Source code for agentlib_mpc.utils.plotting.interactive

import pandas as pd
from typing import Literal, Optional

import socket
import webbrowser

from agentlib.core.errors import OptionalDependencyError

from agentlib_mpc.utils import TIME_CONVERSION
from agentlib_mpc.utils.analysis import load_mpc
from agentlib_mpc.utils.plotting.basic import EBCColors
from agentlib_mpc.utils.plotting.mpc import interpolate_colors

    import dash
    from dash import html, dcc
    from dash.dependencies import Input, Output, State
    import plotly.graph_objects as go
except ImportError as e:
    raise OptionalDependencyError(
        dependency_install="plotly, dash",
    ) from e

[docs]def make_figure_plotly() -> go.Figure: fig = go.Figure() fig.update_layout( title="Interactive Plot Example", showlegend=True, updatemenus=[ dict( type="buttons", direction="left", buttons=list( [ dict(args=["type", "scatter"], label="Line", method="restyle"), # dict( # args=["type", "bar"], # label="Bar", # method="restyle" # ), ] ), ), ], ) # This function toggles the visibility of a trace (line) in the plot def toggle_traces(trace, points, selector): if len(points.trace_indexes) == 0: # No point has been clicked, do nothing return trace_index = points.trace_indexes[0] # Get the index of the clicked trace[trace_index].visible = not[ trace_index ].visible # Toggle visibility # Add Click event handler to traces fig.for_each_trace(lambda trace: trace.on_click(toggle_traces)) return fig
[docs]def plot_mpc_plotly( series: pd.Series, step: bool = False, convert_to: Literal["seconds", "minutes", "hours", "days"] = "seconds", y_axis_label: str = "", ) -> go.Figure: """ Args: title: y_axis_label: series: A column of the MPC results Dataframe plot_actual_values: whether the closed loop actual values at the start of each optimization should be plotted (default True) plot_predictions: whether all predicted trajectories should be plotted step: whether to use a step plot or a line plot convert_to: Will convert the index of the returned series to the specified unit (seconds, minutes, hours, days) Returns: Figure """ fig = go.Figure() number_of_predictions: int = series.index.unique(level=0).shape[0] # stores the first value of each prediction actual_values: dict[float, float] = {} for i, (time_seconds, prediction) in enumerate(series.groupby(level=0)): prediction: pd.Series = prediction.dropna().droplevel(0) time_converted = time_seconds / TIME_CONVERSION[convert_to] actual_values[time_converted] = prediction.loc[0] prediction.index = (prediction.index + time_seconds) / TIME_CONVERSION[ convert_to ] progress = i / number_of_predictions prediction_color = interpolate_colors( progress=progress, colors=[, EBCColors.dark_grey], ) if not step: fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=prediction.index, y=prediction, mode="lines", line=dict(color=f"rgb{prediction_color}", width=0.7), name=f"{time_converted} {convert_to[0]}", legendgroup=f"Prediction", legendgrouptitle_text=f"Predictions", visible=True, legendrank=i + 2, # id=f"trace-{y_axis_label}-{i}", ) ) else: fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=prediction.index, y=prediction, mode="lines", line=dict( color=f"rgb{prediction_color}", width=0.7, shape="hv", ), name=f"{time_converted} {convert_to[0]}", legendgroup=f"Prediction", legendgrouptitle_text=f"Predictions", visible=True, legendrank=i + 2, # id=f"trace-{y_axis_label}-{i}", ) ) actual_series = pd.Series(actual_values) if not step: fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=actual_series.index, y=actual_series, mode="lines", line=dict(color="black", width=1.5), name="Actual Values", legendrank=1, ) ) else: fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=actual_series.index, y=actual_series, mode="lines", line=dict(color="black", width=1.5, shape="hv"), name="Actual Values", legendrank=1, ) ) # Update x-axis label based on convert_to argument x_axis_label = f"Time in {convert_to}" fig.update_layout( showlegend=True, legend=dict( groupclick="toggleitem", itemclick="toggle", itemdoubleclick="toggleothers", ), xaxis_title=x_axis_label, yaxis_title=y_axis_label, uirevision="same", # Add this line ) return fig
