34 refactor unnecessary-comprehension R1721 full_factorial_map_generation
Unnecessary use of a comprehension, use dict(fs_state.get_variables().items()) instead.
159 13 convention invalid-name C0103 full_factorial_map_generation
Variable name "i_T_con_in" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
159 25 convention invalid-name C0103 full_factorial_map_generation
Variable name "i_T_eva_in" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
215 11 warning broad-exception-caught W0718 _calc_single_hp_state
Catching too general exception Exception
215 4 convention invalid-name C0103 _calc_single_hp_state
Variable name "e" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
216 8 warning logging-fstring-interpolation W1203 _calc_single_hp_state
Use lazy % formatting in logging functions

Module vclibpy.utils.nominal_design (vclibpy/utils/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
1 0 convention missing-module-docstring C0114
Missing module docstring
10 0 refactor too-many-locals R0914 nominal_hp_design
Too many local variables (19/15)
11 29 convention trailing-whitespace C0303
Trailing whitespace
12 23 convention trailing-whitespace C0303
Trailing whitespace
14 8 convention invalid-name C0103 nominal_hp_design
Argument name "dT_con" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
15 8 convention invalid-name C0103 nominal_hp_design
Argument name "dT_eva" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
43 4 convention invalid-name C0103 nominal_hp_design
Variable name "t0" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
69 21 warning protected-access W0212 nominal_hp_design
Access to a protected member _secondary_cp of a client class
70 21 warning protected-access W0212 nominal_hp_design
Access to a protected member _secondary_cp of a client class
72 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (105/100)
74 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (107/100)

Module vclibpy.utils.plotting (vclibpy/utils/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
1 0 convention missing-module-docstring C0114
Missing module docstring
11 0 refactor inconsistent-return-statements R1710 plot_cycle
Either all return statements in a function should return an expression, or none of them should.
39 4 convention invalid-name C0103 plot_cycle
Variable name "h_T" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
44 9 convention invalid-name C0103 plot_cycle
Variable name "ax" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
77 0 refactor too-many-arguments R0913 plot_sdf_map
Too many arguments (8/5)
77 0 refactor too-many-locals R0914 plot_sdf_map
Too many local variables (53/15)
77 0 refactor too-many-branches R0912 plot_sdf_map
Too many branches (50/12)
77 0 refactor too-many-statements R0915 plot_sdf_map
Too many statements (133/50)
90 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (103/100)
142 4 convention invalid-name C0103 plot_sdf_map
Variable name "plot_4D" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
144 8 convention invalid-name C0103 plot_sdf_map
Variable name "plot_4D" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
182 4 refactor too-many-nested-blocks R1702 plot_sdf_map
Too many nested blocks (7/5)
182 4 refactor too-many-nested-blocks R1702 plot_sdf_map
Too many nested blocks (7/5)
182 4 refactor too-many-nested-blocks R1702 plot_sdf_map
Too many nested blocks (6/5)
189 12 convention invalid-name C0103 plot_sdf_map
Variable name "nd" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
189 16 convention invalid-name C0103 plot_sdf_map
Variable name "fd" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
189 20 convention invalid-name C0103 plot_sdf_map
Variable name "sd" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
189 34 convention invalid-name C0103 plot_sdf_map
Variable name "td" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
191 16 convention invalid-name C0103 plot_sdf_map
Variable name "ds" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
193 20 convention invalid-name C0103 plot_sdf_map
Variable name "nd" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
195 20 convention invalid-name C0103 plot_sdf_map
Variable name "fd" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
197 20 convention invalid-name C0103 plot_sdf_map
Variable name "sd" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
204 20 convention invalid-name C0103 plot_sdf_map
Variable name "td" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
224 16 convention invalid-name C0103 plot_sdf_map
Variable name "ax" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
232 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (105/100)
234 16 convention import-outside-toplevel C0415 plot_sdf_map
Import outside toplevel (itertools)
235 39 refactor unnecessary-comprehension R1721 plot_sdf_map
Unnecessary use of a comprehension, use list(itertools.product(*inp)) instead.
245 28 convention invalid-name C0103 plot_sdf_map
Variable name "Z" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
251 28 convention invalid-name C0103 plot_sdf_map
Variable name "Z" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
257 28 convention invalid-name C0103 plot_sdf_map
Variable name "Z" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
264 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (116/100)
266 28 convention invalid-name C0103 plot_sdf_map
Variable name "ax" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
269 28 convention invalid-name C0103 plot_sdf_map
Variable name "X" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
269 31 convention invalid-name C0103 plot_sdf_map
Variable name "Y" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
270 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (111/100)
291 19 convention invalid-name C0103 set_axis_style
Argument name "ax" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
293 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (129/100)

