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2Module containing the basic class to calibrate 

3a dynamic model, e.g. a modelica model. 



6import os 

7import json 

8import time 

9import logging 

10from typing import Dict 

11from copy import copy 

12import numpy as np 

13import pandas as pd 

14from ebcpy import data_types, Optimizer 

15from ebcpy.simulationapi import SimulationAPI 

16from aixcalibuha.utils import visualizer, MaxIterationsReached 

17from aixcalibuha import CalibrationClass, Goals, TunerParas 



20class Calibrator(Optimizer): 

21 """ 

22 This class can Calibrator be used for single 

23 time-intervals of calibration. 


25 :param str,os.path.normpath cd: 

26 Working directory 

27 :param ebcpy.simulationapi.SimulationAPI sim_api: 

28 Simulation-API for running the models 

29 :param CalibrationClass calibration_class: 

30 Class with information on Goals and tuner-parameters for calibration 

31 :keyword str result_path: 

32 If given, then the resulting parameter values will be stored in a JSON file 

33 at the given path. 

34 :keyword float timedelta: 

35 If you use this class for calibrating a single time-interval, 

36 you can set the timedelta to instantiate the simulation before 

37 actually evaluating it for the objective. 

38 The given float (default is 0) is subtracted from the start_time 

39 of your calibration_class. You can find a visualisation of said timedelta 

40 in the img folder of the project. 

41 :keyword boolean save_files: 

42 If true, all simulation files for each iteration will be saved! 

43 :keyword boolean verbose_logging: 

44 Default is True. If False, the standard Logger without 

45 Visualization in Form of plots is used. 

46 If you use this, the following keyword arguments below will help 

47 to further adjust the logging. 

48 :keyword boolean show_plot: 

49 Default is True. If False, all created plots are not shown during 

50 calibration but only stored at the end of the process. 

51 :keyword boolean create_tsd_plot: 

52 Default is True. If False, the plot of the time series data (goals) 

53 is not created and thus shown in during calibration. It therefore is 

54 also not stored, even if you set the save_tsd_plot keyword-argument to true. 

55 :keyword boolean save_tsd_plot: 

56 Default is False. If True, at each iteration the created plot of the 

57 time-series is saved. This may make the process much slower 

58 :keyword boolean fail_on_error: 

59 Default is False. If True, the calibration will stop with an error if 

60 the simulation fails. See also: ``ret_val_on_error`` 

61 :keyword float,np.NAN ret_val_on_error: 

62 Default is np.NAN. If ``fail_on_error`` is false, you can specify here 

63 which value to return in the case of a failed simulation. Possible 

64 options are np.NaN, np.inf or some other high numbers. be aware that this 

65 max influence the solver. 

66 :keyword dict fixed_parameters: 

67 Default is an empty dict. This dict may be used to add certain parameters 

68 to the simulation which are not tuned / variable during calibration. 

69 Such parameters may be used if the default values in the model don't 

70 represent the parameter values you want to use. 

71 :keyword boolean apply_penalty: 

72 Default is true. Specifies if a penalty function should be applied or not. 

73 :keyword boolean penalty_factor: 

74 Default is 0. Quantifies the impact of the penalty term on the objective function. 

75 The penalty factor is added to the objective function. 

76 :keyword boolean recalibration_count: 

77 Default is 0. Works as a counter and specifies the current cycle of recalibration. 

78 :keyword boolean perform_square_deviation: 

79 Default is false. 

80 If true the penalty function will evaluate the penalty factor with a quadratic approach. 

81 :keyword int max_itercount: 

82 Default is Infinity. 

83 Maximum number of iterations of calibration. 

84 This may be useful to explicitly limit the calibration 

85 time. 

86 :keyword str plot_file_type: 

87 File ending of created plots. 

88 Any supported option in matplotlib, e.g. svg, png, pdf ... 

89 Default is png 


91 """ 


93 def __init__(self, 

94 cd: str, 

95 sim_api: SimulationAPI, 

96 calibration_class: CalibrationClass, 

97 **kwargs): 

98 """Instantiate instance attributes""" 

99 # %% Kwargs 

100 # Initialize supported keywords with default value 

101 # Pop the items so they wont be added when calling the 

102 # __init__ of the parent class. Always pop with a default value in case 

103 # the keyword is not passed. 

