agentlib_mpc.models package
agentlib_mpc.models.ann_model module
agentlib_mpc.models.casadi_model module
Holds the classes for CasADi variables and the CasADi model.
- class agentlib_mpc.models.casadi_model.CasadiInput(*, name: str, timestamp: float | None = None, unit: str = 'Not defined', description: str = 'Not defined', ub=inf, lb=-inf, clip: bool = False, allowed_values: List[Any] = [], value: Any = None, causality: Causality = None, variability: Variability = None, type: str | None = 'float', sim_time: float = 0.0, _sym: MX | SX | DM | Sparsity = None)[source]
Class that stores various attributes of control variables.
- property alg: MX | SX | DM | Sparsity
- class agentlib_mpc.models.casadi_model.CasadiModel(**kwargs)[source]
Base Class for CasADi models. To implement your own model, inherit from this class, specify the variables (inputs, outputs, states, parameters and override the setup_system() method.
- property auxiliaries: List[CasadiState]
List of all CasadiStates without an associated equation. Common uses for this are slack variables that appear in cost functions and constraints of optimization models.
- property differentials: List[CasadiState]
List of all CasadiStates with an associated differential equation.
- do_step(*, t_start, t_sample=None)[source]
Performing one simulation step :param t_start: start time for integration :param t_sample: increment of solver integration
- get(name: str) CasadiVariable [source]
Get any variable from using name:
- Parameters:
name (str) – The item to get from config by name of Variable. Hence,
- Returns:
The matching variable
- Return type:
var (ModelVariable)
- Raises:
AttributeError – If the item was not found in the variables of the module.
- get_constraints() List[ModelConstraint] [source]
List of constraints of the form (lower, function, upper).
- initialize(**ignored)[source]
Initializes Casadi model. Creates the integrator to be used in do_step(). The integrator takes the current state and input values as input and returns the state values at the end of the interval and the value of the cost function integrated over the interval.
- property inputs: list[agentlib_mpc.models.casadi_model.CasadiInput]
Get all model inputs as a list
- property output_equations: List[MX | SX | DM | Sparsity]
List of algebraic equations RHS in the form 0 = z - g(x, z, p, … )
- property outputs: list[agentlib_mpc.models.casadi_model.CasadiOutput]
Get all model outputs as a list
- property parameters: list[agentlib_mpc.models.casadi_model.CasadiParameter]
Get all model parameters as a list
- set_differential_values(values: List | ndarray)[source]
Sets the values for all differential variables. Provided values list MUST match the order in which differentials are saved, there is no check.
- set_output_values(values: List | ndarray)[source]
Sets the values for all outputs. Provided values list MUST match the order in which outputs are saved, there is no check.
- property states: list[agentlib_mpc.models.casadi_model.CasadiState]
Get all model states as a list
- pydantic model agentlib_mpc.models.casadi_model.CasadiModelConfig[source]
- Config:
validate_assignment: bool = True
arbitrary_types_allowed: bool = True
extra: str = forbid
- Fields:
cost_function (casadi.casadi.MX | casadi.casadi.SX | casadi.casadi.DM | casadi.casadi.Sparsity)
outputs (List[agentlib_mpc.models.casadi_model.CasadiOutput])
parameters (List[agentlib_mpc.models.casadi_model.CasadiParameter])
system (casadi.casadi.MX | casadi.casadi.SX | casadi.casadi.DM | casadi.casadi.Sparsity)
- Validators:
- field cost_function: MX | SX | DM | Sparsity = None
- field inputs: List[CasadiInput] = []
- Validated by:
- field outputs: List[CasadiOutput] = []
- Validated by:
- field parameters: List[CasadiParameter] = []
- Validated by:
- field states: List[CasadiState] = []
- Validated by:
- field system: MX | SX | DM | Sparsity = None
- model_post_init(context: Any, /) None
We need to both initialize private attributes and call the user-defined model_post_init method.
- class agentlib_mpc.models.casadi_model.CasadiOutput(*, name: str, timestamp: float | None = None, unit: str = 'Not defined', description: str = 'Not defined', ub=inf, lb=-inf, clip: bool = False, allowed_values: List[Any] = [], value: Any = None, causality: Causality = None, variability: Variability = None, type: str | None = 'float', sim_time: float = 0.0, _sym: MX | SX | DM | Sparsity = None, _alg: MX | SX | DM | Sparsity = None)[source]
Class that stores various attributes of control variables.
- property alg: MX | SX | DM | Sparsity
- class agentlib_mpc.models.casadi_model.CasadiParameter(*, name: str, timestamp: float | None = None, unit: str = 'Not defined', description: str = 'Not defined', ub=inf, lb=-inf, clip: bool = False, allowed_values: List[Any] = [], value: Any = None, causality: Causality = None, variability: Variability = None, type: str | None = 'float', sim_time: float = 0.0, _sym: MX | SX | DM | Sparsity = None)[source]
Class that stores various attributes of parameters.
- class agentlib_mpc.models.casadi_model.CasadiState(*, name: str, timestamp: float | None = None, unit: str = 'Not defined', description: str = 'Not defined', ub=inf, lb=-inf, clip: bool = False, allowed_values: List[Any] = [], value: Any = None, causality: Causality = None, variability: Variability = None, type: str | None = 'float', sim_time: float = 0.0, _sym: MX | SX | DM | Sparsity = None, _ode: MX | SX | DM | Sparsity | None = None)[source]
Class that stores various attributes of CasADi differential variables.
- property alg: MX | SX | DM | Sparsity
- json(indent: int = 2, **kwargs)[source]
Serializes the Variable in json format and returns a string
- property ode: MX | SX | DM | Sparsity
- class agentlib_mpc.models.casadi_model.CasadiVariable(*, name: str, timestamp: float | None = None, unit: str = 'Not defined', description: str = 'Not defined', ub=inf, lb=-inf, clip: bool = False, allowed_values: List[Any] = [], value: Any = None, causality: Causality = None, variability: Variability = None, type: str | None = 'float', sim_time: float = 0.0, _sym: MX | SX | DM | Sparsity = None)[source]
Base Class for variables used in Casadi Models for simulation and optimization. Implements the standard arithmetic operations, so CasadiVariables can be used in equations. .. attribute:: sym
The symbolic CasADi variable used to define ode’s and optimization problems.
- create_sym() MX [source]
Ensures a symbolic MX variable is created with each CasadiVariable instance, and that its dimensions are consistent.
- property sym: MX
agentlib_mpc.models.casadi_model_ann module
agentlib_mpc.models.casadi_neural_network module
agentlib_mpc.models.serialized_ann module
Module contents
Package containing models for agentlib_mpc.