[docs]def plot_admm_plotly( series: pd.Series, plot_actual_values: bool = True, plot_predictions: bool = False, step: bool = False, convert_to: Literal["seconds", "minutes", "hours", "days"] = "seconds", ): """ Args: series: A column of the MPC results Dataframe fig: Plotly figure to plot on plot_actual_values: whether the closed loop actual values at the start of each optimization should be plotted (default True) plot_predictions: whether all predicted trajectories should be plotted step: whether to use a step plot or a line plot convert_to: Will convert the index of the returned series to the specified unit (seconds, minutes, hours, days) Returns: None """ grid = series.index.get_level_values(2).unique() tail_length = len(grid[grid >= 0]) series_final_predictions = series.groupby(level=0).tail(tail_length).droplevel(1) plot_mpc_plotly( series=series_final_predictions, step=step, convert_to=convert_to, )
[docs]def show_dashboard( data: pd.DataFrame, stats: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None, scale: Literal["seconds", "minutes", "hours", "days"] = "seconds", ): app = dash.Dash(__name__, title="MPC Results") # Get the list of columns from the DataFrame, and check if they can be plotted columns = data["variable"].columns columns_okay = [] for column in columns: try: fig = plot_mpc_plotly( data["variable"][column], convert_to=scale, y_axis_label=column, ) columns_okay.append(column) except Exception: pass # Store initial figures initial_figures = {} for column in columns_okay: fig = plot_mpc_plotly( data["variable"][column], convert_to=scale, y_axis_label=column, ) # Add uirevision to maintain legend state fig.update_layout(uirevision="same") initial_figures[column] = fig # Define the layout of the webpage app.layout = html.Div( [ html.H1("MPC Results"), # Store for keeping track of trace visibility dcc.Store(id="trace-visibility", data={}), make_components(columns_okay, data, stats=stats, convert_to=scale), ] ) port = get_port() @app.callback( [Output(f"plot-{column}", "figure") for column in columns_okay], [Input(f"plot-{column}", "restyleData") for column in columns_okay], [State(f"plot-{column}", "figure") for column in columns_okay], ) def update_plots(*args): ctx = dash.callback_context if not ctx.triggered: return [dash.no_update] * len(columns_okay) n_plots = len(columns_okay) restyle_data = args[:n_plots] current_figures = args[n_plots:] # Find which plot was changed triggered_prop = ctx.triggered[0]["prop_id"].split(".")[0] triggered_index = next( i for i, col in enumerate(columns_okay) if f"plot-{col}" == triggered_prop ) triggered_data = restyle_data[triggered_index] if not triggered_data: return [dash.no_update] * n_plots # Get the visibility update from the triggered plot visibility_update = triggered_data[0].get("visible", [None])[0] trace_indices = triggered_data[1] # Update all figures updated_figures = [] for fig in current_figures: # Ensure uirevision is set fig["layout"]["uirevision"] = "same" # Update visibility for the corresponding traces for idx in trace_indices: fig["data"][idx]["visible"] = visibility_update updated_figures.append(fig) return updated_figures webbrowser.open_new_tab(f"http://localhost:{port}"), port=port)
