Source code for agentlib_mpc.modules.ml_model_training.data_reduction

"""Code stolen from Max Berktold"""

import numpy as np
from sklearn import kernel_approximation
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels import Kernel, RBF

[docs]class InducingPoints(ABC): """ The idea is to reduce the effective number of input data points x to the GP from n to m, with m<n, where the set of m points are called inducing points. Since this makes the effective covariance matrix K smaller, many inducing point approaches reduce the computational complexity from O(n3) to O(nm2). The smaller m is, the bigger the speed up. Source: """ def __init__(self): pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def reduce( self, x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, plot_distance_matrix: bool = True, ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: pass
[docs]class NystroemReducer(InducingPoints): def __init__(self, n_components: int, kernel: Kernel = None): super(NystroemReducer, self).__init__() if kernel is None: kernel = RBF() self.nystroem = kernel_approximation.Nystroem( kernel=kernel, n_components=n_components )
[docs] def reduce( self, x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, plot_distance_matrix: bool = True, ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:, y) return self.nystroem.components_, y[self.nystroem.component_indices_]
if __name__ == "__main__": from sklearn.gaussian_process import GaussianProcessRegressor import matplotlib.pyplot as plt n_components = 25 def f(x): "some more or less complex output function" return x[:, 0] * 2 + x[:, 1] * x[:, 0] + x[:, 1] * 3 + 1 / x[:, 1] * x[:, 1] def get_score(x, y, x_test, y_test, message): gpr = GaussianProcessRegressor(RBF(), normalize_y=True), y) s = gpr.score(x_test, y_test) print(message, s, "samples:", x.shape, y.shape) return s scores = list() for i in range(100): np.random.seed(i) x_train = np.random.normal(size=(800, 2), loc=0, scale=10) y_train = f(x_train) x_test = np.random.normal(size=(200, 2), loc=0, scale=10) y_test = f(x_test) x_red, y_red = NystroemReducer(n_components=n_components).reduce( x_train, y_train ) score_before = get_score(x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, "before") score_after = get_score(x_red, y_red, x_test, y_test, "after") plt.scatter(x_train.T[0], x_train.T[1], c=y_train) plt.scatter(x_red.T[0], x_red.T[1], c="black", label="reduced_data") plt.legend() plt.title( f"score_before: {round(score_before, 4)}, score_after: {round(score_after, 4)}\n n_components: {n_components}" )