Source code for agentlib_mpc.utils.analysis

import warnings
from ast import literal_eval
import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from typing import NewType, Literal, Union, Optional, Iterable

import pandas as pd
from pandas.api.types import is_float_dtype
import numpy as np

from agentlib_mpc.data_structures import mpc_datamodels
from agentlib_mpc.utils import TimeConversionTypes, TIME_CONVERSION

SimulationTime = NewType("SimulationTime", float)

[docs]def load_admm(file: Union[Path, str]) -> pd.DataFrame: return load_mpc(file)
[docs]def load_mpc(file: Union[Path, str]) -> pd.DataFrame: df = pd.read_csv(file, index_col=[0], header=[0, 1]) new_ind = [literal_eval(i) for i in df.index] df.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(new_ind) return df
[docs]def load_mpc_stats(results_file: Union[str, Path]) -> Optional[pd.DataFrame]: stats_file = mpc_datamodels.stats_path(results_file) try: df = pd.read_csv(stats_file, index_col=0) except Exception: return None if is_float_dtype(df.index): return df new_ind = [literal_eval(i) for i in df.index] df.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(new_ind) return df
[docs]def load_sim(file: Path, causality=None) -> pd.DataFrame: df = pd.read_csv(file, header=[0, 1, 2], index_col=0) if causality: df = df[causality] return df.droplevel(level=1, axis=1) return df.droplevel(level=2, axis=1).droplevel(level=0, axis=1)
[docs]def convert_multi_index( data: pd.DataFrame, convert_to: Union[TimeConversionTypes, Literal["datetime"]] ): """Converts an index of an MPC or ADMM results Dataframe to a different unit, assuming it is passed in seconds.""" # last = data.index.nlevels - 1 # should be 1 for mpc, 2 for admm outer = convert_index(convert_to, data.index.unique(0)) return data.set_index( data.index.set_levels(outer, level=0) ) # .set_levels(inner, level=last)
[docs]def convert_index( convert_to: Union[TimeConversionTypes, Literal["datetime"]], index: pd.Index ): """ Converts an index from seconds to datetime or another unit Args: convert_to: unit, e.g. minutes, hours, datetime index: pandas index object Returns: """ if convert_to == "datetime": return pd.to_datetime(index.astype(int), unit="s") else: return index / TIME_CONVERSION[convert_to]
[docs]def perform_index_update( data: pd.DataFrame, offset: Union[float, Literal["auto"], bool], admm: bool = False ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Updates the index of a raw mpc/admm result dataframe, to be offset by a desired time value.""" if not offset: return data outer_index = data.index.get_level_values(0) if offset == "auto" or offset is True: _index_offset = outer_index[0] else: _index_offset = offset outer_index = outer_index - _index_offset if admm: arrays = [ outer_index, data.index.get_level_values(1), data.index.get_level_values(2), ] else: # mpc arrays = [outer_index, data.index.get_level_values(1)] # set index like this, because set_index() only works for dataframes, not series data_copy = data.copy() data_copy.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(arrays) return data_copy
[docs]def mpc_at_time_step( data: pd.DataFrame, time_step: float, variable=None, variable_type="variable", index_offset: Union[float, Literal["auto"], bool] = True, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Gets the results of an optimization at a time step. Args: data: The multi-indexed results data frame from the mpc time_step: The time step from which results should be shown. If no exact match, shows closest. variable: If specified, only returns results with regard to a certain variable. variable_type: The type of the variable provided (parameter, variable, lower, ...) index_offset: Determines how the index will be updated when loading the data. The offset will be subtracted from the time-index. This is useful for results of realtime systems, where the time value with be a unix time stamp and we want to cut the number down to something understandable. For example, if the time index (level 0 of the input Dataframe) is [105, 115, 125] and we give an index_offset of 100, the data will be handled as if the index was [5, 15, 25]. If "auto" or True is provided as an argument, the index will be modified to start at 0. If 0 or False are provided, no modifications will be made. Returns: pd.DataFrame: A single-indexed Dataframe of the optimization results at the specified time step. If variable is not specified, returns all variables with a double column index, if it is specified returns only values and/or bounds with single indexed columns. """ # get the closest matching (outer) index matching the requested time step data = perform_index_update(data, index_offset, admm=False) outer_index = data.index.get_level_values(0) idx = np.searchsorted(outer_index, time_step, side="left") if idx > 0 and ( idx == len(outer_index) or np.fabs(time_step - outer_index[idx - 1]) < np.fabs(time_step - outer_index[idx]) ): closest = outer_index[idx - 1] else: closest = outer_index[idx] # select the data at this index and increment the inner index if variable: data_at_ts = data[variable_type][variable].loc[closest] else: data_at_ts = data.loc[closest] data_at_ts = data_at_ts.copy() data_at_ts.index = data_at_ts.index + closest return data_at_ts