[docs]def make_components( columns, data, convert_to, stats: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None ) -> [html.Div]: components = [ html.Div( [ # html.H3(column), dcc.Graph( id=f"plot-{column}", figure=plot_mpc_plotly( data["variable"][column], convert_to=convert_to, y_axis_label=column, ), style={ "min-width": "600px", "min-height": "400px", "max-width": "900px", "max-height": "450px", }, ), ], className="draggable", ) for column in columns ] if stats is not None: components.insert(0, html.Div([solver_return(stats, convert_to)])) components.insert( 1, html.Div([obj_plot(stats, convert_to)]) ) # Add the "obj" plot return html.Div( components, style={ "display": "grid", "grid-template-columns": "repeat(auto-fit, minmax(600px, 1fr))", "grid-gap": "20px", "padding": "20px", "min-width": "600px", "min-height": "200px", }, id="plot-container", )
[docs]def obj_plot( data, convert_to: Literal["seconds", "minutes", "hours", "days"] = "seconds" ) -> dcc.Graph: df = data.copy() index = df.index.values / TIME_CONVERSION[convert_to] trace = go.Scatter( x=index, y=df["obj"], mode="lines", name="Objective Value", ) layout = go.Layout( title="Objective Value", xaxis_title=f"Time in {convert_to}", yaxis_title="Objective Value", showlegend=True, ) fig = go.Figure(data=[trace], layout=layout) return dcc.Graph( id="plot-obj", figure=fig, style={ "min-width": "600px", "min-height": "400px", "max-width": "900px", "max-height": "450px", }, )
[docs]def solver_return( data, convert_to: Literal["seconds", "minutes", "hours", "days"] = "seconds" ) -> dcc.Graph: solver_data = [] indices = [] j = 0 for i in reversed(data.index.values): if i in indices: break j += 1 indices.append(i) solver_data.append(data.iloc[len(data) - j]) df = pd.DataFrame(solver_data) df = df.iloc[::-1] return_status = {} for idx, success in df.success.items(): if success: solver_return = df.return_status[idx] else: solver_return = "Solve_Not_Succeeded" return_status[idx] = solver_return solver_returns = pd.Series(return_status) index = solver_returns.index.values / TIME_CONVERSION[convert_to] colors = { "Solve_Succeeded": "green", "Solved_To_Acceptable_Level": "orange", "Solve_Not_Succeeded": "red", } legend_names = { "Solved_To_Acceptable_Level": "Acceptable", "Solve_Succeeded": "Optimal", "Solve_Not_Succeeded": "Failure", } traces = [] for status in colors: mask = solver_returns.values == status if mask.any(): trace = go.Scatter( x=index[mask], y=df.loc[solver_returns.index[mask], "iter_count"], mode="markers", marker=dict( color=colors[status], size=10, ), name=legend_names[status], ) else: trace = go.Scatter( x=[None], y=[None], mode="markers", marker=dict( color=colors[status], size=10, ), name=legend_names[status], ) traces.append(trace) layout = go.Layout( title="Solver Return Status", xaxis_title=f"Time in {convert_to}", yaxis_title="Iterations", showlegend=True, ) fig = go.Figure(data=traces, layout=layout) return dcc.Graph( id="plot-solver-return", figure=fig, style={ "min-width": "600px", "min-height": "400px", "max-width": "900px", "max-height": "450px", }, )
[docs]def draggable_script(): return html.Script( """ var draggableElements = document.getElementsByClassName('draggable'); for (var i = 0; i < draggableElements.length; i++) { var element = draggableElements[i]; element.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e) { var offset = [ this.offsetLeft - e.clientX, this.offsetTop - e.clientY ]; var moveHandler = function(e) { = (e.clientX + offset[0]) + 'px'; = (e.clientY + offset[1]) + 'px'; }; document.addEventListener('mousemove', moveHandler); document.addEventListener('mouseup', function() { document.removeEventListener('mousemove', moveHandler); }); }); } """ )
[docs]def get_port(): port = 8050 while True: with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s: is_free = s.connect_ex(("localhost", port)) != 0 if is_free: return port else: port += 1
if __name__ == "__main__": data_ = load_mpc( r"D:\repos\agentlib_mpc\examples\one_room_mpc\physical\results\mpc.csv" ) show_dashboard(data_) # fig = plot_mpc_plotly( # data["variable"]["T"] - 273.15, # y_axis_label="Room temperature", # convert_to="minutes", # step=False, # ) #