Model Predictive Control

Creating an MPC in agentlib with CasADi

To run a model predictive controller, a system model for use in optimization is required. What model types are available depends on the chosen optimization backend. In this section, creating an MPC with a CasADi backend is explained. Open the ‘examples/one_room_mpc/physical/’ example.


As usual, let’s look at the imports first.

import logging
from typing import List
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from agentlib.models.casadi_model import CasadiModel, CasadiInput, CasadiState, \
    CasadiParameter, CasadiOutput
from agentlib.utils.multi_agent_system import LocalMASAgency

We import logging as usual and typing is used to annotate the optimzation model we will be creating, and matplotlib is used to plot the results. Next, we import the CasadiModel and some CasadiVariables. We will use these to specify an agentlib-style CasadiModel. Finally, we import the LocalMASAgency utility. This can be used to conveniently create and run your local MAS, without creating the agents and their environment by hand.

Model creation

Now let’s see how we can create an optimization model. The model contains the physical system dynamics, as well as the cost function and additional constraints on the system.

In this example, we will create a model of a room, which is under a constant heat load and can be controlled by changing the mass flow of cool air from an air handling unit.

Creating a custom CasadiModel is similar to creating a module.

  1. Creating a class that inherits from CasadiModelConfig

    • Declare the model variables in the config class

      • inputs

      • outputs

      • states

      • parameters

  2. Creating a class that inherits from CasadiModel

    1. Assign the config with config: <<ConfigClass>>

    2. Define model equations by overwriting the setup_system method

Variable declaration

Let’s see, how we declare the variables required for our simple room model. Since modeling in agentlib is based on the FMU-standard, we divide our variables into inputs, outputs, parameters and locals (called states to avoid clash with the python builtin locals). First, we need to create a custom config for our CasadiModel.

class MyCasadiModelConfig(CasadiModelConfig):
    inputs: List[CasadiInput] = [
        # controls
        CasadiInput(name="mDot", value=0.0225, unit="K", description="Air mass flow into zone"),

        # disturbances
        CasadiInput(name="load", value=150, unit="W", description="Heat "
                                                                  "load into zone"),
        CasadiInput(name="T_in", value=290.15, unit="K", description="Inflow air temperature"),

        # settings
        CasadiInput(name="T_upper", value=294.15, unit="K", description="Upper boundary (soft) for T."),

    states: List[CasadiState] = [
        # differential
        CasadiState(name="T", value=293.15, unit="K", description="Temperature of zone"),

        # algebraic

        # slack variables
        CasadiState(name="T_slack", value=0, unit="K", description="Slack variable of temperature of zone")

    parameters: List[CasadiParameter] = [
        CasadiParameter(name="cp", value=1000, unit="J/kg*K", description="thermal capacity of the air"),
        CasadiParameter(name="C", value=100000, unit="J/K",
                        description="thermal capacity of zone"),
        CasadiParameter(name="s_T", value=1, unit="-", description="Weight for T in constraint function"),
        CasadiParameter(name="r_mDot", value=1, unit="-",
                        description="Weight for mDot in objective function")
    outputs: List[CasadiOutput] = [
        CasadiOutput(name='T_out', unit="K", description="Temperature of zone")

Our room model has four inputs. These include the inputs of the physical system, being the air mass flow from the AHU, the temperature of this mass flow and the load on the system. We also count the upper room temperature limit as an input, since it should be settable by the occupants of the room. To declare an input, we put a CasadiInput object into a list inputs. A variable always needs a name. You can also give it a value, which will be used if no other value is provided at Runtime. The unit and description parameters currently serve no purpose, but can be helpful to readers of the model. Next we define the states. For one, that is the temperature of the room. Since we use soft constraints to enforce an adequate room temperature, we also have to include a slack variable.


States in the context of an AgentLib model refers to all variables that are local to a model. All differential variables have to be declared as states, but not all states need to be associated with a differential equation.

