Source code for agentlib_mpc.utils.plotting.mpc

# from agentlib_mpc.utils.plotting.basic import ColorTuple
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Literal

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd

from agentlib_mpc.utils import TIME_CONVERSION
from agentlib_mpc.utils.analysis import load_mpc
from agentlib_mpc.utils.plotting.basic import (

[docs]def interpolate_colors(progress: Float0to1, colors: list[ColorTuple]) -> ColorTuple: """ Interpolates colors based on a sample number. To be used when plotting many mpc predictions in one plot, so a fade from old to new predictions can be seen. Original credit to Max Berktold. Args: progress: colors: Returns: """ if progress <= 0: return colors[0] elif progress >= 1: return colors[-1] num_colors = len(colors) interval = 1 / (num_colors - 1) color_index = int(progress / interval) t = (progress - interval * color_index) / interval color1 = colors[color_index] color2 = colors[color_index + 1] return ( (1 - t) * color1[0] + t * color2[0], (1 - t) * color1[1] + t * color2[1], (1 - t) * color1[2] + t * color2[2], )
[docs]def plot_mpc( series: pd.Series, ax: plt.Axes, plot_actual_values: bool = True, plot_predictions: bool = False, step: bool = False, convert_to: Literal["seconds", "minutes", "hours", "days"] = "seconds", ): """ Args: series: A column of the MPC results Dataframe ax: which Axes to plot on plot_actual_values: whether the closed loop actual values at the start of each optimization should be plotted (default True) plot_predictions: whether all predicted trajectories should be plotted step: convert_to: Will convert the index of the returned series to the specified unit (seconds, minutes, hours, days) Returns: """ number_of_predictions: int = series.index.unique(level=0).shape[0] # stores the first value of each prediction. In the case of a control_variable, # this will give the optimal control output the mpc determined this step, or in # the case of a state, this will give the measurement it worked with actual_values: dict[float, float] = {} for i, (time_seconds, prediction) in enumerate(series.groupby(level=0)): prediction: pd.Series = prediction.dropna().droplevel(0) time_converted = time_seconds / TIME_CONVERSION[convert_to] if plot_actual_values: actual_values[time_converted] =[0] prediction.index = (prediction.index + time_seconds) / TIME_CONVERSION[ convert_to ] if plot_predictions: progress = i / number_of_predictions prediction_color = interpolate_colors( progress=progress, colors=[, EBCColors.dark_grey, EBCColors.light_grey], ) if not step: prediction.plot( ax=ax, color=prediction_color, linewidth=0.7, label="_nolegend_" ) else: prediction.plot( ax=ax, color=prediction_color, drawstyle="steps-post", linewidth=0.7, label="_nolegend_", ) if plot_actual_values: actual_series = pd.Series(actual_values) if not step: actual_series.plot(ax=ax, color="black", linewidth=1.5) else: actual_series.plot( ax=ax, color="black", linewidth=1.5, drawstyle="steps-post" )
[docs]def plot_admm( series: pd.Series, ax: plt.Axes, plot_actual_values: bool = True, plot_predictions: bool = False, step: bool = False, convert_to: Literal["seconds", "minutes", "hours", "days"] = "seconds", ): """ Args: series: A column of the MPC results Dataframe ax: which Axes to plot on plot_actual_values: whether the closed loop actual values at the start of each optimization should be plotted (default True) plot_predictions: whether all predicted trajectories should be plotted step: convert_to: Will convert the index of the returned series to the specified unit (seconds, minutes, hours, days) Returns: """ grid = series.index.get_level_values(2).unique() tail_length = len(grid[grid >= 0]) series_final_predictions = series.groupby(level=0).tail(tail_length).droplevel(1) return plot_mpc( series=series_final_predictions, ax=ax, plot_actual_values=plot_actual_values, plot_predictions=plot_predictions, step=step, convert_to=convert_to, )