Source code for agentlib_mpc.utils.plotting.admm_consensus_shades

import pandas as pd

import agentlib_mpc.data_structures.admm_datatypes as adt
from agentlib_mpc.utils.analysis import admm_at_time_step
from agentlib_mpc.utils.plotting.basic import EBCColors
from agentlib_mpc.utils.plotting.mpc import interpolate_colors

[docs]def plot_consensus_shades( results: dict[str, dict[str, pd.DataFrame]], data: dict[str, pd.DataFrame], time_step: float, # series: pd.Series, # ax: plt.Axes, # plot_actual_values: bool = False, # step: bool = False, ): """ Args: series: Returns: """ data = {} def mean(df: pd.DataFrame, name: str) -> pd.Series: return df["parameter"][adt.MEAN_PREFIX + name] def local(df: pd.DataFrame, name: str) -> pd.Series: return df["variable"][adt.LOCAL_PREFIX + name] def lmbda(df: pd.DataFrame, name: str) -> pd.Series: return df["parameter"][adt.MULTIPLIER_PREFIX + name] room_2 = results["CooledRoom_nn2"]["admm_module"] trajectories = {label: admm_at_time_step(srs) for label, srs in data.items()} # check the number of iterations on a random trajectory a_trajectory = next(iter(trajectories.values())) number_of_iterations: int = room_2.index.unique(level=0).shape[0] # series = room_2[] number_of_predictions: int = room_2.index.unique(level=0).shape[0] # stores the first value of each prediction. In the case of a control_variable, # this will give the optimal control output the mpc determined this step, or in # the case of a state, this will give the measurement it worked with actual_values: dict[float, float] = {} for i, (time, prediction) in enumerate(series.groupby(level=0)): prediction: pd.Series = prediction.dropna() actual_values[time] = prediction.iloc[0] progress = i / number_of_predictions prediction_color = interpolate_colors( progress=progress, colors=[, EBCColors.dark_grey, EBCColors.light_grey], ) prediction.index = prediction.index.droplevel(0) + time print(prediction)
# if not step: # prediction.plot(ax=ax, color=prediction_color) # else: # prediction.plot(ax=ax, color=prediction_color, drawstyle="steps-post") # if plot_actual_values: # actual_series = pd.Series(actual_values) # if not step: # actual_series.plot(ax=ax, color="black") # else: # actual_series.plot(ax=ax, color=EBCColors.dark_red, drawstyle="steps-post") # last_index = prediction.index[-1] # num_iters = last_index[1]