Source code for agentlib_mpc.modules.dmpc.coordinator

import logging
import time
from dataclasses import asdict
from typing import Dict
import threading

from pydantic import Field

from agentlib.core import (
from agentlib_mpc.data_structures.coordinator_datatypes import (
import agentlib_mpc.data_structures.coordinator_datatypes as cdt

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class CoordinatorConfig(BaseModuleConfig): maxIter: int = Field(default=10, description="Maximum number of iterations") time_out_non_responders: float = Field( default=1, description="Maximum wait time for subsystems in seconds" ) messages_in: AgentVariables = [ AgentVariable(name=cdt.REGISTRATION_A2C), AgentVariable(name=cdt.START_ITERATION_A2C), AgentVariable(name=cdt.OPTIMIZATION_A2C), ] messages_out: AgentVariables = [ AgentVariable(name=cdt.REGISTRATION_C2A), AgentVariable(name=cdt.START_ITERATION_C2A), AgentVariable(name=cdt.OPTIMIZATION_C2A), ] shared_variable_fields: list[str] = ["messages_out"]
[docs]class Coordinator(BaseModule): """Class implementing the base coordination for distributed MPC""" config: CoordinatorConfig def __init__(self, *, config: dict, agent: Agent): super().__init__(config=config, agent=agent) self.agent_dict: Dict[Source, cdt.AgentDictEntry] = {} self.status: cdt.CoordinatorStatus = cdt.CoordinatorStatus.sleeping self.received_variable = threading.Event()
[docs] def process(self): yield self.env.timeout(0.01) while True: # ------------------ # start iteration # ------------------ self.status = cdt.CoordinatorStatus.init_iterations # maybe this will hold information instead of "True" self.set(cdt.START_ITERATION_C2A, True) # check for all_finished here time.sleep(1) # ------------------ # iteration loop # ------------------ for iI in range(self.config.maxIter): # ------------------ # optimization # ------------------ # send self.status = cdt.CoordinatorStatus.optimization # set all agents to busy self.trigger_optimizations() # check for all finished here self._wait_for_ready() # receive ... # ------------------ # perform update steps # ------------------ self.status = cdt.CoordinatorStatus.updating ... # ------------------ # check convergence # ------------------ ... yield self.env.timeout(1)
[docs] def trigger_optimizations(self): """ Triggers the optimization for all agents with status ready. Returns: """ send = self.agent.data_broker.send_variable for source, agent in self.agent_dict.items(): if agent.status == cdt.AgentStatus.ready: value = agent.optimization_data.to_dict() self.logger.debug("Sending to %s with source %s",, source) self.logger.debug("Set %s to busy.", agent.status = cdt.AgentStatus.busy message = AgentVariable( name=cdt.OPTIMIZATION_C2A, source=source, value=value, ) send(message)
[docs] def register_callbacks(self): self.agent.data_broker.register_callback( alias=cdt.REGISTRATION_A2C, source=None, callback=self.registration_callback, ) self.agent.data_broker.register_callback( alias=cdt.START_ITERATION_A2C, source=None, callback=self.init_iteration_callback, ) self.agent.data_broker.register_callback( alias=cdt.OPTIMIZATION_A2C, source=None, callback=self.optim_results_callback, )
[docs] def optim_results_callback(self, variable: AgentVariable): """ Saves the results of a local optimization. Args: variable: Returns: """ entry = self.agent_dict[variable.source] entry.optimization_data = cdt.OptimizationData.from_dict(variable.value) self.agent_dict[variable.source].status = cdt.AgentStatus.ready self.received_variable.set()
[docs] def init_iteration_callback(self, variable: AgentVariable): """ Processes and Agents InitIteration confirmation. Args: variable: Returns: """ if not self.status == cdt.CoordinatorStatus.init_iterations: # maybe set AgentStatus to something meaningful self.logger.error("Agent did not respond in time!") return if variable.value is not True: # did not receive acknowledgement return try: ag_dict_entry = self.agent_dict[variable.source] except KeyError: # likely did not finish registration of an agent yet, but the agent # already has its end registered and responds to the init_iterations. # Let it wait one round. return self.logger.debug( "Received 'StartIteration' confirmation from %s", variable.source ) if ag_dict_entry.status != cdt.AgentStatus.standby: # if the status is not standby, the agent might still be in registration # phase, or something else occurred return ag_dict_entry.status = cdt.AgentStatus.ready self.received_variable.set()
@property def all_finished(self): """ Returns: True, if there are no busy agents, else False """ for src, ag_entry in self.agent_dict.items(): if ag_entry.status is cdt.AgentStatus.busy: return False return True
[docs] def registration_callback(self, variable: AgentVariable): f"receiving {}={variable.value} from {variable.source}" ) # use information in message to set up coordinator if not (variable.source in self.agent_dict): # add agent to dict entry = cdt.AgentDictEntry( name=variable.source, status=AgentStatus.pending, ) self.agent_dict[variable.source] = entry OptimOpts = {"Nhor": 10, "dt": 60} message = RegistrationMessage( agent_id=variable.source.agent_id, opts=OptimOpts ) self.set(cdt.REGISTRATION_C2A, asdict(message)) # {"source" : # variable.source, "status" : True, "opts" : OptimOpts} f"Coordinator got request agent {variable.source} and set to " f"'pending'." ) else: # process ready-flag message = RegistrationMessage(**variable.value) if message.status == AgentStatus.standby: self.agent_dict[variable.source].status = AgentStatus.standby # # change from # pending to ready f"Coordinator successfully registered agent {variable.source}." ) else: self.agent_dict.pop(variable.source) # delete agent from dict
def _wait_for_ready( self, ): """Wait until all coupling variables arrive from the other systems.""" self.received_variable.clear()"Start waiting for agents to finish computation.") while True: # check exit conditions if self.all_finished: count = 0 for ag in self.agent_dict.values(): if ag.status == cdt.AgentStatus.ready: count += 1"Got variables from all (%s) agents.", count) break # wait until a new item is put in the queue if self.received_variable.wait(timeout=self.config.time_out_non_responders): self.received_variable.clear() else: self._deregister_slow_participants() break def _deregister_slow_participants(self): """Sets all agents that are still busy to standby, so they won't be waited on again.""" for agent in self.agent_dict.values(): if agent.status == cdt.AgentStatus.busy: agent.status = cdt.AgentStatus.standby "De-registered agent %s as it was too slow.", )
if __name__ == "__main__": pass