"""Module which generates random set points within a comfort zone. Code heavily stolen
from Max Berktold"""
import datetime
import random
from agentlib.core import BaseModuleConfig, BaseModule, Agent, AgentVariable
[docs]class SetPointGeneratorConfig(BaseModuleConfig):
Pydantic data model for ANNTrainer configuration parser
target_variable: AgentVariable = AgentVariable(name="target")
day_start: int = 8
day_end: int = 16
day_lb: float = 273.15 + 19
night_lb: float = 273.15 + 16
day_ub: float = 273.15 + 21
night_ub: float = 273.15 + 24
interval: int = 60 * 60 * 4
shared_variable_fields: list[str] = ["target_variable"]
[docs]class SetPointGenerator(BaseModule):
Module that generates and sends random set points based on daytime and values.
config: SetPointGeneratorConfig
def __init__(self, config: dict, agent: Agent):
Constructor for model predictive controller (MPC).
super().__init__(config=config, agent=agent)
self.last_randomization: float = self.env.time
lb, ub = self._bounds()
self.current_target = random.uniform(lb, ub)
[docs] def register_callbacks(self): ...
[docs] def process(self):
while True:
self.set(self.config.target_variable.name, self.current_target)
yield self.env.timeout(self.config.interval)
[docs] def update_target(self):
"""Updates the control target for a given time"""
time = self.env.time
lb, ub = self._bounds()
# update target, if enough time has passed or the target violates boundaries
if (
time - self.last_randomization >= self.config.interval
or self.current_target < lb
or ub < self.current_target
self.current_target = random.uniform(lb, ub)
self.last_randomization = time
f"Set target {self.config.target_variable.name} to "
f"{self.current_target:.2f} {self.config.target_variable.unit}"
def _bounds(self) -> tuple[float, float]:
"""Returns the lower and upper bound for a given time"""
if self._is_weekend():
return self.config.night_lb, self.config.night_ub
if self._is_daytime():
return self.config.day_lb, self.config.day_ub
return self.config.night_lb, self.config.night_ub
def _is_daytime(self) -> bool:
"""Returns True if the given time is during day"""
time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.env.time)
return self.config.day_start <= time.hour <= self.config.day_end
def _is_weekend(self) -> bool:
"""returns True if the given time is during weekend"""
time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.env.time)
return 5 <= time.weekday()