Next, we have the parameters. These include the specific thermal capacity of air, the thermal capacity of the room and two weights for the cost function. Finally, we specify an output of the model. It is not required for the MPC in this example, but can be useful for situations, where one might want to use the same model for optimization and simulation. Outputs always need to be associated with an algebraic equation.

Equation and constraints

After specifying a config, we can write the model class itself, which containts the dynamics. First, it is important to specify the config_type attribute of the class and set it to the config class we defined. The model equations and constraints are specified in the setup_system method. We can access the variables defined above by referencing self.<name>. Differential equations are associated with a variable by setting the ode attribute of that variable. In the same way, algebraic equations can be defined by setting the alg attribute.

class MyCasadiModel(CasadiModel):

    config: MyCasadiModelConfig

    def setup_system(self):
        # Define ode
        self.T.ode = self.cp * self.mDot / self.C * \
                       (self.T_in - self.T) + \
                       self.load / self.C

        # Define ae
        self.T_out.alg = self.T

        # Constraints: List[(lower bound, function, upper bound)]
        self.constraints = [

            # soft constraints
            (0, self.T + self.T_slack, self.T_upper),


        # Objective function
        objective = sum([
            self.r_mDot * self.mDot,
            self.s_T * self.T_slack ** 2,

        return objective

Constraints can be added to the model through the constraints attribute. It should be defined as a list of tuples, with the lower bound coming first, the constraint function coming second and the upper bound coming last. Equality constraints can be added by setting upper and lower bound to the same value. Note that algebraic equations will also be converted to equality constraints internally. Here, we set one constraint to implement the soft constraint on the room temperature.

What's the difference between an algebraic equation and setting an equality constraint?
Algebraic equations are explicit assignments to a CasadiOutput. They are considered when simulating the model or when doing MPC with it. Constraints specified as tuples can be of implicit nature, however they are ignored for simulation. The only limitation on constraints is, that variables that make up the upper or lower bound cannot be used as optimization variables in the MPC.


Python intuition tells us self.<name> should not work, as we did not set the attribute. In the model base class of agentlib, the __get_attr__ method is written in a way that allows access to all variables that are defined in the Config class of the model.

Finally, we can specify and return the objective function in the same way as the other equations. We use the sum() function from python to improve readability.

Configuration of the multi-agent-system

Let’s look at the environment config first.

ENV_CONFIG = {"rt": False,
              "t_sample": 60}

This time, we specify ‘rt’ (=Realtime) as False, meaning we want the simulation to run as fast as possible. The ‘t_sample’ option specifies the time step in which the interal clock of the environment ticks. This is relevant e.g. for classical controllers like PID. It will also affect the sampling with which results are saved.

Below is the config for the MPC agent. As before, we specify an “id” and a list of modules, with the first one being a local_broadcast communicator. Then, we add the MPC module. We specify “mpc” as the type, and then add the other options. A central part of the MPC is its _optimizationbackend. The optimization backend is specified by another dictionary, always consisting of “type” and “model”. The model will usually be user-specified and usually is provided with the same syntax of “file” and “class_name” as the custom module in the PingPong example. The optimization backend also takes an option “discretization_options”, however we will look at that later.

AGENT_MPC = {"id": "myMPCAgent",
             "modules": [
                 {"module_id": "Ag1Com",
                  "type": "local_broadcast"},
                 {"module_id": "myMPC",
                  "type": "mpc",
                      {"type": "casadi",
                       "model": {
                           "type": {"file": __file__,
                                    "class_name": "MyCasadiModel"}},
                  "time_step": 900,
                  "prediction_horizon": 5,
                  "parameters": [
                      {"name": "s_T", "value": 3},
                      {"name": "r_mDot", "value": 1},
                  "inputs": [
                      {"name": "load", "value": 150},
                      {"name": "T_upper", "value": ub},
                      {"name": "T_in", "value": 290.15},
                  "controls": [{"name": "mDot", "value": 0.02, "ub": 1, "lb": 0}],
                  "states": [{"name": "T", "value": 298.16, "ub": 303.15, "lb": 288.15}],