104 self.verbose_logging = kwargs.pop("verbose_logging", True) 

105 self.save_files = kwargs.pop("save_files", False) 

106 self.timedelta = kwargs.pop("timedelta", 0) 

107 self.fail_on_error = kwargs.pop("fail_on_error", False) 

108 self.ret_val_on_error = kwargs.pop("ret_val_on_error", np.NAN) 

109 self.fixed_parameters = kwargs.pop("fixed_parameters", {}) 

110 self.apply_penalty = kwargs.pop("apply_penalty", True) 

111 self.penalty_factor = kwargs.pop("penalty_factor", 0) 

112 self.recalibration_count = kwargs.pop("recalibration_count", 0) 

113 self.perform_square_deviation = kwargs.pop("square_deviation", False) 

114 self.result_path = kwargs.pop('result_path', None) 

115 self.max_itercount = kwargs.pop('max_itercount', np.inf) 

116 self.at_calibration = True # Boolean to indicate if validating or calibrating 

117 # Extract kwargs for the visualizer 

118 visualizer_kwargs = { 

119 "save_tsd_plot": kwargs.pop("save_tsd_plot", False), 

120 "create_tsd_plot": kwargs.pop("create_tsd_plot", True), 

121 "show_plot": kwargs.pop("show_plot", True), 

122 "show_plot_pause_time": kwargs.pop("show_plot_pause_time", 1e-3), 

123 "file_type": kwargs.pop("plot_file_type", "png"), 

124 } 


126 # Check if types are correct: 

127 # Booleans: 

128 _bool_kwargs = ["save_files"] 

129 for bool_keyword in _bool_kwargs: 

130 keyword_value = self.__getattribute__(bool_keyword) 

131 if not isinstance(keyword_value, bool): 

132 raise TypeError(f"Given {bool_keyword} is of type " 

133 f"{type(keyword_value).__name__} but should be type bool") 


135 # %% Initialize all public parameters 

136 super().__init__(cd, **kwargs) 

137 # Set sim_api 

138 self.sim_api = sim_api 


140 if not isinstance(calibration_class, CalibrationClass): 

141 raise TypeError(f"calibration_classes is of type {type(calibration_class).__name__} " 

142 f"but should be CalibrationClass") 

143 self.calibration_class = calibration_class 

144 # Scale tuner on boundaries 

145 self.x0 = self.tuner_paras.scale(self.tuner_paras.get_initial_values()) 

146 if self.tuner_paras.bounds is None: 

147 self.bounds = None 

148 else: 

149 # As tuner-parameters are scaled between 0 and 1, the scaled bounds are always 0 and 1 

150 self.bounds = [(0, 1) for i in range(len(self.x0))] 

151 # Add the values to the simulation setup. 

152 self.sim_api.set_sim_setup( 

153 {"start_time": self.calibration_class.start_time - self.timedelta, 

154 "stop_time": self.calibration_class.stop_time} 

155 ) 


157 # %% Setup the logger 

158 # De-register the logger setup in the optimization class: 

159 if self.verbose_logging: 

160 self.logger = visualizer.CalibrationVisualizer( 

161 cd=cd, 

162 name=self.__class__.__name__, 

163 calibration_class=self.calibration_class, 

164 logger=self.logger, 

165 **visualizer_kwargs 

166 ) 

167 else: 

168 self.logger = visualizer.CalibrationLogger( 

169 cd=cd, 

170 name=self.__class__.__name__, 

171 calibration_class=self.calibration_class, 

172 logger=self.logger 

173 ) 


175 self.cd_of_class = cd # Single class does not need an extra folder 


177 # Set the output interval according the the given Goals 

178 mean_freq = self.goals.get_meas_frequency() 

179 self.logger.log("Setting output_interval of simulation according " 

180 f"to measurement target data frequency: {mean_freq}") 

181 self.sim_api.sim_setup.output_interval = mean_freq 


183 def obj(self, xk, *args): 

184 """ 

185 Default objective function. 

186 The usual function will be implemented here: 


188 1. Convert the set to modelica-units 

189 2. Simulate the converted-set 

190 3. Get data as a dataFrame 

191 4. Get penalty factor for the penalty function 

192 5. Calculate the objective based on statistical values 


194 :param np.array xk: 

195 Array with normalized values for the minimizer 

196 :param int work_id: 

197 id for worker in Multiprocessing 

198 :return: 

199 Objective value based on the used quality measurement 

200 :rtype: float 

201 """ 

202 # Info: This function is called by the optimization framework (scipy, dlib, etc.) 

