"""Stores all sorts of Dataclasses, Enums or Factories to help with the
import os
import random
import subprocess
from contextlib import contextmanager
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from logging import Logger
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union, List, NamedTuple, Literal
import casadi as ca
from enum import Enum
from pydantic import ConfigDict, Field, BaseModel
from agentlib_mpc.data_structures import mpc_datamodels
CaFuncInputs = Union[ca.MX, ca.SX, ca.Sparsity, ca.DM, float, int]
DiscreteVars = List[bool]
GUESS_PREFIX = "guess_"
LB_PREFIX = "lb_"
UB_PREFIX = "ub_"
# Casadi Matrices specifying the input of all different types
# of optimization parameters. Matrices consist of different variable rows
# and have a column for each time step in the discretization.
# There are separate matrices for each input type (as defined in the
# System), and also for the upper and lower boundaries of variables
# respectively.
# Example:
# {"x": [[1, 2], [0, 2]],
# "lb_x": [[0, 0], [0, 0]],
# "ub_x": [[0, 0], [0, 0]],
# "d": [[2, 1], [1, 1]]
# }
MPCInputs = dict[str, ca.DM]
[docs]class DiscretizationMethod(str, Enum):
collocation = "collocation"
multiple_shooting = "multiple_shooting"
[docs]class CollocationMethod(str, Enum):
radau = "radau"
legendre = "legendre"
[docs]class Solvers(str, Enum):
ipopt = "ipopt"
qpoases = "qpoases"
sqpmethod = "sqpmethod"
gurobi = "gurobi"
bonmin = "bonmin"
fatrop = "fatrop"
proxqp = "proxqp"
osqp = "osqp"
[docs]class Integrators(str, Enum):
cvodes = "cvodes"
rk = "rk" # runge-kutta
euler = "euler"
[docs]class CasadiDiscretizationOptions(mpc_datamodels.DiscretizationOptions):
model_config = ConfigDict(extra="forbid")
method: DiscretizationMethod = DiscretizationMethod.collocation
collocation_order: int = Field(default=3, ge=1, le=9)
collocation_method: CollocationMethod = CollocationMethod.legendre
integrator: Integrators = Integrators.cvodes
[docs]class SolverOptions(BaseModel):
name: Solvers = "ipopt"
options: dict = Field(default={})
model_config = ConfigDict(extra="forbid")
class OptParMXContainer:
"""Stores the necessary MX variables created during discretization for
var: List[ca.MX] = field(default_factory=list) # res format
grid: List[float] = field(default_factory=list) # res format, mpc inputs
class OptVarMXContainer(OptParMXContainer):
"""Stores the necessary MX variables created during discretization for
lb: List[ca.MX] = field(default_factory=list) # res format
ub: List[ca.MX] = field(default_factory=list) # res format
guess: List[ca.MX] = field(default_factory=list) # res format
opt: ca.DM = None # mpc inputs
class Constraint:
function: ca.MX
lb: ca.MX
ub: ca.MX
[docs]class ModelConstraint(NamedTuple):
lb: CaFuncInputs
function: ca.MX
ub: CaFuncInputs
class SolverFactory:
"""Creates a solver given an NLP and an options construct."""
do_jit: bool
bat_file: Path = None
name: str = None
options: SolverOptions = field(default_factory=SolverOptions)
logger: Logger = None
[docs] def create_solver(
nlp: Union[dict, str],
discrete: DiscreteVars = None,
equalities: list[bool] = None,
) -> ca.Function:
options = self.options.options
solver_name = self.options.name.casefold()
if solver_name == Solvers.ipopt:
return self._create_ipopt_solver(nlp=nlp, options=options)
if solver_name == Solvers.fatrop:
return self._create_fatrop_solver(
nlp=nlp, options=options, equalities=equalities
if solver_name == Solvers.sqpmethod:
return self._create_sqpmethod_solver(nlp=nlp, options=options)
if solver_name == Solvers.qpoases:
return self._create_qpoases_solver(nlp=nlp, options=options)
if solver_name == Solvers.proxqp:
return self._create_proxqp_solver(nlp=nlp, options=options)
if solver_name == Solvers.osqp:
return self._create_osqp_solver(nlp=nlp, options=options)
if solver_name == Solvers.gurobi:
return self._create_gurobi_solver(
nlp=nlp, options=options, discrete=discrete
if solver_name == Solvers.bonmin:
return self._create_bonmin_solver(
nlp=nlp, options=options, discrete=discrete
raise ValueError(
f'Solver "{solver_name}" not recognized. Currently '
f"supported: {[s.value for s in Solvers]}"
def _create_fatrop_solver(self, nlp: dict, options: dict, equalities: list[bool]):
# equality = [True for _ in range(nlp["g"].shape[0])]
default_opts = {
"verbose": False,
"print_time": False,
"record_time": True,
"expand": True,
"structure_detection": "auto",
"equality": equalities,
"fatrop": {
"max_iter": 100,
"tol": 1e-4,
# "mu_init": 1e-2,
"print_level": 0,
default_solver_opts = options.pop("fatrop", {})
opts = {**default_opts, **options}
if self.do_jit:
