Source code for agentlib_mpc.optimization_backends.casadi_.mhe

import dataclasses
import logging
from typing import Union

import casadi as ca
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import interpolate

from agentlib_mpc.data_structures.casadi_utils import (
from agentlib_mpc.data_structures.mpc_datamodels import MHEVariableReference
from agentlib_mpc.models.casadi_model import CasadiModel, CasadiInput
from agentlib_mpc.optimization_backends.casadi_.core.casadi_backend import CasADiBackend
from agentlib_mpc.optimization_backends.casadi_.core.VariableGroup import (
from agentlib_mpc.optimization_backends.casadi_.core.discretization import (
from agentlib_mpc.optimization_backends.casadi_.core.system import System

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class MHESystem(System): # variables estimated_states: OptimizationVariable estimated_inputs: OptimizationVariable estimated_parameters: OptimizationVariable algebraics: OptimizationVariable outputs: OptimizationVariable # parameters measured_states: OptimizationParameter known_inputs: OptimizationParameter known_parameters: OptimizationParameter # dynamics model_constraints: Constraint cost_function: ca.MX ode: ca.MX
[docs] def initialize(self, model: CasadiModel, var_ref: MHEVariableReference): # define variables self.states = OptimizationVariable.declare( denotation="states", variables=model.get_states(var_ref.states), ref_list=var_ref.states, assert_complete=True, ) self.estimated_inputs = OptimizationVariable.declare( denotation="estimated_inputs", variables=model.get_inputs(var_ref.estimated_inputs), ref_list=var_ref.estimated_inputs, assert_complete=True, ) self.estimated_parameters = OptimizationVariable.declare( denotation="estimated_parameters", variables=model.get_parameters(var_ref.estimated_parameters), ref_list=var_ref.estimated_parameters, ) self.algebraics = OptimizationVariable.declare( denotation="algebraics", variables=model.auxiliaries, ref_list=[], ) self.outputs = OptimizationVariable.declare( denotation="outputs", variables=model.outputs, ref_list=var_ref.outputs, ) self.known_inputs = OptimizationParameter.declare( denotation="known_inputs", variables=model.get_inputs(var_ref.known_inputs), ref_list=var_ref.known_inputs, assert_complete=True, ) known_parameter_names = set(model.get_parameter_names()) - set( var_ref.estimated_parameters ) self.known_parameters = OptimizationParameter.declare( denotation="known_parameters", variables=model.get_parameters(list(known_parameter_names)), ref_list=var_ref.known_parameters, assert_complete=False, ) self.measured_states = OptimizationParameter.declare( denotation="measured_states", variables=[CasadiInput(name=name) for name in var_ref.measured_states], ref_list=var_ref.measured_states, ) self.weights_states = OptimizationParameter.declare( denotation="weight_states", variables=[CasadiInput(name=name) for name in var_ref.weights_states], ref_list=var_ref.weights_states, ) # add admm terms to objective function objective: ca.MX = 0 for i in range(len(var_ref.states)): states = self.states.full_symbolic[i] measured_states = self.measured_states.full_symbolic[i] weights = self.weights_states.full_symbolic[i] objective += weights * (states - measured_states) ** 2 # dynamics self.ode = ca.vertcat(*[sta.ode for sta in model.get_states(var_ref.states)]) self.cost_function = objective self.model_constraints = Constraint( function=ca.vertcat(*[c.function for c in model.get_constraints()]), lb=ca.vertcat(*[ for c in model.get_constraints()]), ub=ca.vertcat(*[c.ub for c in model.get_constraints()]), )
[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass class CollocationMatrices: order: int root: np.ndarray B: np.ndarray C: np.ndarray D: np.ndarray
[docs]class DirectCollocation(Discretization): only_positive_times_in_results: bool = False def _discretize(self, sys: MHESystem): """ Defines a direct collocation discretization. # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ # setup the polynomial base collocation_matrices = self._collocation_polynomial() # shorthands n = self.options.prediction_horizon ts = self.options.time_step start_time = -n * ts self.pred_time = start_time # Initial State x_est_k = self.add_opt_var(sys.states) # Parameters that are constant over the horizon known_pars = self.add_opt_par(sys.known_parameters) estimated_pars = self.add_opt_var(sys.estimated_parameters) weights = self.add_opt_par(sys.weights_states) # Formulate the NLP # loop over prediction horizon while self.k < n: # New NLP variable for the control inp_known = self.add_opt_par(sys.known_inputs) inp_est = self.add_opt_var(sys.estimated_inputs) # perform inner collocation loop opt_vars_inside_inner = [sys.outputs, sys.algebraics] opt_pars_inside_inner = [sys.measured_states] constant_over_inner = { sys.known_inputs: inp_known, sys.estimated_inputs: inp_est, sys.estimated_parameters: estimated_pars, sys.known_parameters: known_pars, sys.weights_states: weights, } xk_end = self._collocation_inner_loop( collocation=collocation_matrices, state_at_beginning=x_est_k, states=sys.states, opt_vars=opt_vars_inside_inner, opt_pars=opt_pars_inside_inner, const=constant_over_inner, ) # increment loop counter and time self.k += 1 self.pred_time = start_time + ts * self.k # New NLP variable for differential state at end of interval xk = self.add_opt_var(sys.states) # Add continuity constraint self.add_constraint(xk_end - xk) def _construct_stage_function(self, system: MHESystem): """ Combine information from the model and the var_ref to create CasADi functions which describe the system dynamics and constraints at each stage of the optimization problem. Sets the stage function. It has all mpc variables as inputs, sorted by denotation (declared in self.declare_quantities) and outputs ode, cost function and 3 outputs per constraint (constraint, lb_constraint, ub_constraint). In the basic case, it has the form: CasadiFunction: ['x', 'z', 'u', 'y', 'd', 'p'] -> ['ode', 'cost_function', 'model_constraints', 'ub_model_constraints', 'lb_model_constraints'] Args: system """ all_system_quantities: dict[str, OptimizationQuantity] = { var for var in system.quantities } constraints = {"model_constraints": system.model_constraints} inputs = [ q.full_symbolic for q in all_system_quantities.values() if q.use_in_stage_function ] input_denotations = [ for denotation, q in all_system_quantities.items() if q.use_in_stage_function ] # aggregate constraints constraints_func = [c.function for c in constraints.values()] constraints_lb = [ for c in constraints.values()] constraints_ub = [c.ub for c in constraints.values()] constraint_denotations = list(constraints.keys()) constraint_lb_denotations = [LB_PREFIX + k for k in constraints] constraint_ub_denotations = [UB_PREFIX + k for k in constraints] # aggregate outputs outputs = [ system.ode, system.cost_function, *constraints_func, *constraints_lb, *constraints_ub, ] output_denotations = [ "ode", "cost_function", *constraint_denotations, *constraint_lb_denotations, *constraint_ub_denotations, ] # function describing system dynamics and cost function self._stage_function = ca.Function( "f", inputs, outputs, # input handles to make kwarg use possible and to debug input_denotations, # output handles to make kwarg use possible and to debug output_denotations, )
[docs] def initialize(self, system: MHESystem, solver_factory: SolverFactory): """Initializes the trajectory optimization problem, creating all symbolic variables of the OCP, the mapping function and the numerical solver.""" self._construct_stage_function(system) super().initialize(system=system, solver_factory=solver_factory)
def _collocation_inner_loop( self, state_at_beginning: ca.MX, collocation: CollocationMatrices, states: OptimizationVariable, opt_vars: list[OptimizationVariable], opt_pars: list[OptimizationParameter], const: dict[OptimizationQuantity, ca.MX], ) -> ca.MX: """ Constructs the inner loop of a collocation discretization. Takes the Args collocation: The collocation matrices state_at_beginning: The casadi MX instance representing the state at the beginning of the collocation interval states: The OptimizationVariable representing the states opt_vars: The OptimizationVariables which should be defined at each collocation point par_vars: The OptimizationParameters which should be defined at each collocation point const: Variables or parameters to feed into the system function that are constant over the inner loop. Value is the current MX to be used. Returns: state_k_end[MX]: state at the end of collocation interval """ constants = { mx for var, mx in const.items()} # remember time at start of collocation loop start_time = self.pred_time # shorthands ts = self.options.time_step # State variables at collocation points state_collocation = [] opt_vars_collocation = [] opt_pars_collocation = [] # add variables at collocation points for j in range(collocation.order): # d is collocation order # set time self.pred_time = start_time + collocation.root[j + 1] * ts # differential state state_kj = self.add_opt_var(states, post_den=f"_{j}") state_collocation.append(state_kj) opt_vars_collocation.append({}) for opt_var in opt_vars: var_kj = self.add_opt_var(opt_var, post_den=f"_{j}") opt_vars_collocation[-1].update({ var_kj}) opt_pars_collocation.append({}) for opt_par in opt_pars: par_kj = self.add_opt_par(opt_par, post_den=f"_{j}") opt_pars_collocation[-1].update({ par_kj}) # Loop over collocation points state_k_end = collocation.D[0] * state_at_beginning for j in range(1, collocation.order + 1): # Expression for the state derivative at the collocation point xp = collocation.C[0, j] * state_at_beginning for r in range(collocation.order): xp = xp + collocation.C[r + 1, j] * state_collocation[r] stage = self._stage_function( **{ state_collocation[j - 1]}, **opt_pars_collocation[j - 1], **opt_vars_collocation[j - 1], **constants, ) self.add_constraint(ts * stage["ode"] - xp) # Append inequality constraints self.add_constraint( stage["model_constraints"], lb=stage["lb_model_constraints"], ub=stage["ub_model_constraints"], ) # Add contribution to the end state state_k_end = state_k_end + collocation.D[j] * state_collocation[j - 1] # Add contribution to quadrature function self.objective_function += collocation.B[j] * stage["cost_function"] * ts return state_k_end def _collocation_polynomial(self) -> CollocationMatrices: """Returns the matrices needed for direct collocation discretization.""" # Degree of interpolating polynomial d = self.options.collocation_order