203 # Initialize class objects 

204 self._current_iterate = xk 

205 self._counter += 1 


207 # Convert set if multiple goals of different scales are used 

208 xk_descaled = self.tuner_paras.descale(xk) 


210 # Set initial values of variable and fixed parameters 

211 self.sim_api.result_names = self.goals.get_sim_var_names() 

212 initial_names = self.tuner_paras.get_names() 

213 parameters = self.fixed_parameters.copy() 

214 parameters.update({name: value for name, value in zip(initial_names, xk_descaled.values)}) 

215 # Simulate 

216 # pylint: disable=broad-except 

217 try: 

218 # Generate the folder name for the calibration 

219 if self.save_files: 

220 savepath_files = os.path.join(, 

221 f"simulation_{self._counter}") 

222 _filepath = self.sim_api.simulate( 

223 parameters=parameters, 

224 return_option="savepath", 

225 savepath=savepath_files, 

226 inputs=self.calibration_class.inputs, 

227 **self.calibration_class.input_kwargs 

228 ) 

229 # %% Load results and write to goals object 

230 sim_target_data = data_types.TimeSeriesData(_filepath) 

231 else: 

232 sim_target_data = self.sim_api.simulate( 

233 parameters=parameters, 

234 inputs=self.calibration_class.inputs, 

235 **self.calibration_class.input_kwargs 

236 ) 

237 except Exception as err: 

238 if self.fail_on_error: 

239 self.logger.error("Simulation failed. Raising the error.") 

240 raise err 

241 self.logger.error( 

242 f"Simulation failed. Returning '{self.ret_val_on_error}' " 

243 f"for the optimization. Error message: {err}" 

244 ) 

245 return self.ret_val_on_error 


247 total_res, unweighted_objective = self._kpi_and_logging_calculation( 

248 xk_descaled=xk_descaled, 

249 counter=self._counter, 

250 results=sim_target_data 

251 ) 


253 return total_res, unweighted_objective 


255 def mp_obj(self, x, *args): 

256 # Initialize list for results 

257 num_evals = len(x) 

258 total_res_list = np.empty([num_evals, 1]) 

259 # Set initial values of variable and fixed parameters 

260 self.sim_api.result_names = self.goals.get_sim_var_names() 

261 initial_names = self.tuner_paras.get_names() 

262 parameters = self.fixed_parameters.copy() 


264 parameter_list = [] 

265 xk_descaled_list = [] 

266 for _xk_single in x: 

267 # Convert set if multiple goals of different scales are used 

268 xk_descaled = self.tuner_paras.descale(_xk_single) 

269 xk_descaled_list.append(xk_descaled) 

270 # Update Parameters 

271 parameter_copy = parameters.copy() 

272 parameter_copy.update( 

273 {name: value for name, value in zip(initial_names, xk_descaled.values)}) 

274 parameter_list.append(parameter_copy) 


276 # Simulate 

277 if self.save_files: 

278 result_file_names = [f"simulation_{self._counter + idx}" for idx in 

279 range(len(parameter_list))] 

280 _filepaths = self.sim_api.simulate( 

281 parameters=parameter_list, 

282 return_option="savepath", 


284 result_file_name=result_file_names, 

285 fail_on_error=self.fail_on_error, 

286 inputs=self.calibration_class.inputs, 

287 **self.calibration_class.input_kwargs 

288 ) 

289 # Load results 

290 results = [] 

291 for _filepath in _filepaths: 

292 if _filepath is None: 

293 results.append(None) 

294 else: 

295 results.append(data_types.TimeSeriesData(_filepath)) 

296 else: 