Module vclibpy.utils.printing (vclibpy/utils/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
22 15 convention consider-iterating-dictionary C0201 print_states
Consider iterating the dictionary directly instead of calling .keys()
31 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (107/100)

Module vclibpy.utils.sdf_ (vclibpy/utils/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
1 0 convention missing-module-docstring C0114
Missing module docstring
8 0 refactor too-many-locals R0914 save_to_sdf
Too many local variables (20/15)
63 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (108/100)
129 12 convention invalid-name C0103 sdf_to_csv
Variable name "df" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
130 12 convention invalid-name C0103 sdf_to_csv
Variable name "df" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
147 0 convention line-too-long C0301
Line too long (103/100)
147 23 refactor unnecessary-comprehension R1721 _unpack_nd_data
Unnecessary use of a comprehension, use list(enumerate( instead.
150 18 refactor consider-using-generator R1728 _unpack_nd_data
Consider using a generator instead 'tuple(scale[0] for scale in scales)'
154 14 refactor unnecessary-comprehension R1721 _unpack_nd_data
Unnecessary use of a comprehension, use dict(zip(scale_names, values)) instead.

Module vclibpy.utils.ten_coefficient_compressor_reqression (vclibpy/utils/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
1 0 convention missing-module-docstring C0114
Missing module docstring
13 4 warning raise-missing-from W0707
Consider explicitly re-raising using 'raise ImportError('You have to install xlsxwriter and sklearn to use this regression tool') from err'
17 0 refactor too-many-arguments R0913 create_regression_data
Too many arguments (13/5)
17 0 refactor too-many-locals R0914 create_regression_data
Too many local variables (42/15)
19 8 convention invalid-name C0103 create_regression_data
Argument name "T_con" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
19 28 convention invalid-name C0103 create_regression_data
Argument name "T_eva" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
20 8 convention invalid-name C0103 create_regression_data
Argument name "T_sh" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
20 21 convention invalid-name C0103 create_regression_data
Argument name "T_sc" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
20 46 convention invalid-name C0103 create_regression_data
Argument name "V_h" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
87 8 convention invalid-name C0103 create_regression_data
Variable name "m" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
87 4 refactor too-many-nested-blocks R1702 create_regression_data
Too many nested blocks (6/5)
89 12 convention invalid-name C0103 create_regression_data
Variable name "T_eva_list" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
90 12 convention invalid-name C0103 create_regression_data
Variable name "T_con_list" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
93 12 convention consider-using-enumerate C0200 create_regression_data
Consider using enumerate instead of iterating with range and len
95 16 convention consider-using-enumerate C0200 create_regression_data
Consider using enumerate instead of iterating with range and len
97 24 convention invalid-name C0103 create_regression_data
Variable name "p1" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
100 24 convention invalid-name C0103 create_regression_data
Variable name "p2" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
103 25 warning fixme W0511
TODO: Enable calculation of get_lambda_h etc. with p2 only
119 12 convention invalid-name C0103 create_regression_data
Variable name "df" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
132 5 warning fixme W0511
TODO: Revert once this feature is in pandas.
137 75 convention invalid-name C0103 create_regression_data
Variable name "f" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
139 12 convention invalid-name C0103 create_regression_data
Variable name "r" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
140 16 convention invalid-name C0103 create_regression_data
Variable name "c" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
145 33 convention invalid-name C0103 create_regression_parameters
Argument name "df" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
168 4 convention invalid-name C0103 create_regression_parameters
Variable name "z" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style
172 4 convention invalid-name C0103 create_regression_parameters
Variable name "X" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style