Aside from that, “time_step” and “prediction_horizon” need to be specified. The other options the MPC module takes are parameters, inputs, controls and states . The time step should be provided in seconds. The states in the MPC config refer to differential variables, not to be confused with states in the model, which refer to any internal variables. Quantities declared in the module config are variables of the multi-agent-system and can be shared with other modules of the same agent, and communicated with other agents. All agent variables declared here must match - in name - their counterpart in the provided model. Controls, states and inputs must be provided fully matching the model. Outputs can be ignored if they are not required. Finally, parameters can be omitted, if a default value is provided in the model definition. Here, the weight parameters in the cost function are provided, as it might be required to change them. However, physical parameters such as the thermal capacity of air are taken from the model, as they are not expected to change. A variable is given a name and a value. For states, the value will determine the initial value of the differential variable, if it is not provided externally, for example by a simulation agent. Since controls and states are the variables of the optimization problem, boundaries should be provided via the keys “ub” and “lb”. These values are for constant hard boundaries. If time-variant boundaries are required, one should declare an additional variable and constraint in the model.

Running the multi-agent-system

Now that we have our control agent setup, we need to simulate our system. The easiest way to do this in agentlib, is to setup an agent with a simulator module. Usually in agentlib, we would use an FMU to simulate a system. In this example, we will use the CasadiModel we created for the optimization. The resulting agent config is shown below.

AGENT_SIM = {"id": "SimAgent",
             "modules": [
                 {"module_id": "Ag1Com",
                  "type": "local_broadcast"},
                 {"module_id": "room",
                  "type": "simulator",
                  "model": {"type": {"file": __file__,
                                     "class_name": "MyCasadiModel"},
                            "states": [
                                {"name": "T", "value": 298.16}
                  "t_sample": 60,
                  "outputs": [
                      {"name": "T_out", "alias": "T"},
                  "inputs": [
                      {"name": "mDot", "value": 0.02, "alias": "mDot"},

The model type for the simulator is provided in the same manner as before. However, here we can see, that we have the option to provide additional variable options to the model. For example, here we change the starting value of the temperature to a value above the upper (soft) boundary, so our controller has to work.

Then, inputs and outputs of the simulator. Every simulator needs to be provided with a sampling rate “t_sample” in seconds. Additionally, declare the output “T_out”. This is the first time we use the alias keyword. The alias is part of the duo of alias and source that uniquely define a variable within the MAS. The source is the combination of the agent_id and the module_id where the variable was defined. When expecting variables from another agent, only the agent_id has to be specified, and when the variable is from a module within the same agent, the module_id shoudld be specified. The alias is a name independent of the variable name in models (think of long Modelica names) and is consistent across agents for the same variable. By default, the name of a variable is also its alias. In the case of T_out however, we have to specify that this is the variable we want to send to the MPC for its initial state. Since the state in the MPC agent is named “T” (and by default has alias “T”), we have to set “T” as the alias for our model output. The model in turn takes the computed mass flow setpoint as input, hence we also have to declare the input. Since the names mDot already match between simulator and MPC, the explicit alias declaration is redundant in this case. Additionally, we set a default value for “mDot”, which is used before the first value is received from the MPC.

Why are some values specified in the model and others in the module?
Before every step, the simulator gets the current input values from the agent and sets them to the model. After performing the step, the outputs from the model are written to the agent. Since states per definition are internal to the model, they are not set by the agent and their initial values have to be changed in the model itself. The same goes for parameters.

With all of the setup done, we can now see our MAS run. Last time, we manually created the agents and the environment. This time, we use the LocalMASAgency utility to setup the system and save results. By setting the variable_logging option to True, time series of all agent variables present in the system will be saved. After running the MAS, we can retrieve and plot the results of our simulation.

def run_example(with_plots=True):
    mas = LocalMASAgency(agent_configs=[AGENT_MPC, AGENT_SIM],
    results = mas.get_results()