Source code for agentlib_mpc.utils.plotting.admm_dashboard

import os
import webbrowser
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Dict, Optional, Literal

from agentlib.core.errors import OptionalDependencyError
import pandas as pd

from agentlib_mpc.utils.analysis import load_mpc
from agentlib_mpc.utils.plotting.admm_residuals import load_residuals
from agentlib_mpc.utils.plotting.interactive import get_port

    import dash
    from dash import html, dcc
    from dash.dependencies import Input, Output, State
    import plotly.graph_objects as go
    import dash_daq as daq
except ImportError as e:
    raise OptionalDependencyError(
        dependency_install="plotly, dash",
    ) from e

[docs]def load_agent_data(directory: str) -> Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]: """ Load MPC data for multiple agents from files containing 'admm' in their name. Args: directory (str): Directory path containing the data files. Returns: Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]: Dictionary with agent names as keys and their data as values. """ agent_data = {} for filename in os.listdir(directory): if ( "admm" in filename.casefold() and filename.endswith(".csv") and not "stats" in filename.casefold() ): file_path = os.path.join(directory, filename) agent_name = f"Agent_{len(agent_data) + 1}" try: agent_data[agent_name] = load_mpc(file_path) except Exception as e: print(f"Error loading file {filename}: {str(e)}") return agent_data
[docs]def get_coupling_variables(df: pd.DataFrame) -> List[str]: """ Identify coupling variables in the dataframe. Args: df (pd.DataFrame): The MPC data for an agent. Returns: List[str]: List of coupling variable names. """ coupling_vars = [] for col in df.columns: if col[0] == "parameter" and col[1].startswith("admm_coupling_mean_"): var_name = col[1].replace("admm_coupling_mean_", "") if ("variable", var_name) in df.columns: coupling_vars.append(var_name) return coupling_vars
[docs]def get_data_for_plot( agent_data: Dict[str, pd.DataFrame], time_step: float, iteration: int, coupling_var: str, ) -> Dict[str, List[float]]: """ Extract data for the coupling variable plot. Args: agent_data (Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]): Dictionary containing data for each agent. time_step (float): Selected time step. iteration (int): Selected iteration number. coupling_var (str): Name of the selected coupling variable. Returns: Dict[str, List[float]]: Dictionary with agent names as keys and their values as lists. """ plot_data = {} prediction_grid = None for agent_name, df in agent_data.items(): try: agent_data_at_step = df.loc[(time_step, iteration)] agent_values = agent_data_at_step[("variable", coupling_var)].values plot_data[agent_name] = agent_values.tolist() if prediction_grid is None: prediction_grid = agent_data_at_step.index.tolist() # Get mean value (assuming it's the same for all agents) if "Mean" not in plot_data: mean_values = agent_data_at_step[ ("parameter", f"admm_coupling_mean_{coupling_var}") ].values plot_data["Mean"] = mean_values.tolist() except KeyError: continue # Skip this agent if data is not available for the selected time step and iteration return plot_data, prediction_grid
[docs]def create_coupling_var_plot( plot_data: Dict[str, List[float]], prediction_grid: List[float], coupling_var: str ) -> go.Figure: """ Create a plotly figure for the coupling variable plot. Args: plot_data (Dict[str, List[float]]): Dictionary with agent names as keys and their values as lists. prediction_grid (List[float]): List of prediction grid values. coupling_var (str): Name of the coupling variable. Returns: go.Figure: Plotly figure object. """ fig = go.Figure() for agent_name, values in plot_data.items(): if agent_name == "Mean": line_style = dict(color="red", dash="dash", width=2) else: line_style = dict(width=1) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=prediction_grid, y=values, mode="lines", name=agent_name, line=line_style, ) ) fig.update_layout( title=f"Coupling Variable: {coupling_var}", xaxis_title="Prediction Grid", yaxis_title="Value", legend_title="Legend", legend=dict(yanchor="top", y=0.99, xanchor="left", x=0.01), ) return fig
[docs]def get_max_iterations_per_timestep( agent_data: Dict[str, pd.DataFrame], ) -> Dict[float, int]: max_iterations = {} for df in agent_data.values(): for time_step in df.index.get_level_values(0).unique(): iterations = df.loc[time_step].index.get_level_values(0).max() if ( time_step not in max_iterations or iterations > max_iterations[time_step] ): max_iterations[time_step] = iterations return max_iterations