297 results = self.sim_api.simulate( 

298 parameters=parameter_list, 

299 inputs=self.calibration_class.inputs, 

300 fail_on_error=self.fail_on_error, 

301 **self.calibration_class.input_kwargs 

302 ) 


304 for idx, result in enumerate(results): 

305 self._counter += 1 

306 self._current_iterate = result 

307 if result is None: 

308 total_res_list[idx] = self.ret_val_on_error 

309 continue 

310 total_res, unweighted_objective = self._kpi_and_logging_calculation( 

311 xk_descaled=xk_descaled_list[idx], 

312 counter=self._counter, 

313 results=result 

314 ) 

315 # Add single objective to objective list of total Population 

316 total_res_list[idx] = total_res 


318 return total_res_list 


320 def _kpi_and_logging_calculation(self, *, xk_descaled, counter, results): 

321 """ 

322 Function to calculate everything needed in the obj or mp_obj 

323 function after the simulation finished. 


325 """ 

326 xk = self.tuner_paras.scale(xk_descaled) 


328 self.goals.set_sim_target_data(results) 

329 # Trim results based on start and end-time of cal class 

330 self.goals.set_relevant_time_intervals(self.calibration_class.relevant_intervals) 


332 # %% Evaluate the current objective 

333 # Penalty function (get penalty factor) 

334 if self.recalibration_count > 1 and self.apply_penalty: 

335 # There is no benchmark in the first iteration or 

336 # first iterations were skipped, so no penalty is applied 

337 penaltyfactor = self.get_penalty(xk_descaled, xk) 

338 # Evaluate with penalty 

339 penalty = penaltyfactor 

340 else: 

341 # Evaluate without penalty 

342 penaltyfactor = 1 

343 penalty = None 

344 total_res, unweighted_objective = self.goals.eval_difference( 

345 verbose=True, 

346 penaltyfactor=penaltyfactor 

347 ) 

348 if self.at_calibration: # Only plot if at_calibration 

349 self.logger.calibration_callback_func( 

350 xk=xk, 

351 obj=total_res, 

352 verbose_information=unweighted_objective, 

353 penalty=penalty 

354 ) 

355 # current best iteration step of current calibration class 

356 if total_res < self._current_best_iterate["Objective"]: 

357 # self.best_goals = self.goals 

358 self._current_best_iterate = { 

359 "Iterate": counter, 

360 "Objective": total_res, 

361 "Unweighted Objective": unweighted_objective, 

362 "Parameters": xk_descaled, 

363 "Goals": self.goals, 

364 # For penalty function and for saving goals as csv 

365 "better_current_result": True, 

366 # Changed to false in this script after calling function "save_calibration_results" 

367 "Penaltyfactor": penalty 

368 } 


370 if counter >= self.max_itercount: 

371 raise MaxIterationsReached( 

372 "Terminating calibration as the maximum number " 

373 f"of iterations {self.max_itercount} has been reached." 

374 ) 


376 return total_res, unweighted_objective 


378 def calibrate(self, framework, method=None, **kwargs) -> dict: 

379 """ 

380 Start the calibration process of the calibration classes, visualize and save the results. 


382 The arguments of this function are equal to the 

383 arguments in Optimizer.optimize(). Look at the docstring 

384 in ebcpy to know which options are available. 

385 """ 

386 # %% Start Calibration: 

387 self.at_calibration = True 

388 self.logger.log(f"Start calibration of model: {self.sim_api.model_name}" 

389 f" with framework-class {self.__class__.__name__}") 

390 self.logger.log(f"Class: {}, Start and Stop-Time " 

391 f"of simulation: {self.calibration_class.start_time}" 

392 f"-{self.calibration_class.stop_time} s\n Time-Intervals used" 

393 f" for objective: {self.calibration_class.relevant_intervals}") 


395 # Setup the visualizer for plotting and logging: 

396 self.logger.calibrate_new_class(self.calibration_class, 

397 cd=self.cd_of_class, 

398 for_validation=False) 

399 self.logger.log_initial_names() 


401 # Duration of Calibration 

402 t_cal_start = time.time() 


404 # Run optimization 

405 try: 

406 _res = self.optimize( 

407 framework=framework, 

408 method=method, 

409 n_cpu=self.sim_api.n_cpu, 

410 **kwargs) 

411 except MaxIterationsReached as err: 

412 self.logger.log(msg=str(err), level=logging.WARNING) 

413 t_cal_stop = time.time() 

414 t_cal = t_cal_stop - t_cal_start 


416 # Check if optimization worked correctly 

417 if "Iterate" not in self._current_best_iterate: 

418 raise Exception( 

419 "Some error during calibration yielded no successful iteration. " 

420 "Can't save or return any results." 