[docs]def admm_at_time_step( data: Union[pd.DataFrame, pd.Series], time_step: float = None, variable=None, iteration: float = -1, index_offset: Union[float, Literal["auto"], bool] = True, convert_to: TimeConversionTypes = "seconds", ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Gets the results of an optimization at a time step. Args: index_offset: Determines how the index will be updated when loading the data. The offset will be subtracted from the time-index. This is useful for results of realtime systems, where the time value with be a unix time stamp and we want to cut the number down to something understandable. For example, if the time index (level 0 of the input Dataframe) is [105, 115, 125] and we give an index_offset of 100, the data will be handled as if the index was [5, 15, 25]. If "auto" or True is provided as an argument, the index will be modified to start at 0. If 0 or False are provided, no modifications will be made. data: The multi-indexed results data frame from the mpc time_step: The time step from which results should be shown. If no exact match, shows closest. variable: If specified, only returns results with regard to a certain variable. iteration: Specifies, from which inner ADMM iteration data should be from. If negative, counts from last iteration. Default -1. convert_to: Whether the data should be converted to datetime, minutes etc. Returns: A single-indexed Dataframe of the optimization results at the specified time step. If variable is not specified, returns all variables with a double column index, if it is specified returns only values and/or bounds with single indexed columns. """ # get the closest matching (outer) index matching the requested time step data = convert_multi_index(data, convert_to=convert_to) if not convert_to == "datetime": data = perform_index_update(data, index_offset, admm=True) outer_index = data.index.get_level_values(0) if time_step is None: time_step = 0 if not convert_to == "datetime" else idx = np.searchsorted(outer_index, time_step, side="left") if idx > 0 and ( idx == len(outer_index) or np.fabs(time_step - outer_index[idx - 1]) < np.fabs(time_step - outer_index[idx]) ): closest = outer_index[idx - 1] else: closest = outer_index[idx] data_at_ts = data.loc[closest] # if iteration provided is negative we count backwards (like list indexing) if iteration < 0: number_of_admm_iterations = data_at_ts.index.get_level_values(0).max() iteration = number_of_admm_iterations + 1 + iteration # select the data at this index and increment the inner index if variable: data_at_it = data_at_ts.xs(variable, axis=1, level="variable").loc[iteration] else: data_at_it = data_at_ts.loc[iteration] data_at_it = data_at_it.copy() if convert_to == "datetime": index = convert_index(convert_to, data_at_it.index + closest.value // 1e9) else: index = convert_index(convert_to, data_at_it.index) + closest data_at_it.index = index return data_at_it
[docs]def get_number_of_iterations(data: pd.DataFrame) -> dict[SimulationTime, int]: """Returns the number of iterations at each time instance of the ADMM simulation.""" ind_full = data.index ind = ind_full.droplevel(2).drop_duplicates() time_stamps = ind.droplevel(1).drop_duplicates() result = {} for t in time_stamps: _slice = ind.get_loc(t) result[SimulationTime(t)] = len(ind[_slice]) return result
[docs]def get_time_steps(data: pd.DataFrame) -> Iterable[float]: """Returns the time steps at which an MPC step was performed.""" return sorted(set(data.index.get_level_values(0)))
[docs]def first_vals_at_trajectory_index(data: Union[pd.DataFrame, pd.Series]): """Gets the first values at each time step of a results trajectory.""" time_steps = get_time_steps(data) first_vals = pd.Series( {time_step: data.loc[time_step].iloc[0] for time_step in time_steps} ) if np.nan in first_vals: warnings.warn( "Nan detected in first values. You may need to select the " "correct column of the DataFrame and drop NaN before." ) return first_vals
[docs]def last_vals_at_trajectory_index(data: Union[pd.DataFrame, pd.Series]): """Gets the last values at each time step of a results trajectory.""" time_steps = get_time_steps(data) # -1 covers for parameters (only one entry) and states (-horizon until 0) last_vals = pd.Series( {time_step:[time_step].iloc[-1] for time_step in time_steps} ) if np.nan in last_vals: warnings.warn( "Nan detected in first values. You may need to select the " "correct column of the DataFrame and drop NaN before." ) return last_vals