[docs]def create_residuals_plot(residuals_df: pd.DataFrame, time_step: float) -> go.Figure: """ Create a plotly figure for the residuals plot. Args: residuals_df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing residuals data. time_step (float): Selected time step. Returns: go.Figure: Plotly figure object. """ fig = go.Figure() residuals_data = residuals_df.loc[time_step] if len(residuals_data) == 1: # Only one iteration (iteration = 0) primal_residual = residuals_data["primal_residual"].iloc[0] dual_residual = residuals_data["dual_residual"].iloc[0] fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=[0, 1], y=[primal_residual, primal_residual], mode="lines", name="Primal Residual", ) ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=[0, 1], y=[dual_residual, dual_residual], mode="lines", name="Dual Residual", ) ) fig.update_layout( xaxis_range=[0, 1], xaxis_title="Iteration", ) else: fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=residuals_data.index, y=residuals_data["primal_residual"], mode="lines", name="Primal Residual", ) ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=residuals_data.index, y=residuals_data["dual_residual"], mode="lines", name="Dual Residual", ) ) fig.update_layout( xaxis_title="Iteration", ) fig.update_layout( title="Primal and Dual Residuals", yaxis_title="Residual Value", yaxis_type="log", yaxis=dict( tickformat=".2e", # Use scientific notation with 2 decimal places exponentformat="e", # Use "e" notation for exponents ), legend_title="Legend", ) return fig
[docs]def create_app(agent_data: Dict[str, pd.DataFrame], residuals_df: pd.DataFrame): """ Create and configure the Dash app. Args: agent_data (Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]): Dictionary containing data for each agent. residuals_df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing residuals data. Returns: dash.Dash: Configured Dash app. """ app = dash.Dash(__name__) # Get time steps and iteration numbers first_agent_data = next(iter(agent_data.values())) time_steps = sorted(first_agent_data.index.get_level_values(0).unique()) max_iterations_per_timestep = get_max_iterations_per_timestep(agent_data) overall_max_iterations = max(max_iterations_per_timestep.values()) # Get coupling variables coupling_vars = get_coupling_variables(first_agent_data) app.layout = html.Div( [ html.H1("Distributed MPC with ADMM Dashboard"), # time step slider html.Div( [ html.Label("Time Step"), html.Div( [ html.Div( [ dcc.Slider( id="time-step-slider", min=0, max=len(time_steps) - 1, value=0, marks={ i: f"{time_steps[i]:.2f}" for i in range( 0, len(time_steps), max(1, len(time_steps) // 10), ) }, step=1, ) ], style={ "width": "80%", "display": "inline-block", "verticalAlign": "middle", }, ), html.Div( [ html.Button( "◀", id="prev-time-step", n_clicks=0, style={"marginRight": "5px"}, ), html.Button( "▶", id="next-time-step", n_clicks=0, style={"marginRight": "5px"}, ), html.Div( id="time-step-display", style={ "display": "inline-block", "marginRight": "10px", }, ), daq.NumericInput( id="time-step-input", min=0, max=len(time_steps) - 1, value=0, size=60, ), ], style={ "width": "20%", "display": "inline-block", "verticalAlign": "middle", "textAlign": "right", }, ), ] ), ] ), # iteration slide html.Div( [ html.Label("Iteration Number"), html.Div( [ html.Div( [ dcc.Slider( id="iteration-slider", min=0, max=overall_max_iterations, value=0, marks={ i: str(i) for i in range( 0, overall_max_iterations + 1, max(1, overall_max_iterations // 10), ) }, step=1, ) ], style={ "width": "80%", "display": "inline-block", "verticalAlign": "middle", }, ), html.Div( [ daq.NumericInput( id="iteration-input", min=0, max=overall_max_iterations, value=0, size=60, ) ], style={ "width": "20%", "display": "inline-block", "verticalAlign": "middle", "textAlign": "right", }, ), ] ), ] ), html.Div( [ html.Label("Coupling Variable"), dcc.Dropdown( id="coupling-var-dropdown", options=[{"label": var, "value": var} for var in coupling_vars], value=coupling_vars[0] if coupling_vars else None, ), ] ), dcc.Graph(id="coupling-var-plot"), dcc.Graph(id="residuals-plot"), dcc.Store(id="y-axis-range"), ] ) @app.callback( [ Output("time-step-input", "value"), Output("time-step-display", "children"), Output("time-step-slider", "value"), ], [ Input("time-step-slider", "value"), Input("prev-time-step", "n_clicks"), Input("next-time-step", "n_clicks"), Input("time-step-input", "value"), ], [State("time-step-input", "value")], ) def update_time_step( slider_value, prev_clicks, next_clicks, input_value, current_value ): ctx = dash.callback_context if not ctx.triggered: return ( current_value, f"Current time step: {time_steps[current_value]:.2f}", current_value, ) input_id = ctx.triggered[0]["prop_id"].split(".")