421 ) 


423 # %% Save the relevant results. 

424 self.logger.save_calibration_result(self._current_best_iterate, 

425 self.sim_api.model_name, 

426 duration=t_cal, 

427 itercount=self.recalibration_count) 

428 # Reset 

429 self._current_best_iterate['better_current_result'] = False 


431 # Save calibrated parameter values in JSON 

432 parameter_values = {} 

433 for p_name in self._current_best_iterate['Parameters'].index: 

434 parameter_values[p_name] = self._current_best_iterate['Parameters'][p_name] 

435 self.save_results(parameter_values=parameter_values, 


437 return parameter_values 


439 @property 

440 def calibration_class(self) -> CalibrationClass: 

441 """Get the current calibration class""" 

442 return self._cal_class 


444 @calibration_class.setter 

445 def calibration_class(self, calibration_class: CalibrationClass): 

446 """Set the current calibration class""" 

447 self.sim_api.set_sim_setup( 

448 {"start_time": self._apply_start_time_method(start_time=calibration_class.start_time), 

449 "stop_time": calibration_class.stop_time} 

450 ) 

451 self._cal_class = calibration_class 


453 @property 

454 def tuner_paras(self) -> TunerParas: 

455 """Get the current tuner parameters of the calibration class""" 

456 return self.calibration_class.tuner_paras 


458 @tuner_paras.setter 

459 def tuner_paras(self, tuner_paras: TunerParas): 

460 """Set the current tuner parameters of the calibration class""" 

461 self.calibration_class.tuner_paras = tuner_paras 


463 @property 

464 def goals(self) -> Goals: 

465 """Get the current goals of the calibration class""" 

466 return self.calibration_class.goals 


468 @goals.setter 

469 def goals(self, goals: Goals): 

470 """Set the current goals of the calibration class""" 

471 self.calibration_class.goals = goals 


473 @property 

474 def fixed_parameters(self) -> dict: 

475 """Get the currently fixed parameters during calibration""" 

476 return self._fixed_pars 


478 @fixed_parameters.setter 

479 def fixed_parameters(self, fixed_parameters: dict): 

480 """Set the currently fixed parameters during calibration""" 

481 self._fixed_pars = fixed_parameters 


483 def save_results(self, parameter_values: dict, filename: str): 

484 """Saves the given dict into a file with path 

485 self.result_path and name filename.""" 

486 if self.result_path is not None: 

487 os.makedirs(self.result_path, exist_ok=True) 

488 s_path = os.path.join(self.result_path, f'{filename}.json') 

489 with open(s_path, 'w') as json_file: 

490 json.dump(parameter_values, json_file, indent=4) 


492 def validate(self, validation_class: CalibrationClass, calibration_result: Dict, verbose=False): 

493 """ 

494 Validate the given calibration class based on the given 

495 values for tuner_parameters. 


497 :param CalibrationClass validation_class: 

498 The class to validate on 

499 :param dict calibration_result: 

500 The calibration result to apply to the validation class on. 

501 """ 

502 # Start Validation: 

503 self.at_calibration = False 

504 self.logger.log(f"Start validation of model: {self.sim_api.model_name} with " 

505 f"framework-class {self.__class__.__name__}") 

506 # Use start-time of calibration class 

507 self.calibration_class = validation_class 

508 start_time = self._apply_start_time_method( 

509 start_time=self.calibration_class.start_time 

510 ) 

511 old_tuner_paras = copy(self.calibration_class.tuner_paras) 

512 tuner_values = list(calibration_result.values()) 

513 self.calibration_class.tuner_paras = TunerParas( 

514 names=list(calibration_result.keys()), 

515 initial_values=tuner_values, 

516 # Dummy bounds as they are scaled anyway 

517 bounds=[(val - 1, val + 1) for val in tuner_values] 

518 ) 


520 # Set the start-time for the simulation 

521 self.sim_api.sim_setup.start_time = start_time 


523 self.logger.calibrate_new_class(self.calibration_class, 

524 cd=self.cd_of_class, 

525 for_validation=True) 


527 # Use the results parameter vector to simulate again. 

