This module includes variables or functions which define central variables for the whole project.
import os
# format of the core_data
# time of measurement is always at indicated time
format_core_data = {
# from TMY3 https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy08osti/43156.pdf
"DryBulbTemp": {"unit": "degC"},
"DewPointTemp": {"unit": "degC"},
"RelHum": {"unit": "percent"},
"ExtHorRad": {"unit": "Wh/m2"},
"ExtDirNormRad": {"unit": "Wh/m2"},
"HorInfra": {"unit": "Wh/m2"},
"GlobHorRad": {"unit": "Wh/m2"},
"DirNormRad": {"unit": "Wh/m2"},
"DirHorRad": {"unit": "Wh/m2"},
"DiffHorRad": {"unit": "Wh/m2"},
"GlobHorIll": {"unit": "lux"},
"DirecNormIll": {"unit": "lux"},
"DiffuseHorIll": {"unit": "lux"},
"ZenithLum": {"unit": "Cd/m2"},
"WindDir": {"unit": "deg"},
"WindSpeed": {"unit": "m/s"},
"TotalSkyCover": {"unit": "1tenth"},
"OpaqueSkyCover": {"unit": "1tenth"},
"Visibility": {"unit": "km"},
"CeilingH": {"unit": "m"},
"PrecWater": {"unit": "mm"},
"Aerosol": {"unit": "1thousandth"},
"LiquidPrecD": {"unit": "mm/h"},
# exception to TMY3 format as all TMY3 data file actually use "Pa" instead of mbar
"AtmPressure": {"unit": "Pa"},
# additional variables
"Soil_Temperature_5cm": {"unit": "degC"},
"Soil_Temperature_10cm": {"unit": "degC"},
"Soil_Temperature_20cm": {"unit": "degC"},
"Soil_Temperature_50cm": {"unit": "degC"},
"Soil_Temperature_1m": {"unit": "degC"},
# creates the path to the root directory to be used in other modules
ROOT_DIR = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ".."))
# local temporary folder
local_folder_temp = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "temp_local")
[docs]def result_folder_path() -> str:
Creates the path to the resultsfolder.
folder_path = os.path.join(f"{ROOT_DIR}", "results")
return folder_path
[docs]def results_file_path(filename: str, folder_path: str = None) -> str:
create a path to a results file
filename: name of file
folder_path: path to result folder
str: path to result file
# if required specify folder_path e.g. for Django WebApp
if folder_path is None:
folder_path = result_folder_path()
# Ensure that the results folder exists
os.makedirs(folder_path, exist_ok=True)
# create file path
filepath = os.path.join(folder_path, filename)
return filepath