Count per types

Name Count
error 2
refactor 77
convention 445
warning 43
info 21

Count per messages

Name Count
no-member 2
too-many-arguments 13
missing-module-docstring 27
too-many-locals 12
invalid-name 231
unused-variable 8
line-too-long 150
superfluous-parens 1
missing-function-docstring 8
no-else-continue 5
too-many-branches 6
too-many-statements 4
inconsistent-return-statements 2
import-outside-toplevel 4
wrong-import-order 6
unnecessary-comprehension 4
consider-using-generator 1
trailing-whitespace 2
protected-access 3
fixme 5
raise-missing-from 1
consider-using-enumerate 2
too-many-nested-blocks 4
consider-iterating-dictionary 1
logging-fstring-interpolation 9
broad-exception-caught 2
consider-using-with 1
too-many-instance-attributes 6
global-statement 1
global-variable-not-assigned 1
unused-argument 5
unnecessary-pass 6
too-many-lines 1
consider-using-f-string 12
no-else-raise 1
unspecified-encoding 1
consider-using-max-builtin 2
nested-min-max 1
too-many-public-methods 1
c-extension-no-member 21
no-else-break 1
no-else-return 1
too-few-public-methods 5
cyclic-import 8

Count per modules

Name Count
vclibpy.datamodels 2
vclibpy.flowsheets.vapor_injection_economizer 6
vclibpy.flowsheets.vapor_injection_phase_separator 1
vclibpy.flowsheets 1
vclibpy.flowsheets.base 39
vclibpy.flowsheets.vapor_injection 4
vclibpy.flowsheets.standard 2
vclibpy.utils.sdf_ 9
vclibpy.utils.nominal_design 11
vclibpy.utils.ten_coefficient_compressor_reqression 26
vclibpy.utils.printing 2
vclibpy.utils 1
vclibpy.utils.plotting 37
vclibpy.utils.automation 29 13 3 23 91 24
vclibpy.components.component 6
vclibpy.components.compressors.ten_coefficient 44
vclibpy.components.compressors.compressor 9
vclibpy.components.compressors.rotary 14
vclibpy.components.compressors 1
vclibpy.components.compressors.constant_effectivness 4
vclibpy.components.heat_exchangers 1
vclibpy.components.heat_exchangers.moving_boundary_ntu 86
vclibpy.components.heat_exchangers.economizer 3
vclibpy.components.heat_exchangers.heat_exchanger 13
vclibpy.components.heat_exchangers.ntu 15
vclibpy.components.heat_exchangers.heat_transfer.air_to_wall 7
vclibpy.components.heat_exchangers.heat_transfer.pipe_to_wall 9
vclibpy.components.heat_exchangers.heat_transfer 3
vclibpy.components.heat_exchangers.heat_transfer.constant 7
vclibpy.components.heat_exchangers.heat_transfer.heat_transfer 5
vclibpy.components.heat_exchangers.heat_transfer.vdi_atlas_air_to_wall 22
vclibpy.components.heat_exchangers.heat_transfer.wall 3
vclibpy.components.expansion_valves.expansion_valve 1
vclibpy.components.expansion_valves.bernoulli 2
vclibpy.components.expansion_valves 1
vclibpy.components.expansion_valves.__init__ 8

Count per path

Name Count
vclibpy/ 2
vclibpy/flowsheets/ 6
vclibpy/flowsheets/ 1
vclibpy/flowsheets/ 1
vclibpy/flowsheets/ 39
vclibpy/flowsheets/ 4
vclibpy/flowsheets/ 2
vclibpy/utils/ 9
vclibpy/utils/ 11
vclibpy/utils/ 26
vclibpy/utils/ 2
vclibpy/utils/ 1
vclibpy/utils/ 37
vclibpy/utils/ 29
vclibpy/media/ 13
vclibpy/media/ 3
vclibpy/media/ 23
vclibpy/media/ 91
vclibpy/media/ 24
vclibpy/components/ 6
vclibpy/components/compressors/ 44
vclibpy/components/compressors/ 9
vclibpy/components/compressors/ 14
vclibpy/components/compressors/ 1
vclibpy/components/compressors/ 4
vclibpy/components/heat_exchangers/ 1
vclibpy/components/heat_exchangers/ 86
vclibpy/components/heat_exchangers/ 3
vclibpy/components/heat_exchangers/ 13
vclibpy/components/heat_exchangers/ 15
vclibpy/components/heat_exchangers/heat_transfer/ 7
vclibpy/components/heat_exchangers/heat_transfer/ 9
vclibpy/components/heat_exchangers/heat_transfer/ 3
vclibpy/components/heat_exchangers/heat_transfer/ 7
vclibpy/components/heat_exchangers/heat_transfer/ 5
vclibpy/components/heat_exchangers/heat_transfer/ 22
vclibpy/components/heat_exchangers/heat_transfer/ 3
vclibpy/components/expansion_valves/ 1
vclibpy/components/expansion_valves/ 2
vclibpy/components/expansion_valves/ 9