528 self._counter = 0 # Reset to one 

529 # Scale the tuner parameters 

530 xk = self.tuner_paras.scale(tuner_values) 

531 # Evaluate objective 

532 obj, unweighted_objective = self.obj(xk=xk) 

533 self.logger.validation_callback_func( 

534 obj=obj 

535 ) 

536 # Reset tuner_parameters to avoid unwanted behaviour 

537 self.calibration_class.tuner_paras = old_tuner_paras 

538 if verbose: 

539 weights = [1] 

540 objectives = [obj] 

541 goals = ['all'] 

542 for goal, val in unweighted_objective.items(): 

543 weights.append(val[0]) 

544 objectives.append(val[1]) 

545 goals.append(goal) 

546 index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product( 

547 [[], goals], 

548 names=['Class', 'Goal'] 

549 ) 

550 obj_verbos = pd.DataFrame( 

551 {'weight': weights, validation_class.goals.statistical_measure: objectives}, 

552 index=index 

553 ) 

554 return obj_verbos 

555 return obj 


557 def _handle_error(self, error): 

558 """ 

559 Also save the plots if an error occurs. 

560 See ebcpy.optimization.Optimizer._handle_error for more info. 

561 """ 

562 # This error is our own, we handle it in the calibrate() function 

563 if isinstance(error, MaxIterationsReached): 

564 raise error 

565 self.logger.save_calibration_result(best_iterate=self._current_best_iterate, 

566 model_name=self.sim_api.model_name, 

567 duration=0, 

568 itercount=0) 

569 super()._handle_error(error) 


571 def get_penalty(self, current_tuners, current_tuners_scaled): 

572 """ 

573 Get penalty factor for evaluation of current objective. The penaltyfactor 

574 considers deviations of the tuner parameters in the objective function. 

575 First the relative deviation between the current best values 

576 of the tuner parameters from the recalibration steps and 

577 the tuner parameters obtained in the current iteration step is determined. 

578 Then the penaltyfactor is being increased according to the relative deviation. 


580 :param pd.series current_tuner_values: 

581 To add 

582 :return: float penalty 

583 Penaltyfactor for evaluation. 

584 """ 

585 # TO-DO: Add possibility to consider the sensitivity of tuner parameters 


587 # Get lists of tuner values (latest best (with all other tuners) & current values) 

588 previous = self.sim_api.all_tuners_dict 

589 previous_scaled = self.sim_api.all_tuners_dict_scaled 

590 # previous_scaled = list(self.sim_api.all_tuners_dict.keys()) 

591 current = current_tuners 

592 current_scaled = dict(current_tuners_scaled) 


594 # Apply penalty function 

595 penalty = 1 

596 for key, value in current_scaled.items(): 

597 # Add corresponding function for penaltyfactor here 

598 if self.perform_square_deviation: 

599 # Apply quadratic deviation 

600 dev_square = (value - previous_scaled[key]) ** 2 

601 penalty += self.penalty_factor * dev_square 

602 else: 

603 # Apply relative deviation 

604 # Ingore tuner parameter whose current best value is 0 

605 if previous[key] == 0: 

606 continue 

607 # Get relative deviation of tuner values (reference: previous) 

608 try: 

609 dev = abs(current[key] - previous[key]) / abs(previous[key]) 

610 penalty += self.penalty_factor * dev 

611 except ZeroDivisionError: 

612 pass 


614 return penalty 


616 def _apply_start_time_method(self, start_time): 

617 """ 

618 Method to be calculate the start_time based on the used 

619 timedelta method. 


621 :param float start_time: 

622 Start time which was specified by the user in the TOML file. 

623 :return float start_time - self.timedelta: 

624 Calculated "timedelta", if specified in the TOML file. 

625 """ 

626 return start_time - self.timedelta