opts["expand"] = False # compiled code is better not expanded
solver = self.make_casadi_nlp(nlp, "fatrop", opts, "nlp")
if not self.do_jit:
return solver
nlp = compile_solver(bat_file=self.bat_file, optimizer=solver, name=self.name)
return self.make_casadi_nlp(nlp, "fatrop", opts, "nlp")
def _create_ipopt_solver(self, nlp: dict, options: dict):
default_opts = {
"verbose": False,
"print_time": False,
"record_time": True,
"expand": True,
"ipopt": {
# "mu_init": 1e-2,
"max_iter": 100,
"tol": 1e-4,
"acceptable_tol": 0.1,
"acceptable_constr_viol_tol": 1,
"acceptable_iter": 5,
"acceptable_compl_inf_tol": 1,
"print_level": 0,
ipopt_ = options.pop("ipopt", {})
opts = {**default_opts, **options}
if self.do_jit:
opts["expand"] = False # compiled code is better not expanded
solver = self.make_casadi_nlp(nlp, "ipopt", opts, "nlp")
if not self.do_jit:
return solver
nlp = compile_solver(bat_file=self.bat_file, optimizer=solver, name=self.name)
return self.make_casadi_nlp(nlp, "ipopt", opts, "nlp")
def _create_sqpmethod_solver(self, nlp: dict, options: dict):
default_opts = {
"qpsol": "osqp",
"qpsol_options": {"error_on_fail": False},
"print_iteration": False,
"print_status": False,
"print_header": False,
"print_time": False,
"max_iter": 20,
"tol_du": 0.01,
"tol_pr": 0.0001,
opts = {**default_opts, **options}
return ca.nlpsol("mpc", "sqpmethod", nlp, opts)
def _create_qpoases_solver(self, nlp: dict, options: dict):
default_opts = {
"verbose": False,
"print_time": False,
"record_time": True,
"printLevel": "low",
opts = {**default_opts, **options}
return ca.qpsol("mpc", "qpoases", nlp, opts)
def _create_proxqp_solver(self, nlp: dict, options: dict):
default_opts = {
"verbose": False,
"print_time": False,
"record_time": True,
"proxqp": {"max_iter": 200, "eps_abs": 1e-4, "backend": "sparse"},
opts = {**default_opts, **options}
return ca.qpsol("mpc", "proxqp", nlp, opts)
def _create_osqp_solver(self, nlp: dict, options: dict):
default_opts = {
"verbose": False,
"print_time": False,
"record_time": True,
"osqp": {"max_iter": 200, "eps_abs": 1e-4, "verbose": False},
opts = {**default_opts, **options}
return ca.qpsol("mpc", "osqp", nlp, opts)
def _create_gurobi_solver(
self, nlp: dict, options: dict, discrete: DiscreteVars = None
default_opts = {}
opts = {**default_opts, **options, "discrete": discrete}
return ca.qpsol("mpc", "gurobi", nlp, opts)
def _create_bonmin_solver(
self, nlp: dict, options: dict, discrete: DiscreteVars = None
default_opts = {
"bonmin.bb_log_level": 0,
"bonmin.bb_log_interval": 1000,
"bonmin.nlp_log_level": 0,
opts = {**default_opts, **options, "discrete": discrete}
return ca.nlpsol("mpc", "bonmin", nlp, opts)
[docs] def make_casadi_nlp(
problem: Union[dict, str],
solver: str,
opts: dict,
problem_type: Literal["nlp", "qp"] = "nlp",
ca_sol = ca.nlpsol if problem_type == "nlp" else ca.qpsol
solver = ca_sol("mpc", solver, problem, opts)
except RuntimeError:
solver = ca_sol("mpc", solver, problem, {**opts, "expand": False})
if not self.do_jit:
"Tried setting up nlp with 'expand'=True, but your problem "
"formulation contains non-expandable elements (e.g. using cvodes "
"as integrator, or interpolation tables.)"
return solver
def temporary_directory(path):
old_pwd = os.getcwd()
[docs]def compile_solver(bat_file: Path, name: str, optimizer: ca.Function) -> str:
Code-generates an ipopt solver and compiles it.
Currently, only works on Windows! Requires a batch file that knows
how to setup Visual Studio command line and compiles the source code.
The Path to the .dll file for the compiled solver.
if not name:
name = f"nlp_{random.randint(10, 1000)}"
base_name = name
file_name = f"{name}.c"
file = Path(file_name)
i = 0
# "build_batch_bat": "D:/ses-tsp/masterarbeit-miocp/02_Work/agentlib_mpc_9_approximate_miocp/examples/prod_cons_nmpc/solver_lib/compile_nlp.bat",
c_dir = Path(Path(bat_file).parent, "code_gen")
batch = str(Path(bat_file).absolute())
with temporary_directory(c_dir):
while file.exists():
name = f"{base_name}_{i}"
file_name = f"{name}.c"
file = Path(file_name)
i = i + 1
with temporary_directory(c_dir):
with temporary_directory(c_dir):
ret = subprocess.call([batch, file_name])
except TypeError as e:
# no batch file was provided
raise TypeError(
"You need to provide a batch file to "
"compile the solver in the backend config."
) from e
except FileNotFoundError as e:
# provided batch file does not exist
raise FileNotFoundError from e
if ret != 0:
raise RuntimeError(
"The provided batch file did not exit properly, please "
"check it properly compiles the provided file."
solver_dll = Path(c_dir).joinpath(f"{name}.dll").absolute()
return str(solver_dll)