[0] if input_id == "time-step-slider": new_value = slider_value elif input_id == "prev-time-step": new_value = max(0, current_value - 1) elif input_id == "next-time-step": new_value = min(len(time_steps) - 1, current_value + 1) elif input_id == "time-step-input": new_value = input_value else: new_value = current_value return new_value, f"Current time step: {time_steps[new_value]:.2f}", new_value @app.callback( [ Output("iteration-slider", "max"), Output("iteration-slider", "marks"), Output("iteration-input", "max"), ], [Input("time-step-input", "value")], ) def update_iteration_range(time_step_index): time_step = time_steps[time_step_index] max_iter = max_iterations_per_timestep[time_step] marks = {i: str(i) for i in range(0, max_iter + 1, max(1, max_iter // 10))} return max_iter, marks, max_iter @app.callback( Output("coupling-var-plot", "figure"), [ Input("time-step-input", "value"), Input("iteration-input", "value"), Input("coupling-var-dropdown", "value"), Input("y-axis-range", "data"), ], ) def update_coupling_var_plot(time_step_index, iteration, coupling_var, y_range): if coupling_var is None: return go.Figure() time_step = time_steps[time_step_index] max_iter = max_iterations_per_timestep[time_step] iteration = min(iteration, max_iter) plot_data, prediction_grid = get_data_for_plot( agent_data, time_step, iteration, coupling_var ) fig = create_coupling_var_plot(plot_data, prediction_grid, coupling_var) if y_range is not None: fig.update_layout(yaxis_range=y_range) return fig @app.callback( Output("y-axis-range", "data"), [Input("time-step-input", "value"), Input("coupling-var-dropdown", "value")], ) def compute_y_axis_range(time_step_index, coupling_var): if coupling_var is None: return None time_step = time_steps[time_step_index] max_vals = [] min_vals = [] for agent, data in agent_data.items(): try: step_data = data[("variable", coupling_var)][time_step] except KeyError: continue max_vals.append(step_data.max()) min_vals.append(step_data.min()) y_min = min(min_vals) y_max = max(max_vals) y_range = [y_min - 0.1 * (y_max - y_min), y_max + 0.1 * (y_max - y_min)] return y_range @app.callback( Output("residuals-plot", "figure"), [Input("time-step-input", "value")], ) def update_residuals_plot(time_step_index): time_step = time_steps[time_step_index] # Check if residuals data exists for this time step if time_step not in residuals_df.index: # If no data, return an empty figure with a message fig = go.Figure() fig.add_annotation( text="No residuals data available for this time step", xref="paper", yref="paper", x=0.5, y=0.5, showarrow=False, ) return fig return create_residuals_plot(residuals_df, time_step) return app
[docs]def main(): # Specify the directory containing the data files data_directory = Path(r"D:\repos\juelich_mpc\juelich_mpc\mpc\simple_model\results") # Load agent data agent_data = load_agent_data(data_directory) agent_data["heating"] = load_mpc(Path(data_directory, "heating_agent_res.csv")) # "room_1": load_mpc(Path(data_directory, "room_1_admm.csv")), # "room_2": load_mpc(Path(data_directory, "room_2_admm.csv")), # "room_3": load_mpc(Path(data_directory, "room_3_admm.csv")), # "heating": load_mpc(Path(data_directory, "heating_agent_res.csv")), # Load residuals data residuals_file = os.path.join( data_directory, "residuals.csv" ) # Adjust the filename as needed residuals_df = load_residuals(residuals_file) # Create and run the app app = create_app(agent_data, residuals_df) port = get_port() webbrowser.open_new_tab(f"http://localhost:{port}") app.run_server(debug=False, port=port)
[docs]def show_admm_dashboard( data: dict[str, pd.DataFrame], residuals: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None, scale: Literal["seconds", "minutes", "hours", "days"] = "seconds", ): app = create_app(data, residuals) port = get_port() webbrowser.open_new_tab(f"http://localhost:{port}") app.run_server(debug=False, port=port)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()