import logging
from pydantic import field_validator, Field
from agentlib_mpc.data_structures import mpc_datamodels
from agentlib_mpc.data_structures.mpc_datamodels import MINLPVariableReference
from agentlib_mpc.modules.mpc import BaseMPCConfig, BaseMPC
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class MINLPMPCConfig(BaseMPCConfig):
Pydantic data model for MPC configuration parser
# AgentVariables for the controls to be optimized
binary_controls: mpc_datamodels.MPCVariables = Field(
default=[], description="List of all binary control variables of the MPC. "
[docs] @field_validator("binary_controls")
def validate_binary_bounds(cls, binary_controls: mpc_datamodels.MPCVariables):
"""Assures all binary variables have 0 and 1 as boundaries."""
for bc in binary_controls:
if bc.ub == 1 and == 1:
f"Binary variable {} does not have bounds '0, 1'. This will be"
f" automatically changed."
bc.ub = 1 = 0
return binary_controls
[docs]class MINLPMPC(BaseMPC):
config: MINLPMPCConfig
def _setup_var_ref(self) -> mpc_datamodels.VariableReferenceT:
return MINLPVariableReference.from_config(self.config)
[docs] def assert_mpc_variables_are_in_model(self):
Checks whether all variables of var_ref are contained in the model.
Returns names of model variables not contained in the var_ref,
sorted by keys: 'states', 'inputs', 'outputs', 'parameters'.
# arguments for validation function:
# (key in var_ref, model names, str for head error message)
args = [
"Differential variables / States",
("controls", self.model.get_input_names(), "Controls"),
("binary_controls", self.model.get_input_names(), "Binary Controls"),
("inputs", self.model.get_input_names(), "Inputs"),
("outputs", self.model.get_output_names(), "Outputs"),
("parameters", self.model.get_parameter_names(), "Parameters"),
# perform validations and make a dictionary of unassigned variables
unassigned_by_mpc_var = {
key: self.assert_subset(self.var_ref.__dict__[key], names, message)
for key, names, message in args
# fix unassigned values for inputs
intersection_input = set.intersection(
# return dict should have model variables as keys, not mpc variables
unassigned_by_model_var = {
"states": unassigned_by_mpc_var["states"],
"inputs": intersection_input,
"outputs": unassigned_by_mpc_var["outputs"],
"parameters": unassigned_by_mpc_var["parameters"],
return unassigned_by_model_var
[docs] def set_actuation(self, solution):
"""Takes the solution from optimization backend and sends the first
step to AgentVariables."""
for b_control in self.var_ref.binary_controls:
# take the first entry of the control trajectory
actuation = solution[b_control][0]
self.set(b_control, actuation)