polynomial = self.options.collocation_method # Get collocation points tau_root = np.append(0, ca.collocation_points(d, polynomial)) # Coefficients of the collocation equation C = np.zeros((d + 1, d + 1)) # Coefficients of the continuity equation D = np.zeros(d + 1) # Coefficients of the quadrature function B = np.zeros(d + 1) # Construct polynomial basis for j in range(d + 1): # Construct Lagrange polynomials to get the polynomial basis at # the collocation point p = np.poly1d([1]) for r in range(d + 1): if r != j: p *= np.poly1d([1, -tau_root[r]]) / (tau_root[j] - tau_root[r]) # Evaluate the polynomial at the final time to get the # coefficients of the continuity equation D[j] = p(1.0) # Evaluate the time derivative of the polynomial at all collocation # points to get the coefficients of the continuity equation pder = np.polyder(p) for r in range(d + 1): C[j, r] = pder(tau_root[r]) # Evaluate the integral of the polynomial to get the coefficients # of the quadrature function pint = np.polyint(p) B[j] = pint(1.0) return CollocationMatrices( order=d, root=tau_root, B=B, C=C, D=D, )
[docs]class MHEBackend(CasADiBackend): """ Class doing optimization of ADMM subproblems with CasADi. """ system_type = MHESystem discretization_types = { DiscretizationMethod.collocation: DirectCollocation, } system: MHESystem
[docs] @staticmethod def sample( trajectory: Union[float, int, pd.Series, list[Union[float, int]]], grid: Union[list, np.ndarray], current: float = 0, method: str = "linear", ) -> list: """ Obtain the specified portion of the trajectory. Args: trajectory: The trajectory to be sampled. Scalars will be expanded onto the grid. Lists need to exactly match the provided grid. Otherwise, a list of tuples is accepted with the form ( timestamp, value). A dict with the keys 'grid' and 'value' is also accepted. current: start time of requested trajectory grid: target interpolation grid in seconds in relative terms (i.e. starting from 0 usually) method: interpolation method, currently accepted: 'linear', 'spline', 'previous' Returns: Sampled list of values. Takes a slice of the trajectory from the current time step with the specified length and interpolates it to match the requested sampling. If the requested horizon is longer than the available data, the last available value will be used for the remainder. Raises: ValueError TypeError """ target_grid_length = len(grid) if isinstance(trajectory, (float, int)): # return constant trajectory for scalars return [trajectory] * target_grid_length if isinstance(trajectory, list): # return lists of matching length without timestamps if len(trajectory) == target_grid_length: return trajectory raise ValueError( f"Passed list with length {len(trajectory)} " f"does not match target ({target_grid_length})." ) if isinstance(trajectory, pd.Series): source_grid = np.array(trajectory.index) values = trajectory.values else: raise TypeError( f"Passed trajectory of type '{type(trajectory)}' " f"cannot be sampled." ) target_grid = np.array(grid) + current # expand scalar values if len(source_grid) == 1: return [trajectory[0]] * target_grid_length # skip resampling if grids are (almost) the same if (target_grid.shape == source_grid.shape) and all(target_grid == source_grid): return list(values) values = np.array(values) # check requested portion of trajectory, whether the most recent value in the # source grid is older than the first value in the MHE trajectory if target_grid[0] >= source_grid[-1]: # return the last value of the trajectory if requested sample # starts out of range logger.warning( f"Latest value of source grid %s is older than " f"current time (%s. Returning latest value anyway.", source_grid[-1], current, ) return [values[-1]] * target_grid_length # determine whether the target grid lies within the available source grid, and # how many entries to extrapolate on either side source_grid_oldest_time: float = source_grid[0] source_grid_newest_time: float = source_grid[-1] source_is_recent_enough: np.ndarray = target_grid < source_grid_newest_time source_is_old_enough: np.ndarray = target_grid > source_grid_oldest_time number_of_missing_old_entries: int = target_grid_length - np.count_nonzero( source_is_old_enough ) number_of_missing_new_entries: int = target_grid_length - np.count_nonzero( source_is_recent_enough ) # shorten target interpolation grid by extra points that go above or below # available data range target_grid = target_grid[source_is_recent_enough * source_is_old_enough] # interpolate data to match new grid if method == "linear": tck = interpolate.interp1d(x=source_grid, y=values, kind="linear") sequence_new = list(tck(target_grid)) elif method == "spline": raise NotImplementedError( "Spline interpolation is currently not " "supported" ) elif method == "previous": tck = interpolate.interp1d(source_grid, values, kind="previous") sequence_new = list(tck(target_grid)) else: raise ValueError( f"Chosen 'method' {method} is not a valid method. " f"Currently supported: linear, spline, previous" ) # extrapolate sequence with last available value if necessary interpolated_trajectory = ( [values[0]] * number_of_missing_old_entries + sequence_new + [values[-1]] * number_of_missing_new_entries ) return interpolated_trajectory